This class was created by Brainscape user Paige Hamay. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (124)

What is infective endocarditis wh...,
What are the two main types of en...,
What type of heart valves does su...
24  cards
Cardiomyopathies, Pericarditis, & Myocarditis
What is cardiomyopathy,
What is myocarditis,
What is pericarditis what two thi...
35  cards
Cardiac Murmurs & Valve Probz
Heart valves are made up of what ...,
What does each problem with a val...,
What is the function of the chord...
40  cards
What test is most helpful to dete...,
What is bnp an indicator of,
What is heart failure
32  cards
Steps on how to clinically diagno...,
Describe the arterial occlusion f...,
Out of the 600 000 people who die...
24  cards
Why do you get angina,
What does anginas o2 supply deman...,
What is chronic stable angina
42  cards
Cardio: DVT
What kind of problem is a dvt,
What is vichors triad,
What are 3 endogenous anti coags
42  cards
Cardio- HTN
Htn its not about bp its about ____,
What is the key to essential htn,
What is essential htn
39  cards
pulmonary infections & PFTs
What is the common cold,
When does the common cold often r...,
What is important to distinguish ...
57  cards
restrictive lung disease/pulmonary hyperT
Ild interstitial lung disease,
Ild considered a restrictive lung...,
Dx of ild requires
36  cards
Normal blood gas levels pa o2 and...,
What is is called when lungs cant...,
Intrinsic vs extrinsic resp failure
21  cards
Epidemiology of copd _____ of lon...,
Worldwide copd is expected to mov...,
While ____ is the leading cause o...
50  cards
What is pneumonia,
How is pneumonia classified and w...,
How long must you have been at th...
47  cards
Lung Cancer
What cancer is the leading cause ...,
Lung cancer is more common than w...,
What is the 5 yr survival rate fo...
29  cards
What is hemoptysis,
What are the two main types,
What causes hemoptysis describe p...
15  cards
How does a pulmonary insult impac...,
Is wheezing always present in an ...,
If a patient responds to these tw...
52  cards
Intro to Metabolism
Pathophys of DM
80  cards
Type 1 DM
What is insulitis,
What condition do pure type 1 dm ...,
Definition of type 1 dm
28  cards
Type 2 DM
Around 1995 there were only ____ ...,
Certain companies are now classif...,
Txt increases in insulin should b...
58  cards
Kwashiokor vs marasmus basic defi...,
Who gets kwashiokor,
Who gets marasmus
30  cards
Mood Disorders
Mood disorders encompass what two...,
What are the five main mood disor...,
Likelihood of recurrence of depre...
46  cards
Anxiety, OCD, Trauma
What are the three ds of psych di...,
Anxiety disorders must significan...,
What of americans 18 yrs and olde...
67  cards
Somatic/Dissociative disorders
What does dissociate mean,
Somatic symptoms and related diso...,
Do people with somatic symptoms h...
30  cards
Personality DOs
4 personality disorder characteri...,
Men are more likely to be dx with...,
Women are more likely diagnosed w...
36  cards
Schizo spectrum disorders
Schizophrenia spectrum and other ...,
What are the two components of se...,
Schizo spectrum and other psychot...
33  cards
Psych Eating DOs/Abuse/Dementia
What is the definition of obesity,
About 50 of patients with obesity...,
What are the four different manag...
57  cards
Psych Childhood DOs
Conduct disorder criteria 2,
What is conduct disorder,
Tx for conduct do
17  cards
Psych in Primary Care
What is the first thing to do tre...,
Our mental state impacts ________...,
Actual leading causes of death 9 ...
32  cards
When evaluating a pt with sinusit...,
What is the likely cause of rhino...,
Which clinical presentations qual...
38  cards
Disorders of the Ear
Why are kids more susceptible to ...,
What does cerumen do in the ear,
What is perichondritis usually du...
40  cards
Intro to HENT, URIs, Pharyn&Tonsil
What two hearing systems are inte...,
What is pitch reception,
What is the vestibular system
49  cards
6 services of an audiologist,
What age group has seen the bigge...,
What percentage of hearing loss c...
