This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah Fernandez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (223)

Nosodes are no substitute for vaccines
What are nosodes 1,
What evidence is there for nosodes 2,
What are current nosodes labelled...
4  cards
A bite in the playroom: managing human bites in child care settings
What is the approximate incidence...,
Administrative recommendations fo...,
What are measures that may help d...
13  cards
A case based update: 2010 pediatric basic and advanced life-support guidelines
What is the new priority regardin...,
What is an optimal chest compress...,
Is hands only cpr appropriate for...
14  cards
A harmonized immunization schedule for Canada: A call to action
What is the national advisory com...,
Who is responsible for defining t...,
What are the benefits of a harmon...
4  cards
A model of paediatrics: Rethinking health care for children and youth
What is the current role of a ped...,
What accounts for increasing pedi...,
Why are the health needs of child...
8  cards
Acute otitis externa
What are the risk factors for acu...,
How do you diagnose acute otitis ...,
What organisms cause aoe 3
12  cards
Adolescent pregnancy
What are the pregnancy rates amon...,
How many adolescent pregnancies e...,
What are some symptoms of pregnan...
13  cards
Adolescent sexual orientation
What is sexual orientation 1,
What is a heterosexual 2,
What is a homosexual gay or lesbi...
18  cards
Advance care planning for paediatric patients
What is the aim of pediatric heal...,
What is advance care planning 2,
What is palliative care 3
6  cards
Age limits and adolescents
What is adolescence 1,
What does the cps believe about t...
2  cards
Air travel and children's health issues
What measures are present to prev...,
Which patients are recommended fo...,
What is the oxygen content in a c...
22  cards
An update to the Greig Health Record: Executive summary
What is the recommended frequency...,
What are the three checklist temp...,
What are the section headings for...
18  cards
An update to the Greig Health Record: Preventive health care visits for children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years - Technical report
What do the fonts mean in the gre...,
What topics is office counselling...,
What are exceptions to the rules ...
81  cards
Anaphylaxis in schools and other settings
What are key recommendations in t...,
What is the prevalence of anaphyl...,
What are signs or symptoms of ana...
13  cards
Ankle sprains in the paediatric athlete
How common are sports and other m...,
What are the most common msk inju...,
What ligaments stabilize the ankl...
12  cards
Ankyloglossia and breastfeeding
What is ankyloglossia 1,
What is the etiology of ankyloglo...,
What is the prevalence of ankylog...
5  cards
Antifungal agents for common outpatient paediatric infections
What is the incidence of orophary...,
What are the recommended therapie...,
What are the recommended therapie...
25  cards
Antifungal agents for the treatment of systemic fungal infections in children
What major toxicities are associa...,
What is the spectrum of activity ...,
What does amphotericin b not cover 3
27  cards
Antimicrobial products in the home: the evolving problem of antibiotic resistance
What is a biocide 1,
What are sterilants 2,
What are disinfectants 3
32  cards
Antimicrobial stewardship in daily practice: managing an important resource
What is antimicrobial stewardship 1,
When should testing occur before ...,
What are some principles of antim...
5  cards
Assessment of cardiorespiratory stability using the infant car seat challenge before discharge in preterm infants (<37 weeks GA)
What is an infant car seat challe...,
Should infants remain in their ca...,
What is the discordance rate for ...
4  cards
Autism spectrum disorder: no causal relationship with vaccines
What is the evidence regarding th...,
What is the evidence regarding ca...
2  cards
Azithromycin use in paediatrics: a practical overview
What are the pharmacokinetic prop...,
What is the mechanism of action f...,
What is the spectrum of activity ...
6  cards
Banning children and youth under the age of 18 years from commercial tanning facilities
What is the frequency of uv radia...,
What does uva do 2,
What does uvb do 3
14  cards
Baseball and softball
Should baseball and softball be e...,
What are preventive measures to p...,
What should be done for elbow and...
10  cards
Bicycle helmet use in Canada the need for legislation to reduce the risk of head injury
What percentage of canadian child...,
How frequent are bike related inj...,
How frequent are bicycling relate...
16  cards
Biologic response modifiers to decrease inflammation: focus on infection risks
What are biologic response modifi...,
What is abatacept 2,
What is adalimumab 3
19  cards
Bodychecking in youth ice hockey
What is body contact 1,
What is bodychecking 2,
What are the age groupings for ho...
