1 Mega Step 1 Deck

This class was created by Brainscape user Kyra Porter. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (449)

Intro to Pathology
General mechanisms of cell injury,
Adaptations as a cellular respons...,
51  cards
Carb Metabolism
Salivary amylase,
Pancreatic amylase,
Sodium dependent glucose transpor...
60  cards
Lipid Metabolism
Phospholipid structure,
59  cards
Vitamins and Cofactors
55  cards
Chromosomal Disorders
What is the most common chromosom...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Common features of trisomy 21
16  cards
Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism
Negative nitrogen balance,
What is an essential amino acid,
List the essential amino acids
34  cards
Nucleic Acid Metabolism
Functions of nucleotides,
Glutamine s role in nucleotide sy...,
Glycine plays a large role in pur...
32  cards
Biochemistry of Leukemia
Tumor lysis syndrome,
Na k atpase,
Inhibition of na k atpase
19  cards
Interorgan Metabolism
Fuel homeostasis,
Factors that control fuel homeost...,
What cell type can only use gluco...
32  cards
Intro to DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acids dna,
Ribonucleic acid rna,
Dna replication
40  cards
DNA Replication
Rna primase,
Dna polymerase iii,
Dna polymerase i
13  cards
Coagulation and Hemostasis
46  cards
DNA Repair and Recombination
Mutations repaired by mismatch re...,
Mismatch repair in prokaryotes,
20  cards
RNA Synthesis
Dna vs rna,
23  cards
Gene Expression
What is the key control point for...,
Where do transcription factors bi...,
Dna binding motifs
4  cards
Export of mrna from nucleus to cy...,
Nuclear export receptor,
Where in the cell does translatio...
29  cards
What can regulate epigenetic modi...,
What are histone modifications
11  cards
Patterns of Inheritance
Autosomal dominant,
Common trick in autosomal dominant,
12  cards
Structural abnormalities in chrom...,
22  cards
Autonomous characteristic of neop...,
Clonal characteristic of neoplasia
51  cards
33  cards
Immunology Overview
Peripheral secondary immune syste...,
Central primary lymphoid organs,
Cells of adaptive immunity
39  cards
Innate Immunity
Peripheral secondary immune syste...,
Central primary lymphoid organs,
Cells of innate immunity
70  cards
Risk factors for sepsis,
Why has there been an increase in...,
12  cards
Clonal expansion,
Beneficial functions of immunoglo...
54  cards
TCR Recognition
Tcr structure similarities with b...,
Tcr structure differences with bc...,
Signal transmission in tcrs
31  cards
T & B Cell Development
B cell life cycle 4 basic steps,
Steps to a functional b cell,
Testing the rearranged heavy chai...
20  cards
T Cell Immunity
What signals stimulate dendritic ...,
What signals stimulate dendritic ...,
What are the primary t cell activ...
32  cards
B Cell Immunity
T independent b cell activation,
Why is t independent b cell activ...,
T dependent
23  cards
Basic Bacteriology
Targets of antibiotics that proka...,
Pathogen associated molecular pat...,
Bacterial cell wall
38  cards
Bacterial Genetics
Genomic thrift,
Unique functions that a plasmid m...
26  cards
Lab Approaches to Infectious Diseases
Types of specimen collected for l...,
Collection transport methods for ...,
Laboratory accession and preparation
18  cards
Bacterial Pathogenesis
How does staph aureus colonize th...
10  cards
Bacterial Virulence Mechanisms
Host pathogen relationship,
48  cards
Pathology of Infectious Diseases
Infection is established if 2 fac...,
Infections can get in by various ...,
Dissemination of pathogens
17  cards
Enteric Pathogens I
Enteric pathogens,
Macconkey agar,
Epidemic watery diarrhea common c...
24  cards
Enteric Pathogens II
General properties of enterobacte...,
Oxidase status of enterobacteriaeae,
Catalase status of
40  cards
Streptococcus species overview,
Which strep stains are beta hemol...,
Which strep strains are alpha hem...
29  cards
Respiratory Pathogens
Community acquired respiratory pa...,
Hospital acquired nosocomial resp...,
Division point community vs hospi...
43  cards
Staphylococci overview,
Staph aureus coagulase test
21  cards
What is the best agar to grow nei...,
Neisseria overview,
Neisseria virulence factors
20  cards
What is the diagnostic approach f...,
What is the causative agent of sy...,
Treponema pallidum overview
31  cards
Anaerobic Pathogens
Clostridium sp,
Clostridium difficile c diff over...,
Clostridium difficile virulence f...
36  cards
Mycoplasma ureaplasma and chlamyd...,
Mycoplasma pneumoniae overview,
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
22  cards
Rickettsia sp overview,
Rickettsia life cycle,
Overview of tickborne infections
20  cards
Zoonotic Infections
What is a zoonotic disease,
Brucella sp physiology and structure,
Brucella sp virulence
45  cards
Antibiotics I
Minimal inhibitory concentration mic,
Minimal bacteriocidal concentrati...,
49  cards
Antibiotics II
Vancomycin mechanism of action,
Vancomycin mechanism of resistance
41  cards
Clinical diseases in the mycobact...,
Tb epidemiology,
M tuberculosis complex
31  cards
Fungi I
What are fungi,
How do fungi differ from bacteria...,
34  cards
Fungi II
Opportunistic mycoses,
Candidiasis overview,
Candidiasis causative agent
29  cards
Topical antifungals uses,
Topical antifungals benefits,
Amphotericin b mechanism of action
25  cards
Repair and Healing
Possible outcomes of acute inflam...,
Outcome of chronic inflammation,
25  cards
Cell Death
Nuclei changes associated with ce...,
26  cards
Criteria for getting a drug to work,
Steady state serum level
42  cards
Pharmacology of Immunomodulary Drugs
Normal glucocorticoid secretion,
Glucocorticoids big picture mecha...
23  cards
UWorld Incorrects
Label the structures seen on a ch...,
Anatomy of the femoral triangle l...,
Absolute risk reduction arr
57  cards
Pathoma 1
Basic principles of growth adapta...,
Hyperplasia and hypertrophy overview,
Hypertrophy mechanism
53  cards
Pathoma 2
Inflammation overview,
Acute inflammation basic principles,
Mediators of acute inflammation t...
