This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Redzimski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (123)

Vocab 1
Route 1,
Everichon 2,
Moot i gon 3
30  cards
Vocab 2
Remenant 1,
Forbere 2,
M aythynketh 3
30  cards
Vocab 3
Couched 1,
Faldyng 2,
Reed 3
30  cards
Vocab 4
Swich 1,
Hewe 2,
Yforged 3
30  cards
Vocab 5
Fey 1,
Harrow 2,
Wey 3
30  cards
Vocab 6
Quynyble 1,
Giterne gyterne 2,
Solas 3
30  cards
Vocab 7
Meenes 1,
Brocage 2,
Page 3
31  cards
Vocab 8
Thilke 1,
Passeth forth 2,
Leste 3
30  cards
Vocab 9
Marle pit 1,
Me reweth 2,
Soore 3
30  cards
Vocab 10
Harwed 1,
At quarter nyght 2,
Dreynt 3
30  cards
Vocab 11
Doke 1,
Anon 2,
Right 3
30  cards
Vocab 11
Heere 1,
Travaille 2,
Goost 3
30  cards
Vocab 12
Swete 1,
Ther 2,
Ywis 3
36  cards
Vocab 13
Woot 1,
Upon the viritoot 2,
Bene 3
30  cards
Vocab 14
Mo 1,
He foond neither to selle 2,
Celle 3
28  cards
Vocab 15
Nyce 1,
Cas 2,
Ne 3
31  cards
Vocab 16
Sparkles 1,
Longen 2,
Eelde 3
31  cards
Vocab 17
Bigyled 1,
Peradventure 2,
To breke 3
30  cards
Vocab 18
Allye 1,
Mayde 2,
Ynorissed 3
30  cards
Vocab 19
Nortelrie 1,
Savynge 2,
A propre page 3
30  cards
Vocab 19
A litel stounde 1,
Hardily 2,
Leye 3
30  cards
Vocab 20
Wyle 1,
Wene 2,
Thrift 3
30  cards
Vocab 21
Ren 1,
Unthank 2,
Knyt 3
30  cards
Vocab 22
Bisoght 1,
Herberwe 2,
Ese 3
30  cards
Vocab 23
On the pose 1,
Ywet 2,
Crowke 3
30  cards
Vocab 24
Uprighte 1,
Ny 2,
Seyn 3
30  cards
Vocab 25
Al wrang 1,
Toty 2,
Swynk 3
30  cards
Vocab 26
At the fulle 1,
Pyled 2,
Grethen 3
30  cards
Vocab 27
Hostileer 1,
Natheless 2,
Ywis 3
30  cards
Vocab 28
Box 1,
Revelour 2,
Haunteth 3
30  cards
Vocab 29
Brybe 1,
Array 2,
Compeer 3
30  cards
Vocab 30
Trowe 1,
Leveful 2,
Yifte 3
30  cards
Vocab 31
Lust 1,
Wroot 2,
Of indulgence 3
30  cards
Vocab 32
Daungerous 1,
Lette 2,
Thral 3
30  cards
Vocab 33
Trowe 1,
Fawe 2,
Faire 3
30  cards
Vocab 34
Daliaunce 1,
Goth 2,
Coveiteth 3
30  cards
Vocab 35
Fadres 1,
Crispe 2,
Squiereth 3
30  cards
Vocab 36
Thee 1,
Habit 2,
Maad 3
30  cards
Vocab 37
Bonde 1,
Stifly 2,
Baar 3
30  cards
Vocab 38
Suffre 1,
Nycetee 2,
Wynne wynnyng 3
30  cards
Vocab 39
Yowthe 1,
Jolitee 2,
Aboute myn herte roote 3
30  cards
Vocab 40
Prys 1,
Som tyme 2,
So moot i thee 3
30  cards
Vocab 41
Usage 1,
Purveyed 2,
Undertake 3
31  cards
Vocab 42
Roule 1,
Buyldeth 2,
Falwes 3
30  cards
Vocab 43
Kitte 1,
Stynte 2,
Ouche 3
30  cards
Vocab 44
Wyte 1,
Biseke 2,
Eftsoones 3
30  cards
Vocab 45
Undermeles 1,
Morwenynges 2,
Matyns 3
30  cards
Vocab 46
Grace 1,
Coost 2,
Accordynge 3
30  cards
Vocab 47
Name 1,
Conseil 2,
Swal 3
30  cards
Vocab 48
Pister 1,
High 2,
Been 3
30  cards
Vocab 49
Parage 1,
Folwen 2,
In swich degree 3
30  cards
Vocab 50
Wole 1,
Whoso 2,
Halt 3
32  cards
Vocab 51
Burel 1,
Scithero 2,
Mateere 3
30  cards
Vocab 52
So moot i goon 1,
Wher so 2,
Wyn 3
31  cards
Vocab 53
Faste 1,
Disporte 2,
Barge seigh 3
30  cards
Vocab 54
Mannes 1,
Prys 2,
But 3
30  cards
Vocab 55
Ysene 1,
Bityde 2,
Deyntee 3
32  cards
Vocab 56
Yeres 1,
Vouche sauf 2,
Teeris 3
30  cards
Vocab 57
Lym 1,
Voyded 2,
Apparence 3
30  cards
Vocab 58
Lisse 1,
Penaunce 2,
Hewed 3
30  cards
Vocab 59
Salewed 1,
Lothest 2,
Disese 3
30  cards
Vocab 60
Selve 1,
Myghte hir handes of it arace 2,
Despit 3
30  cards
Vocab 61
Abyde 1,
