This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Garrison. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (224)

Airway anatomy
Classification of laryngeal muscl...,
The superior laryngeal nerve inne...,
The recurrent laryngeal nerve inn...
24  cards
Mapleson Circuits Made Easy
Mapleson a 1,
Mapleson b 2,
Mapleson c 3
6  cards
Neuraxial blocks
Vertebral column is formed by __ ...,
Describe how many cervical thorac...,
Describe the types of curves that...
50  cards
Neuraxial blocks section 2
Transection of the c6 posterior n...,
Posterior nerve roots are 2,
Anterior nerve roots are 3
59  cards
Upper extremity blocks
Identify the corresponding nerve ...,
Identify the corresponding nerve ...,
Identify the corresponding nerve ...
51  cards
How fast does ultrasound propagat...,
_____ forms the peak of the sound...,
______ forms the trough of the so...
53  cards
Ultrasound 2
Which setting on the us machine i...,
_______ determines how deeply you...,
_______ produces a real time imag...
55  cards
Which unit of measurement quantif...,
A roentgen is a 2,
A radiation absorbed dose or a ra...
44  cards
Radiology 2
An endotracheal tube should be __...,
The tip of a central venous line ...,
A pulmonary artery catheter shoul...
21  cards
Neuraxial blocks 3
_____ is the primary determinant ...,
The initial dosing for epidural is 2,
The top up dose for epidurals is 3
52  cards
Neuraxial blocks 4
Relative or absolute contraindica...,
Describe lab values which would p...,
Coagulopathy increases the risk of 3
47  cards
Neuraxial blocks 5
You are called to remove an epidu...,
The risk of________________ is si...,
Epidural hematoma can cause 3
67  cards
Upper extremity blocks 2
An interscalene brachial plexus b...,
Describe the objective of the int...,
Describe the indication of the in...
41  cards
Upper extremity blocks 3
The objective of the infraclavicu...,
Indications for the infraclavicul...,
Landmarks needed for nerve stimul...
59  cards
Professional issues
A nurse anesthetist in middle man...,
________ dictates the principles ...,
_______ are authoritative stateme...
54  cards
Lower extremity blocks
Which nerves arise from the lumba...,
The lumbar plexus arises from 2,
What are the six nerves that aris...
45  cards
A patient requires an emergency c...,
The parturient is at higher risk ...,
Factors that make airway manageme...
46  cards
Obstetrics 2
All of the following are appropri...,
The first stage of labor pain ori...,
The second stage of labor pain or...
53  cards
Obstetrics 3
Fifteen minutes after a patient s...,
Describe the ways that a patient ...,
Describe the treatment for a tota...
62  cards
Obstetrics 4
_______ is indicated for inductio...,
Side effects of oxytocin include 2,
Rapid iv administration of oxytoc...
55  cards
Obstetrics 5
Which signs are consistent with a...,
We can classify obstetric hyperte...,
Describe chronic hypertension in ...
55  cards
Obstetrics 6
All the risk factors for placenta...,
Placental abruption is a 2,
With placental abruption ______ i...
36  cards
Truncal blocks
A pectoralis 2 nerve block target...,
What is the objective of the serr...,
What is the objective of the pecs...
41  cards
What are the four types of glial ...,
The ______ is the functional unit...,
The primary role of the neuron is...
61  cards
Brain 2
The ______ cushions the brain pro...,
Csf is located in the 2,
The total csf volume is 3
51  cards
Brain 3
Anesthetic management for the pat...,
What are the four strategies to r...,
How can we reduce cerebral edema 3
40  cards
A drug has a volume of distributi...,
_______ describes the relationshi...,
________ is a measure of an amoun...
51  cards
Pharmacokinetics 2
In which circumstance is a drug m...,
Ionization describes the process ...,
A drug s pka equals the ph where 3
55  cards
Pharmacokinetics 3
For most drugs the rate of metabo...,
The concentration of a drug at th...,
The intrinsic rate of the metabol...
