This class was created by Brainscape user C L. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: C L

Decks in this class (118)

Biochemical Tests 1: Sodium
What is the normal reference rang...,
What is reference range for mild ...,
What is the reference range for m...
15  cards
Biochemical Tests 1: Potassium (K+)
What is the reference range of po...,
What is the reference range for m...,
What is the reference range for m...
21  cards
Biochemical Tests 1: Chloride, Bicarbonate, Urea
W is the reference range of chlor...,
What are the causes of high chlor...,
What are the causes of low chlori...
11  cards
Biochemical Tests 1: Calcium
What is calcium 1 1,
How are calcium levels regulated 3 2,
What is the reference range for c...
25  cards
Biochemical Tests 1: Magnesium + Phosphate
Explain the main function of magn...,
Where is mg excreted 1 2,
What factors can reduce mg levels...
16  cards
Biochemical Tests 2: Microcytic Anaemia
What is the main function of haem...,
What does a low hb level indicate...,
What factors do you need to consi...
15  cards
Biochemical Tests 2: Macrocytic Anaemia
What is the main feature of macro...,
What does a raised mcv reduced hb...,
Explain the effect of macrocytic ...
34  cards
Clinical Skills: Cardiovascular Examination
Outline the main sections covered...,
Perform a cv general inspection o...,
Perform a cv hands inspection of ...
34  cards
Clinical Skills: ECG Interpretation
W is the value of 1 small box hor...,
W is the value of 1 large box hor...,
W is the value of 1 large box ver...
5  cards
Clinical Skills: BP Measurement
How is bp measured 3 1,
What is the systolic and diastoli...,
What is the systolic and diastoli...
6  cards
POM’s 1
Define pom 1 1,
Give eg of exemptions of obtainin...,
Give eg of products that are alwa...
36  cards
POMs 2
What are the 2 proposed models fo...,
What are the advantages of dispen...,
What are the disadvantages of dis...
10  cards
POMs 3 - Emergency Supply
What does emergency supply mean 1 1,
What are the 2 types of emergency...,
What conditions apply for the eme...
14  cards
POMs 4 - PGD
What s a pgd 1 1,
Give eg of qualified professional...,
What details should a pgd contain...
6  cards
POMs 5 - Prescibers
What are the 2 different types of...,
Give eg of hcp that can be non me...,
What is the main role of the ip 1 3
22  cards
POMs 6 - Labelling
What particulars are required for...,
What does hmr 2012 state about la...,
When would be it appropriate to b...
5  cards
POMs 7 - Wholesaling
What is wholesaling 5 1,
What guidance does the mhra give ...,
Which professionals may a retail ...
13  cards
POMs 8 - Dispensing Errors
What is a dispensing error 1 1,
Give eg of dispensing errors 5 2,
Why should errors be decriminalis...
5  cards
POMs 9 - Anaphylaxis
What are the common signs of anap...,
Explain the don t delay process f...,
What to do in an emergency for an...
6  cards
Liver Biochemistry
What are the common features of a...,
What are the common features of c...,
What are the initial symptoms of ...
34  cards
What are the warning symptoms of ...,
What are the warning symptoms of ...,
What are the warning symptoms of ...
58  cards
IBD 1 - Ulcerative Colitis
What are the main features of cro...,
What are the main features of ulc...,
What are the s s of ibd 7 3
53  cards
IBD 2 - Crohn’s Disease
What is cdai 1 1,
What factors is the cdai score ba...,
What are the severity range of cd...
47  cards
Clinical Skills 2 - Respiratory Examination
Outline the relevant parts of the...,
Perform the respiratory general i...,
Perform the respiratory hands ins...
15  cards
Renal Biochemistry - AKI
What are the main roles of the ki...,
What is the cockcroft gault equat...,
Define aki 1 3
19  cards
Renal Biochemistry - CKD
Define ckd 1 1,
What is the gfr categories for ck...,
What is the albuminuria criteria ...
