Flashcards > Health & Fitness

The fastest way to learn health & fitness

Find thousands of health and fitness flashcards for any exercise, fitness, sports science, or kinesiology courses you might be taking.

Brainscape Certified ( See All )

About Health & Fitness on Brainscape

Whether you're looking to ace your next Kinesiology exam or learn a bit more about health and fitness for your own well being you'll find the information you need here. Our flashcards have been designed by both students and instructors, some of whom we've partnered with to bring you some 'Certified' flashcard classes. 

Did you know there are ways that you can optimize your brain for studying? Also, has anyone ever told you that you could study while you exercise? Now you can get good grades and get in shape simultaneously, no more excuses about not having enough time to do it all. 

The time has come for you to stop procrastinating and start studying!