This class was created by Brainscape user Mikaela Koller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (78)

Antimicrobial Review
Moa of penicillin,
Mechanism of resistancepenicillin,
Penicillin coverage
272  cards
Intro to Infectious Disease Unit
Of pts impacted by hai,
What are hai associated with
15  cards
Gram Positive Infections
Are group b streptococcal infecti...,
Group b streptococcal infectionsw...,
Group b streptococcal infectionsw...
184  cards
Gram Negative Infections
E colibacteria most often causes ...,
E colibacteria most often comes f...,
E colietec
123  cards
Anaerobic Bacterial Infections
Clostridiawhat type of anaerobic ...,
Clostridiawhich two clostridia ar...,
Clostridia4 different disorders
62  cards
Viral Infections
General notesdx tests tx,
General notes on virusesprognosis,
General notes on virusesneed for ...
236  cards
Parasitic & Fungal Infections
Toxoplasmosiscaused by what paras...,
Toxoplasmosistransmission 3 modes...,
Toxoplasmosissigns sx in typical ...
140  cards
Chlamydiacaused by,
Chlamydiarisk factors
99  cards
Acid Fast Infections
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes...,
What bacteria causes leprosy,
Tuberculosisrisk factors for infe...
47  cards
Modes of transmission,
Hiv aidsprominent systemic compla...,
Hiv aidswhy do opportunistic infe...
38  cards
Intro to Derm
Terminologywhat are primary lesions,
Terminology9 most common primary ...,
Terminologydefine macule
51  cards
Pigmented Lesions
Define abcde of skin exams,
What is the ugly duckling sign,
When to consider biopsy
50  cards
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal cell carcinomacaused by,
Basal cell carcinomarisk factors,
Basal cell carcinomahas it is usu...
8  cards
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Actinic keratosishow does it occur,
Actinic keratosisrisk factors 5,
Actinic keratosiscan turn into wh...
20  cards
Reactive Erythemas
Urticariacell of origin,
Squamous cell carcinoma,
Urticariawhat type of hypersensit...
63  cards
Scaling Disorders
Psoriasisaffects who two peaks of...,
Psoriasistypes of psoriasis 5
34  cards
Fungal Disorders
Koh examdissolves what to make it...,
Koh examprocedural steps 6,
Tinea capitistypically caused by
40  cards
General info3 phases of hair cycl...,
General infohow many hairs do we ...,
General infoimportant history que...
36  cards
Pustular Disorders
Acne vulgarispathophys 4 components,
Acne vulgarisdx,
Acne vulgarisinflammatory skin co...
36  cards
Blistering Diseases
Pemphigus vulgarismost common in who,
Pemphigus vulgarisassociated w wh...,
Pemphigus vulgarisgenerally descr...
25  cards
Papular Disease
Verruca vulgariscaused by which v...,
Verruca vulgarispathophys,
Verruca vulgaristypes 3
22  cards
Nail Disorders
What is pitting associated with 3...,
What is transverse ridging assoic...,
What is a beau line
34  cards
Inflammatory Nodule Disorders
Lipomamost common type of skin pr...,
Lipomabenign subq tumors composed...,
Lipomaclinical manifestations
26  cards
Pruritic Disorders
Scabiesgeneral overview,
Scabiesclinical manifestations 3 ...
36  cards
Vesicular Dermatoses
Herpes simplex 1transmitted how,
Herpes simplex 1pathophys,
Herpes simplex 1clinical presenta...
62  cards
Misc Derm Disorders
Cherry angiomahow does this benig...,
Cherry angiomamost commonly seen ...,
Cherry angiomaclinical presentation
59  cards
3 types of lipids,
What is cholesterol define describe,
What are triglycerides
126  cards
Arterial Diseases
Aortathree layers of the aorta,
Aorta3 conditions of the aorta,
Aortadescribe aortic aneurysm gen...
98  cards
Venous Diseases
Varicose veinsrisk factors 5,
Varicose veinsclinical presentation,
Varicose veinswork up 2
25  cards
Shock and ACLS Overview
Abcde algorithm,
How do you know if the airway is ...,
Airway assessment
56  cards
Cardiac Diagnostics
Define gdmt,
Define omt,
What does ej stand for
54  cards
How to ensure accurate bp measure...,
What are acc aha ada guidelines b...,
What is bp goal in with associate...
46  cards
Coronary Artery Disease
Which 3 meds their doses can be u...,
When to use clopidogrel ticagrelo...,
Contraindication of prasugrel
54  cards
Class 1a anti arrhythmic meds 3,
Class 1b,
Class 1c anti arrhythmic meds
95  cards
Pericardial Disease
Function of the pericardium,
Pericarditiswhat is it,
Pericarditiscan be due to 4
59  cards
Congestive Heart Failure
Chfcauses 10,
Chfwhat is it,
Chfnormal ef
37  cards
3 types of cardiomyopathy,
Describe dilated cardiomyopathy,
How can dilated cardiomyopathy oc...
44  cards
Valvular Heart Disorders
Describe normal heart sound s1,
Describe normal heart sound s2,
Which heart murmur is heart as cr...
124  cards
Congenital Heart Disorders
Which disorders are cyanotic,
Which disorders are acyanotic,
Transposition of the great vessel...
