This class was created by Brainscape user Carmina Mislang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (324)

Covers and protects the plant body 1,
Makes up the bulk of the plant bo...,
Distributes water and nutrients t...
34  cards
monocot vs eudicot
Narrow vertically oriented 1,
Broad horizontally oriented 2,
Parallel 3
44  cards
Human Love
Capacity to know 0,
T or f what is beautiful always s...,
Example of intellect 2
80  cards
Plant Form and Function Part 2
Ring of meristematic tissue that ...,
Accumulated secondary xylem contr...,
Lateral meristem that gives rise ...
20  cards
Consist of mature pistil carpel o...,
Consist of mature pistil carpel o...,
Ovary wall 3
100  cards
Attached toeither the inner or ou...,
Suggests that the plasma membrane...,
Protein molecules penetratedeeply...
98  cards
Group of cells that usually have ...,
Composed mostly of cells with lit...,
Lines blood vessels and air sacs ...
101  cards
Study of patterned and shared hum...,
Social institutions social groups...,
Human nature resulting from group...
127  cards
Skeletal Disorders
Gigantism 1,
Dwarfism 2,
Osteogenesis imperfecta 3
15  cards
Integumentary System Disorders
Ringworm 1,
Eczema and dermatitis 2,
Psoriasis 3
5  cards
cranial nerves
Smell 1,
Vision 2,
Motor to 4 6 extrinsic eye muscle...
12  cards
spinal nerves
Diaphragm 1,
2 shoulder muscles 2,
M posterior arm and forearm 3
10  cards
social groups
The smallest unit of social organ...,
A group that is intentionally for...,
A group whose formation is unplan...
41  cards
social interactions
Refers to the process by which pe...,
Refers to the process whereby peo...,
Framework in si 3
39  cards
social stratification
The basic component of social org...,
It is the hierarchal arrangement ...,
Refers how things or people can b...
37  cards
social processes
Linkage of social positions 1,
Linkage of social positions 2,
Refers to the functional reciproc...
63  cards
anatomy of brain
Elevated ridges 1,
Shallow groove 2,
Divide the cerebrum into 3
34  cards
para and sym
Location of preganglionic cell bo...,
Location of preganglionic cell bo...,
Outflow from the cns 3
12  cards
brain practical
Personality behavior emotions 1,
Judgment planning problem solving 2,
Intelligence concentration self a...
71  cards
ear anatomy
Part of the ear involved in heari...,
Structures of the external ear 2,
Narrow chamber in the temporal bo...
18  cards
eye anatomy
Lateral end of eye 1,
Drain lacrimal fluid 2,
Provides passage of lacrimal flui...
26  cards
special senses
Site of olfactory receptors 1,
Three types of olfactory cells 2,
Consist of olfactory hairs with c...
36  cards
endocrine system
Allow cells to communicate with e...,
Organ consisting of epithelial ce...,
Controlled release of chemicals f...
32  cards
endocrine glands
Stimulates growth of bones muscle...,
Resists protein breakdown and fav...,
Gh young person small but normall...
68  cards
endocrine glands part 1
Source of calcitonin 1,
Type of calcitonin 2,
Calcitonin is stimulated by 3
52  cards
endocrine part 2
Source of aldosterone 1,
Type of hormone aldosterone 2,
Stimulated by aldosterone 3
65  cards
blood - phyana lab
Functions of blood 1,
Composition of blood 2,
Composition of plasma 3
87  cards
CBC Expt - phyana lab
Universal precaution 1,
Tests in cbc 2,
Measures volume of packed red cel...
38  cards
other blood experiments - phyana lab
Normal clotting time 1,
Method used in bleeding time 2,
Volume of packed red cells after ...
26  cards
Cbc expt
Universal precaution 1,
Tests in cbc 2,
Measures volume of packed red cel...
37  cards
blood - phyana lec
Pale yellow fluid 1,
Plasma proteins 2,
Plasma proteins some are part of ...
60  cards
Lymph lymphocytes lymphatic vesse...,
Tiny close ended vessels consisti...,
Resemble small veins small lv hav...
87  cards
Activates complement and increase...,
Can cross placenta and provide im...,
Responsible for rh rxns such as h...
10  cards
heart practical
Blunt rounded point of heart 1,
Larger flat part 2,
Located in 3
86  cards
respiratory - phyanalab
Respiration three major steps 1,
Moving air in and out of lungs 2,
Gas exchange between alveoli and ...
90  cards
digestive - phyanalec
Helps keep the oral cavity moist 1,
Part of saliva that dissolves mol...,
Enzyme that has a weak antibacter...
62  cards
reproductive system
Saclike structure containing the ...,
Male gonads oval organs about 4 5...,
Where sperm cells develop 3
58  cards
Most conspicuous spreads out on b...,
2 small organs suspended in the p...,
Outer part of ovaries 3
41  cards
excretory system
Medial side where renal artery an...,
Contains blood vessels 2,
Cone shaped 3
53  cards
respi - phyanalec
1 ventilation breathing movement ...,
Process of moving air into and ou...,
Two phases ventilation or breathi...
44  cards
chapter 1 pharmacology
Body of knowledge concerned with ...,
Area of pharmacology concerned wi...,
Area of pharmacology concerned wi...
94  cards
Actions effects of the drug on th...,
Specific molecules in a biologic ...,
Determine the quantitative relati...
85  cards
Dose concentration relationship 1,
Deals with the processes of absor...,
Concentration of a drug at the re...
