This class was created by Brainscape user Maryam Sonnie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What is mass movement,
Types of mass movement,
What causes it
31  cards
Most important agent of landscape...,
Distribution of earths water,
Distribution of fresh water
62  cards
Difference in physical laws of fl...,
Wind is less effective agent of e...,
What and were is the rub al khali
41  cards
Relationships of which components...,
Sw cape layer cake,
What rock formations make up tabl...
24  cards
humans and the environ
arch lec 1,2,3
88  cards
humans and the environ 2
arch lec 4,5,6
28  cards
The evolution of versatility
lecture 5 (part of it)
8  cards
homonin evolution
lect 5,6,7,8
38  cards
bipedal locomation
Two other ways to describe the bi...,
Something to notice about the bip...,
What is bipedalism
27  cards
manual dexterity
Professions where manual dexterit...,
What can result in mobility limit...,
Causes of mobility limitations
24  cards
Dietary tolerance and the advent of meat eating
What is the general primate diet,
How are we as a species becoming ...,
How are hominin diets reconstructed
28  cards
encephalisation - gradual increase in brain size
What is the encephalization quotient,
What species has the largest ence...,
What is the primary way in which ...
34  cards
cognition and intelligence
Human brains are about how many t...,
What are some cognitive skills th...,
Why do cognitive abilities evolve
27  cards
birth of the modern world
Where was evidence of the beginni...,
What are some item categories tha...,
Evidence for belief in the super ...
62  cards
global biogeographical patterns
What are the three earth realms,
What is biogeography,
What questions does biogeo address
59  cards
global biodiversity patterns
Define biodiversity,
Complicated biodiverse def,
Define biological species
33  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Maryam Sonnie's GEO1009F flashcards for their University of Cape Town class now!

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