18  cards
Interpretation & Clinical Decision Making
What is clinical decision making 1 1,
What are the core skills of clini...,
State the process of clinical dec...
19  cards
What are the symptoms associated ...,
What are the differential diagnos...,
Explain the initial investigation...
42  cards
Atrial Fibrilation
What is af 1 1,
What are the main feature of af 3 2,
What is the ventricular rate of u...
29  cards
What do you need to consider prio...,
When would you consider monitorin...,
Explain the use of antocoagulants...
51  cards
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
What conditions does acs consist ...,
What are the common underlying pa...,
What are the main features of mi 3 3
23  cards
Define hypertension 1 1,
What are the risk factors of hype...,
What are the complications of hpt...
30  cards
Heart Failure
Define hf 1 1,
What are the cardinal symptoms of...,
What are the cardinal signs of hf...
65  cards
CNS Examination
State the relevant parts of a cns...,
Perform the fast test 5 2,
Outline the process of a cns exam...
34  cards
What are the risk factors of cvd 9 1,
What are lipids 1 2,
How are lipids transported around...
49  cards
Responsible Pharmacist
What are the main features of rp ...,
What is the legal definition of a...,
What factors do you need to consi...
22  cards
Define diabetes 1 1,
What are the types of diabetes 2 2,
Define t1dm 1 3
7  cards
Diabetes - T1DM
State the main features of t1dm 3 1,
What key features is considered a...,
What is the hba1c target for t1dm...
25  cards
Diabetes - T2DM
What factors is associated with t...,
What are the clinical features of...,
Explain the diagnosis of t2dm 4 3
53  cards
Diabetes - Insulin
What are the blood glucose target...,
Which medications can cause hypog...,
How often would you advise self m...
13  cards
Respiratory OTC - Common Cold
Define a common cold 1 1,
What is the main cause of the com...,
How can the common cold be spread...
20  cards
Respiratory OTC - Acute Sinusitis
Which patients are suitable for p...,
What are the common symptoms of a...,
How long does acute sinusitis sym...
10  cards
Respiratory OTC - Cough
Define cough 1 1,
What are the causes of cough 5 2,
What are the symptoms of non prod...
7  cards
Respiratory OTC - Sore Throat
What is the first line treatment ...,
Which patients qualify to undergo...,
What are the common symptoms of s...
7  cards
Respiratory OTC - Allergic Rhinitis
Define allergic rhinitis 1 1,
What are the types of allergic rh...,
What are the symptoms of allergic...
8  cards
Repeat Dispensing
What is repeat dispensing 1 1,
What are the benefits of repeat d...,
What are the 2 main types of pape...
19  cards
Capacity And Consent
Define consent 1 1,
What are the types of consent 2 2,
When would it be appropriate to o...
14  cards
Eye Theapeutics - SC
Define sh 2 1,
What are the red flag symptoms of...
2  cards
Eye OTC - Acute Glaucoma
Define acute glaucoma 1 1,
What are the signs of acute glauc...
2  cards
Eye OTC - Keratitis
Define keratitis 1 1,
What are the signs of keratitis 3 2
2  cards
Eye OTC - Iritis
Define iritis 1 1,
What are the signs of iritis 2 2
2  cards
Eye OTC - Infective Conjunctivitis
Define conjunctiva 1 1,
Define conjunctivitis 1 2,
Define primary conjunctivitis 1 3
12  cards
Eye OTC - Allergic Conjunctivitis
What are the symptoms of allergic...,
What are the tx options for aller...
2  cards
Eye OTC - Blepharitis
What are the types of eyelid diso...,
Define blepharitis 3 2,
What are the types of blepharitis...
8  cards
Eye OTC - Dry-Eye Syndrome
Define dry eye syndrome 2 1,
What factors can exacerbate dry e...,
Explain the pathogenesis of dry e...
8  cards
Define glaucoma 1 1,
What are the characteristics of g...,
Define suspected glaucoma 1 3
53  cards
What are the legal classes of uk ...,
How would you find the legal clas...,
What is the usual move of medicin...