47  cards
drug biotransformation
Mechanism by which the body termi...,
Types of metabolic reactions 2,
Synthetic reactions 3
10  cards
5 drug evaluation and regulation
Approaches in drug discovery 1,
The amount of animal testing requ...,
Preclinical safety and testing 3
30  cards
T1 t12 1,
Cn 3 7 9 10 2,
Sympathetic sans 3
77  cards
Mimic acetylcholine 1,
Type of cholinomimetic drugs clas...,
Type of cholinomimetic drugs clas...
55  cards
Muscarinic antagonists 1,
Muscarinic antagonists 2,
Cholinoreceptor antagotists are d...
44  cards
Constitute a group of drugs used ...,
Adrenomimetics subdivided into mo...,
Adrenomimetics subdivided into sp...
48  cards
Alpha blocking drugs 1,
Irreversible long acting 2,
Irreversible long acting 3
29  cards
0  cards
Antifolate drugs classification a...,
Sulfonamides classified as short ...,
Sulfonamides classified as interm...
9  cards
blood histo
Functions of blood 1,
55 of total blood quantity 2,
Blood w o fibrinogen content 3
44  cards
bone and ossification histo
Makes up the greater portion of t...,
Ground substance is calcified bec...,
Organic elements of bone 3
53  cards
connective tissue histo
Loosely arranged cells and abunda...,
Embryonic origin of ct 2,
Types of ct proper 3
24  cards
cartilage histo
A special form of ct rigid matrix 1,
Classification of cartilage based...,
Most common type in embryo skelet...
16  cards
cellular adaptation
Cellular responses to persistent ...,
Increase in size of tissue due to...,
Proliferation of prostatic glands...
11  cards
circulatory system histo
Hollow organs possessing a lumen 1,
Walls of blood vesselspossess thr...,
Arteries have prominent coat 3
22  cards
Fundamental unit of living materi...,
2 cell types 2,
2 cell types 3
87  cards
endocrine system histo
Responsible for the synthesis and...,
Composed of islands of secretory ...,
It has supporting tissues rich in...
63  cards
Perineum and External Genitalia
Covered with very thin skin that ...,
Anterior boundary of perineum 2,
Posterior boundary of perineum 3
21  cards
The Gastrointestinal System
Icol 1,
Contains blood vessels lymph vess...,
Types of cells 3
9  cards
male reproductive system
Exocrine function of testis 1,
Endocrine function of testis 2,
Accessory reproductive glands 3
59  cards
epithelial tissue histo
Function of epithelial tissue in ...,
Function of epithelial tissue in ...,
Function of epithelial tissue in ...
23  cards
lymphoid system
Classification of lymphoid organs 1,
Composed of non encapsulated loca...,
Distribution of lymphoid organs a...
24  cards
nervous tissue
Made up of multipolar cells which...,
Layers of the cerebellar cortex 2,
Types of neuroglia 3
26  cards
basic histologic techniques
12 steps of histologic techniques 1,
First and most important step 2,
Tissue specimens should be proper...
67  cards
microscope histo
An instrument composed of several...,
Inventor of the microscope 2,
Improved the microscope father of...
72  cards
amino acids
Glycine 1,
Alanine 2,
Valine 3
20  cards
amino acids quiz
Essential amino acids 1,
Neutral amino acids 2,
Thiol containing aa 3
66  cards
Two basic parts of the cell 1,
Metabolically active structures o...,
Outermost component of the cell 3
68  cards
MTEDUC - Introduction to Learning and Teaching
American psychologist 1,
Thorndike major law of learning 3 2,
Thorndike major law of learning 3
51  cards
MS WORD 2010
Replaces the office button found ...,
Documents that are opened from an...,
Misspelled words are underlined in 3
46  cards
shortcut keys in MS WORD 2010
Ctrl w 1,
Ctrl z 2,
Ctrl y 3
69  cards
Phases of drug usage 1,
Phases of drug usage 2,
Phases of drug usage 3
97  cards
history of pharmacology
First antimicrobial drugs magic b...,
Isolation and discovery of insuli...,
Chemical transmission of nerve im...
13  cards
MS WORD 2010 2
A word processing or word process...,
Create textual document such as l...,
The files that word creates are c...
11  cards
components of ribbon
Open 1,
New 2,
Save 3
52  cards
scl 1
Characteristic of man 1,
Being self transcending we are __...,
Characteristic of man 3
100  cards
peptide formation + structure
Stereochemistry of peptide bond 1,
True structure of peptide bond 2,
Which is stronger peptide or sing...
100  cards
cell cycle histo lec
Cell types based on function 1,
Cell types based on function 2,
Cell types based on function 3
34  cards
protein structure and function
Examples of silk proteins 1,
Insoluble extracellular found out...,
Very strong due to aldol crosslin...
43  cards
BIOCHEM 1 - protein structure and organization
Defined by the amino acid sequence 1,
Structure composed of rigid plana...,
Rotation about the carbon 3
34  cards
Most abundant protein in animals 1,
Solubility of collagen in water 2,
Location of collagen in the cell 3
76  cards
BIOCHEM 3 - Separation Techniques
Sources of starting material 1,
Criteria for choosing a sample 2,
A procedure in which the ph of th...
45  cards
Essential amino acids 1,
Non essential amino acids 2,
Aa obtained from nutrition 3
70  cards
Epithelial Tissue - Histo Lec
Aggregates or groups of cells org...,
Four basic types of tissues 2,
Four basic types of tissues 3
94  cards
amino acid sequencing
0  cards
Drug interaction 1 1 2 response e...,
Drug interaction 1 1 3 response e...,
Drug interaction 0 1 2 drug which...
107  cards
development and regulation of drugs
How are drugs discovered 1,
Process of testing a drug candida...,
Leading candidate for a successfu...