35  cards
Eye: retinopathies
What is the leading cause of new ...,
Major risk factor for developing dr,
What is the pathogenesis of dr
30  cards
Neuro- HA, facial pain
What is common and what is scary ...,
What are the new drugs out there ...,
Pe or history more important for ...
56  cards
Neuro- stroke/TIA
Tia vs stroke cva what are they b...,
Two main causes types of stroke t...,
What can cause atrial fibrillation
48  cards
neuro- CNS infections
Types of cns infections 4,
3 large groups of meningitis,
3 major risk factors for cns infe...
39  cards
neuro- NM disorders
What is bells palsy s s,
What is the pathophys of bells pa...,
Studies for bells palsy
45  cards
Neuro- disorders of Equilibrium
What is equilibrium,
What is disequilibrium what is it...,
What is syncope
24  cards
neuro-CNS tumors
Most common cns malignancies,
How do cns tumors present,
What is an uncal herniation
22  cards
intro & Esophageal disorders
Older pt with new swallowing hear...,
Who do you refer to for pharynx s...,
Are the sphincters of the esophag...
59  cards
Gastric Disorders
2 disorders that cause injury of ...,
Parietal cells of the gastric lum...,
Prostoglandins help do what in th...
50  cards
Small Bowel, Biliary and Pancreatic Disorders
Important causes of acute abdomen...,
Always consider ____ for any pain...,
What is and causes intussusception
61  cards
GI Metabolic, Nutrition, Food Allergy DOs
What is pku and pp behind it,
Cp dx and tx for pku,
What is pagets disease biggest rf
36  cards
Hepatic Disorders
Three clinical phases of acute vi...,
Lab values for acute viral hepatitis,
Definition for chronic hepatitis ...
36  cards
Colorectal Disorders
Colon ca is the ____ most common ...,
Whats the biggest risk factor for...,
What of colon rectal cancer occur...
65  cards
GI Infectious Diarrhea and Hernias
What three things could rotavirus...,
Who gets rotavirus,
Labs for rotavirus
49  cards
Toxic Substances and GI meds
Moa of proton pump inhibitors med...,
5 indications for ppis,
4 side effects of ppis
57  cards
What are endotoxins a part of whe...,
What are exotoxins,
What do exotoxins do to your body...
47  cards
What is the most common sti,
What aged people are the highest ...,
5 ps of sexual hx to ask a pt
98  cards
Fever/Antimicrobial Resistance
What degree is the temp of a fever,
What is normal body temp how many...,
What is hyperthermia
47  cards
What are the top five countries w...,
How is tb transmitted,
How does the immune system react ...
57  cards
Vector Born Diseases
What are vectors,
_______ is a leading cause of ill...,
Are there vaccines for dengue wha...
85  cards
What is a symbiont commensal para...,
Eosinophilia suggests what kind o...,
Many helminths are ____ with life...
39  cards
When does hiv become aids,
What is the sequence that we use ...,
3 stages of hiv aids
73  cards
UTIs- Male
Uncomplicated uti pt does not hav...,
What patients are considered to h...,
Most utis are caused by what
44  cards
male sexual dysfunction
Dx classification sexual desire d...,
Dx classification sexual arousal ...,
Dx classification orgasmic disord...
41  cards
Nephrolithiasis it is common ___ ...,
What age do most people get kidne...,
Risk for kidney stones ______ aft...
58  cards
4 types of incontinence which is ...,
The detrusor muscle of the bladde...,
The inner sphincter of the bladde...
62  cards
prostate problems and GU cancers
What is the most common prostate ...,
Bph is a major cause of _______ i...,
What are the symptoms of bph 4
42  cards
disorders of the penis/testes
What is balanitis,
What is balanoposthitis,
Who is most likely to get balanit...
99  cards
Abnormal/Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Menstrual cycle depend on a delic...,
How does the hypothalamus secrete...,
Fsh is secreted in the first ____...
81  cards
Repro Endocrinology and Infertility
Define infertility,
Fecundability definition and aver...,
Definition of fecundity
42  cards
Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain
Chronic pain is not ______ _____ ...,
Chronic pain pathway what happens...,
First question to ask if pt has p...
