This class was created by Brainscape user Andre van Rensburg. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (145)

Miscommunication 1,
Significant 2,
Both parties 3
12  cards
3 Pillars for Success from Former Disney CEO Bob Iger
At the helm of a company 1,
Under the guidance of someone 2,
Resolute 3
11  cards
3 Questions Elon Musk Asks To Drive Innovation
Argue 1,
Perfectionist 2,
Breakthrough 3
17  cards
3 Rules For Better Work-life Balance
Convince oneself 1,
Tremendous 2,
Burnout 3
14  cards
3 Steps to Making Your Mornings More Productive
The big picture 1,
Pave the way for 2,
Set one up for success 3
15  cards
3 Steps to Stop Remote Work Burnout
Nightmare 1,
Chafing under something 2,
Read the room 3
14  cards
3 Tips to Nail Your Next Pitch
Serial entrepreneur 1,
Get funded 2,
Gear up 3
14  cards
3 Ways To Become A Morning Person
Major 1,
Physiological 2,
A morning person 3
13  cards
3 Ways to Better Connect with Your Coworkers
Innovative 1,
A social butterfly 2,
Get along with someone 3
13  cards
4 Things Bill Gates Says You Must Do to Be Successful
Pave one s own road 1,
Doer 2,
The best worst of times 3
11  cards
4 Tips Mark Cuban Says You Must Do to Be Successful
Brought to a grinding halt 1,
Endure 2,
Position 3
11  cards
4 Tips to Future-Proof Your Career
Historically 1,
Navigate 2,
Human skills 3
13  cards
5 Books Warren Buffet Thinks All Entrepreneurs Should Read
Voracious 1,
Soak something up 2,
Broaden your horizons 3
11  cards
5 Habits That Are Destroying Your Focus
Sabotage 1,
Overloaded 2,
Inundated 3
14  cards
5 Leadership Lessons from Apple CEO Tim Cook
Crave the spotlight 1,
A wealth of 2,
Steward an organization 3
14  cards
5 Tips for Dealing with Meeting Overload
Grueling 1,
A recovering 2,
Whim 3
14  cards
5 Ways to Create Stronger Connections
Efficiency 1,
High tech 2,
The old fashioned way 3
14  cards
8 Lessons on Building A Company People Enjoy Working For
Jargon 1,
Acronym 2,
Best practices 3
16  cards
A Better Way to Hire - Simon Sinek
Great on paper 1,
Making quotation marks in the air 2,
Ego 3
14  cards
A conference Call In Real Life
Cut off 1,
Access code 2,
Pound key 3
14  cards
A Harvard Career Coach’s “Unspoken Rules” for Getting Promoted
First generation 1,
Put one s head down 2,
Let something speak for itself 3
15  cards
A Neuroscientist’s Guide to Reclaiming Your Brain
Trajectory 1,
Formative years 2,
Nuanced communication 3
14  cards
A Video Conference In Real Life
Gear icon 1,
Update 2,
Books 3
9  cards
Agile Project Management - A Brief History
Willingness 1,
Iterative approach 2,
Life cycle 3
15  cards
AI Explained in 101 Seconds
Mimic 1,
Device 2,
Under the hood 3
11  cards
Airbnb Co-Founder Brian Chesky Shares His Top Tips
Blossom 1,
Cite 2,
Stem 3
12  cards
Alex Rodriguez Says Young Founders Should Check Their Egos
Check one s ego have one s ego in...,
Longevity 2,
Pivot 3
14  cards
All-Access Tour Of Facebook’s New York Office
Hang out 1,
Grab food drink 2,
Neat 3
20  cards
Always On in a Digital World
Access 1,
Society 2,
A never ending stream 3
24  cards
Andy Dunn Thinks Being Vulnerable is a Strength
Closeted 1,
Intersect 2,
A mood disorder 3
12  cards
Attitude Adjustment - How to Change Your Mood
Linked 1,
Firmly intertwined 2,
Expectancy 3
14  cards
Become excellent. Be unreasonable.
