This class was created by Brainscape user Aurora H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (88)

1.1. Body fluid compartments and their determination. The extracellular and intravascular fluid.
Compartments and their determination,
1 body fluid compartments and the...,
1 body fluid compartments and the...
17  cards
1.2. Structure, permeability and transport functions of the cell membrane. Transepithelial transports
Structure of the cell membrane,
Structure of the cell membraneb w...,
Structure of the cell membraneb w...
57  cards
1.3. Signal transduction: receptors, G proteins, second messengers.
1 how do cells communicate to eac...,
2 what are the 4 types of extrace...,
How are intracellular signals amp...
82  cards
1.4. Classification, function and main features of ion channels. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Cellular calcium metabolism.
1 what are the 2 classifications ...,
I classifications of ion channels...,
I classifications of ion channels...
29  cards
1.5. The development of the resting membrane potential. The development and properties of the electrotonic potential.
I membrane potential em 1 what is...,
I membrane potential em 2 what ar...,
I resting membrane potential em 3...
28  cards
1.6. The development of the action potential in excitable cells: similarities and differences between distinct cells. Conduction of the action potential.
I basics1 definition of graded el...,
I basics1 definition of graded el...,
I basics 2a what is the definitio...
42  cards
1.7. Physiology of nerve cells. Synaptic transmission and its regulation. Neurotransmitters.
I physiology of nerve cells,
I physiology of nerve cells,
I physiology of nerve cells
39  cards
1.8. The physiology of smooth muscle. The functions of different types of smooth muscle.
I physiology of smooth muscle smo...,
I physiology of smooth muscle smo...,
I physiology of smooth muscle str...
36  cards
1.9A. (Neuromuscular junction) and physiology of the skeletal muscle.
1.7. The mechanism of muscle contraction in striated muscles. The electromechanical coupling. Mechanical features of the contraction.
46  cards
1.9B. Neuromuscular junction and physiology of the skeletal muscle.
I the neuromuscular junction1 wha...,
I the neuromuscular junction1 wha...,
I the neuromuscular junction1 wha...
14  cards
1.10A. Parasympathetic efferent mechanisms.
I basics1 what are divisions of a...,
I basics1 what are divisions of a...,
I basics1 what are divisions of a...
27  cards
1.10B. Sympathetic efferent mechanisms, adrenergic receptors.
I what are the characteristics of...,
Ii anatomy of sympathetic nervous...,
Ii anatomy of sympathetic nervous...
29  cards
Cell Physiology figures and parameters
I parameters1 body water content,
I parameters2 blood volume,
I parameters3 plasma volume
31  cards
2.1A. Impulse generation and conduction in the heart. Mechanism of pacemaker potential. Control of pacemaker activity and impulse conduction.
I impulse generation in the heart...,
I impulse generation in the heart...,
I impulse generation in the heart...
24  cards
2.1B. Impulse generation and conduction in the heart. Mechanism of pacemaker potential. Control of pacemaker activity and impulse conduction.
I impulse conduction in the heart...,
I impulse conduction in the heart...,
I impulse conduction in the heart...
16  cards
2.2. Electrocardiography, the human electrocardiogram.
I electrocardiogram ecg 1 what is...,
I electrocardiogram ecg 2 from th...,
Ii basic principles of ec recordi...
40  cards
2.3. The heart cycle. Changes in pressure and volume during the cardiac cycle. Heart sounds. & 2.4A. Pump function of the heart
Ii describe the heart sounds,
Iii cardiac cycle1 what is a card...,
Ii cardiac cycle2 what is systole
24  cards
2.4B. (Pump function of the heart.) Cardiac output and its control.
I cardiac output1 what is cardiac...,
I cardiac output2 how to calculat...,
Ii total peripheral resistance tp...
37  cards
2.5 & 2.6
2.5. Organization of the circulatory system. Hemodynamic functions of different vessel segments in the systemic circulation. Biophysical basis of blood flow. Relationship of pressure and flow. 2.6. Measurement of arterial blood pressure. Factors influencing arterial blood pressure.
52  cards
2.7A. Functional organization of microcirculation and its control.
I basics1 what is microcirculation,
I basics2 route of microcirculation,
I basics3 function of microcircul...
22  cards
2.7B. Control of interstitial fluid volume, Starling forces. & 2.8A Lymph flow.