9  cards
Boxing participation by children and adolescents
Which organizations recommend ban...,
What is the prevalence of admissi...,
What injuries typically occur in ...
7  cards
Bronchiolitis: Recommendations for diagnosis, monitoring and management of children one to 24 months of age
What is bronchiolitis 1,
What viruses cause bronchiolitis 2,
What is the prevalence of bronchi...
19  cards
Canada's vaccine safety program
What are the eight components of ...
1  cards
Cardiac risk assessment before the use of stimulant medications in children and youth
How many school aged children hav...,
What are some challenges facing c...,
What are some risks for adolescen...
15  cards
Care of adolescents with chronic conditions
What is the prevalence of chronic...,
What is interdependence 2,
What factors make separation and ...
17  cards
Causes and prevention of low back pain in young athletes
How common is low back pain in th...,
What sports have higher incidence...,
What are risk factors for back in...
29  cards
Child and youth injury prevention: a public health approach
What is the definition of injury 1,
What is an example of a country w...,
What is the global burden of inju...
33  cards
Children and natural health products: what a clinician should know
What is complementary and alterna...,
What is a natural health product ...,
What do nhp encompass 3
20  cards
Chiropractic care for children: controversies and issues
What is chiropractic care 1,
What percentage of chiropractic p...,
What percentage of canadian chiro...
15  cards
Clostridium difficile in pediatric populations
Where is clostridium difficile fo...,
What is the primary mode of trans...,
What are the rates of asymptomati...
26  cards
Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Indigenous communities in Canada
What is community associated mrsa...,
What is the difference between ca...,
What mrsa types are associated wi...
14  cards
Concerns for the use of soy-based formulas in infant nutrition
What are phytoestrogens 1,
What type of estrogen are contain...,
What is the potency of isoflavones 3
9  cards
Canada's eight-component vaccine safety system: A primer for health care workers
What are the eight components of ...,
What are the components of good p...,
Who is responsible for vaccine re...
9  cards
Caring for children and youth from Canadian military families: Special considerations
What do the canadian forces consi...,
What are the medical and dental b...,
What is a deployment 3
24  cards
Congenital syphilis: No longer just of historical interest
How is syphilis acquired 1,
When should syphilis be suspected...,
What is the risk of vertical tran...
19  cards
Counselling and management for anticipated extremely preterm birth
What is the who definition of ga 1,
What is the definition of an extr...,
What information do parents repor...
17  cards
Diagnosis and management of asthma in preschoolers: A Canadian Thoracic Society and Canadian Pediatric Society position paper
What is associated with recurrent...,
What terms should not refer to as...,
What are some factors that height...
23  cards
Dietary exposures and allergy prevention in high-risk infants
What is the prevalence of food al...,
What is the definition of a high ...,
What restrictions should be place...
9  cards
Dieting in adolescence
What percentage of ontario teenag...,
What percentage of teenage girls ...,
What percentage of teenage boys h...
19  cards
Drug research and treatment for children in Canada: A challenge
What percentage of drugs on the c...,
What are some examples of histori...,
What was health canada s response...
4  cards
Early childhood caries in Indigenous communities
What is early childhood caries ecc 1,
What is the most common causative...,
What is the causatic triad for ecc 3
14  cards
E-cigarettes: Are we renormalizing public smoking? Reversing five decades of tobacco control and revitalizing nicotine dependency in children and youth in Canada
What is an e cigarette 1,
What is contained in the e liquid...,
What is the evidence re e cigaret...
8  cards
Effective disclipine for children
What does discipline need to be e...,
What should be included in the ps...,
What should counselling re discip...
16  cards
E-mail communication in paediatrics: Ethical and clinical considerations
What are recommendations re gener...,
What are recommendations re elect...,
What are recommendations re elect...
6  cards
Emergency contraception
What methods of oral emergency co...,
How effective are oral emergency ...,
What are indications for ec 3
16  cards
Emergency department use of oral ondansetron for acute gastroenteritis-related vomiting in infants and children
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is ondansetron 2,
When is the peak plasma concentra...
9  cards
Emergency managment of the pediatric patient with generalized convulsive status epilepticus
What is the definition of convuls...,
What is early or impending status...,
What is the annual incidence of c...
