Learning from failures is the very mechanism by which the human brain develops. Brainscape was created to help you identify & quantify your mistakes as quickly as possible, so that you can turn them into your greatest strengths. No pain, no gain.
Brainscape applies decades of cognitive science research toward an optimal educational experience that drills you on bite-sized learning objectives. By organizing our millions of adaptive flashcards into a comprehensive "Knowledge Genome", we are laying the ground work for a new global education hub, where our atomic learning objectives can connect to any other type of educational media.
Our founder, Andrew Cohen, created the first version of Brainscape as an Excel macro in 2006, to study French verb conjugations more efficiently. The Excel program became so popular that Andrew later pursued a Masters in Education Technology & Cognitive Science from Columbia University, and made Brainscape his thesis project. The research confirmed that using spaced repetition alone can more than DOUBLE our learning speed.
This is Andrew either speaking about Brainscape, or at karaoke—it’s definitely from 2006.
At Brainscape, we embrace challenge. We know that everything worthwhile is earned with hard work and sacrifice. It can be messy. Sometimes it hurts. But we remember that every expert struggled at first. They succeeded by building consistent habits, reinventing themselves with constant experimentation and deliberate practice. True willpower requires you to stare down the evil that wants you to quit —until one day, you have become the expert you used to envy.
No two Brainscape employees work in the same physical location! Our fully remote culture allows us to maintain fantastic work-life balance while still developing an efficiency of communication of which other companies would be jealous!
If you are an expert in any subject, you might be a candidate for creating a certified class to publish in our Knowledge Genome.
We are also always looking for smart resellers and anyone else with ideas for advancing our obsession with optimizing the learning process.