This class was created by Brainscape user khekhe wulandari. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (117)

Healthy Body Composition
What is basal metabolism,
What is obesity,
What is body mass index bmi
3  cards
Define Body Composition
What is body composition,
What is included in nonfat compon...,
What is essential body fat
10  cards
Factors Of Body Composition
What are influences of genetics,
What is childhood obesity,
How is basal metabolism measured
7  cards
Health Problems And Body Fat
What is the body mass index,
What does bmi not count,
What is considered overweight
7  cards
Determining Body Composition
What is body mass index,
What does bmi not include,
How do you calculate bmi to height
14  cards
Controlling Body Composition
How is energy balance important,
Fitt what is frequency,
Fitt what is intensity calories
7  cards
Strategies To Healthy Body Composition
What are strategies to meal control,
Why is journaling important,
What are some weight loss myths
5  cards
Multiple Meanings Of Diet
What is a diet,
What is the act of dieting,
Reasons to lose weight
5  cards
Harmful Diets/Weight-loss Strategies
What is a fad diet,
What is a low carbohydrate diet,
What are some issues of a low car...
15  cards
Common Dietary Restrictions/Trends
What are some health related diets,
What are some health related diet...,
What is a diet for someone with h...
10  cards
Body Image & Eating Disorders
What is body image,
What is considered a healthy body...,
What are some unhealthy body imag...
11  cards
Symptoms/Health Dangers Of Eating Disorders
What are some psychological cause...,
What are learned factors of psych...,
What are some genetic causes to ed
14  cards
Methodology For Improving Body Image
What can help create a healthy bo...,
How can we help children develop ...,
How can teens help maintain a pos...
5  cards
Characteristics Of Good Mental And Emotional Health
What is mental health,
What is emotional health,
What are signs of high self esteem
8  cards
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
Who was abraham maslow,
What is the hierarchy of needs,
How is this hierarchy structured
7  cards
Personality And Mental/Emotional Health
What is personality,
What is heredity,
What is environment
6  cards
Describing And Defining Common Emotions
What are emotions,
What are changing emotions,
How can emotions be expressed
12  cards
Postive And Negative Way To Manage Emotions
Why is managing emotions important,
Why is expressing you emotions im...,
Why is it important to take care ...
7  cards
Impact Of Emotions On Health
What is stress,
What are some health effects of s...,
What are some defense mechanisms ...
7  cards
Types Of Mental Health Disorders
What is an anxiety disorder,
What are some types of anxiety di...,
What is a mood disorder
14  cards
Causes Of Mental Health Disorders
What is the cause of mental illness,
What are physical factors,
What are some physical damage fac...
6  cards
Mental Health Treatments
Why should you notify a trusted a...,
What are examples of trusted adults,
What is a psychiatrist
10  cards
Coping With Anxiety
What is the feeling of anxiety,
How does anxiety feel,
Who can get anxiety
16  cards
Coping With Depression
What is depression,
When does it become a disorder,
What can trigger a depression dis...
13  cards
Warning Signs/Preventing Suicide
What is suicide,
Why might someone commit suicide,
What are some risk factors
13  cards
Different Kinds Of Loss And Their Effects
What are some examples of loss,
What feelings can a person experi...,
How is loss dynamic
6  cards
Stages Of The Grieving Process
What is the denial stage,
Why does denial occur,
What is the anger stage
7  cards
Resources And Methods For Coping With Grief
How can ceremonies help cope with...,
What is wake visitation or viewing,
What is a funeral
7  cards
Common Sources Of Stress
What are signs of stress,
What is eustress,
What is distress
14  cards
How People React To Stress
What is the stress response,
What is the alarm stage of gas br...,
What is the alarm stage of gas he...
9  cards
Stress And Disease
How can stress be beneficial,
What is prolonged stress response,
How can stress affect the circula...
12  cards
Healthy Behaviors To Help Reduce Stress
What are the types of stress,
What are some healthy behaviors,
How can you plan ahead
8  cards
Coping With Stress
What are negative coping strategies,
What are examples of avoiding the...,
How can you redirect energy
7  cards
Decision Making
What are routine decisions,
What is an impulse decision,
What is a big decision
9  cards
Steps In The Decision Making Process
What is state in strong,
What is think in strong,
What is rate in strong
8  cards
Consequences From Poor Decisionz
What are poor decisions,
What are some consequences for ba...,
What is the stop stage
6  cards
Communication Process
What is verbal communication,
What is non verbal communication,
What are the roles of sending mes...
10  cards
Types Of Communicators
What is a passive communicator,
What is verbal communication for ...,
What is nonverbal communication o...
