This class was created by Brainscape user Allen Facun. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

What is falsework,
What is the purpose of form sheat...,
What are mushroom caps used to pr...
38  cards
When can footings be cast in exca...,
What type of footing is typically...,
Name four components of wall forming
53  cards
On which framing system is the st...,
Which framing system is used to c...,
Why must concrete footing be enla...
29  cards
Describe platform wall framing,
What type of wall does not use studs,
What is a partition wall
29  cards
Describe total rise,
Describe total run,
Describe rise
26  cards
What are the functions of a ceili...,
Which type of roof creates the mo...,
What is the difference between ov...
9  cards
H-6 David Notes
How does ll work with working points,
Lateral support for trusses,
Can trusses be cut
15  cards
B-2 Possible quiz answers
Who regulates electrical work in ...,
What must be done to the exterior...,
Which inspections must be complet...
15  cards
H-10 Study Guide
Purpose of railings,
Installing deck boards,
What should you do when working w...
6  cards
B-3 Possible Quiz answers
Also known as cc rs these all hav...,
Work on a project should not begi...,
One of the main methods used for ...
5  cards
J-1 Notes
Explain how concrete can be a liv...,
What is the specified snow load f...,
What is the specified snow load f...
17  cards
Concrete in commercial construction,
What is total rise,
Total run
22  cards
0  cards
Powder activated tool method of p...,
Case cartridge highest power level,
Dangerous pollutant from a bad ch...
27  cards
A sheet of plywood subfloor cover...,
What is the name for an angle les...,
Feet converted to metric
8  cards
0  cards
1 meant by the term segregation,
2 adequate vibration to concrete ...,
3 external vibrators forms
28  cards
1 group of anchor bolts positioned,
2 protect anchor bolt threads in ...,
3 find centre to centre location ...
24  cards
Suspended slab without beams girders,
A drop panel continuously from co...,
What type of falsework supports s...
25  cards
1 pre assembling footing forms ou...,
2 types of footing forms securely...,
3 on a pile locate the foot
18  cards
0  cards
1 design for formwork for concrete,
2 tall architectural concrete wall,
3 sun grade is important to what ...
12  cards
Reinforcing steel and concrete co...,
Concrete is strongest in what stress,
Ideal temperature in curing concrete
22  cards

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