Restaurateur 1,
Statistically speaking 2,
Through the lens of something 3
15  cards
Boosting Staff Satisfaction
On board 1,
Putting yourself in someone s sho...,
The going rate 3
13  cards
Building Psychological Safety In The Workplace
Speak up 1,
Challenge assumptions 2,
Ridicule 3
13  cards
Business Etiquette Basics
Manners 1,
Vital 2,
Vary 3
16  cards
Caregiving Is Real Work - Let’s Treat It That Way
Take something for granted 1,
A catch all term 2,
Overwhelmingly 3
14  cards
Cary Cooper - Workplace Wellbeing
Must have 1,
Per capita 2,
Sickness absence 3
13  cards
Create Customer Reactions
Maintain 1,
Restaurant operator 2,
Serve 3
11  cards
De-escalating an argument
Grow into something 1,
Priority 2,
De escalate 3
18  cards
Elon Musk Says This Book Will Blow Your Mind
Menial task 1,
Sign right up 2,
Grunt work 3
15  cards
Every Meeting Ever
Dominate 1,
Throw something out there 2,
Negate 3
9  cards
Female Founders are Changing Entrepreneurship
Indicative 1,
Underestimate 2,
Undermine 3
15  cards
Fired Twitter Employee Applies For First Real Job
A remnant 1,
Oppressive 2,
Colonialist 3
16  cards
Former IBM CEO - 3 Rules for Leaders
Self serving 1,
Act in the name of an emotion 2,
Unilateral 3
13  cards
Four Things to Consider Before Changing Careers
Whether or not to do something 1,
In order to 2,
Evaluate 3
20  cards
Getting People to STAY
A hard day 1,
Loyal 2,
Turn down 3
14  cards
Harvard Negotiator Explains How to Argue
Emotionally charged 1,
Aggravating 2,
Nonnegotiable 3
14  cards
Hard Skills vs Soft Skills
Break down 1,
Concrete 2,
Coding 3
16  cards
Hilary Swank Made a Clothing Line to Empower Women
Nurturer 1,
Underlying purpose 2,
Personal mission statement 3
15  cards
How ChatGPT Might Replace Your Job
Living under a rock 1,
Serve something up 2,
Anxiety around something 3
13  cards
How Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen Became No. 1 in the World
Intuition 1,
Self assurance 2,
Arise from something 3
16  cards
How Depression Affects The Brain
Bring to a halt 1,
Hypothesis 2,
Deficient 3
13  cards
How Do We Build Trust in the Digital Age?
Grab lunch a coffee 1,
Seemingly 2,
Innocuous 3
13  cards
How Do You Handle a Toxic Work Culture?
Toxic environment 1,
What is one to do 2,
Be the leader you wish you had 3
16  cards
How Filter Bubbles Isolate You
Content 1,
Algorithm 2,
Likely 3
17  cards
How Much Does That Dream Job Cost?
Initially 1,
Hidden expenses 2,
Add up over time 3
17  cards
How One of Europe's Hottest Cities Battles Extreme Heat
Roll out 1,
Scorching heat 2,
On the outskirts of 3
14  cards
How Paul Rabil Reinvented Pro Lacrosse
Fall through the cracks 1,
Grit 2,
Unyielding 3
14  cards
How Rest Can Make You Better at Your Job
Inescapable 1,
A badge of honor 2,
Rise and grind 3
14  cards
How Scarlett Johansson and Her Co-founder Lead With Integrity
Integrity 1,
Resilience 2,
Attributes 3
14  cards
How Starbucks Lost $105 Million In Australia
Break into a market 1,
Accumulate 2,
On top of the world 3
15  cards
How This Tech Founder Runs 4 Companies As a Digital Nomad
Digital nomad 1,
Minimalist 2,
Turn away from something 3
19  cards
How to Answer “What Are Your Weaknesses?
Go swimmingly 1,
Dreaded question 2,
In the blink of an eye 3
13  cards
How to Become a Self-made Billionaire
Self made 1,
Boot camp 2,
Underserved 3
15  cards
How to Feel Happier at Work – 10 Ways to Completely Shift Your Mindset
A feeling of dread 1,
Nod in agreement 2,
Relate to something 3
14  cards
How to Help Employees With Disabilities Thrive
Untapped potential 1,
Bar someone from doing something 2,
Persistent 3
12  cards
How to Introduce New Ways of Working
Emerge 1,
Promising 2,
Make it off the ground 3
14  cards
How to Know if It’s Time to Change Careers
A brief stint 1,
Hold on to for dear life 2,
Epiphany 3
14  cards
How to Manage Your Time More Effectively
Iconic 1,
Procrastinate 2,
Bug 3
14  cards
How to Navigate Emotions During Tough Negotiations
Kidnapping 1,
Negotiator 2,
Derail 3
11  cards
How to Overcome Boredom at Work
Walk something through something 1,
Shake something off 2,
Tossing and turning 3
12  cards
How to Pinpoint Opportunities Like a Salvage Hunter
Salvage 1,
Invert 2,
Repurpose 3
15  cards
How to Quit Your Job, The Right Way
Waiting for the stars to align 1,
A roadmap 2,
9 to 5 3
16  cards
How to Succeed in Your New Job
Unspoken rules 1,
Pull someone aside 2,
It all comes down to 3
13  cards
How to Take Your Staff Meetings from Good to Great
It s no secret 1,
Something sucks 2,
A necessary evil 3
16  cards
How We Can Use the Hiring Process to Bring Out the Best in People
Interrogation 1,
Psychological strain 2,
Ironically 3
14  cards
How Working Couples Can Best Support Each Other
A zero sum game 1,
Regret something bitterly 2,
Risky 3
12  cards
HR Evolution - The Position of HR
A household term 1,
Roots 2,
Textile 3
15  cards
Identity Crisis- Why Defining Yourself by Your Career Is a Problem
Identity politics 1,
Shy away from something 2,
A stripped down version 3
15  cards
Is Financial Anxiety Holding You Back?