12  cards
Building Communication Skills
What are some speaking skills,
What is is the importance of i in...,
How can you actively listen
4  cards
Causes Of Conflict
What is a conflict,
How can essential needs cause con...,
How can perceptions cause conflict
6  cards
Conflict Resolution Factors
What is conflict resolution,
How can personal attitudes be a f...,
How can attitudes also be an issue
6  cards
Conflict Resolution Strategies
What should you do before followi...,
What is the first step in a conflict,
What is the second step in a conf...
11  cards
Positive And Negative Peer Pressure
What is active peer pressure,
What is passive peer pressure,
What is positive peer pressure
6  cards
Causes Of Peer Pressure
Who are the victims,
Why do people give into peer pres...,
What should you not do
5  cards
Using Refusal Skills
What are refusal skills,
What should we protect,
How can you use confidence
8  cards
Types Of Peer Relationships
What is a peer,
Why is friendship important,
What is a casual friendship
5  cards
Strategies For Healthy Friendships
What are the characteristics need...,
How can you strengthen your frien...,
How can you show respect to friends
7  cards
Resolutions In Friendship Conflicts
How is envy and jealousy caused,
How can anger be a problem in a f...,
How can cliques be positive and n...
5  cards
Healthy Family Relationships
What are the types of families,
How can you define character pt 1,
How can you define character pt 2
8  cards
Challenges To Family Health
What is often the cause of these ...,
What are types of changes,
What are some changes in circumst...
7  cards
Abuse And Violence In The Family
What is the tension building phas...,
What is the honeymoon phase of do...,
What is regarded as sexual abuse ...
12  cards
Characteristics Of Healthy Dating
Why should you date,
What is a healthy relationship,
What is the factor of mutual resp...
11  cards
Pressures Of A Teen Relationship
What are common pressures in a re...,
What is the pressure to change,
What are time management issues
8  cards
Consequences Of Sexual Activity
What are legal ramifications,
What are the consequences of brea...,
What are effects on physical health
8  cards
Conception And Stages Of Conception
What is conception,
What is gestation,
How is gestational age measured
20  cards
Prenatal Care And Nutrition
What are prenatal visits,
What is included in a prenatal visit,
What should mothers consume more of
15  cards
Stage Of Labor
What is early labor in stage 1,
What is active labor stage 1,
What is birth of baby stage 2
9  cards
Contraceptive Methods
What is a contraceptive,
Is birth control less or more eff...,
How is birth control effective
22  cards
Advantages Of Abstinence
What are the legal implications o...,
How does abstinence prevent unpla...,
How does abstinence prevent stis
6  cards
Refusal Skills And Avoidance Of Sexual Activity
Sex is not a way to,
How can you stay abstinent,
What are steps to stay abstinent
7  cards
Strategies For Remaining Safe
What are instinctive protective m...,
What is home safety,
What is community safety
5  cards
Factors That Influence Violence
What is an assailant,
What are the forms of violence,
What is abuse
10  cards
How To Minimize Conflict And Abuse
What are warning signs of violent...,
What should victims do,
What should victims remember
7  cards
Harmful Substances In Tobacco
What is tobacco,
How is tobacco consumed,
What are side effects of nicotine
7  cards
Factors To Tobacco Use
How can peer pressure contribute ...,
How can role models contribute to...,
How can self esteem contribute to...
5  cards
Effects Of Tobacco Use
How do tobacco products affect fa...,
What are the effects on finances,
What are society effects
4  cards
Short-term And Long-term Health Risks Of Tobacco
What are the effects of days of u...,
What are the effects of months of...,
What are the effects of years of ...
8  cards
More Harmful Effects Of Tobacco
Is secondhand smoke dangerous,
Where is second hand smoke most d...,
What are the effects of tobacco o...
5  cards
Law, Policies, and Practices To Prevent Tobacco-Related Diseases
What is the goal and method of pr...,
What is the cycle of prevention,
Where are smoking bans
12  cards
Choosing A Tobacco Free Life
What are the statistics of wantin...,
What are individual resources,
What are regional resources
7  cards
Benefits Of A Tobacco Free Lifestyle
How many adolescents smoke every day,
How many high schoolers tried to ...,
What are the benefits of quitting...
6  cards
Refusing Tobacco Products
How can you be informed,
How can you be aware,
What are some casual reasons
7  cards
What Is Alcohol?
What is ethanol alcohol,
What is propanol methanol and but...,
What happens to ethanol in the body
7  cards
Factors Of Alcohol Use
What is a social drinker,
What is a moderate drinker,
What is a heavy drinker
11  cards
Consequences Of The Consumption Of Alcohol
Alcohol and brain development,
What is the affect on academic pe...,
What is the affect on sexual h be...
10  cards
Short-term And Long-term Affects Of Alcohol
What factors influences a persons...,
What is the affect of alcohol on ...,
What is the affect of alcohol on ...
