This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Durrant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (74)

🧠Neurology🧠 - Cerebral Cortex
Where is the cerebral cortex found 1,
How is the cerebral cortex organi...,
What type of neural matter does t...
74  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Cerebral Vasculature
What are the perfusion demands of...,
What do the perfusion demands lea...,
What major vessels supply blood t...
36  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Motor & Neuromuscular Control
What 2 main principles is the mot...,
What is meant by hierarchical org...,
What is meant by functional segre...
97  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Headache
How common are headaches 1,
How can headaches be broadly subd...,
What is the difference between a ...
41  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Auditory & Vestibular Systems
What is the function of the vesti...,
What is the function of the heari...,
What is amplitude and frequency 3
69  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Dementia
What is the most common cause of ...,
What characterises dementia 2,
What are the current treatment op...
30  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Cerebral Inflammation
What are the different types of c...,
What is meningitis 2,
What is encephalitis 3
18  cards
🧠Neurology🧠 - Visual system
Name these eye structures 1,
Name these eye structures 2,
What is the antero posterior diam...
70  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Mental Disorders & Physical Health
What are the characteristic featu...,
What are psychosocial stressors 2,
What are the characteristic risk ...
47  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Psychosis
What is the definition of psychos...,
What disorders are typically asso...,
What 3 domains can psychotic symp...
40  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Eating disorders
What is the 5 2 diet 1,
What is the difference between bi...,
Why are men statistically less li...
27  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Substance Use & Addiction
Give examples of drugs that may b...,
What are the reasons that people ...,
What is the like want need model ...
19  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Mood Disorders
What are the 3 core symptoms of d...,
What are the depression triads 2,
What features are examined in the...
57  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Psychopharmacology for Psychiatry
What are the types of treatment i...,
Can psychiatric drugs be classifi...,
What are the cons of classifying ...
22  cards
🤯Psychiatry🤯 - Psychiatry Across The Lifecourse
Which model is used for approache...,
What are the 4 ps of the biopsych...,
What is meant by predisposing fac...
37  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Hypopituitarism
Name the hormones produced by the...,
Name the circulation in the anter...,
Briefly explain the hypothalamo p...
57  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Disorders of Vasopressin
What is the pathway of avp release 1,
What is the other name for argini...,
What is diuresis 3
38  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Calcium Dysregulation
What are the main regulatory horm...,
What acts to increase calcium lev...,
What acts to decrease calcium lev...
38  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Infertility
What is infertility 1,
What is primary vs secondary infe...,
Give some statistics about infert...
63  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Reproductive treatments
How can a man with low testostero...,
What are the symptoms for male hy...,
What are the treatment drug optio...
69  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Adrenal Disorders
What is a steroid hormone 1,
How can a steroid be identified f...,
What is made in the adrenal cortex 3
65  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Pituitary tumours
What is the name of the condition...,
What is the name of a functioning...,
What is the name of a functioning...
35  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪- Hyperthyroidism
Outline the hypothalamic pituitar...,
What level of tsh will you find i...,
Outline graves disease 3
40  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
What is type 1 diabetes 1,
What are the consequences of t1dm 2,
What is lada 3
67  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Define type 2 diabetes 1,
Explain type 2 diabetes 2,
What condition is t2dm usually as...
49  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Obesity
What is the definition of obesity 1,
What are the bmi classifications 2,
How stigmatised is obesity 3
26  cards
🧪Endocrinology🧪 - Micro/Macrovascular Complications of Diabetes
What are the 2 types of vascular ...,
What are the microvascular compli...,
What are the macrovascular compli...
54  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Structural Heart Disease
Name this structure 1,
Name this structure 2,
Name this structure 3
109  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Asthma & Respiratory Immunology
Outline the epidemiology of asthm...,
What are the cardinal features of...,
Which cardinal feature of asthma ...
45  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Respiratory Failure
What is the definition of respira...,
What are the 3 categories of caus...,
What are the sites of nervous sys...
63  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Lung Cancer
What are the key epidemiological ...,
What groups of people are statist...,
What other causes are there for l...
62  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Electrocardiography & Rhythm Disorders
What can an ecg be used to diagno...,
Why are ecgs so popular 2,
What is a cardiac vector 3
48  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Cardiomyopathies
What are the 3 different types of...,
What is dilated cardiomyopathy dcm 2,
What are the most common causes o...
17  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Atherosclerosis & Peripheral Vascular Disease
What are the modifiable risk fact...,
What are the non modifiable risk ...,
How do risk factors interact when...
46  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Haemostasis
What is haemostasis 1,
What is haemostasis for 2,
What are the stages of haemostasis 3
90  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Vascular Endothelium
What is the vascular system 1,
What is the structure of the bloo...,
What is contained in the tunica a...
43  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Respiratory Tract Infections & Immunity