42  cards
Biochem Lab Color Rxns
Purpose of biuret test 1,
Purpose of ninhydrin 2,
Purpose of xanthoproteic 3
30  cards
connective tissue - histo lec
Middle layer of embryo 1,
Embryonic tissue 2,
Composition of ecm 3
198  cards
A spreadsheet program that allow ...,
It s made up of columns rows and ...,
It is an environment that can mak...
65  cards
chapter 3 mteduc
Things you need to plan 1,
The process of deciding what and ...,
Component or factor to consider i...
74  cards
HISTO LEC - Bone and Cartilage
Consistency of ecm of cartilage 1,
A type of supportive ct which bea...,
Components of cartilage 3
142  cards
ms windows
Software that controls the execut...,
A master program for a computer t...,
Examples of os 3
25  cards
An electronic device that helps p...,
A programmable multiuse machine t...,
A device that manipulates data ac...
45  cards
A global network connecting milli...,
The combination of all the linked 2,
Meaning of internet 3
34  cards
HISTO LAB tissue sources
Cornea 1,
Endothelium 2,
Mesothelium 3
48  cards
SCL Prelims
Proclamation of salvation from si...,
It is not only seen as a seed sow...,
The proclamation of the word of g...
103  cards
BIOCHEM LAB - Nucleic Acids
Monomer unit of nucleic acids 1,
Na carries a __ charge on the oxy...,
Not nutrient biomolecules because 3
169  cards
pharmaco - chapter 5
Major involuntary unconscious aut...,
Major pathway for information tra...,
2 major subdivisions of ans 3
81  cards
pharmaco - chapter 6
Type of cholinomimetic drug 1,
Type of cholinomimetic drug 2,
4 impt choline esters 3
47  cards
pharmaco chapter 6 final reviewer
Most of the ganglia are located i...,
Preganglionic fibers are long and...,
Most of the ganglia are located i...
45  cards
pharmaco - chapter 7 - final
Mimic acetylcholine 1,
Permanently charged quaternary nh...,
Type of choline ester 3
3  cards
mteduc - chapter 4
Challenges of teaching 1,
Teaching approach that is used ei...,
A purposefully conceived and dete...
79  cards
pharmacokinetic features cholinomimetic drugs
Rapidly hydrolyzed by cholinester...,
Resistant to che orally active po...,
Not an ester good lipid solubilit...
13  cards
histo lec - classification of multicellular glands
Simple straight tubular 1,
Simple coiled tubular 2,
Simple branched tubular 3
8  cards
histo lec - glands
Originate from an epithelium that...,
Protein in aqueous solution hormo...,
Consists of a functional portion ...
16  cards
Responsible for providing and mai...,
Made up mainly of non living mate...,
Matrix physically links cells and...
179  cards
Histo Lab - Practicals
Specimen of reticular tissue 1,
Specimen of brown adipose 2,
Specimen of white adipose 3
81  cards
HISTO LAB - Locations of CT
Stroma of lymphoid organs except ...,
Perirenal areas in adults 2,
Adrenal glands 3
66  cards
Constitute a group of drugs used ...,
Type of adrenomimetics based on m...,
Indirect acting sympathomimetics 3
116  cards
adrenoceptor blockers
All active by oral route parenter...,
Irreversible long acting 2,
Doa of phenoxybenzamine 3
51  cards
beta-lactam inhibitors - penicillin
Vary in resistance to gastric acid 1,
Penicillins are excreted unchange...,
Penicillins excreted unchanged in...
47  cards
beta-lactam inhibitors - cephalosporin
Derivatives of 7 aminocephalospor...,
Roa for cephalosporin 2,
Cephalosporins with side chains u...
32  cards
beta-lactam inhibitors - others
Other beta lactam drugs 1,
Resistant to beta lactamases prod...,
Astreonam roa 3
47  cards
Some drugs and aminoglycosides 1,
Any antibiotic including penicill...,
Structurally related amino sugars...
42  cards
nervous system - histo lec
Receive stimuli from the environm...,
Properties of nervous tissues 2,
A anatomical division 3
61  cards
chem lab - lipids
Hydrophobic isoprenoids 1,
Are pufas 2,
1 fatty acid related 3
103  cards
Not anatomically distinct as comp...,
Flattened ovoid glands 2,
Peripheral zone of ovary contains...
35  cards
Capsule of testis 1,
Capsule of testis 2,
Capsule of testis 3
31  cards
HISTO - Male repro from Dong Mei
0  cards
PHARMACO - Chloramphenicol
S ribosomes in bacteria 1,
S ribosomes in mammalians 2,
Basis for selective toxicity agai...
87  cards
PHARMACO - Macrolides
Large cyclic lactone ring structu...,
Good oral bioavailability 2,
Oral bioavailability of erythromy...
93  cards
beta-lactam: other drugs
Is vancomycin absorbed orally 1,
Bactericidal glycoprotein 2,
Binds to the d ala d ala terminal...
64  cards
pharmaco - generation of drugs
Cephalexin 1,
Cefazolin 2,
Cefadroxil 3
18  cards
Clin Chem - Lab Abbrev
Abg 1,
Acp 2,
Acth 3
60  cards
Clin Chem - Lab Abbrev 2
Cap 1,
Cdc 2,
Cie 3
60  cards
Clin Chem - Lab Abbrev 3
Ppm 1,
Prl 2,
Psa 3
47  cards
Clin Chem - Abbrev Discussion
Enzyme of the prostate 1,
Used to diagnose prostate prostat...,
Enzyme found in semen 3
100  cards
Clin Chem - Abbrev Discussion 2
When do bursts of gh occur 1,
Hemoglobin with glucose 2,
Lifespan of rbc 3
26  cards
CC Lab - Glossary of Terms
Closeness to true value 1,
Substance that can yield hydrogen...,
Energy required to raise all mole...