34  cards
Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis in infants and children
What is anaphylaxis 1,
What are cns symptoms of anaphyla...,
What are skin symptoms of anaphyl...
23  cards
Ethical approach to genital examination in children
When should genitalia exams be pe...,
What are some other recommendatio...
2  cards
Ethical issues in health research in children
What are the ethical principles i...,
How does beneficence impact resea...,
How does non maleficence impact r...
17  cards
Ethical participation of children and youth in medical education
What are general recommendations 1,
What are the recommendations re t...,
What are the recommendations rega...
4  cards
Exercise and febrile illnesses
What quantitative changes occur t...,
What functional changes occur to ...,
What is the open window 3
11  cards
Extended-release medications for children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
How frequent is adhd 1,
What risks are related to subopti...,
What are reasons that xr medicati...
8  cards
Family-based treatment of children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa: Guidelines for the community physician
What percentage of adolescent wom...,
What are recommendations regardin...,
What are the recommendations rega...
5  cards
Fetal alcohol syndrome
What is the incidence of fas 1,
What is arbd 2,
What is arnd 3
30  cards
Early Childhood Development: First Years First
What is first years first 1,
What three conditions should all ...,
What are the principles of first ...
3  cards
Folate and neural tube defects: The role of supplements and food fortification
What does folate do 1,
What foods are folate found in 2,
What percentage of folate is lost...
16  cards
Foodborne infections
What infections are unpasteurized...,
What infections are associated wi...,
What infections are associated wi...
12  cards
Footwear for children
How fast do children s foot size ...,
What is the purpose of footwear 2,
What are the recommendations re p...
10  cards
Gambling in children and adolescents
What is pathological gambling 1,
What percentage of ontario grades...,
What percentage of ontario grade ...
17  cards
Getting it right at 18 months: In support of an enhanced well-baby visit
What percentage of developmental ...,
What does the cps recommend regar...,
What does the cps recommend regar...
4  cards
Going home: Facilitating discharge of the preterm infant
What percentage of preterm infant...,
What is prolonged hospitalization...,
What is the usual ga at discharge...
25  cards
Guidelines for detection, management and prevention of hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm newborn infants
What is kernicterus 1,
What is acute bilirubin encephalo...,
What is chronic bilirubin encepha...
62  cards
Guidelines for genetic testing of healthy children
What is pre symptomatic or predic...,
What is susceptibility testing 2,
What is carrier status testing 3
8  cards
Guidelines for health care professionals supporting families experiencing a perinatal loss
What is the definition of physica...,
What is the definition of symboli...,
What is the definition of grief 3
15  cards
Guidelines for paediatric emergency equipment and supplies for a physician's office
What are the most common pre arre...,
What principles should be conside...,
What are the recommendations re o...
11  cards
Guidelines for the management of suspected and confirmed bacterial meningitis in Canadian children older than one month of age
What are common pathogens for com...,
What is the criteria for penicill...,
What are canadian susceptibility ...
28  cards
Guiding parents in their search for high-quality health information on the internet
What questions should be asked in...
1  cards
Harm reduction: An approach to reducing risky health behaviors in adolescents
What is harm reduction 1,
What is the prevalence of alcohol...,
What is the prevalence of cannabi...
12  cards
Head lice infestations: A clinical update
What is head lice 1,
How many nits can be produced per...,
How long does it take for eggs to...
30  cards
Health care standards for youth in custodial facilities
What percentage of youth in custo...,
What health policy should be in p...,
What is the policy re intake asse...
7  cards
Health implications of children in child care centres Part A: Canadian trends in child care, behaviour and developmental outcomes
What child care quality score is ...,
What is the average quality score...,
What is the average quality score...
9  cards
Health implications of children in child care centres Part B: Injuries and infections and Well Beings
What is true regarding injuries i...,
What should be done to prevent in...,
What is the risk of respiratory i...
43  cards
Health research involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their communities
What is the definition of aborigi...,
How is the term indian used in ca...,
How is the term indigenous used i...
9  cards
Healthy active living: Physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents
What is the who definition of hea...,
How does health canada describe h...,
What percentage of children 2 17y...
29  cards
Home intravenous therapy: Accessibility for Canadian children and youth
What are indications for home iv ...,
What are complications of home iv...,
What infrastructure is required f...
