A Level Eco - Macro 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Verity Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (185)

Th4.1: Globalisation Characteristics
What does globalisation refer to,
What can it also be defined as,
There is movement towards
5  cards
Th4.1: Factors Contributing to Globalisation
What are the five factors contrib...,
Improvements in transport infrast...,
Improvements in it and communiation
6  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Globalisation on Consumers
What are the four impacts on cons...,
Lower prices
5  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Globalisation on Workers
What are the six impacts of globa...,
Some people have gained whilst ot...,
Increased migration
7  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Globalisation on Producers
What are the three impacts of glo...,
Reduces risk,
Exploit comparative advantage
4  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Globalisation on Government
What are the three impacts of glo...,
Higher taxes tax avoidance,
Bride and lobby
4  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Globalisation on Environment
What are the three impacts of glo...,
Increased demand for raw materials,
More emissions
4  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Globalisation on Economic Growth
What are the five impacts of glob...,
Increased investment,
World class management techniques...
6  cards
Th4.1: Absolute and Comparative Advantage
What does the theory of comparati...,
If they are the same,
When does absolute advantage exist
4  cards
Th4.1: Numerical Example One
Refer to pplook at graph 10 who h...,
Refer to pplook at graph 10 what ...,
Refer to pplook at graph 10 what ...
3  cards
Th4.1: Numerical Example Two
Refer to pplook at graph 11 who h...,
Refer to pplook at graph 11 who h...,
What should spain put most effort...
4  cards
Th4.1: Numerical Example Three
What is this another example of,
Who has an absolute advantage in ...,
What should the uk specialise in
5  cards
Th4.1: Diagrammatic Approach One
Refer to pplook at graph 13 which...,
Refer to pplook at graph 1 howeve...
2  cards
Th4.1: Diagrammatic Approach Two
Refer to pplook at graph 14 which...,
Refer to pplook at graph 14 why i...,
Refer to pplook at graph 14 this ...
5  cards
Th4.1: Diagrammatic Approach Three
Refer to pplook at graph 15 what ...,
Refer to pplook at graph 15 which...,
Refer to pplook at graph 15 what ...
5  cards
Th4.1: Assumptions and Limitations of this Theory
What does comparative advantage a...,
What does it also assume about costs,
In the model goods are assumed to be
6  cards
Th4.1: Advantages of Specialisation and Trade
How many advantages of specialisa...,
World output can be increased,
Economies of scale
8  cards
Th4.1: Disadvantages of Specialisation and Trade
What are the five advantages of s...,
Over dependance,
Structural unemployment
6  cards
Th4.1: Factors Influencing Pattern of Trade - Comparative Advantage
When will countries trade,
What will a change in the compara...,
Why has there been a recent growt...
6  cards
Th4.1: Factors Influencing Pattern of Trade - Emerging Economies
Countries grow at different rates...,
How do emerging economies shift t...,
International trade is arguably m...
4  cards
Th4.1: Factors Influencing Pattern of Trade - Trading Blocs and Bilateral Trading Agreements
What do these do
1  cards
Th4.1: Factors Influencing Pattern of Trade - Relative Exchange Rates
What does the exchange rate affect,
Prices are an important factor in...
2  cards
Th4.1: Terms of Trade
Measured in the form of,
What do the terms of trade measure
6  cards
Th4.1: Factors Influencing a Country's Terms of Trade
What are the five factors influen...,
Rise in export fall in import,
Exchange rates inflation and chan...
6  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Changes
What are the three impacts of cha...,
Balance of payments elastic,
Balance of payment inelastic
9  cards
Th4.1: Types of Trading Blocs
What is a regional trading bloc,
Most regional trade agreements ta...,
Some agreements between three or ...
8  cards
Th4.1: ^^ Common Markets
Common markets,
What do common markets impose on ...,
For a common market to be successful
4  cards
Th4.1: ^^^ Monetary Unions
What are monetary unions,
What is an example of a monetary ...,
Why are monetary unions good
6  cards
Th4.1: Trading Blocs - Advantages
What are the six advantages,
Large customer market
7  cards
Th4.1: Trading Blocs - Disadvantages
What are the first five disadvant...,
What are the final five disadvant...,
Distort world trade
11  cards
Th4.1: Trade Creation and Diversion
What will the costs and benefits ...,
What is trade creation,
What is trade diversion
14  cards
Th4.1: Role of the WTO
What are the two mains aims of th...,
What can a country or group do it...,
What happens if the country rejec...