41  cards
Guest- Common Preg Problems
When is the 1st 2nd and 3rd trime...,
5 first trimester probs,
How common is morning sickness ca...
27  cards
What is pcos what 4 things help c...,
How does pcos relate to obesity dm,
What must you exclude to dx pcos
27  cards
cervical cancers, dysplasia, screening, Mgmt
Sensitivity of pap smear is only ...,
Which area is very susceptible to...,
What information does the bethesd...
58  cards
female GU tumors
Two main risk factors for female ...,
Most significant early warning sy...,
5 early symptoms of female gu cancer
66  cards
female external Genitalia D/O
How many sexually active people w...,
What is vulvitis is it common,
Symptoms of vulvitis 6
70  cards
Breast Cancer &genetics
Most common form of cancer in ame...,
Breast cancer mortality rate has ...,
Leading cause of death for women ...
35  cards
breast disorders/breast cancer
Usual age of breast development,
Lobule development in the breasts...,
Tanner stages 1 5
66  cards
prenatal care
5 most important things before be...,
Dx of pregnancy presumptive equal...,
Dx pregnancy probable more likely...
73  cards
normal labor & delivery
Define lie,
Midpregnancy lie is _______ and l...,
Define presentation
51  cards
common problems in pregnancy
Gestational htn is defined as app...,
Defining preclampsia vs gestation...,
Can you distinguish between precl...
53  cards
termination of pregnancy
Hcg is secreted by the fetus how ...,
At what levels are hcg tests nega...,
Hcg doubles every ___ days in the...
65  cards
personality disorders
____________ are sensory percepti...,
Which of the following disorders ...,
Todd is 24 years old for the last...
40  cards
peds: growth and development
What ages do you use growth chart...,
What three groups use different g...,
What three things do growth chart...
71  cards
Pediatric Surgery
1 cause of vomiting in infancy re...,
Pyloric stenosis incidence most c...,
What type of obstruction is pylor...
29  cards
Newborn Exam
Four parts to the newborn hx,
What are the 4 components of the ...,
Components of pregnancy hx 8
64  cards
Eating DOs
What type of dos has the highest ...,
What are four comorbidities to ea...,
What is the prognosis for eating ...
31  cards
peds: congenital heart defects
_______ prevent the closing of th...,
Inheritance of chd ___ multifacto...,
What is the cardiac lesion caused...
40  cards
peds: ADHD
Gold standard adhd txt,
Define adhd,
Worldwide prevalence of adhd is ___
27  cards
peds: behavior problems
What are the 5 most common pysch ...,
History for peds behavior problem...,
Timmy is 4 years old he likes to ...
55  cards
peds: child abuse
5 ways to define child abuse,
4 types of child abuse,
Do you want to try to date a brui...
37  cards
peds- nutrition
Benefits of breast feeding,
Benefits of bottle feeding,
Infant feeding guidelines 0 4 months
32  cards
peds- adolescent medicine
What age is early adolescence wha...,
What age is middle adolescence wh...,
What age is late adolescence what...
26  cards
peds: learning disorder&disability
What three things should an evalu...,
5 types of developmental delays,
What are the 3 areas that a speci...
61  cards
Intro to Rheum
Many rheum diseases involve what ...,
Intra articular and inflammatory ...,
Extra articular and inflammatory ...
56  cards
Ra is a _________ ________ diseas...,
Extraarticular manifestations are...,
How many joints affected by ra
71  cards
Gout and Pseudogout
What substance level can you not ...,
An acute gout flare looks really ...,
Three characteristics of crystal ...
62  cards
spondylarthropathy/septic arthritis
What are spondyloarthropathies wh...,
Ana and rf are negative or positi...,
What are entheses ethesitis
67  cards
vasculitis & scleroderma
What are vasculitides aka vasculitis,
What two things can cause vasculi...,
Vasculitis immune complexes lead ...
35  cards
What are the 3 related diseases t...,
What is systemic lupus erythemato...,
Who is the typical pt with sle
28  cards
SLE-related illnesses
3 sle related illnesses,
What are polymyositis and dermato...,
Polymyositis vs dermatomyositis
29  cards
fibromyalgia + chronic fatigue
What is fibromyalgia,
What is another name for fibromya...,
Why are migraines ibs similar to ...