52  cards
Hema Lec - Acronyms 1
0  cards
Bacte Lec - Rules on Bacterial Classification
Neisseria 1,
Branhamella 2,
Moraxella 3
16  cards
BACTE LEC - Quiz 1
Source of infecting agent 1,
Means by which humans may acquire...,
Living entity that transmit micro...
65  cards
What does unstained unfixed prepa...,
Types of motility 2,
Microscopes used in unstained unf...
66  cards
Para Lab - Quiz 1
Most common specimen 1,
Amount of stool collected formed 2,
Must be labelled with 3
49  cards
Para Lec - Quiz 1
Organisms that live on other orga...,
Organisms that obtain nourishment...,
Classif of parasite accdg to habi...
94  cards
Bacte Lab - Quiz 1
Materials containing all essentia...,
Food and soil where it is planted...,
For how long and at what temperat...
48  cards
Bacte Lec - Quiz 1 Control of Microbial Growth
Process of destroying all forms o...,
Special structures resistant to c...,
Substance that prevents growth of...
70  cards
Para Lab - Quiz 1 Part 2
Eukaryotic unicellular organisms 1,
Phyla in protozoans 2,
Subphyla of sarcomastigophora 3
55  cards
Bacte Lec - Stains
Capsule color 1,
Capsule color 2,
Capsule color 3
39  cards
HEMA LEC - Intro Lecture
2 types of pmn 1,
Immature pmn 2,
O shift to the left 3
58  cards
HEMA LEC - Phlebotomy
Double oxalate 1,
Ratio of ammonium to potassium in...,
Ammonium oxalate only 3
47  cards
CC Lec - Specimen
3 sources of blood 1,
Best method of blood collection f...,
Method of blood collection seldom...
50  cards
PARA LAB - B. coli, B. hominis, Plasmodium
Largest intestinal protozoan 1,
Final host of b coli 2,
Reservoir host of b coli 3
21  cards
PARA LAB - Plasmodium
Phylum of intracellular parasites 1,
Most virulent of all species of p...,
Most prevalent species in the wor...
100  cards
Bacte Lec - Quiz 2
Media supplemented with serum or ...,
Physical mordant in af stain 2,
Chemical mordant present in carbo...
44  cards
Bacte Lec Quiz 2 - Bacterial Cytology
Describe the chromosome in dna 1,
Sac like structure w in cell memb...,
Found free in cytoplasm attached ...
62  cards
PARA LAB - Classification of Infection
Ascaris lumbricoides light 1,
Ascaris lumbricoides moderate 2,
Ascaris lumbricoides heavy 3
12  cards
Hema Lab - Evacuated tubes
Plain red additive 1,
Lavender additive 2,
Light blue additive 3
24  cards
Hema Lab - Cell Counting
2 methods of cell counting 1,
2 basis method of manual method 2,
Type of manualmethod that estimat...
67  cards
HEMA LAB- Methods of Blood Collection
Peripheral blood is obtained from...,
Ideal depth of puncture in skin p...,
Why must squeezing puncture site ...
32  cards
BACTE LAB - What is TB
Dots meaning 1,
Ntp meaning 2,
Of the 22 countries with 80 of th...
40  cards
Form the foundation of national t...,
Internationall recommended strate...,
Iuatld meaning 3
42  cards
Slides must be 1,
What to write on the frosted end ...,
Type of pencil to use on unfroste...
61  cards
Seller s agar 1,
Nacl broth 2,
Bacteroides bile esculin medium 3
63  cards
Gram negative and non fermentativ...,
Differentiate entereococcus spp f...,
Salmonella and shigella from othe...
9  cards
BACTE LEC - Functions of Selective CM
Group d streptococci and enteroco...,
C diptheriae 2,
Uti causing bacteria 3
16  cards
BACTE LEC - Functions of Biochemical Media
Determination of the fermentation...,
Enteric organisms especially salm...,
Maintenance of lactobacilli and f...
15  cards
Bacte Lec - Functions of CM
Transport of specimens to be cult...,
Transport medium for throat 2,
Transport medium for gram negativ...
21  cards
CC LEC - Instrumentation
Principle of spectrophotometry 1,
State beer s law 2,
Component of spectro 3
18  cards
Bacte Lec - Active Component
Activated charcoal 1,
Agar nacl sodium thioglycolate na...,
Sodium glycerophosphate sodium th...
19  cards
Bacte Lec - Active Component 2
Trypticase soy agar base with fer...,
Peptone base with lactose 2,
Peptone base agar with bile salts...
17  cards
Bacte Lec - Active Component 3
Brucella agar base with sheep blo...,
Thioglycollate broth with increas...,
Blood supplemented enrichment med...
20  cards
Bacte Lec - Active Component 4
Sodium chloride sodium acetate mo...,
Infusion from beef heart 2,
Acetamide sodium chloride monopot...
11  cards
CC Lab - Spectrophotometry
Major categories of analytical te...,
Main principle of spectro 2,
3 major methods for calculation o...