5  cards
Th4.1: Possible Conflicts with the WTO
What are the four possible confli...,
Contradicts wto s principles,
Cp what can be seen as violating ...
7  cards
Th4.1: Reasons for Restrictions
What are the six reasons for rest...,
What are the first three reasons ...,
What are the final three reasons ...
3  cards
Th4.1: Infant Industry Argument
What is an infant industry,
Why will infant industries ac be ...,
Therefore the industry would be u...
5  cards
Th4.1: Job Protection
Governments may be concerned that...,
Why would this be bad
2  cards
Th4.1: Protection from Potential Dumping
What is dumping,
Why might the government need to ...
2  cards
Th4.1: Protection from Unfair Competition
Different producers in different ...,
Why may domestic firms be unable ...,
Some argue the government should ...
3  cards
Th4.1: Terms of Trade
What will happen if a country buy...,
This will worsen the terms of tra...,
How will restrictions improve the...
3  cards
Th4.1: Danger of Over Specialisation
Why is it good to introduce prote...
1  cards
Th4.1: Types of Restrictions
What are the four types of restri...
1  cards
Th4.1: ^^^ Tariffs
What are tariffs,
Refer to pplook at graph 17 why i...,
Refer to pplook at graph 17 what ...
10  cards
Th4.1: ^^^ Quotas
What are quotas,
Like tariffs a diagram can,
Refer to pplook at graph 17 the g...
5  cards
Th4.1: ^^^ Subsidies to Domestic Producers
What are subsidies to domestic pr...,
What are some reasons that these ...,
Subsidies also may be given to do...
3  cards
Th4.1: ^^^ Non-tariff Barriers
Countries can introduce an embarg...,
They can introduce import licensi...,
What does the use of legal and te...
5  cards
Th4.1: Impact of Protectionist Policies on Consumers
Why are there higher prices for c...,
Why does it tend to raise the pri...,
Moreover they suffer from
3  cards
Th4.1: Th4.1: Impact of Protectionist Policies on Producers
Why do domestic producers tend to...,
However what may they suffer from,
Why will foreign producers lose out
4  cards
Th4.1: Impact of Protectionist Policies on Workers
Evidence suggests that there is,
How would allowing inefficient fi...,
Would would the market do
3  cards
Th4.1: Impact of Protectionist Policies on Governments
How do governments benefit from p...,
However what can this lead to
2  cards
Th4.1: Impact of Protectionist Policies on Living Standards
As the tariff diagram shows the i...,
Why does it also cause trade wars
2  cards
Th4.1: Impact of Protectionist Policies on Equity
What kind of effect does it have ...
1  cards
Th4.1: Info
Recently there has been a rise of...,
What did the financial crisis and...,
Why have countries found it diffi...
3  cards
Th4.1: Balance of Payments
What are the components of the ba...,
What does the balance of payments...,
If there is a recorded deficit or...
3  cards
Th4.1: ^^ The Current Account
The current account itself is spl...
1  cards
Th4.1: ^^ The Capital and Financial Accounts
Why is the capital account relati...,
The financial account is more imp...,
What is foreign direct investment
5  cards
Th4.1: Causes of Deficits and Surpluses
A country can run a deficit on th...
1  cards
Th4.1: Short Term Causes - Deficits and Surpluses
What can deficits and surpluses b...,
If real household spending grows ...,
What do high incomes in a country...
12  cards
Th4.1: Medium Term Causes - Deficits and Surpluses
What happens as a country loses i...,
Similarly what has caused a subst...
2  cards
Th4.1: Long Term Causes - Deficits and Surpluses
Much of the uk s trade deficit is...,
What will a lack of capital inves...,
What has deindustrialisation in t...