9  cards
Homeopathy in the paediatric population
What percentage of canadians use ...,
What percentage of canadians have...,
What are the principles of homeop...
5  cards
Housing need in Canada: Healthy lives start at home
What percentage of households in ...,
What are additional factors that ...,
What is the definition of inadequ...
23  cards
Human milk banking
What are the benefits of human br...,
What percentage of infants in can...,
What are safety considerations re...
5  cards
Human papillomavirus vaccine for children and adolescents
Which genotypes are associated wi...,
Which genotypes are responsible f...,
What is the overall prevalence of...
12  cards
Hypothermia for newborns with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
What is the incidence of hie 1,
What is the mechanism causing bra...,
Which infants should be treated w...
15  cards
Immunization for meningococcal serogroup B - What does the practitioner need to know?
How many serogroups of neisseria ...,
Which serogroups cause most invas...,
Which serogroups are routinely im...
11  cards
Increasing the use of influenza vaccines in children with egg allergy
What are the cps recommendations 1
1  cards
Infantile colic: Is there a role for dietary interventions?
What is infantile colic 1,
What is the evidence regarding hy...,
What is the evidence regarding hy...
7  cards
Infection control in paediatric office settings
Which children are likely to be s...,
Which children are at increased r...,
What are the current principles o...
30  cards
Infective endocarditis: Updated guidelines
What were the four primary reason...,
What is the risk of mortality fro...,
What are indications for prophyla...
8  cards
Inhalant abuse
What is inhalant abuse 1,
What percentage of canadians 15yo...,
Which groups are more at risk for...
21  cards
Inhaled nitric oxide use in newborns
How does ino work 1,
Who should be treated with ino 2,
What are the recommendations for ...
8  cards
Invasive group A streptococcal disease: Management and chemoprophylaxis
What are the most common clinical...,
What is the incidence of invasive...,
What is a risk factor for invasiv...
16  cards
Is the medical use of cannabis a therapeutic option for children?
What substances produce the psych...,
What is the health canada legisla...,
What medical conditions have stro...
6  cards
Issues of care for hospitalized youth
What percentage of hospital admis...,
What percentage of admissions for...,
What is normal adolescent develop...
16  cards
Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth: Executive Summary
What are the research findings hi...,
What are the conclusions of the s...,
What are recommendations for acti...
3  cards
Joint Statement on Safe Sleep: Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths in Canada
What is the definition of sids 1,
How common is sids 2,
What are the recommendations for ...
4  cards
Joint statement on Shaken Baby Syndrome
What is shaken baby syndrome 1,
What is the incidence of shaken b...,
Which children are at most risk 3
14  cards
Kangaroo care for the preterm infant and family
What is kangaroo care 1,
Is kc safe for preterm infants 2,
What are the benefits of kc for p...
3  cards
Lyme disease in Canada: Focus on children
What causes lyme disease 1,
How is lyme disease transmitted 2,
What are the primary hosts carrie...
18  cards
Management of acute otitis media in children six months of age and older
Why are children predisposed to a...,
What are risk factors for aom 2,
What are the most common bacteria...
23  cards
Management of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin abscesses in children
What are risk factors for spread ...,
What is the management after absc...,
What is the management after absc...
6  cards
Management of HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children
Who should care for these children 1,
Which guidelines should physician...
2  cards
Management of primary nocturnal enuresis
What is the definition of primary...,
What is the definition of seconda...,
What percentage of 5yo have noctu...
8  cards
Management of term infants at increased risk for early onset bacterial sepsis
What is early onset neonatal bact...,
What is the incidence of early on...,
What are the risk factors for ear...
17  cards
Management of the paediatric patient with acute head trauma
What is the incidence of head tra...,
What is tbi 2,
Why are children at higher risk o...
31  cards
Managing functional constipation in children
What are the rome iii diagnostic ...,
What is an examples of a brief de...,
What transition periods are parti...
11  cards
Managing the paediatric patient with an acute asthma exacerbation
What is the lifetime prevalence o...,
What is an asthma exacerbation 2,
What are the most common triggers...
23  cards
Managing type 1 diabetes in school: Recommendations for policy and practice
What is the prevalence of type 1 ...,
What are some complications 2,
What are recommendations re preve...