28  cards
CC Lab - Glucose
Measures blood glucose exactly 2 ...,
How many carbs in g must be eaten...,
Glycosylated hemoglobin 3
40  cards
Bacte Lec - Summarized Active Component I
Amies medium 1,
Cary blair medium 2,
Stuart s 3
41  cards
Bacte Lec - Summarized Active Component II
Cooked meat chopped meat medium 1,
Cystine lactose electrolyte defic...,
Cystine trypticase agar 3
24  cards
Para Lec - Hemoflagellates
Leishman donovan body 1,
Leishmanial form 2,
Crithidial form 3
43  cards
Para Lec - Hemoflagellates Trypanosoma
Location of trypanosoma brucei du...,
Location of trypanosoma brucei du...,
Lab diagnosis of trypanosoma cruzi 3
38  cards
Para Lec - Helminths
Classes of helminths 1,
Classes of helminths 2,
Classes of helminths 3
40  cards
Para Lec - A. lumbricoides & T. trichiura
Hookworms attach on small intesti...,
Common name of ascaris lumbricoid...,
Final host of ascaris lumbricoides 3
67  cards
Para Lec - T. trichiura
Common name of trichuris trichiura 1,
Final host of trichuris trichiura 2,
Habitat of trichuris trichiura 3
38  cards
Bacte Lec - Culture Media Lecture
Bacterial nutritional requirement...,
Types of organisms based on their...,
Types of organisms based on their...
109  cards
Bacte Lec - AST
Challenging a bacteria on what an...,
Determines best antibiotic to be ...,
3 stages of antimicrobial suscept...
112  cards
Para Lec - Hookworms
Ancylostoma duodenale 1,
Necator americanus 2,
Dental pattern ad 3
44  cards
Para Lec - Strongyloides
Common name 1,
Final host 2,
Habitat 3
8  cards
HEMA Lec - Chapter 11
Body iron content 1,
Iron compartments 70 2,
Iron compartments 25 3
44  cards
Bacte Lec - Staph
Gram reaction of staph 1,
Color of staph in gram stain 2,
Gram spherical cells which normal...
96  cards
BACTE LEC - Culture Media Quiz 2 prelims
Macconkey inhibitor 1,
Emb inhibitor 2,
Desoxycholate inhibitor 3
32  cards
Bacte Lec - Entero Part 1
Appearance of enterobacteriaceae ...,
Swarming phenomenon exhibited by 2,
Appearance of e coli on emb 3
19  cards
Bacte lec - TSI Reactions
A encircled a 1,
A encircled a 2,
A encircled a interpretation 3
13  cards
Bacte Lec - Entero Part 2
Lia lysine decarboxylase 1,
Lia lysine decarboxylase 2,
Lia deaminase positive 3
49  cards
PARA LAB - Pracs
Media 1,
Blank 2
2  cards
HEMA LEC - Erythrocytic Morphology and Assoc Disease
Are normal erythrocytes that are ...,
A rbcs greater than 8um in diamet...,
Mcv greater than 100 fl 3
47  cards
HEMA LEC - Erythrocyte Inclusions And Associated Diseases
Usually orthochromic normoblasts ...,
Indicate bone marrow stimulation ...,
Associated with thalassemia major...
30  cards
HEMA LEC - RBC Content and Distributions and Assoc Diseases
Cells have the normal one third c...,
A central pallor area is greater ...,
Mch and mchc usually decreased 3
32  cards
HEMA LEC - Anemia
Defined as a decrease in erythroc...,
Defined as a decrease in erythroc...,
The anemias can be classified mor...
134  cards
HEMA LEC - Hemolytic Anemias due to Intrinsic defects
A characterized by a sudden loss ...,
B clinical symptoms hypovolemia r...,
Laboratory normocytic normochromi...
29  cards
HEMA LEC - Hemolytic Anemias due to Extrinsic/Immune defects
All cause a normocytic normochrom...,
A rbc s are coated with igg and o...,
B 60 of cases are idiopathic othe...
18  cards
HEMA LEC - Hemolytic Anemias due to Extrinsic/Non-immune defects
All cause a normocytic normochrom...,
2 microangiopathic haemolytic ane...,
1 systemic clotting is initiated ...
8  cards
Morphology of strep 1,
Metabolism of strep 2,
Normal habitat of strep 3
54  cards
PARA LAB Quiz - Pancreatic and Lung Fluke
Common name of eurytrema pancreat...,
Common name of paragonimus wester...,
Final host of eurytrema pancreati...
37  cards
PARA LAB QUIZ - Intestinal Flukes
Cn of fasciolopsis buski 1,
Cn of echinostoma ilocanum 2,
Cn of heterophyes heterophyes 3
69  cards
PARA LAB - Liver Flukes
Cn of fasciola hepatica 1,
Cn of fasciola gigantica 2,
Cn of clonorchis sinensis 3
81  cards
HEMA LAB - RBC Diluting fluid
Best diluting fluid 1,
Formalin acts as preservative 2,
Allows the growth of yeasts 3
11  cards
BACTE LEC - Entero Part 3
Principle of phenylalanine test 1,
Positive rxn of the phenylalanine...,
Onpg meaning 3
85  cards
BACTE LEC - Strep pdf
They grow in the presence of oxyg...,
Types of strep based on respirati...,
Taxo a positive 3
80  cards
HEMA LAB - Staining
Other methods of staining 1,
Automated method of staining 3 ki...,
Automated method 3
23  cards
HEMA LAB - Mtds of RBC Ct
Uses premeasured volume of dil fl...,
Uses 002 ml of blood and 4 ml of ...,
Analyzes and reports according to...
20  cards
PARA LAB QUIZ - Schistosomes
Common name of s japonicum 1,
Cn of s mansoni 2,
Cn of s haemtaobium 3
28  cards
PARA LAB - Summary of Trematodes
Simple intestinal ceca 3 1,
Branched intestinal ceca 2 2,
Embryonated when released 5 3
26  cards
PARA LAB - Cestodes Intro
Appearance of adult cestodes 1,
Color of adult cestodes 2,
Cestodes monoecious or dioecious 3
35  cards
PARA LAB - Trematodes and Hosts
Final host of schistosomes 1,
Final host of eurytrema pancreati...,
Final host of paragonimus westerm...