I how is the interstitial fluid v...,
Ii starling forces1 what are star...,
Ii starling forces2 the role of h...
19  cards
2.8. Physiological vasoconstrictors. & 2.9. Physiological vasodilators.
1 what are vasoconstrictors,
2 what are the vasodilators
2  cards
2.8B. Venous circulation, factors determining venous pressure and flow. Control of capacity vessels.
I venous circulation1 what are th...,
I venous circulation1 what are th...,
I venous circulation1 what are th...
20  cards
2.10. Reflex control of circulation: baroreceptor and chemoreceptor reflexes. Cardiovascular centers.
What is the formula of pressure g...,
I mean arterial blood pressure ma...,
I mean arterial blood pressure ma...
32  cards
2.9. Local control of circulation. Characteristics of vascular smooth muscle. Myogenic, humoral, hormonal and neural control mechanisms.
What is myogenic tone,
I mechanism of local control1 wha...,
I mechanism of local control auto...
25  cards
2.12A. Coronary circulation and its control.
I basic anatomy of heart vessels,
I basic anatomy of heart vessels,
Ii coronary circulation1 what is ...
24  cards
2.11A. Circulation of the skeletal muscle. Circulatory effects of physical exercise.
Blood flow to the skeletal muscle...,
I sympathetic innervation stimuli...,
I sympathetic innervation stimuli...
16  cards
2.11B. Splanchnic circulation and circulation of the skin.
I splanchnic circulation1 definit...,
I splanchnic circulation2 what ar...,
I splanchnic circulation3 what is...
10  cards
2.12B. Circulation of the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid. Blood-brain barrier.
I circulation of brain 1 characte...,
I circulation of brain2 what is t...,
I circulation of brain3 what are ...
24  cards
Cardiovascular Physiology - Parameters
I parameters of cardiovascular sy...,
Duration of qrs complex of ecg hr...,
Duration of p wave of ecg hr 75 min
37  cards
Cardiovascular system - Figures
6 action potential recorded from ...,
7 time dependent changes in membr...,
8 time dependent changes in membr...
20  cards
Topic 2 Cardiovascular system - Parameter and figures
I parameters of cardiovascular sy...,
I parameters of cardiovascular sy...,
I parameters of cardiovascular sy...
58  cards
I lung volumes1 what are the type...,
I lung volumes2 characteristics o...,
I lung volumes3 characteristics o...
79  cards
3.2A. Gas exchange in the respiratory system.
I what are the 6 layers of respir...,
Ii gas exchange in the respirator...,
Ii gas exchange in the respirator...
19  cards
3.2B. The pulmonary circulation. Ventilation-perfusion relationship.
I pulmonary circulation1 what are...,
I pulmonary circulation1 what are...,
I pulmonary circulation1 what are...
30  cards
3.3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport. Hemoglobin. Types of hypoxia.
I transport of oxygen1 what are t...,
I transport of oxygen physically ...,
I transport of oxygen physically ...
43  cards
3.5. Cardiopulmonary adaptation during change in the body position and during physical exercise.
I basics1 what is the source of e...,
I basics1 what is oxygen debt,
Ii cardiopulmonary adaptation dur...
12  cards
I the muscles of respiration and ...,
I the muscles of respiration and ...,
I the muscles of respiration and ...
24  cards
3.7. Chemical control of the respiration. Pulmonary adaptations to training.
I chemical control of the respira...,
I chemical control of the respira...,
I chemical control of the respira...
5  cards
Respiratory Physiology - Parameters and Figures
I parameters for respiratory syst...,
I parameters for respiratory syst...,
I parameters for respiratory syst...
27  cards
4.1. Circulation of the kidney. Glomerular-filtration.
I kidneys1 what are the functions...,
I kidneys1 what are the functions...,
I kidneys2a how can kidneys contr...
58  cards
4.2. Tubular transport processes.
I what are the characteristics of...,
Ii determinants of glomerular fil...,
Ii determinants of glomerular fil...
59  cards
4.3. Concentration and dilution in the kidney. The function of the urinary bladder and the regulation of the urination
I urine production1 general summa...,
I urine production2 what are the ...,
Ii countercurrent multiplication1...
15  cards
4.3B. Renal Na+ and K+ excretion and regulation.
I na excretion and regulation1 th...,
I na excretion and regulation2 wh...,
I na excretion and regulation3 ho...