50  cards
Pharmacokinetics 4
Co administration of which drug r...,
The ________ is the most importan...,
_________ can influence the enzym...
39  cards
Pharmacodynamics is the study of 1,
Pharmacodynamics describes the re...,
Pharmacokinetics describes the re...
44  cards
Pharmacodynamics 2
A new induction agent has a media...,
Describe how to calculate the the...,
The _______ is the dose that prod...
23  cards
Intravenous anesthetics
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the onset of action of pr...,
What is the duration of action of...
47  cards
Intravenous anesthetics 2
Ketamine select 3 a causes emerge...,
What is the primary mechanism of ...,
What is the secondary mechanism o...
48  cards
Intravenous anesthetics 3
Choose the statements that demons...,
Barbiturates should be avoided in...,
The mechanism of action of sodium...
39  cards
Intravenous anesthetics 4
Rank each benzodiazepine accordin...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the onset of action of mi...
43  cards
Inhaled anesthetics 1: pharmacokinetics
What are the three groups that we...,
At atmospheric pressure and room ...,
What are the ethers 3
52  cards
Inhaled anesthetics 1: pharmacokinetics 2
_______ is the tendency of a solu...,
In the case of inhalation anesthe...,
___________ describes the relativ...
43  cards
Inhaled anesthetics 1: pharmacokinetics 3
Describe the ways in which inhale...,
Describe how much of sevoflurane ...,
Describe how much of isoflurane i...
38  cards
Inhaled anesthetics 2: Pharmacodynamics
What is the blood gas partition c...,
Nitrous oxide is ______ times mor...,
For every __ molecule of nitrogen...
44  cards
Inhaled anesthetics 2: pharmacodynamics 2
Modern theory of anesthetic actio...,
The primary target of halogenated...,
The primary target of volatile an...
50  cards
Inhaled anesthetics 2: Pharmacodynamics 3
Sevoflurane at 15 mac increases 1,
What level of mac is required to ...,
How do halogenated anesthetics im...
27  cards
Brain 4
Management considerations for cer...,
__________ is the leading cause o...,
Most aneurysms arise 3
51  cards
Brain 5
In patients with seizure disorder...,
There are several case reports of...,
________ metabolism yields ______...
49  cards
Brain 6
Which factors contribute to the p...,
Parkinson s disease is a 2,
With parkinson s disease there is...
40  cards
Brain 7
What is the most common eye compl...,
Treatments for corneal abrasian i...,
What is the most common cause of ...
17  cards
Spinal cord
The artery of adamkiewicz select 2 1,
The artery of adamkiewicz origina...,
The spinal cord s circulation con...
53  cards
Spinal cord 2
Which pathway transmits afferent ...,
The ____________ tract transmits ...,
The __________ tract is an interm...
55  cards
Spinal cord 3
A patient with a two year old c7 ...,
After the spinal shock phase ends...,
The classic presentation of auton...
24  cards
Musculoskeletal diseases
Select the statement that best de...,
Myasthenia gravis is an 2,
Signs and symptoms of myasthenia ...
44  cards
Musculoskeletal diseases 2
Which agents are safe to administ...,
Familial periodic paralysis is ch...,
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is...
55  cards
Musculoskeletal diseases 3
Preoperative findings in the pati...,
The most common skeletal muscle m...,
Duchenne muscular dystrophy resul...
53  cards
Musculoskeletal diseases 4
Drugs that are most likely to ind...,
The most common causes of drug in...,
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an 3
56  cards
Anesthesia machine
You are administering air 1 l min...,
Describe the fio2 calculation 2,
Describe how to calculate fio2 wi...
47  cards
Professional issues 2
A crna is relieved by another ane...,
_________ is the physical act of ...,
_________ is making a person feel...
52  cards
Anesthesia machine 2
Identify the best practices for h...,
____________ is the most delicate...,
Gas cylinders should be stored 3
60  cards
Anesthesia machine 3
In the context of thorpe tube flo...,
At a higher fresh gas flow the an...,
Laminar flow is dependent on 3
48  cards
Anesthesia machine 4
Choose the statement that best de...,
The tec 6 is different than a var...,
To ensure precise vaporizer outpu...