40  cards
PARA LAB - Tapeworm Orders
False tapeworm order 1,
True tapeworm order 2,
Scolex spoon almond spatula 3
52  cards
PARA LAB - Taenia species
Cn t saginata 1,
Cn t solium 2,
Fh of taenia spp 3
51  cards
PARA LAB - Hymenolepis species
Who are most affected by hymenole...,
Cn of hymenolepis nana 2,
Cn of h diminuta 3
30  cards
PARA LAB - Dipylidium, Echinococccus, Raillietina
Cn of dipylidium caninum 1,
Fh of dipylidium caninum 2,
Ah of dipylidium caninum 3
64  cards
HEMA LAB - HCT Determination
Tube used for adam s microhematoc...,
Tube used for wintrobe 2,
Tube used for haden s modification 3
26  cards
Speed of settling of rbc in antic...,
Measure of the distance and speed...,
Most important factor influencing...
56  cards
BACTE LEC - Nonfermentative Gram Negative
Oxidatively metabolize carbohydra...,
Forms very weak acids 2,
Nonsaccharolytic or nonoxidizers 3
35  cards
Water soluble blue green pigment 1,
Yellow fluorescing pigment 2,
Odor of pseudomonas aeruginosa 3
41  cards
HEMA LEC - Thalassemias
Group of inherited disorders caus...,
Thalassemia is characterized by _...,
First described children with ane...
46  cards
HEMA LEC - Hgbopathy
Group of inherited disorders caus...,
Hemoglobinopathies are hetero or ...,
What cells are associated with hg...
55  cards
HEMA LEC - Alpha Thalassemias
Indicates division between genes ...,
The total complement of a genes i...,
Indicates a gene deletion 3
48  cards
BACTE LAB - Finals Practicals
Urease 1,
Xld yellow colonies without black...,
Xld yellow colonies without black...
45  cards
BACTE LAB - Biochemical tests
Lia carbohydrate 1,
Amino acid in lia 2,
Ph indicator 3
41  cards
BACTE LEC - P. maltophilia to Kingella
Maltose loving 1,
Yellow pigment on tsa 2,
Grows at 42 c 3
46  cards
BACTE LEC - Misc Gram-negative Bacteria
Nonmotile 1,
Require blood for growth 2,
Type of factor provided by blood ...
99  cards
Based on measurement of nitrogen ...,
Reference method 2,
Digesting agent of kjeldahl method 3
18  cards
BACTE LEC - Non-fermenting Gram (-) Bacilli to Pseudomonadaceae
O2 requirements of non fermenting...,
Fail to acidify of media overlaid...,
Where are non fermenting gram bac...
35  cards
BACTE LEC Finals - FAMILY Xanthomonadaceae
3rd most commonly isolated nonfer...,
Not a normal flora colonize respi...,
Appearance of stenetrophomonas ma...
27  cards
Structural roles of be 2 1,
Structural roles of be 2,
Structural roles of be 3
28  cards
Habitual actions in the present 1,
General timeless truths physical ...,
With be and other stative verbs t...
50  cards
CC LAB - Lipid Diseases
Fabrys 1,
Gm 1 gangliosidosis 2,
Gaucher 3
8  cards
Semi solid agar in anaerobic atmo...,
Ideal anaerobic incubation system 2,
Used to determine the effectivene...
43  cards
BB LAB - Glossary of Terms
Fluid obtained from a cyst of a d...,
Nonpenetrating cryoprotective age...,
Decrease in body temp 3
62  cards
BB LAB - Glossary II
Fusion of malignant and normal ce...,
Group of sugars found on rbc memb...,
Major source of membrane s net ne...
60  cards
BB LAB - Glossary IV
Reciprocal of the highest dilutio...,
Inherited characteristic based fr...,
Administration of blood or its co...
45  cards
SI LAB - Glossary 1
Removal of antibodies from serum ...,
Antigen that is not genetically d...,
Immunity generated by actual prod...
50  cards
SI LAB - Glossary 2
Used in the detection of antibodi...,
Ruptured erythrocytes 2,
A substance causing agglutination...
46  cards
GPHT LAB - Terms
Study of abnormal human or animal...,
Deals with the preparation of ani...,
Entails the microscopical examina...
55  cards
GPHT LAB - Histopathologic Techniques
Process of indicating the number ...,
Is the first step in all histopat...,
Process of preserving cells and t...
36  cards
SI LAB - Glossary 3
Adjuvant increases specific ab pr...,
3 functions of adjuvant 2,
Does the alternative complement p...
51  cards
SI LAB - Glossary 4
Hemagglutination inhibition techn...,
Hemolysin causes release of what ...,
Hemolysis is the lysis of rbc by ...
32  cards
SI LEC - History
When did immunology become an ind...,
3 periods in the history of immun...,
Period of immunology 3
58  cards
GPHT LEC - Cell Adaptation
Normally confined to a fairly nar...,
Normally confined to a fairly nar...,
Types of cellular adaptation 3
115  cards
MYCOVIRO - Chapter 59
Always unicellular 1,
May be unicellular or multicellul...,
Always multicellular 3
45  cards
SI LEC - History part 2
Active immunity 1,
Anti cholera live attenuated vacc...,
Diphtheria was caused by exotoxin...
21  cards
MTLB - Titles of Sections 1 to 11
Section 1 1,
Section 2 2,
Section 3 3
11  cards
MTLB - Acronyms
Pasmeth 1,
Phismets 2,
Pamet 3
43  cards
GPHT LAB - Apparatus I
Machine on which thin sections ar...,
Process of using a microtome 2,
Principle of microtomy 3
48  cards
GPHT LAB - Apparatus II
Shape of microtome knife 1,
In plane concave knife the one wi...,
In plane concave knife the one wi...