44  cards
Bells Palsy & Trigeminal Neuralgia
Bells palsyhow,
Bells palsyepidemiology age gende...,
Bells palsyrisk factors 3
48  cards
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravisdescribe,
Myasthenia gravischaracteristics 4,
Myasthenia gravispathophys
24  cards
TIAs, Strokes, Intracerebral AVM, Aneurysms
How to differentiate stroke from tia,
What is rind,
What causes rind
55  cards
Lumbar Punctures
Common indications for lumbar pun...,
Contraindications of lumbar punct...,
What are the 4 factors associated...
13  cards
Movement Disorders
Purpose of the basal ganglia,
Which is excitatory which is inhi...,
Describe the direct pathway
108  cards
Common in who,
High risk features,
What result in ed visits
38  cards
Primary Headaches
Examples of primary headaches 3,
Example of secondary headaches,
Key pmhx questions 8 components
69  cards
Cord Lesions
3 most clinically important tract...,
Function of dorsal columns,
Function of the lateral corticosp...
22  cards
Neurologic Disorders
Deliriumcommon triggers for delir...,
Deliriumsigns sx 4 likely sx 5 sx
135  cards
Neurocutaneous Disorders
3 neurocutaneous disorders relate...,
Tuberous sclerosiscauses,
Tuberous sclerosischaracterized by
13  cards
Degenerative Motor Neuron Diseases
Characterized by,
Examples 5,
Common sx of all disorders 6
24  cards
Skull Fractures
How do skull fractures occur,
Skull fractureswhich bone is most...,
Skull fracturesmost common fractu...
44  cards
Intracranial Hemorrhages
Intracerebral hemorrhagesecond mo...,
Intracerebral hemorrhagewhat is a...,
Intracerebral hemorrhagewhat can ...
22  cards
Tbiapprox how many people sustain...,
Tbimost common cause in older adu...,
Tbimost common sport to cause tbi
13  cards
Carpal tunnel syndromepathophys,
Carpal tunnel syndromewhich finge...,
Carpal tunnel syndromerisk factors 7
35  cards
Polyneuropathies & Mononeuritis Multiplex
Peripheral diabetic neuropathypat...,
Peripheral diabetic neuropathycom...,
Peripheral diabetic neuropathysig...
25  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
Epidemology gender age genetics e...,
Multiple sclerosischaracteristic ...
38  cards
Meningitis & Encephalitis
Meningitisinflammation of which s...,
Meningitiswhich age has majority ...,
Meningitiscommon bacterial organi...
43  cards
Seizures & Epilepsy
Define a seizure,
Define epilepsy,
Epilepsyessentials of dx 3
49  cards
Eyelid Disorders
Pterygiumrisk factors,
Pterygiumclinical presentation 4 ...,
Pterygiummanagement 3 components
119  cards
Inner Eye Disorders
Thyroid orbitopathyoccurs in who ...,
Thyroid orbitopathypresentation,
57  cards
Ear Disorders 1
What landmark separates the inner...,
Ear anatomypurpose of pinna auricle,
Ear anatomypurpose of auditory ca...
108  cards
Physical Medicine
Drowningdescribe water rescue,
Drowningdescribe non fatal drowning,
Drowningdescribe fatal drowning
48  cards
Heme/Onc Pathophys
Rbc lifespan,
What happens to rbc at end of life,
What doe
218  cards
Chemotherapy Drugs/Intro
Overviewgenerally what is chemoth...,
Overviewdescribe the 4 phases of ...,
Chemo medsduring which phase does...
19  cards
Fluids Pathophys
Iv fluids managementwhat makes up...,
Iv fluids managementwhat makes up...,
Iv fluids managementwhat is the t...
81  cards
Pulm Pathophys
Resp system anatomywhat is in upp...,
Resp system anatomyconducting vs ...,
Resp system anatomydescribe trachea
175  cards
Endocrine Pathophys
Siadhdorwart chalmers formula,
Siadhsmithline and gardner formula,
Siadhnormal serum osmolality ranges
154  cards
GI Pathophys (Digestive Tract)
Gi signs sxsign vs sx,
Gi signs sx4 categories of signs ...,
Gi signs sx3 main types of sympto...
157  cards
GI Accessory Organ Pathophys
Liver disorders enzymesliver stru...,
Liver disorders enzymes,
Liver disorders enzymes
66  cards
MSK Pathophys
Spinal pathologieslower spine ver...,
Spinal pathologieslabel anatomy o...,
Spinal pathologiesligaments of spine
110  cards
Rheum Pathophys
Generalunderlying pathophys of au...,
Generalrisk factors for autoimmun...,
35  cards
Psych Pathophys
Major depressive disorderepidemology,
Major depressive disorderrisk fac...,
Neurotransmittersadrenaline epine...
118  cards
Psych Pharmacology
Fluoxetine prozac,
Paroxetine paxil,
Sertaline zoloft
55  cards
Renal Pathophys
Potassiumsecretion excretion,
Potassiumtx hypokalemia when to u...
89  cards
GU Pathophys
Male anatomy,
Testicle anatomy,
Male other anatomy
16  cards
Pregnancy Additional Info
Menstrual cycledefine these words...,
Effects of progesterone on reprod...,
Menstrual cyclewhat is corpus luteum
118  cards
Contraceptive Options
Generally what is contraception,
Describe actual vs theoretical ef...,
Hormonal contraceptives hcs gener...
47  cards
General Women's Health Patho
What are the lower genital cancers,
2  cards

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