43  cards
Anesthesia machine 5
The piston ventilator select 2 1,
Piston ventilators utilize 2,
Since the piston ventilator doesn...
49  cards
Anesthesia machine 6
Continuous positive airway pressu...,
Cpap has two benefits 2,
What is biphasic positive airway ...
53  cards
Anesthesia machine 7
If a passive system not connected...,
Since there is not suction with a...,
If an active system connected to ...
21  cards
Breathing circuits
No rebreathing and no reservoir i...,
No rebreathing with a reservoir i...,
Partial rebreathing with a reserv...
45  cards
Breathing circuits 2
The bain circuit select 2 1,
The bain system is a modified 2,
The bain circuit is useful for 3
10  cards
Respiratory monitors and equipment
___________ is the force that act...,
______________ is the ability of ...,
What are the type types of pulmon...
46  cards
Respiratory monitors and equipment 2
Describe an airflow obstruction c...,
Examples of an airflow obstructio...,
Describe cardiac oscillations cap...
42  cards
Respiratory monitors and equipment 3
The pulse oximeter reads 80 you e...,
Spo2 monitoring is most useful wh...,
When you have an spo2 of 90 you c...
37  cards
Local anesthetics
The axons of peripheral nerves di...,
Conduction velocity is increased ...,
What are the three major classes ...
52  cards
Local anesthetics 2
Select the true statement regardi...,
Local anesthetics are 2,
After you inject local anesthetic...
59  cards
Local anesthetics 3
______________ removes local anes...,
The rate of vascular uptake has a...,
The more ________________ the sit...
49  cards
Local anesthetics 4
Last is more common with ________...,
The risk of last is increased in ...,
___________ is the only local ane...
48  cards
Local anesthetics 5
Which local anesthetics are most ...,
Methemoglobin is formed when 2,
Methemoglobinemia reduces 3
49  cards
Neuromuscular blockers
Which subunits must be occupied t...,
The neuromuscular junction is the...,
When the presynaptic nerve termin...
62  cards
Neuromuscular blockers 2
Identify the statement that demon...,
Succinylcholine can produce a wid...,
__________ are more susceptible t...
60  cards
Neuromuscular blockers 3
Identify the patient at the highe...,
Succinylcholine is a well recogni...,
Patients with the highest risk of...
60  cards
Neuromuscular blockers 4
What are the two classes of nonde...,
Hofmann elimination is base catal...,
Benzylisoquinolinium compounds un...
49  cards
NMB reversal agents & anticholinergics
What type of bond is formed when ...,
Acetylcholinesterase terminates t...,
We can reverse the effects of neu...
46  cards
NMB reversal agents & anticholinergics 2
Compared to atropine glycopyrrola...,
____________ _______________ easi...,
Does glycopyrrolate cross the bbb 3
25  cards
Opioid & non-opioid analgesics
Identify the process by which a n...,
Transduction occurs when a 2,
Transmission occurs when 3
52  cards
Opioid & non-opioid analgesics 2
How do opioids affect rr and tida...,
With opioids we may see an increa...,
What effects do opioids have on s...
47  cards
Opioid & non-opioid analgesics 3
Which drug is associated with ant...,
Meperidine stimulates 2,
Co administration of meperidine w...
45  cards
Opioid and non-opioid analgesics 4
Which are expected to increase du...,
Rapid iv administration of opioid...,
Skeletal muscle rigidity from opi...
46  cards
Opioid and non-opioid analgesics 5
Why might nalmefene be used 1,
Nalmefene has a profile similar to 2,
Naltrexone does not 3
21  cards
Hemodynamic monitors & equipment
A blood pressure cuff that is too...,
A cuff that is too small ________...,
A cuff that is too large ________...