5  cards
Maternal depression and child development
What is the prevalence of postpar...,
What are the postpartum blues 2,
What is postpartum psychosis 3
18  cards
Maternal infectious diseases, antimicrobial therapy or immunizations: Very few contraindications to breastfeeding
What are the breastfeeding recomm...,
What are the breastfeeding recomm...,
Which infections can you continue...
18  cards
Measuring in support of early childhood development
Where does canada rank in compari...,
What are the objectives of monito...,
What are four approaches to a mea...
5  cards
Meeting the health care needs of street-involved youth
What is the definition of street ...,
What is absolutely homeless 2,
What is relatively homeless 3
13  cards
Meeting the needs of adolescent parents and their children
How many infants are born to adol...,
What are some needs issues of the...,
What additional things need to be...
31  cards
Melatonin for the management of sleep disorders in children and adolescents
What is the prevalence of difficu...,
What is the definition of insomnia 2,
What are the symptoms of insomnia 3
10  cards
Meningococcal vaccines in Canada: An update
What meningococcal vaccines are a...,
What is neisseria meningitidis 2,
What is the mortality rate for in...
7  cards
Mental health problems in children with neuromotor disabilities
What are some neuromotor disorders 1,
What are some symptoms of neuromo...,
What are some of the effects of m...
11  cards
Minimizing blood loss and the need for transfusions in very premature infants
Does the timing of umbilical cord...,
Does a low hemoglobin threshold f...,
Does the volume of blood transfus...
9  cards
Minimizing infection risks after paediatric organ transplants: Advice for practitioners
What infections to expect in the ...,
What infections to expect in one ...,
What infections to expect 6m post...
13  cards
Multidisciplinary Guidelines on the Identification, Investigation and Management of Suspected Abusive Head Trauma
What is the definition of abusive...,
What is the recommendation when a...,
What are symptoms 3
7  cards
Needle stick injuries in the community
What is the risk of acquiring hbv...,
What is the risk of acquiring hcv...,
What is the risk of acquiring hiv...
10  cards
Neonatal resuscitation guidelines update: A case-based review
What are the key changes based on...
1  cards
Newborn male circumcision
What is the prevalence of circumc...,
What are the potential risks of n...,
What are the potential benefits o...
4  cards
Nutrition for healthy term infants, birth to six months: An overview
What are the principles of infant...,
What are the recommendations for ...
2  cards
Nutrition for healthy term infants, six to 24 months: An overview
What are the principles re nutrit...,
What are the recommendations re n...,
What are the recommendations rega...
3  cards
Oral health care for children – a call for action
What percentage of canadian child...,
What is early childhood caries ecc 2,
What is the prevalence of ecc in ...
46  cards
Oral rehydration therapy and early refeeding in the management of childhood gastroenteritis
What is the scientific basis of o...,
What is the clinical assessment o...,
What is the clinical assessment o...
12  cards
Perinatal brachial plexus palsy
What is perinatal brachial plexus...,
What are the cps recommendations ...
2  cards
Physical activity recommendations for children with specific chronic health conditions: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, hemophilia, asthma and cystic fibrosis
What is the prevalence of jia 1,
How many subtypes of jia are there 2,
What is the definition of chronic...
28  cards
Positional plagiocephaly
What is the incidence of pp at 6wk 1,
What is the incidence of pp at 4mo 2,
What is the incidence of pp at 12...
9  cards
Postnatal corticosteroids to treat or prevent chronic lung disease in preterm infants
What is chronic lung disease prev...,
What percentage of surviving infa...,
What are the benefits of early co...
14  cards
Premedication for endotracheal intubation in the newborn infant
What are the physiologic responss...,
What are the effects of premedica...,
How can the pain and discomfort o...
9  cards
Preventing and treating infections in children with asplenia or hyposplenia
When is the highest risk of overw...,
What is the mortality rat for asp...,
What are the most common organism...
18  cards
Preventing choking and suffocation in children
What percentage of unintentional ...,
What is the definition of choking 2,
What is the definition of aspirat...
24  cards
Preventing hospitalizations for respiratory syncytial virus infection
What percentage of all infants ar...,
What strategies for parents preve...,
What is palivizumab 3
10  cards
Preventing injuries from all-terrain vehicles
What is an all terrain vehicle 1,
What are the new canadian atv ind...,
What is included on the warning l...
