This class was created by Brainscape user Nadine Housh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

W0 MCQ (Pre-Action Consideration)
Cpr rules must be followed the pr...,
The overriding objective includes...,
The court s approach to case mana...
17  cards
W0 A&Q (Pre-Action Consideration)
What is the overriding objective,
What are the elements for a cause...,
What is the civil standard of proof
28  cards
W1 MCQ (Pre-Action Conduct)
Which of the following is not a c...,
Which of the following is most li...,
The practice direction pre action...
23  cards
Consolidate MCQ 1
You have just been instructed by ...,
A client is claiming damages for ...,
A solicitor has been instructed o...
6  cards
If the defendant acknowledges ser...,
If after having filed an acknowle...,
The claim form is served indicati...
21  cards
Consolidate MCQ 2
On thursday 1 october your client...,
On receipt of the claimant s clai...,
A firm is acting on behalf of a d...
5  cards
A counterclaim must a be based on...,
A claimant claims 125 000 from th...,
A reply is a compulsory statement...
12  cards
Consolidate MCQ 3
A construction company intends to...,
In a case involving four defendan...,
Your client has received a reques...
5  cards
What is an interim application,
When should an interim applicatio...,
What is the procedure for an inte...
21  cards
Consolidate MCQ 4
For a summary judgment applicatio...,
A wealthy supermarket chain wants...,
An applicant makes an application...
5  cards
Which of the following statements...,
The defendant to a large negligen...,
At the trial of a multi track con...
32  cards
Consolidate MCQ 5
A claimant pharmaceutical company...,
A claimant s breach of contract c...,
At the trial of a multi track cas...
5  cards
Formative MCQ
A motorcyclist was involved in a ...,
A logistics company claims a debt...,
A technology company has been wor...
40  cards
W6 MCQ (Disclosure)
When might the court order the pa...,
Max has brought a claim against b...,
Kelly has brought a claim against...
28  cards
W6 A&Q (Disclosure)
Where does an obligation to give ...,
When is the order for disclosure ...,
What are the sources and types of...
20  cards
W7 A&Q (Witness & Expert Evidence)
1  cards
W7 MCQ (Witness & Expert Evidence)
When does exchange of witness sta...,
The claimant calls a witness to g...,
Which of the following does the c...
22  cards
W8 MCQ (Settlement & Discontinuance)
Under part 36 in the absence of a...,
Manchester hospitals nhs trust ha...,
Clinton hart is bringing a claim ...
13  cards
W8 A&Q (Settlement & Discontinuance)
What is the purpose of part 36 of...,
What does part 36 cpr sets out,
What is the central rationale beh...
86  cards
W8 A&Q (ADR)
What are forms of adr,
What is negation,
What is mediation
55  cards
Your client is a producer of high...,
Your client a supermarket is abou...,
Which of the following necessaril...
10  cards
W9 A&Q (Trial/ Orders)
What usually happens once a matte...,
What is the effect of a consent o...,
If a settlement has been recorded...
126  cards
W9 MCQ (Trial, Appeal & Enforcement)
A consent order can be used to se...,
The parties settle a breach of co...,
A claimant writes a letter of cla...
26  cards
W9 A&Q (Enforcement & Appeals)
What is an enforcement proceedings,
When will a defendant financial s...,
Is it possible to involve the cou...
123  cards
W10 MCQ (Jurisdiction & Conflict of Law)
This topic will not cover one of ...,
The question of jurisdiction is c...,
The topic of choice of law or con...
35  cards
W10 A&Q (Jurisdiction & Conflict of Law)
What should be considered when a ...,
What is the question concerned wi...,
What is the question concerned wi...
135  cards

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