7  cards
Th4.1: Reducing Imbalance
What are the two main causes of d...,
This means there are two ways to ...,
What else can be used
3  cards
Th4.1: Demand Side Policies
What can be used to reduce ad,
This reduces income and so,
Why should it be effective
4  cards
Th4.1: Supply Side Policies
What will they want to improve,
What measures could they use to i...,
What can they seek and encourage ...
6  cards
Th4.1: Expenditure Switching Policies
What will tariffs or quotas do to...,
How are tariffs and quotas likely...,
Why are these protectionist polic...
10  cards
irrelevant Th4.1: Significance of Global Trade Imbalances
Some argue that a current account...,
How did the financial crisis of 2...,
Concerns about global imbalances ...
9  cards
Th4.1: Exchange Rates
What is an exchange rate,
What are four various ways exchan...,
Spot exchange rate
6  cards
Th4.1: Exchange Rate Systems
What are the three types of excha...
1  cards
Th4.1: ^^ Free Floating System
What is a free floating system,
What two things affect the exchan...,
True or false most systems are fl...
7  cards
Th4.1: ^^ Managed Floating
What is managed floating,
How is this done,
What is an adjustable peg system
4  cards
Th4.1: ^^ Fixed System
What is a fixed system,
Why might the country decide to d...,
What is one example of a fixed sy...
6  cards
Th4.1: Changes in the Currency
What is an appreciation of the cu...,
What is a depreciation of a currency,
What is a revaluation of the curr...
4  cards
Th4.1: Factors Affecting Floating Exchange Rates
What are floating exchange rates ...,
What is the demand for pounds det...,
What is the supply of pounds dete...
7  cards
Th4.1: Government Intervention
What are the two main methods the...,
What can a government use interes...,
What will an increase in interest...
8  cards
Th4.1: Competitive Devaluation/Depreciation
What is competitive devaluation d...,
What will a weaker currency encou...,
What is the problem with this
4  cards
Th4.1: Impacts of Changes in Exchange Rates
What are the four possible impact...,
Economic growth and unemployment,
Rate of inflation
5  cards
Th4.1: ^^^ Current Account of Balance of Payments
What does the marshall lerner con...,
Refer to pplook at graph 19 what ...,
Why is this
6  cards
Th4.1: International Competitiveness
The lower the level of internatio...,
What do goods need to be in order...,
What are the two measures of inte...
3  cards
Th4.1: Measures of International Competitiveness
What are the two measures of inte...,
Relative unit labour costs,
What are relative unit labour cos...
6  cards
Th4.1: Factors Influencing International Competitiveness
What are the first six factors in...,
What are the final five factors i...,
Exchange rates
13  cards
Th4.1: Benefits of Competitiveness
What are the four benefits of com...,
Current account surpluses,
Foreign investment
5  cards
Th4.1: Problems with Competitiveness
However the problem with being in...,
How can developing countries lose...,
What may a current account surplu...
5  cards
Th4.2: Absolute Poverty
What is absolute poverty,
Who do the world bank define as l...,
Why does economic development ten...
3  cards
Th4.2: Relative Poverty
What is relative poverty about,
Someone is said to be in relative...,
In britain what is relative pover...
6  cards
Th4.1: Causes of Changes
What is poverty caused by,
When does absolute poverty tend t...,
What are the two main causes of g...
9  cards
Th4.1: Wealth and Income Inequality
What is income,
What is wealth,
What does income inequality refer to
5  cards
Th4.1: Measurements of Income Inequality
Information on distribution of we...,
Refer to pplook at graph 20 what ...,
Refer to pplook at graph 20 what ...
8  cards
Th4.1: Causes of Wealth and Income Inequality Within Countries
What are the four causes of wealt...
1  cards
Th4.1: ^^ Wages
Why do some workers simply earn m...,
Those who aren t in work will hav...,
Moreover the higher the level of ...
4  cards
Th4.2: ^^ Wealth Levels
Someone who already has a high le...,
Moreover high levels of wealth me...,
Inheritance often allows
3  cards
Th4.2: ^^ Chance
Who will see a huge increase in t...,
People may be lucky to,
Those who chose the right sight o...