22  cards
Preventing mosquito and tick bites: A Canadian update
What are two potentially serious ...,
What are recommendations regardin...,
What are some physical precaution...
30  cards
Preventing ophthalmia neonatorum
What is neonatal ophthalmia 1,
What percentage of neonatal ophth...,
What percentage of neonatal ophth...
17  cards
Preventing playground injuries
How many children 15yo receive tr...,
What are the most common mechanis...,
What is the most common type of i...
12  cards
Preventing smoking in children and adolescents: Recommendations for practice and policy
What percentage of canadians 15yo...,
What are some prevalence data fro...,
What are adverse effects of smoke...
20  cards
Preventing unintentional injuries in Indigenous children and youth in Canada
What percentage of all deaths amo...,
What are the most common causes o...,
What are the most common causes o...
12  cards
Preventing varicella: Recommendations for routine two-dose varicella immunization in children
What is primary vaccine failure 1,
What is secondary vaccine failure 2,
When should the second dose of th...
6  cards
Prevention and management of neonatal herpes simplex virus infections
What is the incidence of neonatal...,
What is a maternal first episode ...,
What is a maternal first episode ...
34  cards
Prevention and management of pain in the neonate: An update
What are the clinical implication...,
What are the recommendations for ...,
What are the recommendations for ...
7  cards
Prevention of congenital rubella syndrome
How effective has the rubella vac...,
Why does crs continue to occur in...,
How common is vaccine failure and...
5  cards
Prevention of vertical HIV transmission and management of the HIV-exposed infant in Canada in 2014
What are the recommendations rega...,
What are the recommendations rega...,
What are the recommendations for ...
5  cards
Promoting optimal monitoring of child growth in Canada: Using the new World Health Organization growth charts
What is the population from which...,
What are the recommendations rega...,
What are the cut off points for d...
6  cards
Prophylactic antibiotics for children with recurrent urinary tract infections
What percentage of girls 0 7yo wi...,
What percentage of boys 0 7yo wil...,
What is the recurrence rate of uti 3
10  cards
Psychosocial aspects of child and adolescent obesity
What are the psychosocial contrib...,
What is weight bias 2,
What are the parent s role in man...
10  cards
Read, speak, sing: Promoting literacy in the physician’s office
How many working age adults in ca...,
What percentage of canadians 16 6...,
What percentage or prison inmates...
21  cards
Recommendations for neonatal surfactant therapy
What are the benefits of surfacta...,
What are the indications for surf...,
What are the risks of exogenous s...
13  cards
Recommendations for snowmobile safety
What is the average number of dea...,
What is the leading cause of inju...,
What is the most common mechanism...
23  cards
Recommendations for the use of pacifiers
What percentage of canadian infan...,
What are the canadian dental asso...,
What is the association between p...
9  cards
Recommendations for the use of rotavirus vaccines in infants
When do maternal antibodies ameli...,
What percentage of hospitalizatio...,
What is the decrease in rotavirus...
7  cards
Red blood cell transfusion in newborn infants
What are the risks of transfusion 1,
What is the recommended transfusi...,
What is the recommended dose for ...
10  cards
Retinopathy of prematurity: An update on screening and management
What is rop 1,
What percentage of neonates born ...,
What percentage of neonates born ...
16  cards
Risk of acute hyponatremia in hospitalized children and youth receiving maintenance intravenous fluids
Which hospitalized children are a...,
What are the clinical sequelae of...,
What are the definitions of sodiu...
9  cards
Risk reduction for type 2 diabetes in Aboriginal children in Canada
What is the prevalence of type 2 ...,
What is the prevalence of type 2 ...,
What are some causes risk factors...
8  cards
Routine administration of vitamin K to newborns
What is early hemorrhagic disease...,
What is classic hemorrhagic disea...,
What is late hemorrhagic disease ...
4  cards
Safe discharge of the late preterm infant
What is a late preterm 1,
What morbidities are associated w...,
What other problems can lat prete...
11  cards
What organism causes scabies 1,
How long do mites live away from ...,
How long does it take for larvae ...
14  cards
School and daycare exclusion policies for chickenpox: A rational approach
What is the incubation period of ...,
How early before the development ...,
What is higher viremia associated...