24  cards
Define copd 1 1,
What are the characteristics of c...,
Define getomics 1 3
33  cards
Ear OTC - Ear Wax
What do you need to look for when...,
What do you need to look for when...,
What do you need to look for when...
12  cards
Ear OTC - Otitis Externa
Give eg of outer ear disorders 3 1,
Define otitis externa 4 2,
What are the predisposing externa...
8  cards
Ear OTC - Otitis Media
Define otitis media 6 1,
What are the different presentati...,
What are the signs of acute otiti...
8  cards
Ear OTC - Inner Ear Disorders
What are the main features of tin...,
What are the treatment options fo...
2  cards
Ear OTC - Meniere’s Disease
What are the main features of men...,
What are the symptoms of meniere ...,
What are the treatment options fo...
3  cards
Ear OTC - Vertigo
Define vertigo 1 1,
What are the causes of vertigo 8 2
2  cards
Ear OTC - Hearing Impairment
What are the causes of hearing im...,
What are the causes of hearing im...,
Give eg of ototoxic drugs 5 3
5  cards
What are the principles of good r...,
What are the principles of good a...,
What is the csm warning for quino...
5  cards
Define deprescribing 1 1,
What are the aims of deprescribin...,
What are the types of approaches ...
16  cards
Clinical Skills: MSK Examination
Outline the relevant parts of msk...,
Define flexion 1 2,
Define extension 1 3
33  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Pyrexia
Define pyrexia 1 1,
Which px are more likely to exper...,
What is the normal body temperatu...
16  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Atopic Eczema
What is atopic eczema 3 1,
State the diagnostic process of a...,
What are the common features of a...
11  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Teething
At what age range does teething o...,
What are the common symptoms of t...,
What is the first line tx for tee...
3  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Colic
What are the main features of col...,
What are the causes of colic 3 2,
What are the treatment options of...
3  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Constipation
State the main features of consti...
1  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Threadworms
What are the main features of thr...,
What are the differential diagnos...,
What are the treatment options fo...
3  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Head Lice
What are the main features of hea...,
What are the treatment options fo...
2  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Impetigo
What are the main features of imp...,
What tx options are available for...,
What general lifestyle advice is ...
4  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Slapped Cheek Syndrome
Define slapped cheek syndrome 1 1,
What are the common symptoms of s...
2  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Hand, Foot + Mouth Disease
Define hand foot and mouth diseas...,
What are the symptoms of hand foo...,
State the main features of mouth ...
4  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Scarlet Fever
Define scarlet fever 1 1,
What are the common symptoms of s...,
What self care advice is given fo...
3  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Measles
Define measles 2 1,
What are the main features of mea...,
How is measles treated 1 3
4  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Chicken Pox
What are the main features of chi...,
What are the tx options for chick...,
Which tx option should not be off...
6  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Meningitis
Define meningitis 4 1,
What are the symptoms of meningit...,
What action is done if meningitis...
3  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Whooping Cough
What are the main features of who...
1  cards
Paediatrics OTC - Mumps
What are the main features of mum...,
What is the main complication of ...
2  cards
Padiatrics OTC - Vaccinations
What vaccines are recommended for...,
What vaccines are recommended for...,
What vaccines are recommended for...
27  cards
Shared Decision Making
Define shared decision making 1 1,
What is the main aim of shared de...,
What is the system for a good sha...
8  cards
Controlled Drugs - Laws
Why control drugs 1 1,
Define cdao 1 2,
State the main role of cdao 5 3
11  cards
Controlled Drugs - Cannabis
Give eg of cannabis products that...,
Give eg of cannabis products that...,
What type of cannabis products wo...
10  cards
Controlled Drugs - Schedule 1
What is the abbreviation to repre...,
Give eg of schedule 1 cds 3 2,
What are the 2 main exemptions of...
5  cards
Controlled Drugs - Schedule 2
What is the abbreviation for sche...,
Give eg of schedule 2 cds 18 2,
What is required to import export...