3  cards
Th4.2: ^^ Age
Who will earn a higher income tha...,
Those who are older will have had...
2  cards
Th4.2: Causes of Wealth and Income Inequality Between Countries
Countries can be held back by mul...,
What may have happened to certain...,
Who do developed countries tend t...
3  cards
Th4.2: Impact of Economic Change and Development
What does the kuznets hypothesis ...,
Then how does inequality fall,
Who discredited this theory
4  cards
Th4.2: Significance of Capitalism
Why does a capitalist economy lea...,
Why can wages vary,
Wealth can be passed on or gained...
5  cards
Th4.3: Human Development Index
What is hdi,
What kind of index is it,
What three factors is the index b...
8  cards
Th4.3: HDI Adavantages
What are the two advantages of hdi,
Three key factors,
Relatively easy to calculate
3  cards
Th4.3: HDI Disadvantages
What are the three disadvantages ...,
Issues with the figures,
Equality of income
5  cards
Th4.3: Other Indicators
Why can hdi not be expected to be...,
What are the three other types of...
2  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Inequality-adjusted HDI
How is inequality adjusted hdi di...,
What does the atkinson index adjust,
What are the benefits and disadva...
3  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Multidimensional Poverty Index
What does mpi measure,
What is the benefit of mpi,
What are the disadvantages of mpi
4  cards
Th4.3: ^^ The Genuine Progress Indicator
How is the genuine progress indic...,
What does it aim to look at,
What does the economic category l...
8  cards
Th4.3: Factors Influencing Growth and Development
What are all the economic factors...,
What are the second lot of four f...,
What are the final three factors ...
4  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Primary Product Dependency
What do primary products include,
What kind of country mainly relie...,
Why can this be bad
10  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Volatility of Commodity Prices
Primary products tend to have ine...,
What do these large changes in pr...,
When prices of commodities rise f...
3  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Savings Gap
Why do developing countries save ...,
What is a savings gap,
What does the harrod domar model ...
4  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Foreign Currency Gap
What is a foreign currency gap
1  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Capital Flight
What is capital flight,
If money was placed in banks with...,
Why can capital flight occur
4  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Demographic Factors
Which countries tend to have high...,
The high population is caused by ...,
What does this place strain on
4  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Debt
During the 1970s 80 s developing ...,
What does this interest repayment...,
What does this debt do to develop...
4  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Access to Credit and Banking
What do developing countries have...,
What does developing countries li...,
What may some families use
3  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Infrastructure
What does poor education within t...,
However what is there debate abou...
2  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Infrastructure
What do low levels of infrastruct...,
However what are the problems wit...
2  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Absence of Property Rights
What are property rights,
What does a lack of property righ...,
What did the loss of property rig...
3  cards
Th4.3: ^^ Non-Economic Factors
What are the four non economic fa...,
Many developing countries suffer ...,
What is often linked with corruption
6  cards
Th4.3: Strategies Influencing Growth and Development
What are the three strategies inf...
1  cards
Th4.3: Market-Oriented Strategies
What are the first three types of...,
What are the final three types of...
2  cards
Th4.3: MOS - Trade Liberalisation
What can countries aim for,
What will removing trade barriers do,
Where will resources be allocated to
4  cards
Th4.3: MOS - Promotion of FDI
What is fdi,
What does fdi include,
Why do firms tend to undertake fdi
7  cards
Th4.3: MOS - Removal of Government Subsidies
What items are subsidies placed o...,
How are subsidies good,
What are the five problems with s...
8  cards
Th4.3: MOS - Floating Exchange Rate Systems
What determines currency in these...,
What does the country not have to...,
What are problems with floating e...
3  cards
Th4.3: MOS - Microfinance Schemes
What do these schemes aim to do,
What are they used to do,
What is some information about mi...
6  cards
Th4.3: MOS - Privatisation
How can privatisation benefit firms,
How can privatisation benefit gov...,
What are the two disadvantages of...
5  cards
Th4.3: Interventionist Strategies
What are the first three interven...,
What are the final three interven...