38  cards
Define osteoarthritis,
What areas does oa effect,
What is the more appropriate term...
42  cards
pediatric rheumatology
7 rheumatic diseases that present...,
Who gets juvenile idiopathic arth...,
Pathophys of jia
41  cards
rheuamtology- general groupings
Two broad groups of rheumatic dis...,
Acute monoarticular inflammatory,
Acute monoarticular noninflammatory
9  cards
ortho- rehab
Reduction immobilization define t...,
Bone healing what are the 3 steps,
Step 1 bone healing inflammatory
9  cards
Soft Tissue Orthopedics- Not done
What is overuse syndrome,
What does overuse syndrome encompass,
What is tendinitis what is it usu...
15  cards
ortho- spine
What does ipromst stand for,
___ of us adult pop is disabled d...,
Neck arm pain degenerative proces...
93  cards
geriatric orthopedics
Those with increased risk of fall...,
Decreased ________ function and l...,
Usual mechanism of hip fracture
23  cards
Complex Geriatrics
Six complex geriatric conditions,
___ of people ages 65 or older ex...,
Falls are responsible for ___ of ...
41  cards
Alterations in Nutrition and Hydration
Normal aging what happens to body...,
Normal aging what happens to teet...,
Estimated protein needs per day
16  cards
Geriatrics: elder abuse
What is the prevalence of elder a...,
Screening for elder abuse,
Only through ________ ________ an...
20  cards
Geriatrics: sexuality
What is the plissit model,
Change in male orgasm with age,
Change in sexuality for females
11  cards
Geriatrics: hospice
4 considerations for end of life ...,
Legal ethical considerations for ...,
Medicare payment for hospice
29  cards
Geriatrics: biological changes of age
What is the fastest growing age g...,
What are the demographics of the ...,
Geron vs gerontology vs geriatrics
42  cards
Geriatrics: depression, delirium, dementia
Most common type of dementia,
How do most people die from alzhe...,
Define dementia
46  cards
Surgery: Post-op
What is included in early mobiliz...,
Infection is usually confined to ...,
Surgical wound classification 1 4...
73  cards
Surgery: Pre-op
Important pre op history allergies,
What patients need chest xray bef...,
Who needs pre op ekg what does an...
32  cards
Surgery: Transplant
What was the first transplant and...,
What year did congress passes the...,
Organ procurement and transplanta...
23  cards
Surg: Mechanical Vent
What are pulmonary pressures refe...,
Normal breathing is what type of ...,
Negative pressure ventilation art...
21  cards
Surgical- ICU
Two major reasons for admittance ...,
3 mortality risk scoring systems ...,
Central venous access is placed w...
39  cards
Abdominal Surgery
Gerd symptoms 6,
How to diagnose,
What is barretts esophagus what d...
54  cards
Surgical: anesthetics
General anesthesia what are the m...,
General anesthesia what are the m...,
5 different types of anesthesia a...
21  cards
Surgery: pediatrics
Consent is a legal issue what spe...,
What is assent,
What are the 5 most common condit...
44  cards
Surgery: Wound Care
With a tissue injury what are the...,
4 phases of wound healing know,
What do neutrophils do
14  cards
Surgical oncology
Gold standard of staging cas,
What makes pancreatic ca so nasty,
Chemo vs radiation therapy
13  cards
EM- ortho emergencies
Most common location of clavicle ...,
What fracture accounts for 90 95 ...,
Which bone in the body is the las...
82  cards
EM extras
What is the heart score used for,
Heart score system,
Life threatening differentials of...
96  cards
Psych Substance Abuse
0  cards
GI emergencies/acute abdomen COPY
Gi emergencies can either be ____...,
Important causes of acute abdomen...,
What is the most frequently menti...
67  cards
GI bleeding COPY
Common causes of bleeding upper gi,
Common cause of bleeding lower gi,
Serious scary causes of bleeding
16  cards
Endocrine Extra + Meds
What is cushings syndrome,
Difference between cushings disea...,
Cp of cushings syndrome
68  cards

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Clin Med- P

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