This class was created by Brainscape user Sophia Barber. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Lecture 2: Diuretics Pharm
Whats a diuretic vs natriuretic v...,
What 2 types of diuretics act at ...,
Which class of diuretics act at t...
48  cards
Pulmonary HTN Drugs
When do you use a ccb to treat ph,
What is the definition of pah,
Who is the typical pt w pah
31  cards
Lecture 3: RAAS- Antihypertensives
Which commonly used drugs have be...,
Angiotensin ii formed from raas i...,
Angiotensin ii acts to increase w...
60  cards
Lecture 4: Asthma and COPD Drugs
Which 3 major drug classes are us...,
2 most common aes assocaited with...,
What is the only 2 drug available...
68  cards
Chapter 20: The Kidney - Glomerular Diseases
What is the most common and secon...,
What is the single most important...,
What is the major mediatory of in...
157  cards
Chapter 20: The Kidney - Congenital, Cystic Dz, Urinary Obstr. and Neoplasms
What occurs to the solitary kidne...,
True renal hypoplasia is most oft...,
Where is the most common location...
109  cards
Chapter 21: Lower Urinary Tract - Ureters, Bladder, Urethra
Most common cause of hydronephros...,
If ureteropelvic junction upj obs...,
About 1 3 of children w recurrent...
128  cards
Chest Pain DSA
At what age does your cv dz risk ...,
What are the serious seven,
When can you hear an s4 gallop
13  cards
Valvular Heart Dz
What is the most common cause of vhd,
What do stenosis and regurgitatio...,
When are diastolic murmors heard
27  cards
Heart Sounds/ Murmurs
In what murmur can you see head b...,
What characterizes aortic stenosis,
What does s3 sound like
31  cards
Hubbard Clin Med DSAs
What defines an acute subacute an...,
What is the mrc dyspnea scale,
Where does the sensation of dyspn...
182  cards
Dyspnea and Cough (Tyler) DSA + Johnson Dyspnea
What is a cinical finding in chro...,
What are alarm sx of cough,
What are the most common sx of we...
30  cards
Lecture 10: STEMI and NSTEMI
What are the ecg changes seen if ...,
Which type of mi is sympathetic h...,
What are 4 pe findings associated...
60  cards
Lecture 4: AV blocks
Which ekg finding defines a first...,
Presence of what 3 underlying sys...,
Whats the cause of this rhythm
24  cards
Lecture 4.1: Bundle Branch Blocks/Hemiblocks
Define intrinsic deflection id,
During ventricular depolarization...,
Which feature of the qrs complex ...
19  cards
Lecture 6: Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances (Atrial, Junctional, Ventricular)
What is your interpretation,
What is sinus arrythmia due to,
Bile salt accumulation in obstruc...
103  cards
Lecture 11: Altered Physiology and Shock
Shock can be defined as systolic ...,
Shock can be defined as a map,
Levels of what are a reflection o...
48  cards
Syncope and Fatigue DSAs
40  cards
DSA Fever
What is a fever,
What controls the normal narrow r...,
What are chills night sweats
53  cards
DSA Edema - Dr. Kirila
What are common complaints of pts...,
Pt presents with frothy urine wha...,
What can cause localized edema ge...
22  cards
Khalid CIS
62  cards
Oliguria and/or Proteinuria DSA and CIS
What defines anuria,
What defines oliguria and poly,
What common drugs are nephrotoxic
72  cards
Acid-Base Disorders DSA and CIS
What is normal arterial ph,
Henderson hasselbach equation
49  cards
Tyler Pee Stuff DSAs + CIS
What defines nocturia,
What is the definition of urinary...,
What are the 3 main cuases of noc...
87  cards
Lecture 6: Respiratory Distress in Children
What are the 3 components of card...,
What are the 3 components of the ...,
What does a somnolence or letharg...
20  cards
Lecture 7: Asthma
Asthma is characterized by a limi...,
What are the walls of the airway ...,
What is the strongest predisposin...
18  cards
Pediatric HTN, Renal, and Cardio
For children age 1 13 yo normal b...,
Which percentile range and bp ele...,
Which percentile range and bp ele...
56  cards
Stuff from the Review
In what leads do you see atrial f...,
What are the criteria on ecg for ...,
What tx is absolutely contraindic...
38  cards

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