32  cards
Virology Overview
Hiv nucleic acid structure,
Hiv viral structure,
Hiv entry
9  cards
Virus Structure
What is a virion,
What components do viruses have,
Are naked or enveloped viruses mo...
6  cards
Viral Replication
Which naked viruses are infectious,
Which naked viruses are non infec...,
All viral genomes must make mrna ...
10  cards
Key Terms in Viral Pathogenesis
10  cards
Viral Genetic Variability
Viral swarm concept,
Antigenic drift,
Examples of viruses with high lev...
6  cards
Viral Assembly, Release, and Transmission
How does the influenza virus rele...,
What drug impacts,
Direct transmission of viruses
9  cards
Herpesvirus Biology
What are the 3 alpha herpes viruses,
What are the 3 beta herpes viruses,
What are the 2 gamma herpes viruses
42  cards
Fever and Rash Viruses
Molluscum contagiosum structure n...,
Molluscum contagiosum structure,
Molluscum contagiosum replication
66  cards
Neuro Viruses
Polyomavirus family,
Jc structure nucleic acid,
Jc epidemiology
56  cards
What are prions,
What disease do prions cause,
Clinical course of prion diseases
11  cards
GI Viruses
Rotavirus structure nucleic acid,
Rotavirus structure,
Rotavirus entry
59  cards
Resp and Cards Viruses
Influenza virus family,
Influenza structure nucleic acid,
Influenza structure
66  cards
Cancer Virology
How do viruses cause cancer,
Human papillomavirus hpv structure,
Human papillomavirus hpv malignancy
8  cards
Herpesvirus and HIV Pathophysiology
Traube s space,
Cbc presentation of ebv,
Heterophile monospot test
28  cards
HIV Therapies
When should you start hiv therapy...,
Aids defining criteria,
Benefits of antiretroviral therap...
26  cards
Acid acronym for hypersensitivity...,
Type i hypersensitivity is mediat...,
Examples of type i hypersensitivi...
37  cards
Autoimmunity (Beaty)
4 general principles of hypersens...,
Mast cells are inflammatory cells...
21  cards
Autoimmunity (Grayson)
Mechanisms that prevent self reac...,
Central tolerance,
What transcription factor is impo...
28  cards
Tumor Immunology
2 hit hypothesis for cancer to form,
Necessary characteristics of canc...,
Causes of cancer
18  cards
Transplantation Immunology
Syngeneic graft,
Allogeneic graft,
Xenogeneic graft
31  cards
Immunodeficiencies of phagocyte d...,
Immunodeficiencies of b cell dysf...,
Immunodeficiencies of t cell dysf...
46  cards
Corticosteroids as immunosuppress...,
Azathioprine cyclophosphamide and...,
Azathioprine cyclophosphamide and...
12  cards
Goals of vaccination,
The vaccinated individual possess...,
Results of vaccination
28  cards
Definitive host,
Intermediate host,
Malaria definitive and intermedia...
67  cards
Anti herpes drugs acyclovir mecha...,
Acyclovir spectrum,
Acyclovir mechanism of resistance
22  cards
Antimalarial chloroquine moa,
Antimalarial chloroquine mechanis...,
Antimalarial chloroquine stages t...
14  cards
TB drugs
First line tb drugs,
Isoniazid mechanism of action,
Isoniazid mechanism of resistance
13  cards
Intro to Neuro
2  cards
Findings of an upper motor neuron...
10  cards
Components of a neuron,
Examples of glial cells,
54  cards
CNS Blood Supply
Vessels involved in the circle of...,
Carotid syphon,
Terminal branches of the internal...
53  cards
Brainstem and Cranial Nerves
Development of the cns overview,
Prosencephalon forebrain forms wh...,
Mesencephalon midbrain forms what...
38  cards
Basal Nuclei
What are the basal nuclei,
Lenticular lentiform nucleus
28  cards
Location of cerebellum,
Rostral to caudal organization fu...,
Medial to lateral organization an...
41  cards
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypoth...,
What hormones modulate the hypoth...,
46  cards
Spinal Cord
Dorsal root ganglia drg,
Dorsal root of a spinal segment,
Ventral root of a spinal segment
62  cards
Nerve, Junction, Muscle
How many spinal vertebrae are there,
How many spinal nerves are there,
In the cervical region where do n...
37  cards
Cognitive Lapses and Safety
Human factors and thinking,
Human factors,
Designing for human factors
19  cards
Ventricular System
Cns ventricles,
Pathway of csf in brain,
What ventricle is seen in a cross...
35  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
What is the autonomic nervous system,
2 divisions of ans,
How can the cns influence the ans
27  cards
G protein coupled receptors,
General mechanism for gpcrs,
What are the 3 types of the alpha...
38  cards
Cn viii vestibulocochlear nerve,
Sound waves
51  cards
Selective vulnerability of the cns,
Limited regenerative capacity of cns
82  cards
What is the vestibular sense,
What are the vestibular stimuli,
How does vestibular sense affect ...
38  cards
Motor Innervation of the Eye
Anatomy of the pupillary light re...,
Anatomy of the pupillary reflex s...,
Pretectal nucleus location
36  cards
2 essential functions of the eye,
Anterior chamber of the eye,
Posterior chamber of the eye
58  cards
Pharmacology of ANS
Cholinergic receptors,
Adrenergic receptors,
71  cards
How is right ear sensitivity mapp...,
How is left ear sensitivity mappe...
6  cards
Electrical synapse,
Chemical synapses
48  cards
Neuromuscular Diseases
What is a neuromuscular disease,
What components of the nervous sy...,
81  cards
Brain Metabolism
Compensation for additional volum...,
Brain compliance,
Treatments for increased icp
35  cards
Neuro Infectious Diseases
Overview of cns infections,
Vulnerability of cns,
Routes of cns infection
44  cards
Demyelinating Diseases
Order of the process of myelination,
27  cards
Focal partial seizures
34  cards
Sleep architecture
34  cards
Imaging of Fetal Abnormalities
Epiblast will give rise to,
Hypoblast will give rise to,
Primitive streak
3  cards
Gait Disorders
Hemiplegic gait characteristics,
Hemiplegic gait mechanics,
Hemiplegic gait etiology
39  cards
Intro to Stroke
Epidemiology of stroke in the us,
The stroke belt
37  cards
Brainstem Strokes
Cortical findings of stroke,
4 types of herniation,
Subfalcine cingulate herniation
38  cards
Antiepileptic Drugs
General goal of antiepilpetics,
4 main mechanisms of action of an...,
Antiepileptics that target voltag...