Franchise 2,
Departe 3
30  cards
Vocab 62
Cropen 1,
Travaille 2,
Vitaille 3
5  cards
Vocab 63
Whilom 1,
Erchedeken 2,
Dide execucioun 3
30  cards
Vocab 64
Symonye 1,
Hent 2,
Yshent 3
30  cards
Vocab 65
Lettres blake 1,
Dogge for the bowe 2,
Hool 3
30  cards
Vocab 66
Algate 1,
Sleyghte 2,
Wynne 3
30  cards
Vocab 67
Axest 1,
Divers 2,
Figures 3
30  cards
Vocab 68
Foled 1,
Fecche 2,
Tholed 3
30  cards
Vocab 69
Somoncebille 1,
Up peyne 2,
Cursyng 3
30  cards
Vocab 70
Bonde 1,
Mysdedes 2,
Styropes 3
30  cards
Vocab 71
Holde 1,
Oules 2,
Brenne 3
30  cards
Vocab 72
Weel 1,
Droof 2,
Potente 3
30  cards
Vocab 73
Je vous dy 1,
Defended 2,
I wol go theraboute 3
31  cards
Vocab 74
Continence 1,
Misericorde 2,
Clennesse 3
30  cards
Vocab 75
Biset 1,
Ago 2,
Seche 3
34  cards
Vocab 76
Viker 1,
Person 2,
Sooth 3
30  cards
Vocab 77
Despit 1,
An hondred part 2,
Wrecche 3
31  cards
Vocab 78
Werchen 1,
Litel tyme 2,
Seinte 3
30  cards
Vocab 79
What maner world is this 1,
Wode 2,
Despit 3
30  cards
Vocab 80
Shewe 1,
Erst 2,
Ars metrike 3
30  cards
Vocab 81
Parfourne up 1,
By oon assent 2,
Ful sadly 3
30  cards
Vocab 82
Peytrel 1,
Foom 2,
Pye 3
30  cards
Vocab 83
Oght 1,
Kan 2,
Murthe 3
30  cards
Vocab 84
Axe 1,
For he shal nevere thee 2,
Wherto 3
30  cards
Vocab 85
Sommes 1,
Wenen 2,
At the leeste weye 3
30  cards
Vocab 86
Leden 1,
Rewe 2,
Swynk 3
30  cards
Vocab 87
Bisye 1,
Orpyment 2,
Brent bones 3
30  cards
Vocab 88
Erthe 1,
Sondry 2,
Urynales 3
31  cards
Vocab 89
Combust 1,
Coagulat 2,
Heer 3
30  cards
Vocab 90
Ascaunce 1,
Nyce 2,
Letterure 3
30  cards
Vocab 91
Goot 1,
Rammyssh 2,
Hoot 3
29  cards
Vocab 92
Beeth 1,
As usage is 2,
Swithe 3
30  cards
Vocab 93
Ne demeth nat that 1,
Sclaundre 2,
Rewe 3
31  cards
Vocab 94
Pleynly 1,
At ye 2,
Beede 3
30  cards
Vocab 95
Crosselet 1,
Wexe 2,
Profre 3
30  cards
Vocab 96
Wreke 1,
Fayn wolde i 2,
Variaunt 3
30  cards
Vocab 97
Subtilitee 1,
Malisoun 2,
Assay 3
30  cards
Vocab 98
Doublenesse 1,
Weerieth 2,
Right as hym liste 3
30  cards
Vocab 99
Took 1,
Loos 2,
Kepe 3
30  cards
Vocab 100
To long a date 1,
Prolle 2,
Peril casteth noon 3
38  cards
Vocab 101
Stant 1,
Jape 2,
Bynde 3
30  cards
Vocab 102
Moote 1,
Justen 2,
Atte fan 3
30  cards
Vocab 103
Rit 1,
Stryve 2,
Wratthen 3
30  cards
Vocab 104
Al in ydel 1,
Kept in noon awayt 2,
A verray ncyetee 3
30  cards
Vocab 105
Cosyn 1,
Werkyng 2,
Boystous 3
30  cards
Vocab 106
Brast 1,
Atwo 2,
Flo 3
30  cards
Vocab 107
In tokenynge 1,
Stirte 2,
Refte 3
30  cards
Vocab 108
Thral 1,
Yvele apayd 2,
Whereso 3
30  cards
Vocab 109
Noght helpeth it 1,
Sentence 2,
Substance 3
30  cards
Vocab 110
Highte 1,
Bour 2,
Sklendre 3
30  cards
Vocab 111
Toon 1,
Lylye flour 2,
Plesaunce 3
30  cards
Vocab 112
Eeris 1,
Heeris 2,
Snowte 3
30  cards
Vocab 113
Yow 1,
Hele 2,
Prow 3
30  cards
Vocab 114
Mordred 1,
Abrayde 2,
Took of this no keep 3
30  cards
Vocab 115
Pyned 1,
Engyned 2,
Anhanged 3
30  cards
Vocab 116
Botme 1,
Maistow leere 2,
Recchelees 3
30  cards
Vocab 117
Pryme 1,
Trad 2,
Toos 3
30  cards
Vocab 118
Undren 1,
Gladly 2,
Liggen 3
30  cards
Vocab 119
I brouke 1,
Peyne 2,
Therwithal 3
30  cards
Vocab 120
Shrighte 1,
Brend 2,
Sely 3
30  cards
Vocab 121
To oure doctrine 1,
Chaf 2,
Breche 3
17  cards

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