58  cards
Hemodynamic monitors and equipment 2
What is the approximate distance ...,
What is the approximate distance ...,
What is the approximate distance ...
46  cards
Airway anatomy
The laryngeal muscles are classif...,
The intrinsic laryngeal muscles c...,
What is the function of the crico...
44  cards
Airway anatomy 2
Which landmark is identified for ...,
What must be anesthetized for awa...,
__________ is commonly selected t...
41  cards
Airway anatomy 3
Tensor palantine muscle relaxatio...,
During anesthesia the upper airwa...,
The upper airway extends from the...
38  cards
Respiratory physiology 1
Anatomic dead space begins at the...,
The airway is functionally divide...,
Ventilation is the process of 3
49  cards
Respiratory physiology 2
The vd vt ratio tells us the perc...,
In the spontaneously ventilating ...,
In the mechanically ventilated pa...
43  cards
Respiratory physiology 3
In each alveolar unit the ventila...,
Describe zone 1 2,
Describe zone 2 3
41  cards
Respiratory physiology 4
What are the 5 lung volumes 1,
What is the inspiratory reserve v...,
What is the tidal volume for a 70...
45  cards
Respiratory physiology 5
Calculate the patient s arterial ...,
Oxygen content is a measure of ho...,
What is the oxygen content equati...
52  cards
Respiratory physiology 6
The haldane effect states that in...,
The haldane effect describes 2,
With the carbon dioxide dissociat...
46  cards
Respiratory physiology 7
The central chemoreceptor 1,
The central chemoreceptors respon...,
Which of the following freely dif...
35  cards
Airway management
What is a mallampati exam 1,
A higher mallampati score 3 or 4 ...,
By itself ______ is a poor predic...
58  cards
Airway management 2
Which congenital conditions are a...,
____________ is the chief concern...,
Three key causes of angioedema in...
54  cards
Airway management 3
Which intervention demonstrates t...,
If glottic visualization is diffi...,
When using an endotracheal tube t...
58  cards
Airway management 4
When compared to the lma classic ...,
The igel is a 2,
With the igel there is no 3
54  cards
Airway management 5
The eschmann introduces provides ...,
The intubating stylet has several...,
The angle tip coude is used to fa...
44  cards
Airway management 6
Following induction of general an...,
The asa difficult airway algorith...,
If you proceed with anesthetic in...
26  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology
Chemicals that contribute to incr...,
All other thing being equal the _...,
What physiologic systems determin...
48  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 2
A forced vital capacity is the 1,
What are the normal values of for...,
What is the forced expiratory vol...
46  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 3
Asthma is defined by an 1,
____________ is the greatest risk...,
Asthma has a __________ component 3
59  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 4
The haldane effect describes how ...,
Inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary v...,
Identify the most appropriate str...
52  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 5
Examples of antacids used for asp...,
Examples of h2 antagonists used f...,
Examples of gi stimulants used fo...
44  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 6
A patient with pulmonary hyperten...,
Pulmonary artery hypertension is ...,
______________________ increases ...
43  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 7
Here are the best predictors of p...,
___________ is indicated when pre...,
Absolute indications for one lung...
51  cards
Respiratory pathophysiology 8
What are the most important strat...,
Ards is a form of 2,
We make the ards diagnosis with t...
18  cards
Cellular communication
Examples of positive feedback con...,
________________ is a steady stat...,
A control system must be able to ...
48  cards
Positioning and nerve injury
The awake patient has a variety o...,
Protective mechanisms designed to...,
Since blood is more likely to ___...
44  cards
Positioning and nerve injury 2
Which nerve is most likely to be ...,
The radial nerve passes along the 2,
Etiologies of radial nerve injury...