41  cards
Fetal Anomalies
Primary neurulation,
Disorders of primary neurulation ...,
Causes of disorders of primary ne...
33  cards
The eye,
Measuring visual acuity,
Pupils eye exam
49  cards
Coma and PVS
Acute encephalopathy,
38  cards
Movement Disorders
Parkinson s disease pathology,
Lewy bodies,
Parkinson s disease risk factors
31  cards
Nervous System Malignancies
3 characteristics of neoplasms,
Benign vs malignant neoplasms,
Behavior of neuro neoplasms
55  cards
Pharma Interactions
Phase i of clinical trials,
Phase i of a clinical trial defin...,
Phase i of a clinical trial simpl...
15  cards
Neurogenetic Disorders
Rett syndrome inheritance pattern,
Rett syndrome genetic mechanism o...,
Rett syndrome clinical features
23  cards
Migraine without aura dx criteria,
Tension type headache,
Migraine with aura
19  cards
Metabolic Myopathies
Metabolic myopathy defect classif...,
Metabolic myopathy classification...,
Glycogen storage diseases gsd or ...
54  cards
Dizziness and Syncope
Dizziness spinning,
Dizziness lightheadedness,
Dizziness drunkenness
36  cards
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury subtypes,
Concussion characteristics,
Concussion mechanics
21  cards
Physical post concussive symptoms,
Cognitive post concussive symptoms,
Behavioral post concussive symptoms
30  cards
Neurocutaneous Disease
Two hit hypothesis of tumor forma...,
Nf1 gene normal function
22  cards
Intro to Behavioral Health
1  cards
Depressive Disorders
Criteria for major depressive dis...,
Major depressive episode,
Persistent depressive disorder
18  cards
Bipolar Disorders
Criteria for manic episodes of bi...,
Symptom domains of bipolar disorder,
Bipolar disorder overview
17  cards
Learning Theory
Freud s topographical model,
Freud s topographical model the u...,
Freud s topographical model the p...
32  cards
Personality Disorders
Cluster a odd or eccentric person...,
Paranoid personality disorder
24  cards
Schizophrenia & Psychosis
Key features of psychosis,
Positive symptoms of psychosis
24  cards
Anxiety Disorders
Curve of anxiety
30  cards
Child Development
Neurodevelopment overview,
Developmental milestones definition,
Categories of developmental miles...
66  cards
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia,
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia,
Typical antipsychotics overview
52  cards
Anxiolytics & Hypnotics
Gaba a receptor,
Benzodiazepines moa on gaba a rec...,
Z drugs moa on gaba a receptor
42  cards
Suicide attempt,
Suicidal ideation
12  cards
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Review of protein folding,
Er stress unfolded protein cell r...,
Er stress
70  cards
Local Anesthesia
2 classes of local anesthetics,
Local anesthetic administration,
Review of nerve conduction
25  cards
General Anesthesia
Regional anesthesia,
General anesthesia vs sedation
27  cards
Trauma & PTSD
Ptsd dsm 5 diagnostic criteria,
Ptsd criterion a stressor
17  cards
4 waves of psychotherapy,
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
11  cards
Delirium vs dementia,
Clinical features of delirium
13  cards
Somatoform Disorders
Somatic symptom disorder,
Examples of somatic symptoms,
15  cards
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Top reasons for presentation to p...,
Interview techniques for children...,
Major depressive disorder kids te...
27  cards
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Adhd epidemiology,
Genetics risk factors for adhd,
Adhd dx criteria
22  cards
Pharmacology of Mood Disorders
Selective serotonin reuptake inhi...,
Ssri meds,
Sertraline drug class
55  cards
Substance Abuse
Substance use disorder,
Substance misuse
18  cards
Alcohol absorption,
Alcohol metabolism,
Gender differences in alcohol abs...
17  cards
Health Disparities in Neuro
Health equity,
Root causes of health disparities,
How do we measure health disparity
5  cards
Cocaine moa,
Cocaine pharmacologic actions,
Cocaine medical uses
17  cards
Opioid Pharmacology
Classic opioid receptor types,
Opioids overview,
Orphan opioid receptor orl1
33  cards
Opioids & Pain Management
Chronic pain biopsychosocial model,
4 types of chronic pain,
Nociceptive pain
10  cards
Normal Aging
Problems with studying aging,
Age related changes in the nervou...,
Anatomic changes
7  cards
Alzheimer s dementia epidemiology,
Types of dementia,
Activities of daily living
15  cards
Eating Disorders
Epidemiology of eating disorders,
Anorexia nervosa dsm 5 criteria,
Anorexia nervosa
15  cards
Neuro 3 Drugs
Typical antipsychotics moa,
Typical antipsychotics drugs in c...,
Typical antipsychotics ades
62  cards
Intro to GI
Signs and symptoms of gi pathology,
Mechanisms of gi pathology,
Mouth oropharynx functions
22  cards
Neural Control of GI Motility & Funtion
2 reservoirs of the gi tract,
Function of sphincters in the gi ...,
Important sphincters valves in th...
47  cards
GI Hormones
Enteroendocrine cells,
Source of gastrin,
Location of g cells
54  cards
Acid Secretion & PUD
Anatomy of the stomach,
Oxyntic glands,
Pyloric glands
45  cards
Disorders of the Esophagus
Anatomy of the esophagus,
Gastroesophageal reflux disease g...,
Pathophysiology of gerd
35  cards
Sundry Disorders of the Intestines
Colonic diverticulosis,
Complications of diverticulosis,
Diverticulitis overview
28  cards
Abdominal Pain
Mechanisms of abdominal pain,
Parietal somatic abdominal pain,
Visceral pain
20  cards
Nausea & Vomiting
Evolutionary significance of naus...