4  cards
Screening guidelines for newborns at risk for low blood glucose
What are symptoms of neonatal hyp...,
What are three approaches to defi...,
What normative ranges have been n...
14  cards
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnancy and infant outcomes
What are examples of ssri 1,
What percentage of women were pre...,
What is the risk of major malform...
7  cards
Sexting: Keeping teens safe and responsible in a technologically savvy world
What is sexting 1,
What percentage of teens have sen...,
What percentage of tens have sent...
4  cards
Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents: Maximizing opportunities for optimal care
What is the most frequently repor...,
What percentage of infants born v...,
What age range of women is c trac...
37  cards
Skiing and snowboarding injury prevention
What percentage of canadians over...,
What percentage of nonfatal outdo...,
What percentage of hospitalizatio...
19  cards
Special considerations for the health supervision of children and youth in foster care
How many children and youth are i...,
What is foster care 2,
What are some risk factors for fo...
9  cards
Sport nutrition for young athletes
What are the recommended energy r...,
What are the recommended energy r...,
What additional energy requiremen...
33  cards
Sport readiness in children and youth
What motor skills are developed d...,
What vision skills are developed ...,
What learning skills are develope...
25  cards
Sport-related concussion: Evaluation and management
What is a concussion 1,
What are symptoms physical signs ...,
What are behavioral changes with ...
26  cards
Strategies to promote smoking cessation among adolescents
What factors make teens more like...,
What factors make teens less like...,
What interventions have the stron...
10  cards
Suicidal ideation and behaviour
What is the second most common ca...,
What percentage of all deaths amo...,
What are risk factors for suicide 3
10  cards
Supporting the mental health of children and youth of separating parents
What percentage of marriages will...,
What are children of divorced par...,
What are family risk factors for ...
10  cards
Swimming lessons for infants and toddlers
What is the second leading cause ...,
What is a risk of swimming lesson...,
When should infants begin swimmin...
5  cards
Temperature measurement in paediatrics
When is a thorough investigation ...,
What is the definition of a fever...,
What is a potential complication ...
16  cards
Testing for HIV infection in pregnancy
What are some suggestions regardi...,
What are five factors of critical...,
How is hiv infection diagnosed in...
9  cards
The ‘picky eater’: The toddler or preschooler who does not eat
What percentage of toddlers and p...,
Why does picky eating occur in yo...,
What clinical evaluation should o...
4  cards
The Baby-Friendly Initiative: Protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding
What are benefits of breastfeeding 1,
What is the global strategy for i...,
What is the baby friendly initiat...
8  cards
The benefits of influenza vaccine in pregnancy for the fetus and the infant younger than six months of age
Why are influenza vaccines not li...,
What is cocooning 2,
What is the effectiveness of immu...
5  cards
The Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT) – a reference for Canadian paediatricians
What is catmat 1,
What are the general recommendati...
2  cards
The importance of child and youth death review
What is cdr 1,
What are the objectives of cdr 2,
What are the potential outcomes o...
6  cards
The interfacility transport of critically ill newborns
What are the preferred transport ...,
What is the preferred transport t...,
What is the success rate of intub...
7  cards
The promise of the early years: How long should children wait?
What should physicians do to supp...,
What un convention on the rights ...
2  cards
The sexual abuse of young people with a disability or chronic health condition
What societal factors increase th...,
What educational factors increase...,
What health care factors increase...
9  cards
The toddler who is falling off the growth chart
How should growth be monitored 1,
What is normal in terms of growth...,
What are some causes of faltering...
9  cards
The use of antiviral drugs for influenza: Guidance for practitioners, 2012/2013; Paediatric summary
What antiviral agents are approve...,
What at risk groups and comorbid ...,
What are the general principles f...
9  cards
The use of fluoride in infants and children
What is dental fluorosis 1,
What are the stages of enamel dev...,
How does topical flouride act to ...
7  cards
Toilet learning: Anticipatory guidance with a child-oriented approach
When do most children in western ...,
What is the average time from ini...,
What are signs of a child s toile...
9  cards
Trampoline use in homes and playgrounds
What is the trend over time regar...,
What is the percentage increase i...,
Which sports or recreational acti...