55  cards
Professional issues 3
Which statements represent norms ...,
Cultures of blame target 2,
Cultures of safety deal with 3
44  cards
Professional issues 4
Compared to other health care spe...,
A substance abuse disorder is the 2,
Addiction is a 3
20  cards
Chemistry and physics
An ion is an 1,
A ___________________________ inv...,
_______ tend to form ionic bonds 3
47  cards
Chemistry and physics 2
Boyle s law is at a 1,
Applications of boyle s law inclu...,
Charles law states that 3
47  cards
Chemistry and physics 3
Bernoulli s principle describes t...,
If the fluid s velocity is ______...,
The venturi effect is an applicat...
57  cards
Chemistry and physics 4
How many centimeters of water is ...,
What are the three scales that ar...,
How do you convert kelvin to cels...
18  cards
Miscellaneous topics
What is the best method of minimi...,
Hypothermia is defined as a core ...,
Who has the greatest risk of deve...
59  cards
Miscellaneous topics 2
Patients with extensive burn inju...,
What are the four classes of burn...,
Describe a superficial burn 3
55  cards
Miscellaneous topics 3
Causes of drug induced hyperpyrex...,
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is...,
Serotonin syndrome is caused by 3
46  cards
Miscellaneous topics 4
A transverse abdominal plane bloc...,
The tap block targets the nerves ...,
The tap block is best suited for ...
50  cards
Miscellaneous topics 5
______ is the most important meth...,
The most common source of bloodst...,
The preferred method of skin prep...
50  cards
Miscellaneous topics 6
What are the respiratory presenta...,
What are the gi effects of anaphy...,
What are the skin effects of anap...
52  cards
Miscellaneous topics 7
Deflation of the pneumatic tourni...,
______________________ increases ...,
Methyl methacrylate that produces...
40  cards
Miscellaneous topics 8
___ is the 1 cause of anesthetic ...,
The most common causes of injury ...,
______________________ is the reg...
25  cards
How many calories are required to...,
According to the national institu...,
Childhood obesity is more common ...
52  cards
Obesity 2
Considerations for the cardiovasc...,
_________ and ____________ place ...,
The myocardium suffers __________...
44  cards
Obesity 3
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome ...,
The classic presentation of obesi...,
Diagnostic criteria for obesity h...
35  cards
ANS: Pharmacology & Pathophysiology
Which agent is not removed from t...,
The ans contrlols our 2,
_______ is a commonly used sympat...
41  cards
ANS Pharmacology & Pathophysiology 2
Which is not an endogenous sympat...,
Endogenous catecholamines include 2,
Synthetic catecholamines include 3
59  cards
ANS pharmacology & pathophysiology 3
A common side effect of prazosin ...,
Alpha 1 adrenoreceptor antagonists 2,
Examples of nonselective alpha an...
48  cards
ANS pharmacology & pathophysiology 4
Which is not a competitive inhibi...,
Cholinergic agonists mimic the ac...,
Muscarinic antagonists like atrop...
48  cards
ANS pharmacology & pathophysiology 5
Direct acting vasodilators exert 1,
The primary action of nitroglycer...,
The primary action of nitroprussi...
45  cards
ANS pharm and pathophysiology 6
Describe the raas system 1,
What enzyme converts angiotensino...,
Identify the best agents to augme...
39  cards
ANS anatomy and physiology
Which is not a division of the au...,
Structurally the nervous system i...,
Functionally the nervous system c...
49  cards
ANS anatomy & physiology 2
Which anatomic pattern is charact...,
The sns originates from the 2,
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons...
47  cards
Cellular communication 2
Eicosanoids are derived from 1,
The main precursor to eicosanoids...,
Eicosanoids have primarily ______...
46  cards
Cellular communication 3
What are the three downstream eff...,
Adenylyl cyclase stimulates 2,
Phospholipase c stimulates 3
48  cards
Cellular communication 4
Ionotropic receptors are 1,
Most ionotropic receptors cause _...,
Ionotropic receptor activation ce...
49  cards
Cellular communication 5
The nmda receptor has binding sit...,
The amino acid neurotransmitters ...,
__________________ is the primary...
55  cards
Cellular communication 6
The brain synthesizes its own his...,
One major metabolite of histamine...,
What enzymatic reaction is presen...
