This class was created by Brainscape user A K. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: A K

Decks in this class (68)

First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune mechanism: antigens, MHC, and Tolerance
What is the hapten carrier effect 1,
What are the common superantigens...,
Where do superantigens bind 3
63  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune mechanisms: Immunogenetics
Name the dna bases nucleotides wh...,
What nucleotides are in rna 2,
What is the step wise process of ...
18  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune mechanisms: Immunoglobulins (Ig)
What is the earliest cell in b ly...,
How much ig is produced by adults...,
What is the basic structure of ig...
70  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune mechanisms: T-cell receptors and signaling
Briefly outline the steps the t l...,
What does a tcr antigen hla compl...,
What is the most important cytoki...
46  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune mechanisms, B-cell receptor and signaling
What molecules are noncovalently ...,
What is cross linking what recept...,
When are lipid rafts formed what ...
10  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Rhinitis
What is the prevalence of ar 1,
What is the mean onset of age 2,
What percentage of cases develop ...
29  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Sinusitis
What percent of adults are diagno...,
What is required to make a diagno...,
What are three ways to distinguis...
16  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivty Disorders, Otitis Media
What is the definition of recurre...,
What factor is protective against...,
Why are children younger than 3 a...
32  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Conjunctivitis
What is allergic conjunctivitis 1,
What are allergic shiners what ca...,
What is the prevalence of allergi...
24  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
What should be considered in new ...,
In atopic dermatitis what causes ...,
What is the prevalence of atopic ...
58  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Asthma
What cells are increased in the a...,
Are mast cells increased in the a...,
What cellular infiltrate in asthm...
71  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Occupational Disease
What is occupational asthma 1,
What percent of adult asthma is d...,
How is occupational asthma exclud...
32  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) and Allergic Fungal Sinusitis
What is abpa an inflammatory and ...,
What are the pathophysiologic res...,
What receptor on what cell in the...
30  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
What are the immunologic lung dis...,
What are the 3 types of hp 2,
What are the features of acute hp...
48  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Interstitial Lung Disease
What is the injury pattern in int...,
What is the most common of the in...,
What are the symptoms of uip 3
10  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, COPD
What is the definition of copd 1,
What are the gold criteria for co...,
In severe copd what is respirator...
15  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Food Allergy
On a vacation in florida a 39 yea...,
What are categories of nonimmune ...,
What mechanism are most non ige m...
38  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Anaphylaxis
What is the lifetime prevalence o...,
What are the most common causes o...,
What are risk factors for anaphyl...
47  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Stinging Insect Allergy
What are the families of hymenopt...,
What are the species within famil...,
What are the subfamilies and spec...
47  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Drug Reactions
What reactions does the term adve...,
What are the gell combs classific...,
What are the subclassifications o...
82  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Urticaria
What is the pathology of urticari...,
What is the prevalence of acute u...,
What is the prevalence of chronic...
27  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Contact Hypersensitivity
What is the pathogenesis of conta...,
In contact hypersensitivity how q...,
What are common histologic featur...
68  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Vaccine Principles and Reactions
What are the seven ts of passive ...,
What are the live vaccines 2,
What patients is the live attenua...
38  cards
First Aid, Chapter 7 Hypersensitivity Disorders, Bronchiolitis and Croup
What are causes of pediatric bron...,
What are the causes of adult bron...,
Who is most prone to get bronchio...
34  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune Mechanisms, Cytokines, Chemokines, and their receptors
What is the source of tnf 1,
What is the stimulus of tnf what ...,
What are the receptors of tnf wha...
117  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune Mechanisms, Cell Adhesion Molecules
What are the 4 classes of adhesio...,
What is the function of cell adhe...,
What are the 4 families of chemok...
67  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune Mechanisms, Complements and Kinins
What is the function of the compl...,
Describe the steps of the complem...,
Which complement is the most pote...
86  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune Mechanisms, Mucosal Immunity
What is the mechanism of protecti...,
What percentage of proteins are a...,
What are the three main regions o...
34  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune Mechanisms, Transplantation and Tumor Immunology
What kind of rejection can abo in...,
How are hla antigens inherited 2,
Why are hla genes almost always i...
54  cards
First Aid, Chapter 1 Immune Mechanisms, Innate Immunity and Toll-Like Receptors
What are the innate mechanisms us...,
What are the innate mechanisms us...,
What are the innate mechanisms us...
62  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Lymphocytes
What are the 3 types of lymphocyt...,
What are the general roles of hel...,
What are the major cd4 families 3
62  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Monocytes, Macrophages, and Dendritic Cells
What are monocytes 1,
What is the shape of monocytes nu...,
Where do monocytes originate what...
27  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Mast Cells
What are mast cells where are the...,
What is the staining of mast cell...,
What are mast cells derived from ...
29  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Basophils
What are the least common circula...,
What are basophils important in 2,
Describe basophils nuclei how big...
10  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Eosinophils
What size are eosinophils describ...,
What are contained in the primary...,