14  cards
Pathoma Oral Cavity
Cleft lip and palate,
Aphthous ulcer,
Behcet syndrome
8  cards
Pathoma Salivary Gland
Basic principles of salivary glands,
6  cards
Pathoma Appendix & IBD
Acute appendicitis,
Acute appendicitis clinical features,
Basic principles of inflammatory ...
11  cards
Acute Abdomen
Acute abdomen definition,
General approach to the acute abd...,
Acute abdominal pain visceral source
20  cards
Intestinal Electrolyte & Water Absorption
Function organization of villus i...,
The villus of the small intestine...,
General principles of intestinal ...
27  cards
Bile Secretion & Bile Acid Metabolism
Functions of bile,
Bile overview,
2 phases of bile flow into duodenum
17  cards
GI Fluoroscopy
What is fluoroscopy,
Single contrast in gi fluoroscopy,
Double contrast gi fluoroscopy
20  cards
Abdominal Radiographs
Search pattern for abdominal radi...,
If concerned about free air which...
2  cards
Nutrient Absorption
Absorption of macronutrients occu...,
Exocrine salivary enzymes,
Exocrine gastric enzymes
24  cards
Water soluble vitamins,
Fat soluble vitamins
65  cards
Gut Microbiome
Gut microbiota,
9  cards
GI Pharmacology 1
Antacids moa,
Antacids specific drugs,
Antacids uses
33  cards
Pancreas & Biliary Disease
3 types of gallstones,
Cholesterol gallstones,
Pigment gallstones bilirubin
38  cards
GI Parasitology
Entamoeba histolytica geographic ...,
Entamoeba histolytica mode of tra...,
Entamoeba dispar
55  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
2 classes of inflammatory bowel d...,
Inflammatory bowel diseases,
Ibd clinical characteristics
26  cards
GI Pathology I
Intestinal obstruction,
Pathology of intestinal obstructions,
Ischemic bowel disease
33  cards
Pathoma Small Bowel
Duodenal atresia,
Meckel diverticulum,
14  cards
GI Bleeding
Physiologic response to acute blo...,
16  cards
GI Neoplasms
Epidemiology of esophageal cancer...,
Compare the locations of the 2 ma...,
Risk factors for squamous cell ca...
19  cards
Colon Cancer
Public health impact of colon cancer,
Risk factors of colon cancer in t...,
Germline mutations
30  cards
Anorectal Disorders
Anorectal anatomy,
Perianal spaces,
Anal suppurative diseases etiology
19  cards
Nutrition / Energy Balance
Causes of malnutrition,
Essential macronutrients,
Sources of glucose
27  cards
Nutrition Assessment
Key elements of a nutrition asses...,
Nutrition assessment social history,
Nutrition assessment diet history
14  cards
General symptoms of malabsorption,
Specific symptoms of malabsorption,
Causes of disaccharide malabsorption
22  cards
GI Disparities & SDOH
Factors that increase risk of col...,
Disparities in colorectal cancer,
Geographic disparities in colorec...
6  cards
IBS & Chronic Constipation
Irritable bowel syndrome ibs over...,
Rome iv criterion for ibs,
Normal bowel movement
18  cards
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease overview,
Digestion of alpha gliadin
16  cards
GI Embryology
Development of the gi tract overview,
37  cards
Pathoma Liver
Normal bilirubin metabolism,
Causes of jaundice overview
49  cards
Liver Function Tests
Liver major metabolic functions,
Important hepatic enzymes that we...,
Alanine amino transferase alt
47  cards
Alcohol & Metabolic Liver Diseases
Ddx for abnormal ast and alt,
Ddx for abnormal alkaline phopsha...,
Imaging for abnormal lfts
24  cards
Viral, Toxic, and Immune-Mediated Liver Diseases
Ddx for abnormal asts and alts vi...,
Ddx for abnormal alkaline phospha...,
Hepatitis a virus
36  cards
Etiologies of portal hypertension,
Pathogenesis of portal hypertension,
Clinical clues to the presence of...
24  cards
Liver Issues
Liver diseases associated with pr...,
Normal effects of pregnancy on lfts,
Hyperemesis gravidarum
36  cards
Infectious Diarrhea
Global health context of infectio...,
Reasons for improvement in mortal...,
Top pathogen for child deaths fro...
23  cards
GI Pathology 2
Cholelithiasis pathogenesis,
Acute cholecystitis,
Chronic cholecystitis
18  cards
GI Pathology 3
Liver anatomy,
Liver injury,
Laboratory evaluation of the live...
21  cards
GI Dermatology
Cirrhosis symptoms scleral icterus,
Cirrhosis symptoms feminization o...,
Cirrhosis symptoms palmar erythema
18  cards
Diet as Therapy
Examples of diet as the specific ...,
Abetalipoproteinemia clinical fea...,
Abetalipoproteinemia biochemical ...
14  cards
Obesity definition,
Bmi as an index of obesity,
Why do we care about obesity as p...
8  cards
Bariatric Surgery
Pros of surgical treatment for ob...,
Cons of surgical treatment for ob...,
Indications for bariatric surgery...
24  cards
GI Pharmacology 3
Acute treatment of esophageal var...,
Octreotide moa,
Prevention of esophageal variceal...
30  cards
Congenital Abnormalities of Liver, Biliary, and Pancreas
Liver embyrology,
Bile canaliculi embryology,
24  cards
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Necrotizing enterocolitis nec ove...,
Necrotizing enterocolitis pathoge...,
Necrotizing enterocolitis risk fa...
28  cards
Fad Diets
Goals of popular and fad diets,
Signature characteristics of fad ...,
Categories of fad diets
32  cards
Normal Hematopoiesis
Tissues of the hematopoietic system,
Bone marrow,
Bone marrow cellularity aging
35  cards
Blood Cells
Neutrophils first aid,
Left shift first aid,
Hypersegmented neutrophils nucleu...
