This class was created by Brainscape user rmn Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Basic Turbine Engine Theory
Describe newton s third law of mo...,
Describe how gas undergoes change...,
Describe each of the following an...
7  cards
Turbine Engine Types
Compare the working cycle of a tu...,
Describe the comparative advantag...,
Describe a turboprop
14  cards
Turbine Engine Inlet Systems
Describe the purpose design and p...,
Describe the purpose of a compres...,
Describe the basic principles of ...
36  cards
Turbine Engine Combustion Section
Describe the purpose of the combu...,
Describe the uses of primary flow...,
Describe use and reasoning of sec...
17  cards
Turbine Engine Turbine Section
State the purpose and operation o...,
Describe how a turbine blade extr...,
What are the two types of turbines
19  cards
Turbine Engine Exhaust System
State the function of the exhaust...,
Describe the exhaust gas flow thr...,
State the purpose and principles ...
5  cards
Thrust Reversers
Describe thrust reversal,
What angle does the exhaust syste...,
Explain purpose and operation of ...
4  cards
Turbine Engine Fuel Systems
Compare and differentiate between...,
Describe methods of reducing the ...,
State the differences between the...
18  cards
Turbine Engine Lubricaion Systems
Describe the basic principles of ...,
Describe the function and princip...,
Describe the function and princip...
7  cards
Turbine Engine Starting: Ignition; Relight And Shutdown
Describe the general precautions ...,
What are requirements to start an...,
Describe general procedures for s...
15  cards
Turbine Engine Air Cooling And Sealing
Describe the requirement for cool...,
Describe the uses of compressor b...,
Describe how turbine blades discs...
3  cards
Turbine Engine Indicating And Instrumentation
Describe the following types of t...,
Describe the following types of t...,
Describe the following types of t...
12  cards
Turbine Engine Performance
Define the following terms and de...,
Define the following terms and de...,
Define the following terms and de...
23  cards

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