What are contained in the specifi...
19  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Neutrophils
Describe neutrophil nuclei how bi...,
What are the surface receptors on...,
What stimulates survival differen...
15  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Platelets
What is the general primary role ...,
How big are platelets what are th...,
What is the formation of platelet...
7  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Epithelial Cells
What is the mnemonic for layers o...,
What general roles do epithelial ...,
What cross linked protein is pres...
22  cards
First Aid, Chapter 2 Cells Involved in Immune Responses, Endothelial Cells, Smooth Muscle, Fibroblasts
Where are endothelial cells found...,
What are the functions of endothe...,
What types of inflammatory change...
13  cards
First Aid, Chapter 3 Specific Immune Responses, Overview of hypersensitivity reactions
What are the primary cells involv...,
Explain the process that occurs d...,
What happens on reexposure to an ...
49  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Immunoglobulin Measurement
What are the three zones of antib...,
What is used to measure antibody ...,
What is used to measure antigen a...
32  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Mediator Detection
What is the source of leukotriene...,
How is the basophil activation te...,
What does the cellular allergen s...
13  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Cell Surface Markers and Receptors
What are the roles of cell surfac...,
What do cluster of differentiatio...,
What are other names for cd where...
126  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Lymphocyte Function: Cell proliferation, cytokine production, and cytotoxicity
What is the cell marker on all t ...,
What is the cell marker on all cd...,
What is the cell marker on all cd...
31  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Chemotaxis, Phagocytosis and cell killing
How do chemotactic assays work 1,
Which surface markers are not pre...,
What cell are chemotactic assays ...
21  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Hybridoma and Monoclonal Antibodies
What is a hybridoma 1,
How are hybridomas made 2,
What is the mneumonic for monoclo...
44  cards
First Aid, Chapter 4 Laboratory Tests, Immune complexes, Complement
What is the degree of complement ...,
How are immune complexes formed 2,
What happens if igm or igg binds ...
43  cards
First Aid Chapter 4 Molecular Biology Technology
What are trecs why is it useful t...,
What are the disadvantages of mea...,
What are the uses of measuring tr...
10  cards
First Aid, Chapter 5, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, Lymphoid System and Organs
What is the mnemonic for bone mar...,
What are the primary central lymp...,
What does bone marrow generate 3
34  cards
First Aid, Chapter 5, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, Upper Airway (Nose, Sinuses, and Middle Ear)
What are conchae what covers conc...,
What are concha bullosa 2,
What are the components of the na...
36  cards
First Aid, Chapter 5, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, Remodeling of the lower airway
What causes airway thickening in ...,
What is present in sputum of asth...,
What is present in the sputum of ...
13  cards
First Aid, Chapter 5, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, Skin
Are keratinocytes and melanocytes...,
What do keratinocytes express and...,
What are langerhans cells where a...
46  cards
First Aid, Chapter 5, Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, Gastrointestinal
How do peyer s patch follicles di...,
Where are peyer s patches located 2,
What are microfold cells in galt 3
20  cards
First Aid, Chapter 6 Research Principles
What is the definition of cross s...,
What is the definition of case se...,
If cost and time were unlimited w...
37  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Hereditary and Acquired Angioedema
What is the dominance of heredita...,
Where is the c1 inhibitor gene lo...,
What do c1 esterase inhibitor mut...
35  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Congenital (primary) immunodeficiencies)
What are warning signs of pids 1,
What viruses bacteria mycobacteri...,
What viruses bacteria mycobacteri...
9  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, SCID
What is the lymphocyte phenotype ...,
Which type of scid can most easil...,
What is the most common form of s...
53  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Cellular or Complex Immune Deficiencies
Is ataxia telangiectasia inherite...,
What are the infections or clinic...,
What are the lab findings in atax...
67  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Antibody Deficiencies
When should antibody deficiencies...,
In selective iga deficiency what ...,
In xla what are cd19 20 igg iga i...
50  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Phagocytic Cell Disorders
What are the general categories o...,
What are some defects intrinsic t...,
What phagocytic disorders does a ...
44  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Deficiency in Innate Immunity, NK cell deficiency
What is the clinical presentation...,
What are the lab findings in irak...,
What is the gene defect in irak4 ...
19  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Complement Deficiencies
What is the inheritance of comple...,
What are primary complement defic...,
What are the levels of ch50 ah50 ...
20  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Acquired (Secondary) Immunodeficiencies
What are the basic steps in the h...,
What are the key events in viral ...,
What are the key events in revers...
42  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Systemic Autoimmune Disease
What are the clinical findings of...,
What are the clinical findings of...,
What are the clinical findings of...
52  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Immune Rejection and Organ Transplantation
Why does rejection occur in solid...,
Why does rejection occur in bone ...,
What chromosome is the mhc comple...
54  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Immune Endocrinopathies (Thyroid, Diabetes, and Adrenal), and Immune Renal Disease
What antibodies are found in grav...,
What are the clinical features of...,
What is the genetic association o...
51  cards
First Aid, Chapter 8, Immunologic Disorders, Immunologic Skin Disease
What are the target skin structur...,
What are the target skin structur...,
What are the target skin structur...
32  cards
ACAAI/AAAAI lectures, T cell Biology
Identify the following for th1 1,
Identify the following for th2 2,
Identify the following for th17 3
10  cards

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First Aid Allergy and Immunology

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