17  cards
Lab Evaluation of Hematologic Parameters
Acronym for differential blood ce...,
Normal hemoglobin hb value for men,
Normal hemoglobin hb value for women
30  cards
Hemoglobin Synthesis and Catabolism
Composition of hemoglobin,
Globin chains overview,
Hemoglobin formation overview
25  cards
RBC Disorders
Bone marrow,
Lymphoreticular organs characteri...
42  cards
Platelet Disorders
Platelets basics,
Thrombopoietin tpo platelet produ...,
Components of a platelet
17  cards
Antiemetics & Growth Factors
Central mechanism of chemotherapy...,
Peripheral mechanism of chemother...,
2 main neurotransmitters that sti...
32  cards
Clinical Pharm - Antiemetics and Growth Factors
3 neurotransmitters primarily res...,
3 classes of drugs that help prev...,
Examples of 5 ht3 receptor antago...
12  cards
Childhood Anemias
Rule of thumb for anemia,
S s of anemia,
Mcv trends in kids
19  cards
Non-Malignant Causes of Leukocytosis
Leukocytosis clinical definition,
Leukocytosis with neutrophilia,
Causes of leukocytosis with neutr...
15  cards
Intro to Malignant Heme & AML
Bone marrow failure,
Causes pf bone marrow failure,
Acute myeloid leukemia aml overview
23  cards
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Most common types of leukemia in ...,
Acute vs chronic leukemias,
All acute lymphoblastic leukemia ...
20  cards
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Cml chronic myelogenous leukemia ...,
Cml chronic myelogenous leukemia ...,
What cell is excessively active i...
17  cards
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Cll chronic lymphocytic leukemia ...,
Cbc of cll chronic lymphocytic le...,
Cll chronic lymphocytic leukemia ...
11  cards
Pathology of Myeloid Disorders
An auer rod is indicative of,
Pathogenesis of myeloid neoplasms...,
Pathogenesis of myeloid neoplasms...
18  cards
Bone Marrow Failure
Aplastic anemia overview,
Causes of congenital aplastic anemia,
Causes of
20  cards
Intro to Lymphomas
Lymphomas general overview,
Primary lymphoid tissues,
Secondary lymphoid tissues
27  cards
Pathology of Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Leukemia defined contrast to lymp...,
Lymphoma defined contrast to leuk...,
Hodgkin lymphoma age distribution
7  cards
Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Plasma cell dyscrasias overview,
Continuum of plasma cell dyscrasias,
Plasma cell dyscrasias diagnosis
16  cards
Intro to Radiation Oncology
Pros of radiation for cancer therapy,
Cons of radiation for cancer therapy,
Limitations of radiation for canc...
5  cards
Pathology of Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas
B cell lymphoblastic leukemia lym...,
B cell lymphoblastic leukemia lym...,
B cell lymphoblastic leukemia lym...
57  cards
Chemo 1
Naming conventions traditional ch...,
Naming conventions traditional ch...,
Naming conventions traditional ch...
47  cards
Clinical Pharm - Chemo 1
2 main classes of anti cancer agents,
What are the risk factors for met...,
What is the rescue drug for high ...
4  cards
Intro to Transplant
Preparative regimen for a bone ma...,
Hematopoietic stem cell transplan...,
24  cards
Chemo 2
Topoisomerase i inhibitors examples,
Topoisomerase ii inhibitors examples,
Topoisomerase i inhibitors campto...
36  cards
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
What are myeloproliferative neopl...,
Regulation of normal red blood ce...,
Regulation of normal red blood ce...
24  cards
Skin Findings in Heme/Lymph Patients
Cutaneous t cell lymphoma ctcl ov...,
Cutaneous t cell lymphoma ctcl pa...,
Anagen effluvium
11  cards
Infections in the Immunocompromised Host
What is an immunocompromised host,
Primary immune defects in immunoc...,
Factors increasing likelihood of ...
13  cards
Viral Infections in Heme Disorders
Viral infections general principles,
Infectious mononucleosis syndrome...,
Ddx of infectious mononucleosis s...
25  cards
Principles of Hemostasis
Tissue factor,
Fibrin clot formation,
34  cards
Anticoagulants and Blood Tests
Big picture goal of hemostasis ph...,
4 big picture steps of hemostasis,
Hemostasis step 1 vasoconstriction
29  cards
Pathology of Hemostasis Disorders
Thrombocytopenia defined,
Causes of thrombocytopenia,
Thrombocytosis defined
39  cards
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosi...,
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosi...,
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosi...
10  cards
Hemophilia & Bleeding Disorders
Hemophilia overview,
Types of hemophilia,
Coagulation mnemonics
29  cards
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma ce...,
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma ap...,
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
4  cards
Mechanics, Ventilation, and Blood Flow
General functions of the lungs,
Anatomy of the airways upper airway,
Relationship between diaphragm an...
32  cards
Gas Exchange & Acid-Base Regulation
Things that may widen the a a gra...,
Factors contributing to rapid oxy...,
One gram of hemoglobin can bind m...
32  cards
Defense Repair & Scenarios
Pulmonary defense mechanisms in t...,
Pulmonary defense mechanisms agai...,
Lung microbiome
15  cards
Pulmonary Function Tests
Lung volumes,
Lung capacities,
Functional residual capacity frc
21  cards
Signs and Symptoms of Lung Disease
Physical exam inspection normal e...,
Physical exam inspection abnormal...,
Physical exam auscultation normal...
20  cards
Anatomy & Development of Respiratory System
What structure defines the bounda...,
What developing structure gives r...,
In which location can trauma caus...
24  cards
Respiratory Microanatomy
Respiratory epithelium,
Olfactory epithelium,
Epithelia of the nasal cavities p...
18  cards
General Mechanisms of Pulmonary Pathology
6 layers of the respiratory membrane,
Pulmonary edema overview,
Pulmonary edema 2 basic mechanisms
30  cards
Restrictive Lung Disease
Restrictive lung disease summary,
Restrictive lung disease spiromet...,
Why is the tlc decreased in restr...