10  cards
Trans fats: What physicians should know
What is a saturated fat 1,
What is an unsaturated fat 2,
What is a trans fat 3
8  cards
Transfusion and risk of infection in Canada: Update 2012
What are the steps to prevent inf...,
What steps are taken in canada to...,
What are blood donors tested for 3
26  cards
Transition to adult care for youth with special health care needs
What percentage of youth in n ame...,
What are the concerns identified ...,
What is the mandate of pediatric ...
12  cards
Transportation of infants and children in motor vehicles
By what percentage do child seats...,
By what percentage do child seats...,
What is the rate of misuse of car...
16  cards
Transracial adoption
What does the term transracial ad...,
How many international adoptions ...,
What is the top ten countries of ...
8  cards
Treating cough and cold: Guidance for caregivers of children and youth
What factors are associated with ...,
What were health canada s recomme...,
What were the fda s recommendatio...
5  cards
Treatment decisions regarding infants, children and adolescents
What are some principles regardin...,
What are the three hallmarks if i...,
What is a substitute decision mak...
21  cards
Tuberculosis in children: New diagnostic blood tests
What are indications for the tube...,
Which groups are at risk for fals...,
Which groups are at risk for fals...
13  cards
Uncomplicated pneumonia in healthy Canadian children and youth: Practice points for management
By what percentage has the pneumo...,
What is pneumonia 2,
What is the etiology of pneumonia 3
23  cards
Universal newborn hearing screening
What is the incidence of permanen...,
What is normal hearing 2,
What is mild hearing loss 3
26  cards
Update on the success of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
What is the reduction of vaccine ...,
What percentage of invasive pneum...,
What is the reduction of pneumoco...
10  cards
Urinary tract infection in infants and children: Diagnosis and management
What percentage of children 2 24m...,
What percentage of children 2 19y...,
What is the rate of uti in uncirc...
35  cards
Use and misuse of tobacco among Aboriginal peoples
What is the current prevalence of...,
What is the current percentage of...,
What percentage of canadian youth...
24  cards
Use of anencephalic newborns as organ donors
What are some important ethical f...,
Why is there a serious organ dono...,
What are some benefits of organ d...
9  cards
Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications for the treatment of child and adolescent mental illness
What medications are included in ...,
What is the mechanism of action f...,
Is absorption of ssri affected by...
27  cards
Using probiotics in the paediatric population
What are probiotics 1,
What are examples of probiotics 2,
What are prebiotics 3
24  cards
Vaccine recommendations for children and youth for the 2016/2017 influenza season
Who should be vaccinated 1,
Which people are at high risk for...,
Which people are capable of trans...
10  cards
Vegetarian diets in children and adolescents
What percentage of 6 17yo in us a...,
What percentage of 6 17yo are str...,
What is a lacto ovo vegetarian 3
34  cards
Vertical transmission of the hepatitis C virus: Current knowledge and issues
What percentage of adult canadian...,
Which populations are at higher r...,
What are the major risk factors f...
20  cards
Vision screening in infants, children and youth
What percentage of pre schoolers ...,
What is an alternative form of sc...,
What is amblyopia 3
18  cards
Vitamin D supplementation: Recommendations for Canadian mothers and infants
How many cases of confirmed ricke...,
What percentage of patients with ...,
What percentage of patients with ...
36  cards
Weaning from the breast
What is the recommendation regard...,
What percentage of children in ca...,
What percentage of children in ca...
20  cards
Withholding and withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration
What is artificial nutrition and ...,
What are indications for initiati...,
How are treatment decisions and a...
4  cards
Working with vaccine-hesitant parents
What are five steps to engage vac...,
What percentage of parents will n...
2  cards
Youth and firearms in Canada
What percentage of deaths in 15 1...,
What percentage of firearm deaths...,
What are canadian regulations reg...
12  cards
Acute management of croup in the emergency department
What percentage of ed visits in c...,
What percentage of children prese...,
What percentage of children with ...
29  cards
Cannabis and Canada’s children and youth
What percentage of canadians have...,
Which country ranked first for ca...,
How does cannabis work 3
20  cards
The relationship between paediatric practitioners and ‘industry’
What is industry 1,
What is the pediatric practitione...,
What is the industry s role 3
9  cards
Zika virus: What does a physician caring for children in Canada need to know?
What is the zika virus 1,
Where is zika prevalent 2,
How is zika spread 3
14  cards

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