Avoid 1,
Bank account balance 2,
Survey 3
20  cards
Judging Online Information
Sensationalized 1,
Evaluate 2,
Determine 3
22  cards
Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills in Just 6 Minutes
Rigorous 1,
Anecdote 2,
Correlation causation 3
14  cards
Mark Zuckerberg Talks Openly About Elon Musk
Harsh words 1,
Camaraderie 2,
Critique 3
14  cards
Mastering the Basics of Good Business Etiquette
Survey 1,
Lack 2,
Business etiquette 3
16  cards
Memorization Methods and Why They Work
A grid 1,
Store 2,
At a moment s notice 3
24  cards
More Companies Are Posting Fake Job Listings
A good chunk of 1,
Astonished 2,
Why in the world 3
14  cards
Motivation & Growth Mindset
Neuroscience 1,
Growth mindset 2,
Adopt 3
11  cards
Netflix's Culture of Recruitment
Prescriptive 1,
Fill a role 2,
Own a decision 3
12  cards
Neuroscience Can Optimize Your Brain for Remote Work
Impact 1,
Conscious of something 2,
Ritual 3
16  cards
Overcome the Fear of Change
It boils down to 1,
A phrase that is thrown around 2,
Insecure 3
13  cards
Power to the People – New Ways of Working
Fluid 1,
Personal growth 2,
Call for something 3
14  cards
Project Management Tutorial - Outlining a strategy
Organizational skills 1,
Off kilter 2,
Take 3
12  cards
Project Management Tutorial - Working with teams
Set the example 1,
Emulate 2,
Finger pointing 3
14  cards
Secrets of Cross-Cultural Communication
Exuberance 1,
Conflict 2,
Lose face 3
14  cards
Shortcuts Are Killing Humanity. It’s Time to Meet the Alternative
Ramifications 1,
The here and now 2,
Despair 3
13  cards
Simon Sink on Why You Shouldn’t View Other Companies as Competitors
Infinite 1,
Rival 2,
Worthy of 3
10  cards
Simon Sinek's Thoughts on the Purpose of AI
Realistic about something 1,
Something becomes a thing 2,
Allow oneself to do something 3
14  cards
Stoicism Explained In 3 Minutes
Slave 1,
Chief 2,
Up to someone 3
13  cards
Students Learn a Powerful Lesson About Privilege
Privilege 1,
Social mobility 2,
A scrap piece of paper 3
20  cards
Talent Acquisition and Retention in a Challenging Market
Ponder 1,
Grapple 2,
Stark 3
15  cards
The #1 Cause of Burnout Is Not What You Think
Burnout 1,
Epidemic levels 2,
Inexplicably 3
14  cards
The Big Reset - Economics
Conventional 1,
The convention 2,
Settle for something 3
14  cards
The Blur Between Facts and Opinion in the Media
Objective fact 1,
Editorial 2,
To blur the line 3
9  cards
The Cognitive Science Behind Repeating Mistakes
Cognitive 1,
Procrastinate 2,
Get sued 3
14  cards
The Future Of Manufacturing
Value chains 1,
Recipe 2,
Context 3
14  cards
The Human Capital Report
Detrimental 1,
Society as a whole 2,
Workforce planning 3
14  cards
The Importance of Empathy
Temperament 1,
Social animal 2,
Hardwired 3
15  cards
The Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs
Bullshit 1,
Noxious 2,
Paragon of virtue 3
14  cards
The Power of Advertising Slogans
Contradicting 1,
Tagline 2,
Chances are 3
20  cards
The Psychology of Persuasion, as Told by an Ivy League Professor
Infinitesimally small 1,
Likelihood 2,
Turn out at the polls 3
13  cards
The Silent Treatment Why The Best leaders Say Nothing
Awkward 1,
Thoroughly 2,
The receiving end of 3
14  cards
The Simple Trick To See If Someone Is a Good Leader
Keep tabs on something someone 1,
Paranoia 2,
Mistrust 3
9  cards
The Story Behind the Starbucks Mermaid
So much so 1,
