This class was created by Brainscape user Samantha Weber. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Human Osteology & Dentition
How many bones does the human ske...
28  cards
More Specific Human Osteology & Dentition
How many bones are in the cranium,
What is the forehead bone,
What are the cheekbone bones
45  cards
Establishing Forensic Significance
What constitutes a death that nee...,
What are the three questions to d...,
What are the three methods of det...
13  cards
Recovery Scene Methods
Why do we need specific steps for...,
What is a forensic archaeologist,
What are two preliminary issues f...
24  cards
The Postmortem Interval
What does decomposition include,
True or false decomposition conti...,
When is estimating time since dea...
39  cards
Initial Treatment and Examination
What are the three main phases of...,
What laboratory equipment is foun...,
What laboratory tools are found i...
20  cards
Estimating Ancestry
What is the biological profile,
What is the main duty of a forens...,
True or false there are patterns ...
60  cards
Estimating Sex
What is sex based on,
What is gender based on,
Can you estimate gender from a sk...
56  cards
Estimating Age
What are the two categories of me...,
What is the growth and developmen...,
What are the growth and developme...
58  cards
Estimating Stature
What is the final component of th...,
What five elements is stature com...,
Who was the first to estimate sta...
21  cards
Skeletal Trauma
What is trauma,
Is postmortem damage trauma,
Cause of death
43  cards
Trauma By Source
What are the 6 types of trauma,
What are individual characteristics,
What are class characteristics
51  cards
Antemortem Skeletal Conditions
Illnesses that cause skeletal cha...,
Only ____ of cases of illness kno...,
What are the five atypical change...
31  cards
Postmortem Changes to Bone
What are the three things that us...,
What are the reasons for dismembe...,
What are the three instruments th...
40  cards
What are three additional methods...,
Why is individualization important,
Increased information equals
31  cards
Personal Identification
What are the two things identific...,
Why is the biological profile imp...,
Corroboration of multiple methods...
39  cards
Ethical Responsibilities
What are ethics,
What are morales,
What are the three ethical princi...
31  cards

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