15  cards
4.4A. Control of body fluid volumes and extracellular fluid osmolality.
I renin angiotensin aldosterone s...,
I renin angiotensin aldosterone s...,
I renin angiotensin aldosterone s...
12  cards
4.4B. Control of body fluid volumes and extracellular fluid osmolality.
I osmoreceptors1 what is the role...,
I osmoreceptors2 what are definit...,
I osmoreceptors3 what happen when...
7  cards
4.4C. Control of body fluid volumes and extracellular fluid osmolality. (Hypothalamic regulation of water conservation and uptake.)
I what are the 2 important body f...,
Ii hypoosmotic hypervolemia,
Ii hypoosmotic hypervolemia
15  cards
4.7. Basic terms of acid-base balance. Buffer systems of the body. Parameters of acid-base balance.
I basic definitions1 what are def...,
I basic terms of acid base balanc...,
I basic terms of acid base balanc...
38  cards
4.8. Role of the kidneys in the regulation of acid-base balance.
I basics1 what are the 2 main fun...,
I basics2 what is the requirement...,
I basics3 what is the formula of ...
15  cards
3.8. The role of ventilation in the regulation of the pH, in the development and compensation of the acid-base imbalances in the body.
I alveolar co2 tension1 which org...,
I alveolar co2 tension2 which equ...,
I alveolar co2 tension3 how does ...
41  cards
Urinary system - Parameters
Renal blood flow,
Renal plasma flow,
Glomerular filration rate
16  cards
Renal physiology - Figures
26 changes in intravascular press...,
27 transepithelial transport of g...,
28 the rate of filtered reabsorbe...
4  cards
5.1. Hematopoiesis. The composition of the blood. The human blood group systems.
1 what is the normal value of blood,
2 what are the main functions of ...,
3 composition of blood a what is ...
85  cards
5.2. Hemostasis and the role of thrombocytes. Blood coagulation. Fibrinolysis. Physiological anticoagulant mechanisms.
I hemostasis1 definition of hemos...,
I hemostasis2 what are the stages...,
I hemostasis3a what are the mecha...
49  cards
Physiology of blood
I parameters for blood physiology...,
I parameters for blood physiology...,
I parameters for blood physiology...
19  cards
6.1. Regulation in the gastrointestinal tract: enteric nervous system and gastrointestinal hormones.
I main functions of the gastroint...,
I main functions of the gastroint...,
I main functions of the gastroint...
28  cards
6.2. Motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract and their control
I slow waves1 what are the featur...,
I slow waves2 what are slow waves,
I slow waves3 origin of slow waves
58  cards
6.3. Function of the salivary glands and regulation of salivary secretion. Gastric secretion and its control.
I basics1 what are general princi...,
I basics2 what are the 2 main fun...,
I basics3a what are the 2 types o...
83  cards
6.4. Exocrine secretion of pancreas and its regulation. Bile production of the liver. Metabolism and secretion of bile pigments.
I pancreatic secretion1 what are ...,
I pancreatic secretion2 what is t...,
I pancreatic secretion3 what are ...
58  cards
6.5. Degradation and absorption of nutrients. Absorption of water, potassium and sodium. Absorption of iron and vitamin B12.
I basics1 what is the average dai...,
I basics2 what is the definition ...,
I basics3 what is the definition ...
75  cards
6.6. Energy balance of the body. The quantitative and qualitative requirements of food. The regulation of food intake. Control of body weight.
I energy balance1 what is energy ...,
I energy balance2 what are the 3 ...,
I energy balance3 how do we measu...
42  cards
7.1. The hypothalamus-pituitary gland system. Growth hormone and somatomedins.
I basics1 what are the features a...,
I basics,
I basics3 what is the approximal ...
51  cards
7.2. The function of the adrenal cortex.
I adrenal gland suprarenal glands...,
I adrenal gland suprarenal glands...,
I adrenal gland suprarenal glands...
85  cards
7.3. Production and effects of thyroid hormones (T3/T4). The regulation of their secretion.
I thyroid gland1a describe the an...,
I thyroid gland1b what is the pos...,
I thyroid gland1c what is the pay
58  cards
7.4. Insulin secretion and the regulation of the secretion. The effects of insulin on the intermediary metabolism. Diabetes mellitus.
I basics1 what is intermediary me...,
I basics2 what are the energy don...,
I basics3 is the site of storage ...