42  cards
GPHT LAB - Apparatus III
Apparatus used in the embedding p...,
Apparatus w c dispenses paraffin ...,
Parts of tissue embedding center 3
27  cards
Makes tissues harder 1,
Preserves morphology and chemical...,
Prevents decomposition and putref...
57  cards
SI Lec - Lymphatic System
Lymphatic system consists of 1,
Activation of immune cells 2,
Counterpart of blood vessels chan...
70  cards
Microscopic examination of cultur...,
Superficial mycoses tinea versico...,
Superficial mycoses 3
50  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 60 PPT part 2
Endemic mycoses 1,
Endemic mycoses 2,
Endemic mycoses 3
35  cards
Except for disease caused by ___ ...,
Classification of fungi based on ...,
Classification of fungi based on ...
50  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 59 Book Pt 2
Vaginal samples 1,
Vaginal samples 2,
Vaginal samples both _ and _ agar...
64  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 59 Tables
Media 1,
Primary recovery of pathogenic fu...,
Recovery of fungi from blood 3
19  cards
GPHT LAB - Fixation Handouts
Grp of fixatives satisfactory for...,
Gas produced by oxidation of metoh 2,
Hcho soluble in water to the exte...
44  cards
GPHT LAB - Fixation Handouts Part 2
Compound fixatives 1,
For preservation of post mortem s...,
Biopsies of skin 3
15  cards
GPHT LAB - Fixation Time of Compound Fixatives
Bouin s fluid 1,
Formol sublimate formol saline su...,
10 formol saline 3
11  cards
GPHT LAB - Adv and Disadv
Adv 1,
Adv 2,
Adv 3
37  cards
GPHT LAB - Adv and Disadv Part 2
Adv 1,
Disadv 2,
Disadv 3
35  cards
CM LEC - CSF up to CSF Protein
Csf produced by 1,
Choroid plexus produces how many ...,
Where does the 30 csf come from 3
136  cards
SI LEC - History 3
Chinese medical practitioners 1,
Edward jenner 2,
Anti cholera live attenuated vacc...
17  cards
CC LEC - Liver Function Tests
The largest internal organ of the...,
Has a large factor of safety take...,
If less than 80 of liver tissue i...
9  cards
Blood was taken from 3 young men ...,
Recommended sodium phosphate 2,
Braxton hicks recommended 3
42  cards
BB Lec - RBC Biology and Preservation
Two important rbc characteristics 1,
Is the network of proteins that c...,
Gives rbc their characteristic bi...
68  cards
BB Lec - Current Trends
Creating rbcs in the laboratory 1,
Mechanism for forming o type rbcs 2,
Current research on blood substit...
54  cards
BB Lec - Current Trends pt 2
There are three commercial system...,
Measures bacteria by detecting a ...,
This system for screening platele...
17  cards
BB Lec - Basic Concepts in Genetics
Basic unit of genetic information...,
The collection of genetic informa...,
Storage units of genes 3
30  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - Automation in haematology
Require some steps as dilution of...,
Require only that an appropriate ...,
Sizing is based on 3
37  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - Cytochemistry
In vitro staining of cells that a...,
Differentiate cell lineage of bla...,
Are used if constituents are sens...
42  cards
Volume of the average rbc in a gi...,
Amount of hemoglobin by weight in...,
Concentration of hemoglobin w v i...
10  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 60 of book part 1
Produce large ribbon like hyphae ...,
2 have sporangia saclike fruiting...,
3 sporangiophores are connected t...
77  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 60 of book part 2
Type of conidia of microsporum spp 1,
Type of conidia of microsporum spp 2,
Most important cause of tinea cap...
63  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 60 of book part 3
Colony fluffy to granular white t...,
Septate hyphae short or long coni...,
Thermotolerant can withstand up t...
56  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 60 of book part 4
Broad based yeast 1,
Circular to pyriform dumb bell co...,
Prickly state tufts of hyphae pro...
33  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - AML and ALL Morphological Classification
M0 1,
M1 2,
M2 3
12  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - Cytotechnology
Numeric abnormalities 1,
Ex of aneuploidy 2,
Chromosome number higher than 46 3
18  cards
MTLB - 18 to 32
Section 18 title 1,
Section 19 title 2,
Section 20 title 3
22  cards
MTLB - 18 to 32 part 2
0  cards
SI LEC - Antigens
Macromolecules capable of trigger...,
Substance that reacts with ab or ...,
Reasons why we respond to immunog...
46  cards
SI Lec - Innate Immunity
Includes all parts of the body th...,
Is the body s ability to fight of...,
2 types of immunity 3
57  cards
SI LEC - Innate Immunity Part 2
Serum amyloid a assoc with 1,
Apolipoprotein 2,
Normal circulating levels of saa 3
63  cards
SI LEC - Innate Immunity Part 3
Covered by long membranous extens...,
Dendritic cell in 2,
Dendritic cell 3
24  cards
GPHT LEC - Inflammation
A complex reaction to various inj...,
Consists of vascular responses mi...,
Unique features of inflammation 3
75  cards
CM LAB - Possible Causes of Urine Odor
Aromatic 1,
Mousy 2,
Rancid 3
9  cards
CM LAB - Laboratory Correlations of Urine Color
Colorless 1,
Pale yellow 2,
Elevated specific gravity and pos...