2  cards
Th4.3: IS - Development of Human Capital
What would development of human c...,
What happens when there are skill...,
How could human capital be developed
5  cards
Th4.3: IS - Protectionism
What does protectionism do,
They can use a policy of import s...,
What will this do in the short ru...
4  cards
Th4.3: IS - Managed Exchange Rates
What could the currency be fixed ...,
They could introduce high exchang...,
What would a high exchange rate f...
6  cards
Th4.3: IS - Infrastructure Development
What do interventionists believe,
What does infrastructure tend to ...,
What are some problems with infra...
4  cards
Th4.3: IS - Promoting Joint Ventures with Global Companies
What would setting up a joint ven...,
Why might the government insist f...
2  cards
Th4.3: IS - Buffer Stock Schemes
What are buffer stock schemes,
As a result buffer stock schemes ...,
What it is used on
9  cards
Th4.3: Other Strategies
What are the first three other st...,
What are the final three other st...
2  cards
Th4.3: OS - Industrialisation
What does the lewis model assume,
What is suggested would happen th...,
Lewis believed that labour produc...
11  cards
Th4.3: OS - Development of Tourism
Some countries decided to take ad...,
What does the income elastic natu...,
What do tourists represent
11  cards
Th4.3: OS - Development of Primary Industries
What does the development of a pr...,
However what are the problems wit...,
What can the government therefore...
3  cards
Th4.3: OS - Fairtrade Schemes
What is fairtrade defined as,
What are the key principals that ...,
What does a fair price typically ...
8  cards
Th4.3: OS - Aid
What is aid,
What are the different types of aid,
What are the benefits of aid
10  cards
Th4.3: OS - Debt Relief
How do many countries suffer from...,
What are the benefits of debt relief,
What are the issues with debt relief
3  cards
Th4.3: The World Bank
What does the world bank aim to do,
What is the world bank made up of,
What do the ibrd and ida do
7  cards
Th4.3: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
What is the goal of the internati...,
How does the imf do this,
When providing loans the imf insi...
6  cards
Th4.3: NGOs
What are ngos,
What can ngos provide,
What can ngos act as
5  cards
Th4.4: Role of Financial Markets
What are financial markets,
What are the two main reasons fin...,
What are the three types of finan...
5  cards
Th4.4: Role of the Financial Market
What are the five roles of the fi...,
Facilitate savings,
Lend to businesses and individuals
6  cards
Th4.4: Market Failure in the Financial Sector
What combination means financial ...,
What are five examples of market ...
2  cards
Th4.4: ^^ Asymmetric Information
One problem with the financial se...,
This means financial markets can,
What is an example of this
4  cards
Th4.4: ^^ Externalities
There are a number of costs place...,
What is an example of this,
What else shows some external costs
3  cards
Th4.4: ^^ Moral Hazard
What is a moral hazard,
It will occur when individual wor...,
How was the global financial cris...
5  cards
Th4.4: ^^ Speculation and Market Bubbles
Almost all trading in financial m...,
Why do market bubbles tend to occur,
How has the financial market caus...
6  cards
Th4.4: ^^ Market Rigging
What is market rigging,
What are the two examples of mark...,
One example of this is insider tr...
4  cards
Th4.4: Role of the Central Bank
How does the central bank control...,
What does it act as to the govern...,
Act as bank to other banks
7  cards
Th4.4: Financial Regulation
What can regulation include,
What are the three key bodies for...,
5  cards
Th4.5: Public Expenditure
The government spends money to co...,
Moreover how do the government ai...,
How can government spending corre...
3  cards
Th4.5: Types of Expenditure
What are the four types of expend...,
Capital government expenditure,
General government final consumption
8  cards
Th4.5: Composition and Size of Public Expenditure
In most mixed and free economies ...,
Why is this,
Moreover citizens in higher incom...
6  cards
Th4.5: Impacts of Government Spending
What are the five impacts of gove...
1  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Productivity and Growth
What do free market economists th...,
What is the government able to en...,
What three things can they spend ...
4  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Living Standards
How can the government improve so...,
How does the government reduce po...,
How can the government negatively...