48  cards
Cellular communication 7
Platelet aggregation is induced b...,
All neuropeptides act on ________...,
Nitric oxide acts as a __________...
47  cards
Cellular communication 8
Which statement is not a feature ...,
_________is cell death by uncontr...,
Describe what happens during necr...
32  cards
ANS anatomy & physiology 3
Signs of horner syndrome include ...,
Branches from the sympathetic tru...,
Somatic groups generally travel t...
49  cards
ANS anatomy and physiology 4
Which structure is the origin of ...,
All preganglionic autonomic neuro...,
The iml lies in 3
52  cards
ANS anatomy & physiology 5
________________ is the neurotran...,
What are the nine types of adrene...,
Neurotransmitter release is modul...
44  cards
ANS anatomy & physiology 6
Which brain region is most import...,
The most important integrator of ...,
The hypothalamus coordinates auto...
7  cards
Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology
Identify the statements that best...,
________________ initiate and pro...,
_______________ is the ability to...
48  cards
Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology 2
What is the expected oxygen deliv...,
_____________ tells us how many g...,
What is the oxygen content equati...
48  cards
Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology 3
Which variables are related by th...,
The _____________ is the function...,
The frank starling law says that ...
49  cards
Cardiovascular anatomy and physiology 4
What are the four phases of the v...,
_________ is the percentage of ho...,
The amount of work the ventricle ...
45  cards
Cardiovascular anatomy & physiology 5
The cardiac cycle influences 1,
Left ventricular contraction comp...,
The ________________ is most vuln...
27  cards
Valvular heart disease
What are the four heart sounds 1,
What is the s1 heart sound 2,
What is the s2 heart sound 3
44  cards
Valvular heart disease 2
Which drugs are most likely to co...,
The anesthetic goals for mitral s...,
The ____________ the mitral valve...
48  cards
Cardiovascular pathophysiology
Which surgical procedure presents...,
You can stratify cardiac risk wit...,
Surgical procedures associated wi...
55  cards
Cardiovascular pathophysiology 2
Pathophysiologic complications re...,
Systemic hypertension is almost a...,
Blood pressure is regulated by a ...
51  cards
Cardiovascular pathophysiology 3
Identify the anesthetic considera...,
The _______ surrounds the heart 2,
What three conditions affect the ...
48  cards
Cardiovascular pathophysiology 4
A patient with a bare metal cardi...,
A patient who receives a coronary...,
Dual antiplatelet therapy consist...
52  cards
Cardiovascular pathophysiology 5
Pick the statements that most acc...,
The intra aortic balloon pump imp...,
Indications of the intra aortic b...
50  cards
Cardiovascular pathophysiology 6
_____________ is the most common ...,
The classic triad of aaa rupture ...,
Independent risk factors for aaa ...
48  cards
Hemodynamic monitors & equipment 3
When does pulmonary artery occlus...,
Conditions where paop overestimat...,
_________ causes paop to underest...
41  cards
Cardiac rhythm monitors & equipment
Which pathway depolarizes the lef...,
There are _________ internodal tr...,
The anterior internodal tract giv...
53  cards
Cardiac rhythm monitors & equipment 2
The heart depolarizes from the 1,
The heart repolarizes from the 2,
Which leads monitor the septum 3
50  cards
Cardiac rhythm monitors & equipment 3
With 1st degree heart block the p...,
1st degree heart block is usually 2,
2nd degree heart block consists of 3
46  cards
Cardiac rhythm monitors & equipment 4
A patient with wolff parkinson wh...,
Wolff parkinson white is the most...,
The defining feature of wpw consi...
50  cards
Cardiac rhythm monitors & equipment 5
Using a magnet with a pacemaker 1,
Using a magnet with an icd 2,
Using a magnet with a pacemaker i...