87  cards
7.5. Glucagon secretion and the regulation of the secretion. Endocrine mechanisms protecting from hypoglycemia. Endocrine and metabolic changes related to starving and physical exercise
I glucagon1 what is glucagon,
I glucagon2 what is the role of g...,
I glucagon3 what is the primary t...
67  cards
7.6A. Calcium metabolism.
I important values1 what are the ...,
I important values2 what are the ...,
I background3 which ions will be ...
54  cards
7.6B. Physiology of bones
I types of bones1 what are the 2 ...,
I types of bones2 what are the ch...,
I types of bones3 what are the ch...
30  cards
7.7A. Endocrine physiology of sexual development.
I physiology of sexual developmen...,
I physiology of sexual developmen...,
I physiology of sexual developmen...
33  cards
7.7B. Male reproductive physiology
I basics 1 what are the main feat...,
I basics2 describe anatomy of mal...,
I basics3a what are the 2 main co...
84  cards
7.8. Female sexual endocrinology.
I basics1 what are the features o...,
I basics2 what are the structures...,
I basics3
85  cards
7.9. Endocrinology of pregnancy, delivery, and lactation.
I pregnancy1 what is pregnancy,
I pregnancy2 what happen during p...,
I pregnancy3 what happen in 3 tri...
55  cards
7.10. The function of adrenal medulla. Adaptation to environmental stress.
I adrenal medulla1 what are the f...,
I adrenal medulla2 explain sym co...,
I adrenal medulla3 what are the r...
20  cards
8.1. Physiology of nerve and glia cells.
I neurons1 what are neurons,
I neurons2 what is the role of ne...,
I neurons3 what is the role of ce...
77  cards
8.2. The somatovisceral Sensory System: properties of the receptors, afferent pathways, role of the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. Tactile sensations.
I basics1 what are the features o...,
Ii properties and coding of senso...,
Ii properties and coding of senso...
102  cards
8.3. Physiology of pain sensation.
I basics1 what are the pain recep...,
I basics2 what are the 4 types of...,
I pain3 what are the features of ...
89  cards
8.4. Physiology of vision.
I structure of the eye1 what are ...,
I structure of the eye1 what are ...,
I structure of the eye1 what are ...
42  cards
8.4 bonus
What is the amount of tear per day,
What i,
What i
31  cards
8.5. Physiology of hearing.
I auditory system1 what is the ro...,
I auditory system1 what is the ro...,
I auditory system1 what is the ro...
52  cards
8.6A. Physiology of equilibrium.
I vestibular system1 what is the ...,
I vestibular system2 what is the ...,
I vestibular system3 will the end...
26  cards
8.6B. The senses of taste and smell.
I physiology of taste sensation1 ...,
I physiology of taste sensation2 ...,
I physiology of taste sensation g...
32  cards
8.5 + 8.6A bonus
I cochlear hair cells1 how many i...,
I cochlear hair cells2 how many o...,
What does this graph indicate
3  cards
8.7. Motor functions of the spinal cord. Cord reflexes. Spinal cord transection and spinal shock.
I spinal cord motor function1 wha...,
I spinal cord motor function2 wha...,
I spinal cord motor function3 wha...
48  cards
8.8. Supraspinal regulation of muscle functions. Postural reflexes.
I supraspinal motor control1 what...,
Ii major pathways connecting the ...,
Ii major pathways connecting the ...
39  cards
8.9. The role of the cerebellum and basal ganglia in motor functions
I basal ganglia1 what are the mai...,
I basal ganglia1 what are the mai...,
I basal ganglia1 what are the mai...
23  cards
8.10. Thermoreceptors. Thermoregulation. Regulation of the circulation of the skin.
I thermoreceptors1 which system i...,
I thermoreceptors2 what is the ro...,
I thermoreceptors3 what types of ...
70  cards
8.11. Electroencephalogram (EEG); sleep phenomena. Learning and memory.
I electroencephalogram eeg 1 what...,
I electroencephalogram eeg 1 what...,
I electroencephalogram eeg 1 what...
82  cards
8.12. Integration of autonomic responses. Regulation of behavioral mechanisms. Motivation. Emotion.
I autonomic ns integration1 expla...,
I autonomic ns integration1 expla...,
I autonomic ns integration1 expla...
30  cards

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A Physiology

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