24  cards
Asthma & COPD
Obstructive lung diseases disease...,
Obstructive lung diseases disease...,
Asthma defined
55  cards
Bronchiectasis & Cystic Fibrosis
Bronchiectasis overview clinical ...,
Non cf bronchiectasis clinical ma...,
Etiologies of non cf bronchiectasis
28  cards
Pathology of Obstructive Lung Disease
Obstructive lung diseases overview,
Major obstructive lung diseases,
Asthma overview
27  cards
Benign Neoplasms & Congenital Lung Diseases
Nasal polyposis,
Conditions commonly associated wi...,
Vocal cord polyps
16  cards
Vascular Lung Diseases
Pulmonary edema as a result of in...,
3 mechanisms that can increase pu...,
Classification of pulmonary hyper...
36  cards
Lung Transplant, Respiratory Failure, ARDS, and ABGs
General indications for lung tran...,
Indications to not do a lung tran...,
After lung transplant immune reje...
38  cards
Pulmonary Pharmacology 1
Effects of b2 stimulation on the ...,
General classes of meds used for ...,
Bronchodilators overview
58  cards
Pulmonary Pharmacology 2
Targets for drug therapy of pulmo...,
Ph tx nitric oxide no moa,
Nitric oxide no uses
38  cards
Infections of Upper Respiratory Tract
Important upper respiratory tract...,
Host defense mechanisms of upper ...,
General principles of uris
45  cards
Infections of the Lower Respiratory System
Clinical classifications of lower...,
Pneumonitis general overview,
Pneumonia general overview
57  cards
Pathology of Restrictive Lung Diseases
Restrictive lung diseases general...,
Major restrictive lung diseases,
Clinical features of restrictive ...
39  cards
Pathology of Lung Neoplasms and Infections
Causes of pneumonia,
Pneumonia clinical features,
Diagnosis of pneumonia
53  cards
Neoplastic Lung Diseases
Patient history suggesting lung c...,
Paraneoplastic syndromes associat...,
Which cancer is associated with h...
34  cards
Pleural Diseases
Pleural effusion defined,
Pleural fluid formation drainage,
Pleural effusion physical exam fi...
37  cards
Pharmacology of Smoking Cessation & Antimicrobials
Smoking cessation general principles,
Nicotine transdermal patch long a...,
Short acting nicotine replacement...
58  cards
Immunologic Lung Diseases
Helper t lymphocytes,
Th1 cells,
Th2 cells
51  cards
TB & Fungal Respiratory Infections
Mycobacterium tuberculosis genera...,
Acid fast bacilli,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis virule...
51  cards
Influenza & Other Respiratory Viruses
2 clinically relevant influenza v...,
Influenza virus structure virulen...,
40  cards
Skin Findings in Lung Diseases
Annular plaques,
Erythema nodosum,
Lupus pern
18  cards
Traumatic Lung Disorders
Penetrating chest trauma,
Penetrating chest trauma associat...,
Penetrating chest trauma clinical...
12  cards
Pulmonary Sleep Disorders
Sleep apnea,
Obstructive sleep apnea osa overview,
Obstructive sleep apnea osa risk ...
24  cards
Drug-Induced Lung Diseases
Drugs that can cause drug induced...,
Oxygen drug induced lung disease ...,
Oxygen drug induced lung disease ...
36  cards
Smoking Cessation
Immediate and long term effects o...,
5 a s of quitting smoking 1 ask,
5 a s of quitting smoking 2 advise
14  cards
Blood Poisonings
Hemoglobin binding disorders,
Carbon monoxide poisoning overview,
Carbon monoxide poisoning clinica...
22  cards
Cardiac Anatomy
Pulmonary circulatory system,
Systemic circulatory system general,
Circulatory system
31  cards
Intro to EKGs
Electrical conduction through the...,
Sa node sinus node general,
Av node general
44  cards
Systole defined,
Diastole defined,
Lv ejection fraction ef defined
37  cards
Afterload & Preload
Lv wall tension,
Lv wall stress,
Preload defined
28  cards
Pressure-Volume Loops
Pressure volume relationship,
End diastolic pressure volume rel...,
End systolic pressure volume rela...
40  cards
Vascular Physiology 1
Mean arterial pressure map defined,
Pulse pressure,
Mean arterial pressure map equation
46  cards
Vascular Physiology 2
Effects of the parasympathetic ne...,
M2 acetylcholine receptor decreas...,
Atrial stretch receptors
30  cards
What is blood pressure,
Complications of elevated bp,
Complications of low bp
34  cards
Vascular Physiology 3
Capillary structure,
4 things which affect the diffusi...,
Capillary variation in water perm...
37  cards
Vascular Physiology 4
Beta 1 receptor agonists examples,
Beta 1 receptor antagonists examples,
Beta 1 receptor functions
56  cards
Hypotension & Shock
Shock defined,
Hypotension defined,
Causes of hypotension simple
41  cards
Congestive heart failure chf phys...,
Heart failure first aid,
Heart failure clinical definition
38  cards
Causes of acute decompensated hea...,
Treatment strategy of acute decom...,
Afterload graph in heart failure
23  cards
Pericardial Disease
Jugular venous pulsation,
Jugular venous pulsation jvp meas...,
Jugular venous waveform
41  cards
Inotropes & Vasopressors
Ohm s law,
Ohm s law in hydraulics hemodynamics,
Ohm s law applied to systemic
33  cards
Cardiomyopathies 1
Cardiomyopathy definition major c...,
Dilated cardiomyopathy overview,
Dilated cardiomyopathy pathogenesis
38  cards
Cardiomyopathies 2
Sarcoidosis restrictive cardiomyo...,
Prevalence of cardiac sarcoidosis,
Echo findings of clinical sarcoid...
27  cards
Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac arrest defined,
Myocardial infarction defined,
Cardiac arrest contrasted to mi
32  cards
Basic Electrophysiology
Normal extra cellular ion concent...,
Normal intra cellular ion concent...,
Importance of the cardiac action ...
28  cards
3 basic mechanisms causing tachya...,
Enhanced automaticity,
Basic mechanism causing tachyarrh...
29  cards
Right Ventricle
Normal right ventricular structure,
Comparing the right and left vent...,
Comparing the right and left vent...