23  cards
Miscellaneous monitors & equipment
What is the best method of assess...,
Tof delivers a series of 2,
With tof the height 3
39  cards
Miscellaneous monitors & equipment
Choose the statements that most a...,
The bispectral index monitor uses...,
A bis value of 100 indicates 3
39  cards
Lower extremity blocks (new)
Match each nerve with its corresp...,
What plexuses innervate the lower...,
The lumbar plexus gives rise to 6...
53  cards
Lower extremity blocks 2 (new)
A pericapsular nerve group block ...,
A pericapsular nerve group block ...,
Indications for a pericapsular ne...
47  cards
Lower extremity blocks 3 (new)
Match each nerve block with the r...,
The foot and ankle are innervated...,
What nerves of the foot and ankle...
22  cards
Truncal blocks 2
Advantages of a thoracic paravert...,
The objective of the paravertebra...,
The paravertebral block can be th...
41  cards
Truncal blocks 3
When performing a rectus sheath b...,
What is the objective of a rectus...,
What are indications for a rectus...
19  cards
Fluids, Electrolytes, & acid-base
What is the plasma volume of a 70...,
Tbw in an adult is 2,
How much of total body weight is ...
46  cards
Fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base 2
Choose the statements that most a...,
__________ remain in the intravas...,
Albumin binds ______________ and ...
58  cards
Fluids, electrolytes, & acid-base 3
Sodium osmolarity of 350 375 meq ...,
Sodium osmolarity of 376 400 meq ...,
Sodium osmolarity of 401 430 meq ...
42  cards
Fluids, electrolytes, & acid-base 4
The body attempts to regulate blo...,
Normal ph is 2,
Acidosis ph is 3
49  cards
Fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base 5
Which area of the starling curve ...,
Traditional fluid management cons...,
What rule can be used to calculat...
16  cards
Match each donor blood group to t...,
What determines blood type on ery...,
A successful transfusion occurs w...
45  cards
Transfusion 2
Match each blood additive with it...,
One unit of packed red blood cell...,
Transfusion of one unit of prbcs ...
54  cards
Transfusion 3
Describe the pathophysiology of t...,
Diagnostic criteria of trali incl...,
Signs and symptoms of taco include 3
20  cards
Match each mediator with its prim...,
When there s a vascular injury th...,
What steps does the body take to ...
44  cards
Coagulation 2
What is the function of actin in ...,
What is the function of adp in th...,
What is the function of serotonin...
51  cards
Coagulation 3
What is the first coagulation fac...,
The extrinsic pathway is activate...,
The extrinsic pathway includes fa...
45  cards
Coagulation 4
Match each phase of the contempor...,
What are the three phases of the ...,
Initiation is when 3
51  cards
Coagulation 5
Heparin inhibits the 1,
Heparin inhibits the 2,
Heparin inhibits the 3
45  cards
Coagulation 6
Match each medication with its moa 1,
Drugs that increase bleeding can ...,
Fibrinolytic drugs include 3
49  cards
Coagulation 7
Which coagulopathies present with...,
Hemophilia a is 2,
Hemophilia a is most common in 3
47  cards
Coagulation 8
Triggers of sickle cell crisis in...,
Sickle cell disease is a ________...,
Sickled cells are more prone to _...
20  cards
Which structure is responsible fo...,
The largest internal organ is the 2,
The functional unit of the liver ...
45  cards
Liver 2
Hepatocytes produce select 3 1,
The liver plays an essential role...,
The liver plays a vital role in m...
47  cards
Liver 3
Normal alkaline phosphatase level...,
Alkaline phosphatase specificity 2,
Normal y glutamyl transpeptidase ...
56  cards
Liver 4
Common physiologic changes in the...,
Cirrhosis is characterized by 2,
Cirrhosis reduces the number of 3
44  cards
Liver 5
The anhepatic phase begins with 1,
The anhepatic phase ends with 2,
Surgical objectives of the anhepa...
55  cards
All of the structures reside in t...,
The twin bean shaped kidneys resi...,
The __________ is the functional ...
47  cards
Kidney 2
Which factor increases renin rele...,
____________________ located in t...,
The juxtaglomerular apparatus mai...