11  cards
Controlled Drugs - Schedule 3
What is the abbreviation for sche...,
Give eg of schedule 3 cds 10 2,
What is the main difference betwe...
7  cards
Controlled Drugs - Schedule 4
What is the abbreviation for sche...,
What is the abbreviation for sche...,
Give eg of schedule 4 pt 1 14 3
6  cards
Controlled Drugs - Schedule 5
What is the abbreviation for sche...,
Give eg of schedule 5 cds 5 2,
What are the main features of sch...
4  cards
Controlled Drugs - Possession + Supply
What are the main features of cd ...,
Give eg of cd schedules that can ...,
Give eg of cd schedules that can ...
10  cards
Controlled Drugs - Prescribers
What can dr and dentists rx 1 1,
What cds can nurse pharmacist ip ...,
What cd can sp s rx 1 3
9  cards
Controlled Drugs - CD Prescriptions (Overview)
What are the cd rx legal requirem...,
What is the rx validity of schedu...,
What are the exemptions to supply...
5  cards
Controlled Drugs - FP10MDA
What type of rx are fp10mdas 1 1,
Give eg of cds that can only be r...,
What is the max treatment duratio...
10  cards
Controlled Drugs - Private Rx
What are the main features of pri...
1  cards
Controlled Drugs - Repeat Rx
What are the main features of rep...
1  cards
Controlled Drugs - Errors
Give eg of errors that can be ame...,
When would it appropriate to disp...,
What should be done if two pharma...
3  cards
Controlled Drugs - Requisitions
What is cd requisitions also know...,
Requisitions are also the same as...,
What does the supplier need to ob...
16  cards
Controlled Drugs - Midwives
What cd s can be administered and...,
What is a legal requirement of su...,
What particulars needs to be pres...
7  cards
Controlled Drugs - Safe Custody
What does mofd regulations 1973 s...,
What are the main features of cd ...
2  cards
Controlled Drugs - Registers
What particulars needs to be pres...,
What particulars needs to be pres...,
What are the main features of cd ...
6  cards
Controlled Drugs - Destruction + PGD
Explain the importance of denatur...,
Explain the main features of out ...,
Explain the main features of pati...
17  cards
Controlled Drugs - Driving
Give eg of cds that can impair dr...,
Explain the main features of usin...
2  cards
Controlled Drugs - SOPs
What should be covered as part of...
1  cards
Controlled Drugs - Extemporaneous Preparations
Explain the process of extemporan...
1  cards
Controlled Drugs - Paraphernalia Supply
What items can supplied to aid dr...,
Who can supply the items to aid d...
2  cards
Controlled Drugs - Withness Protection
How does witness protection take ...
1  cards
Controlled Drugs - Travelling
What should the person have befor...,
What particulars needs to be pres...,
What are the main features of tra...
3  cards
Controlled Drugs - Psychoactive Substances
Define psychoactive substance 1 1,
Give eg of exempted substances 6 2,
Explain the role of psychoactive ...
3  cards
POM-P Switches - Examples + Estradiol
Give eg of medicines that have re...,
What is the indication of estradi...,
What are the symptoms of vaginal ...
11  cards
POM-P Switches - Desogestrel
What is the indication of desoges...,
What is the licensed age of using...,
What is the dose of desogestrel 1 3
17  cards
POM-P Switches - Orlistat
What is the indication of orlista...,
Explain the effect of orlistat 1 2,
What is the dose of orlistat 1 3
7  cards
POM-P Switches - Momentasone
What is the indication of momenta...,
What is the licensed age of momen...,
What is the dose of momentasone 1 3
6  cards
POM-P Switches - Otrivine
What is the indication of otrivin...,
What is the license age for otriv...,
What is the dose of otrivine 1 3
8  cards
POM-P Switches - Lidocaine
What are the main features of ora...,
What does nice guidelines state a...,
What advice is given regarding th...
4  cards

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