22  cards
Normal sinus rhythm,
Sinus bradycardia,
Sinus tachycardia
24  cards
EP Drugs (Antiarrhythmics)
Relationship between cardiac acti...,
Relationship of pacemaker action ...,
Relationship of cardiac action po...
72  cards
CHF Drugs
Medication classes used to treat ...,
Cornerstone most important medica...,
Beta blockers moa
37  cards
Valves 1
Flow through the normal heart wit...,
Valvular stenosis defined,
Valvular regurgitation defined
52  cards
Valves 2
Mitral regurgitation defined,
Acute etiologies of mitral regurg...,
Chronic etiologies of mitral regu...
52  cards
Heart Sounds & Murmurs
S1 heart sound,
S1 heart sound,
S2 heart sound
49  cards
Cardiac Embryology
Formation of primitive heart tube...,
Formation of primitive heart tube...,
Structures that will ultimately f...
36  cards
Congenital Heart Disease 1
Goals of fetal circulation,
Pathway of oxygenated blood flow ...,
Pathway of deoxygenated blood flo...
23  cards
Congenital Heart Disease 2
Congestive heart failure overview...,
Chf compensatory changes,
Causes of chf in pediatrics by ag...
40  cards
Chylomicrons apolipoprotein origin,
Vldl ldl and hdl apolipoprotein o...,
Idl apolipoproteins origin and cargo
60  cards
Atherosclerosis 1
Arteriosclerosis defined,
Atherosclerosis defined,
Normal arterial histology
28  cards
EKG I - Rhythms
Arrhythmias defined,
Findings of normal sinus rhythm o...,
Categories of arrhythmias
26  cards
Classical angina,
Typically angina is not,
Causes of classical angina
29  cards
Acute coronary syndrome acs defined,
Classic physical exam consistent ...,
Classic hpi consistent with acute...
28  cards
EKG 2 - Intervals
Heart block defined,
First degree av block,
Second degree av block mobitz typ...
8  cards
CV Pathology 1
Organization of the vasculature i...,
Vasculature classifications,
Organization of the heart into tu...
32  cards
CV Pathology 2
Troponin overview,
Ischemic heart disease overview,
Ischemic heart disease pathogenesis
55  cards
Lipid Lowering Meds
Dyslipidemic drug classes,
Citrate pathway to cholesterol sy...,
Hmg coa reductase inhibitors stat...
42  cards
Antiplatelet & Anticoagulant Meds
Clopidogrel moa,
Prasugrel moa,
Ticagrelor moa
45  cards
Diseases of the Aorta
Most common aortic pathologies,
Aneurysm defined,
True vs false aneurysms
23  cards
Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral artery disease pad def...,
Ankle brachial index abi,
Risk factors for peripheral arter...
17  cards
Carotid Artery Disease
Stroke defined,
Transient ischemic attack tia def...,
Risk factors for stroke
14  cards
Venous Disease
Anatomy of the veins,
Normal venous function,
Dvt etiologies
11  cards
Public Health & CV Epidemiology
Cvd including stroke causes 1 of ...,
Leading causes of death in nc in ...,
Leading modifiable risk factors f...
5  cards
CVD in Women
What is the number 1 killer of women,
Women s atypical presentation of ...,
Women s atypical presentation of ...
11  cards
CVD in Surgical Patients
Effects of anesthetics on cv system,
How to approach undergoing surger...,
How to approach undergoing surgery
6  cards
EKG 3 - LVH, Infarcts, & Ischemia
Left ventricular hypertrophy ekg ...,
Right ventricular hypertrophy ekg...,
Inferior leads
30  cards
Renal Anatomy & Microanatomy
Urinary system,
Kidneys overview,
Renal capsule overview
36  cards
GFR & Renal Hemodynamics
Kidney morphology,
Renal plasma flow rpf definition ...,
Renal blood flow definition formula
48  cards
Tubular Transport
Tight junctions,
Solute transport key concepts,
Solute transport key sodium trans...
45  cards
Sodium Homeostasis
Sodium na homeostasis overview,
Body fluid compartments,
Fluid composition of intracellula...
33  cards
Water Homeostasis
When renal free water balance is ...,
When renal free water balance is ...,
When renal free water balance is ...
27  cards
Calcium & Phosphorous Homeostasis
Calcium roles,
Phosphate roles,
Calcium distribution
34  cards
Potassium Homeostasis
Potassium roles in cell functions,
Importance of potassium gradient,
Potassium distribution
33  cards
Acid-Base Physiology & Pathophysiology
Acids overview,
Bases overview,
Effects of acidosis
40  cards
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic acidosis,
Metabolic acidosis clinical prese...,
Metabolic acidosis pathophysiology
31  cards
Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis,
Metabolic alkalosis clinical pres...,
Metabolic alkalosis pathophysiology
9  cards
Respiratory Acidosis & Alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis,
Volatile acid,
Causes of impaired ventilation re...
8  cards
Pathophysiology of HTN
Key steps for proper bp measurements,
Normal blood pressure,
Elevated blood pressure
51  cards
HTN and Renal Disease
Arterionephrosclerosis clinical h...,
Arterionephrosclerosis pathology,
Hypertensive emergency clinical h...
23  cards
Pharmacology of HTN
Hypertension general treatment co...,
Angiotensin converting enzyme inh...
38  cards
Pharmacology of Diuretics
Clinical uses of diuretics,
If ion transporters are expressed...,
Osmotic diuretics mannitol moa
33  cards
CCL 1 Pre-Learn
Signs of secondary hypertension,
Triad of secondary hypertension,
Effects of increased aldosterone ...
22  cards
Physiology Clinical Correlations
Most forms of persistent true hyp...,
Appropriate adh elevation,
Inappropriate adh elevation
21  cards
What is the single best test for ...,
Urine composition,
When to perform a urinalysis ua
29  cards
Stone Diseases
Nephrolithiasis defined,
Multigenic vs monogenic nephrolit...,
Demographic risk factors for mult...
46  cards
Acute Kidney Injury
Acute kidney injury aki overview,
Relationship of gfr to steady sta...,
Most used indicators of renal fun...