50  cards
Kidney 3
What are the two main components ...,
The glomerulus and bowman s capsu...,
The initial process of glomerular...
50  cards
Kidney 4
Loop diuretics include 1,
Lasix dosing is 2,
Bumetanide dosing is 3
49  cards
Kidney 5
With prerenal injury there is ___...,
Treatment for prerenal injury inc...,
Intrinsic injury can be caused by...
48  cards
Kidney 6
Drugs to avoid in the patient on ...,
________ do not directly cause ki...,
Although there s no human data th...
46  cards
Kidney 7
Irrigation fluid for turp is abso...,
The height of the solution for tu...,
The ideal irrigation fluid 3
40  cards
What two major systems maintain h...,
The endocrine systems sends infor...,
__________ are essential in contr...
48  cards
Endocrine 2
Anesthetic considerations for the...,
The most common cause of diabetes...,
Syndrome of inappropriate adh sec...
53  cards
Endocrine 3
A patient with untreated hyperthy...,
Medical management for hyperthyro...,
Surgical treatment for hyperthyro...
52  cards
Endocrine 4
_________ are bone cells that pro...,
__________ are bone cells that pr...,
Osteoblasts add ca2 to the bone w...
45  cards
Endocrine 5
Signs of cushing s syndrome inclu...,
Cushing s syndrome is caused by 2,
Cushing s disease is the result o...
48  cards
Endocrine 6
Compared to type 1 dm choose the ...,
________ and ________ don t need ...,
With dm although glucose is prese...
33  cards
Neonatal A&P
Each vital sign is consistent wit...,
The neonatal period encompasses t...,
The infant period lasts from 3
48  cards
Neonatal A&P 2
During an inhalation induction a ...,
What is the oxygen consumption of...,
What is the frc of the neonate 3
51  cards
Neonatal A&P 3
Potential complications of massiv...,
Erythrocyte transfusion triggers ...,
Ffp is indicated for 3
50  cards
Neonatal A&P 4
Infants and children at risk for ...,
Treatment of hypoglycemia in the ...,
If seizures are present in the se...
43  cards
Neonatal emergencies
The most common congenital defect...,
A key diagnostic indicator tor tr...,
The most common type of tracheoes...
42  cards
Neonatal emergencies 2
Which condition is most closely a...,
Defects in the abdominal wall of ...,
Which is more common omphalocele ...
47  cards
Neonatal emergencies 3
The incidence of rop is inversely...,
Rop occurs in up to 70 of 2,
Other risk factors for rop include 3
12  cards
Congenital heart disease
What is the organ of respiration ...,
How is the circulation arranged i...,
Describe svr and pvr in the fetus 3
44  cards
Congenital heart disease 2
During a surgical repair of tof t...,
Tetralogy of fallot is characteri...,
What is the most common cyanotic ...
44  cards
Congenital heart disease 3
The patient scheduled for a fonta...,
Ebstein s anomaly is characterize...,
In transposition of the great art...
31  cards
Compared to epiglottitis which fi...,
Epiglottitis is _______ in nature 2,
Epiglottitis affects ages ________ 3
51  cards
Pediatrics 2
Which congenital condition is ass...,
Which conditions present with sma...,
Which conditions present with cer...
57  cards
A 70 kg patient can walk up two f...,
Walking up two flights of stairs ...,
One met corresponds to oxygen con...
47  cards
Geriatrics 2
Which factor remains unchanged in...,
What happens to bp as we age 2,
What happens to pulse pressure as...
45  cards
Geriatrics 3
Which factor is unchanged in the ...,
Gfr __________________ after age ...,
What happens to renal blood flow ...
35  cards
Missed apex flashcards
Define alveolar deadspace 1,
List an example of anatomic dead ...,
Ventilation is greatest at the __...
44  cards
Missed apex regional
Injury to the facet joint can com...,
What is the lateral border of the...,
What is the cranial border of the...
5  cards

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