4  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Crowding Out
In order to spend money above the...,
However the amount of money in th...,
On top of this what does the limi...
7  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Level of Taxation
In most cases where government sp...,
What kind of effect may high leve...,
What tends to be an exception and...
3  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Equality
Why should spending increase equa...
1  cards
Th4.5: Progressive, Proportional and Regressive Taxes
What is tax used for,
What can tax be used to do,
What is progressive tax
7  cards
Th4.5: Impacts of Tax Changes
What are the first 4 impacts of t...,
What are the final 3 impacts of t...
2  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Incentives to Work
It is argued that high marginal r...,
Free market economists argue,
What could high taxes on high inc...
7  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Tax Revenues
Refer to pplook at graph 21 what ...,
Refer to pplook at graph 21 what ...,
If people were taxed at 100 what ...
7  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Income Distribution
What will a progressive tax syste...,
What will a regressive tax system do,
Why will a move from indirect to ...
6  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Real Output and Employment
What will a rise in direct taxes do,
The effect this has on output wil...,
On top of this what will decrease...
5  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Price Level
What can taxes impact,
What can indirect taxes often cause
2  cards
Th4.5: ^^ Trade Balance
What will a rise in taxes do,
Imports in the uk have been found...,
As a result the trade balance wil...
4  cards
Th4.5: ^^ FDI Flows
Low taxes on profit and investmen...,
What is the problem with this
2  cards
Th4.5: Automatic Stabilisers and Discretionary Fiscal Policy
What are automatic stablisers,
What affect do benefits have in a...,
What affect does tax have during ...
7  cards
Th4.5: Fiscal Deficit and the National Debt
What is the national debt,
What is the fiscal deficit,
What is the public sector net cas...
3  cards
Th4.5: Distinction Between Structural and Cyclical Deficits
What is a cyclical deficit,
When the economy is in a recession,
At the peak of the boom there is no
9  cards
Th4.5: Factors Influencing the Size of Fiscal Deficits
What is one major factor that inf...,
What are the final 3 factors infl...,
Trade cycle
9  cards
Th4.5: Factors Influencing the Size of National Debts
If the government is continuously...,
There is a consensus view that,
It is only when the government ru...
4  cards
Th4.5: The Significance of Fiscal and National Debts
0  cards
Th4.5: Use of Policies
What policies can governments use,
What do direct controls include
2  cards
Th4.5: Reduce Fiscal Deficits and National Debts
What has the uk been doing to dec...,
What are the problems with the uk...,
What do free market economists sa...
6  cards
UNFINISHED Th4.5: Reducing Poverty and Inequality
Free market forces are unlikely t...,
What do most agree about redistri...,
What do those on the right argue
7  cards
Th4.5: Changes in Interest Rate and Supply of Money
What is an example of a domestic ...,
What is an example of a global re...,
What is a fall in the bank rate l...
7  cards
Th4.5: International Competitiveness
How can the government improve in...,
How are supply side measures good,
What else may be used
4  cards
Th4.5: External Shocks
Why are the world s economies inc...,
What could the government use exp...,
What could the government use def...
6  cards
Th4.5: Transnational Companies
What are the benefits of tncs,
What negative economic and social...,
What kind of history do tncs have...
5  cards
Th4.5: Regulation of Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing is one way for f...,
This can occur if a firm,
If taxes are higher in the first ...
5  cards
Th4.5: Ability to Control Global Companies
What is hard about tncs,
Why are solutions to taxation ext...,
However any solution which would ...
5  cards
Th4.5: Problems Facing Policy Makers
What are the three problems facin...,
Inaccurate information,
Ii why is it hard to cut down on
9  cards
International Competitiveness - Knowledge
What are the 8 state policies whi...,
How to remember,
What are the first four state pol...
4  cards
International Competitiveness - Application
Competitive devaluation,
Investment in infrastructure
8  cards
International Competitiveness - Analysis
Competitive devaluation,
Investment in infrastructure
8  cards

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A Level Eco - Macro 2

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Verity Russell's A Level Eco - Macro 2 flashcards for their Epsom College class now!

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Brainscape's adaptive web mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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