71  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome
Clinical clues for glomerular dis...,
Nephrotic vs nephritic syndromes,
Subendothelial deposits location
59  cards
Hematuria & Nephritis
Nephritic syndrome defined,
Hematuria defined,
Macroscopic hematuria
53  cards
Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
Rapidly progressive glomeruloneph...,
Rapidly progressive glomeruloneph...,
Oliguria defined
38  cards
Introduction to Renal Pathology
Normal glomerulus with pas stain ...,
Compartments of the glomerulus image,
Normal glomerulus with pams jones...
9  cards
Renal Path Review 1
Indications for renal biopsy,
Contraindications for renal biopsy,
Acute tubular injury biopsy findings
4  cards
Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetes mellitus defined,
Type 1 diabetes mellitus,
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
31  cards
Common uroradiology exams,
Abdominal radiographs overview,
When to order a kub
19  cards
Chronic kidney disease ckd defined,
Chronic kidney disease ckd etiolo...,
Chronic kidney disease ckd decrea...
33  cards
End stage renal disease esrd defined,
Inherited risk for esrd,
Transition from ckd stage v to esrd
12  cards
Cystic Kidney Diseases
Autosomal dominant polycystic kid...,
Autosomal dominant polycystic kid...,
Autosomal dominant polycystic kid...
23  cards
Renal Transplantation
Indications for kidney tranplants,
Indications for liver transplanta...,
Indications for pancreas transplants
15  cards
Transplant Pharmacology
Induction therapy in transplants,
Maintenance therapy in transplants,
Induction therapy agents general ...
47  cards
Renal Path Review 2
Biopsy findings of minimal change...,
Biopsy findings of focal segmenta...,
Biopsy findings of iga nephropathy
6  cards
Deposits in Glomerular Nephritides
Minimal change disease site of im...,
Membranous nephropathy,
Fsgs site of immune complex deposits
10  cards
Urinary Tract Obstructions
Most common cause of prenatal hyd...,
Urinary tract obstruction general...,
Urinary tract obstructions variab...
20  cards
Renal Embryology
Renal development overview,
Renal development detailed,
Renal development timeline
39  cards
Renal Dermatology
Derm findings associated with,
Skin vasculitis,
13  cards
Renal Path Review 3
Entities presenting as rpgn are a...,
Anatomical pattern of a crescenti...,
Sign of acute glomerular inflamma...
14  cards
Renal Neoplasia
Benign renal tumors,
Malignant renal tumors,
Renal papillary adenoma
38  cards
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections utis ove...,
Bacteriuria defined,
Pyuria defined
48  cards
Renal Pharmacology
Bioavailability f,
Volume of drug distribution vd,
Metabolism changes in renal patients
9  cards
Renal Path Review 4
Do we biopsy if suspecting diabet...,
Indications for considering kidne...,
Biopsy findings of diabetic nephr...
11  cards
Lupus Nephritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus sle,
Diagnostic criteria for sle,
Immunologic tests for sle
21  cards
Rheumatology Labs
Acute phase reactants,
Esr sedimentation rate sed rate,
Underlying mechanism of esr sed rate
24  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis ra defined,
Rheumatoid arthritis ra epidemiology,
Rheumatoid arthritis ra pathophys...
43  cards
Osteoarthritis defined,
Osteoarthritis epidemiology,
Osteoarthritis pathogenesis
25  cards
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Systemic lupus erythematosus sle ...,
Systemic lupus erythematosus sle ...,
Systemic lupus erythematosus sle ...
32  cards
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy
Seronegative spondyloarthropathie...,
Seronegative spondyloarthropathie...,
Hla b27 overview
21  cards
Crystalline Arthritis
Crystalline diseases examples,
Gout crystal,
Crystal associated with calcium p...
36  cards
Vasculitis defined,
General symptoms to suggest vascu...,
More specific symptoms that may s...
54  cards
Scleroderma defined,
Scleroderma epidemiology,
Classification of scleroderma sys...
30  cards
Bone Fractures
Mechanical functions of bone,
Types of mechanical loading,
Bone remodeling turnover
45  cards
Septic Arthritis & Osteomyelitis
Infectious septic arthritis overview,
Causes of acute monoarthritis,
Big four causes of acute monoarth...
31  cards
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Ddx for joint pain in children,
Classic presentation of juvenile ...,
Joint pain in children red flags ...
29  cards
Other Rheumatic Conditions
Sjogren syndrome overview,
Sjogren syndrome epidemiology,
Sjogren syndrome pathogenesis
28  cards
Regional MSK Pain Syndromes
Overuse syndromes defined,
Overuse syndromes epidemiology,
Overuse syndromes general treatme...
58  cards
Bone Tumors
Osteoblast first aid,
Osteoclast first aid,
Parts of the bone epiphysis
63  cards
Cutaneous SLE & Small Vessel Vasculitis
Autoimmunity defined,
Autoimmune connective tissue dise...,
Many different types of lupus tha...
37  cards
Autoimmune Dermatology
Alopecia areata,
Treatment of alopecia areata,
Hidradenitis suppurativa
21  cards
Rheumatology Radiology
Imaging modality choices for arth...,
General imaging findings associat...,
Osteophyte radiology
15  cards
Fibromyalgia & Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Nociceptive pain pathway,
Nociceptive pain,
Neuropathic pain
24  cards
Vasculitis Biopsy Findings
Giant cell arteritis biopsy findings,
Giant cell arteritis first steps ...,
Polymyalgia rheumatica symptoms
9  cards
Endocrinology Overview
Hypothalamus releasing hormones,
Hypothalamus inhibitor hormones,
Anterior pituitary hormones
34  cards
Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
Hypothalamus location,
Hypothalamus functions,
Hypothalamus embryology
54  cards
Growth Hormone
Growth hormone feedback loop,
Growth hormone gh overview,
Growth hormone gh functions
22  cards
Thyroid Basics
Thyroid embryology,
Thyroglossal duct cyst,
Ectopic thyroid
24  cards
Thyroid Clinical
Hyperthyroidism simple,
Hyperthyroidism symptoms,
Causes of hyperthyroidism
35  cards
Endocrine Metabolism
Energy metabolism defined,
Energy metabolism key players,
Brain regulation of energy metabo...
34  cards

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