What are the 3 categories of resp...,
What are the symptoms of an upper...,
What are the symptoms of a lower ...
45  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Valvular Disease & Heart Failure
What is infective endocarditis 1,
What does infective endocarditis ...,
What is a vegetation in the conte...
32  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Anaemia
What abnormalities can be seen in...,
Liver function tests show bilirub...,
High unconjugated bilirubin and s...
76  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Restrictive Lung Diseases
What is a restrictive lung disease 1,
What are the 2 categories of rest...,
What do extrinsic disorders usual...
43  cards
🫀🫁Cardio & Resp🫀🫁 - Arterial Blood Gases & Acid-Base Regulation
Why is ph used as a measurement f...,
How is ph calculated 2,
How is h calculated from ph 3
22  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Upper GI Tract
What 2 sphincters does the oesoph...,
How does the muscular composition...,
At what spinal levels does the oe...
107  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Appetite & Thirst
What are the common stimuli of th...,
What is the most potent stimulus ...,
What hormone regulates osmolality 3
35  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Abdominal Pain
What are the most significant pro...,
What are the abdominopelvic regio...,
What are the abdominopelvic quadr...
66  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Immunology of the Gut
Why must the gi tract have restra...,
What must the immune system of th...,
What 4 major phyla of bacteria ex...
72  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - GI Infections
What markers show an inflammatory...,
What are the causes of infections...,
What are the causes of non infect...
17  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Malnutrition & Nutrition Intervention
What is the definition of malnutr...,
What are the causes of malnutriti...,
What is meant by altered metaboli...
40  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Surgery in the GI Tract
What is the general approach to a...,
When does intermittent pain occur...,
What is the difference between ra...
77  cards
🍔Gastro🍔 - Gastrointestinal Cancers
What is cancer 1,
What is primary in the context of...,
What is secondary in the context ...
61  cards
💧Urology💧- Sodium & Potassium Balance
What is osmolality 1,
What is 1 osmole 2,
How are salt and water levels con...
77  cards
💧Urology💧- Regulation of Water & Acid-Base Balance
What is osmolarity 1,
Calculate the osmolarity for 100 ...,
What is osmotic pressure proporti...
60  cards
💧Urology💧- Urological Cancers
What are the types of kidney canc...,
What are the risk factors for kid...,
What is a red flag symptom for ki...
42  cards
💧Urology💧- CKD & Renal Failure
What are the homeostatic function...,
What are the excretory functions ...,
What are the endocrine functions ...
40  cards
💧Urology💧- Dialysis & Kidney Transplant
What are the 2 types of dialysis 1,
What is haemodialysis 2,
What is the filtration mechanism ...
18  cards
💧Urology💧- Urinary Tract - Incontinence & Symptoms
What are the components of the ur...,
What is the blood supply of the k...,
What are the variations in kidney...
42  cards
🩻MSK🩻 - Management of Fractures
What are the steps for assessing ...,
What are the steps for repairing ...,
How is trauma approached in ortho...
46  cards
🩻MSK🩻 - Back Pain
What are the functions of the spi...,
What is the spinal column made up...,
What are the key neurological str...
45  cards
🩻MSK🩻 - Inflammatory & Rheumatoid Arthritis
What are the 2 types of arthritis 1,
What are the signs of joint infla...,
What are the causes of joint infl...
111  cards
🩻MSK🩻 - Lupus
What are the autoimmune connectiv...,
What is sle 2,
What features are characteristic ...
56  cards
👍🏻Dermatology👍🏻- Infections & Infestations of Skin
What is folliculitis 1,
What types of non infectious foll...,
What can cause recurrent follicul...
60  cards
👍🏻Dermatology👍🏻- Skin in Systemic Disease
Why is the skin in systemic disea...,
What are the two main groups of l...,
What is categories can the diagno...
62  cards
👍🏻Dermatology👍🏻- Skin Cancer
How can skin lesions be categoris...,
How can pigmented lesions by furt...,
What are the melanocytic lesions 3
44  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Asthma
Case history katie lucero 3 years...,
What are the therapeutic objectiv...,
What else must be done in a child...
32  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacokinetics
What is the difference between ph...,
What is the difference between ph...,
What 3 things must be considered ...
50  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Diabetes
What is the correct series of the...,
What are the diagnostic options f...,
What problems does this woman have 3
35  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Parkinson's
What is the first line treatment ...,
Why does levodopa help with parki...,
Why is levodopa given not dopamin...
24  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Depression
What is the name of the depressio...,
What is major depressive disorder 2,
What are the therapeutic objectiv...
25  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Hypertension
What are the therapeutic objectiv...,
What is the first threshold for b...,
What is the threshold for stage 1...
36  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - GORD
What is diclofenac 1,
What is the advantage of giving d...,
How do nsaids reduce pain 3
31  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - CKD
What can ckd do to bp 1,
What effect does hypertension hav...,
What effect does having ckd have ...
30  cards
💊Pharmacology💊 - Pain
What is the pain ladder 1,
What is the management for gastro...,
How do the mechanisms of action o...
36  cards
🐣Dev and Ageing🐣 - Disorders of Pregnancy & Parturition
How does foetal growth change ove...,
How does the support required by ...,
What is histiotrophic nutrition 3
38  cards
🐣Dev and Ageing🐣 - Early Environmental & Biological Impacts
What challenges could the foetus ...,
What did a study looking at child...,
What is the connection with under...
24  cards
🐣Dev and Ageing🐣 - Postnatal & Child Development
Outline the effects of genetics o...,
Outline the effects of genetics o...,
Outline the effects of endocrine ...
27  cards

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BRS - Year 2

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Decks: Cerebral Motor Control, Cerebral Cortex, Cerebral Vasculature, And more!
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