Name something after something el...,
Branding exec 3
14  cards
The 3 Most Difficult Types of Coworkers and How to Deal With Them
Push someone s buttons 1,
Detrimental effect 2,
Archetype 3
15  cards
This Is the Side Hustle Revolution
Ethos 1,
Make a living 2,
African american 3
14  cards
Tips For Nailing A Job Interview
Intimidating 1,
Nail 2,
Passionately 3
10  cards
Tom Hanks’ Simple Rule For More Success
Reputation 1,
Skyrocket 2,
Fame and fortune 3
14  cards
Too Many MBAs Ruining Companies
Foster 1,
Take your cue from 2,
Cultivate 3
11  cards
Types of Motivation - Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Each of us 1,
The better the better 2,
Motivation 3
11  cards
Understanding Body Language When Negotiating
Give away one s position 1,
Inflection of one s voice 2,
Outdated 3
14  cards
US Banks are Terrified of Chinese Payment Apps
Mobile service 1,
Physical stores 2,
Finance executive 3
24  cards
Want to be a Good Leader?
The core of someone s being 1,
Natural biological response 2,
Someone s own interests 3
11  cards
Welcome to the City Of London
Semi autonomous 1,
Embody 2,
Fiery 3
13  cards
What Can New York Do with Its Empty Office Buildings?
Vacancy 1,
Eye watering 2,
Looming 3
15  cards
What is Corporate Culture? The Importance of a Positive Corporate Culture
Dress code 1,
Business ethics 2,
Characterize 3
14  cards
What Is Imposter Syndrome and How Can You Combat It?
Imposter 1,
Prestigious 2,
Nagging doubt 3
15  cards
What is Systems Thinking?
Interconnected 1,
Dynamics 2,
A configuration of parts 3
14  cards
What is VR and its Role In Hybrid Work?
Nebulous 1,
A vague notion 2,
Virtual frontier 3
15  cards
What Stress Does to Your Body
Butterflies in one s stomach 1,
Filled with dread 2,
Chronic 3
14  cards
What You're Missing Without Women in Leadership Roles
Underestimate someone 1,
Empathy 2,
Positioning 3
13  cards
When More People Speak Up, More People Listen
Quote unquote 1,
Terrorist 2,
Indigenous person people 3
10  cards
Why Capitalism Works
Dispute 1,
Intrinsic 2,
Self concern 3
18  cards
Why China Isn’t Providing Enough Jobs for Its Young
Stoke up 1,
Frustrated 2,
Suffer disproportionately 3
14  cards
Why Do We, Like, Hesitate When We, Um, Speak?
Regulations 1,
Pepper 2,
Offending 3
14  cards
Why Having a Vision Isn’t Enough to Be an Effective Leader
Lofty 1,
In the trenches 2,
Logistical 3
14  cards
Why Incompetent People Think They’re Amazing
To stack up against 1,
Self esteem 2,
Forge ahead 3
13  cards
Why Is It So Hard To Make Decisions?
Inconsequential 1,
Weigh heavily on 2,
Shape 3
8  cards
Why This Founder Completely Changed Her Leadership Style After Some Key Feedback
Hires 1,
Rewarding 2,
Scrappy 3
13  cards
Why We Can't Just Pick a Movie
Picture this 1,
Streaming service 2,
Scroll 3
17  cards
Why We Can’t Stop Scrolling
In common 1,
Psychologist 2,
The principle 3
24  cards
Why Work Culture is Important
Vulnerability 1,
A dirty word 2,
Embrace 3
16  cards
Why Working From Home Is Good For Business
We re coming up on 1,
Nomad 2,
Distributed work 3
16  cards
Why Workplace Culture Is Everyone’s Responsibility
Make up 1,
Set the tone 2,
The onus is on 3
14  cards
Your 3-Step Guide to Setting Better Boundaries at Work
Vocalize 1,
Set boundaries 2,
Intimidating 3
14  cards
Your Career
Term 1,
Envision 2,
Pursue 3
24  cards

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