22  cards
CM LAB - Laboratory Correlations of Urine Color II
Red 1,
Red 2,
Red 3
13  cards
HEMA LEC 2 - Cell Populations in Diff Lineages
Granulocytic lineage 1,
Granulocytic lineage 2,
Granulocytic lineage 3
13  cards
HEMA LEC 2 - Cell Populations in Diff Lineages Part II
Maturation sequence is less well ...,
First markers of megakaryocytic 2,
Represents early megakaryoblast 3
9  cards
HEMA LEC 2 - MDs Classification
Bm 1,
Pb unicytopenia no or rare blasts 2,
Pb anemia no blasts 3
13  cards
HEMA LEC 2 - MDs/MPNs Classification
Persistent monocytosis of 10 mono...,
Increased wbc count with absolute...,
Characterized by leukocytosis wit...
11  cards
CC LEC 2 - Enzymes
Most enzymes react at ph __but so...,
Alp 2,
Gastric enzyme ph 3
66  cards
CC LEC 2 - Enzymes II
128 000 daltons interconversion o...,
Atypical ld 2,
Atypical ld migrates cathodal to ...
63  cards
CC LEC 2 - Enzymes III
Hydrolyzes the ester linkages of ...,
Major source of lps 2,
Isoenz of lps 3
41  cards
SI LEC - Antibodies
Composition of ab 1,
Antibody molecule has 2 separable...,
Discovered that hyperimmunizing r...
41  cards
SI LEC - Classes of Antibodies
0  cards
SI LEC - Classes of Antibodies
Most abundant immunoglobin 1,
Igg 2,
S and mw of igg 3
75  cards
SI LEC - Scientists
Discovered remarkable relationshi...,
Accidently found out that older c...,
He subsequently injected more vir...
27  cards
SI LEC - Scientists II
Used skin grafts to show that tol...,
Proposed the first generally acce...,
Reported that dizygotic twin catt...
22  cards
BB LEC - ABO Discrepancies
Polyagglutination 1,
Rbcs with cis ab phenotype 2,
Warm autoantibodies 3
26  cards
BB LEC - ABO Blood System
Most important system in transfus...,
The only blood group system in wh...,
Drew blood from himself and five ...
67  cards
GPHT LEC - Inflammation Additional
A local defect or excavation of t...,
Ulceration only occurs 2 2,
Ulcers are common in 3
8  cards
BB LEC - ABO Blood System Part 2
Reagent not used in routine abo t...,
Resolves abo typing problems when...,
Grade reaction of a1 and a2 pheno...
41  cards
BB LEC - Subgroups of A
Weakly agglutinated possibly 1,
No agglutination 2,
Weakly agglutinated 3
8  cards
BB LEC - ABO Blood System Part 3
1 to 8 of __ individuals produce ...,
22 to 35 of __ individuals produc...,
A subgroup 3
19  cards
BB LEC - Causes of ABO Discrepancies
A or b subgroups 1,
Disease leukemia 2,
Acquired b 3
13  cards
GPHT LAB - Dehydration
Hastens dehydration process 1,
Reagent that ensures complete deh...,
Reagent which absorbs any water p...
42  cards
GPHT LAB - Clearing
In dealcoholization tissue sectio...,
Raises the refractive index of th...,
Clearing agents must be miscible ...
71  cards
GPHT LAB - Infiltration
Why impregnate 0,
Filling up of empty spaces caviti...,
Best and most common infiltrating...
80  cards
GPHT LEC - Neoplasia
Means the process of new growth 1,
New growth is called a __ 2,
Neoplasm common name 3
107  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - Mature B Cell Lymphomas Part 1
Type of lymphoma 1,
Type of lymphoma 2,
Type of lymphoma 3
62  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms
Monoclonal proliferation of termi...,
Multifocal accumulation of malign...,
Encompass the entire patient popu...
41  cards
HEMA 2 LEC - Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms 3
Large atypical cells with pleomor...,
Expression of cd30 antigen and al...,
If with fibrosis anaplastic large...
44  cards
CM LEC - Synovial Fluid
Often referred as joint fluid 1,
A viscous fluid found in the cavi...,
Contained in a cavity that separa...
59  cards
CM LEC - Synovial fluid Part 2
Most frequently performed cell 1,
When is rbc count requested 2,
What to do if there is a delay in...
94  cards
CM LEC - Pleural Fluid
Closed cavities 1,
Closed cavities 2,
Type of serous membrane 3
112  cards
CM LEC - Pericardial and Peritoneal Fluid
Pericardial effusion suspected wh...,
Pericardial effusion suspected wh...,
Primary causes of pericardial tra...
58  cards
CM LEC - Table: Trans/Exudate
Transudate 1,
Exudate 2,
Transudate 3
20  cards
CM LEC - Correlation of pleural fluid appearance and disease
Appearance of pleural fluid 1,
Appearance of pleural fluid 2,
Appearance of pleural fluid 3
16  cards
CM LEC - Table: Significance of cells seen in pleural fluid
Tuberculosis 3 1,
Viral infection 2,
Autoimmune disorders 3
25  cards
CM LEC - Table: Significance of Pericardial and Peritoneal Fluid Testing
Pericardial fluid 1,
Pericardial fluid 2,
Pericardial fluid 3
32  cards
MYCOVIRO - CH 61 book
Agents of superficial and subcuta...,
Found everywhere ubiquitous and s...,
Nutrition of melanized mold 3
57  cards
GPHT LEC - Neoplasia Nomenclature
Benign cancer of fibrous tissue 1,
Malignant cancer of fibrous tissue 2,
Malignant neoplasm composed of 3
38  cards
GPHT LEC - Neoplasia Nomenclature II
Neuroectoderm benign 1,
Neuroectoderm malignant 2,
Renal epithelium benign 3
20  cards
GPHT - Neoplasia II
Cyst wall is composed of __ 1,
Where most divergent tissue of te...,
Functional tissue from a teratoma 3
109  cards

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