13  cards
Harmful Effects Of Alcohol On Fetus
How does alcohol get to the fetus,
What is fetal alcohol syndrome,
What are some birth defects from fas
7  cards
Alcoholism And Effects
What is alcoholism,
What are alcoholism facts,
Effects on family
5  cards
Treatment Options For Alcoholism
Does alcoholism have a cure,
Can relapses happen,
What are individual treatment opt...
6  cards
Organizations To Educate People Of Alcohol
What are community based education,
What are government education pro...,
What government us network is use...
5  cards
Strategies To Remain alcohol-free
How can avoid situations from alc...,
What are some excuses for not con...,
What are some facts to know
3  cards
Role Of Medicine
What is a vaccine,
What is an antitoxin,
What are antibiotics
14  cards
Prescription Vs Over The Counter Medicines
What are prescription medicines,
What is on the prescription label,
What is sharing medicine harmful
8  cards
Laws, Policies, And Practices Of Medicine
Who is responsible of regulation ...,
What are some laws over the years,
What are required on medicine labels
7  cards
Legal And Illegal Drugs
Tobacco and alcohol are legal,
When are prescription drugs illegal,
What are illegal drugs
5  cards
Illegal Drug Abuse
What is drug abuse,
Teens and drug abuse risk,
How can peer pressure create subs...
9  cards
Commonly Abused Illegal Drugs
What are the effects of stimulants,
What are the consequences of stim...,
What are common stimulants
25  cards
Drug Abuse And Consequences
What is drug abuse,
What are teen complications from ...,
What is the cycle of addiction
15  cards
Drug Abuse And Decision-Making
What are signs of impaired brain ...,
What is unsafe environment in poo...,
What is criminal behavior in poor...
6  cards
Drug Abuse And Society
How are parents and siblings affe...,
How are children of drug abusers ...,
How is pregnancy affected
9  cards
Preventing The Use Of Drugs
22 million drug users are from th...,
What are drug free zones and poli...,
What are some educational programs
7  cards
Treatment For Drug Addiction
What is a clinical assessment,
What is a treatment plan,
What is a medically supervised detox
10  cards
Strategies For Resisting Drugs
What are ways to resist drug use,
How can you buy time,
What are some good reasons
3  cards
Types Of Pathogens
What is a communicable disease,
What is a virus,
What is bacteria
5  cards
Ways Communicable Diseases Are Spread
What is direct contact,
What is food and water contamination,
What is a vector
5  cards
Common Treatments For Communicable Diseases
What are the 3 aspects of treatment,
How can viral infections be treated,
What is treatment for bacterial i...
8  cards
Body Protection From Pathogens
What is a physical nonspecific de...,
What are chemical nonspecific bar...,
What is an inflammatory response ...
5  cards
Ways To Care For The Immune System
What is important to know about b...,
What are some ways to maintain a ...,
What are ways to prevent the spre...
4  cards
Community Resources To Help Prevent And Treat Diseases
What is community treatment,
What is continued treatment,
What are warning systems
5  cards
Causes, Transmission, and Treatment Of Diseases
Where do most diseases affect and...,
What are some diseases caused by ...,
What is strep throat
22  cards
Causes, Transmission, And Treatment Of Diseases Pt 2
What places in the body do these ...,
What is athletes foot,
How is athletes foot spread
21  cards
Technology And Health Around The World
What is the advancement in diagno...,
What are blood tests,
What are urinalysis tests
7  cards
Prevalence Of STIs
What is sexual contact,
How are stis and epidemic,
What are facts about stis
10  cards
How Are STIs Spread
How are some stis spread,
What is an exception to spread,
How can blood transfusions spread...
7  cards
Responsibilites With Those Infected With An STI
How can you get tested,
What should you do if you test po...,
What are variable with medical tr...
6  cards
Transmission, Symptoms, And Treatment For STIs
What are the statistics of stis,
What is a bacterial stis,
What is chlamydia
26  cards
STIs Damaging Peoples Health
What are physical effects of stis,
What are the mental effects of stis,
What are the emotional effects of...
12  cards
Policies And Treatment Of STIs
What is the purpose of public hea...,
What is prevention education heal...,
What are educational efforts
6  cards
Describing HIV
What is hiv,
What is aids,
What happens when hiv is infected
11  cards
Behaviors Known To Transmit HIV
Where does hiv thrive,
How is hiv transferred,
What acts can hiv transmit
7  cards
Process For Getting Tested For HIV
What are the risk,
What is the test,
What are other options
10  cards
What Is Cancer
What is cancer,
What are the causes,
What are risk factors
8  cards
Methods For Treating Cancer And Detection
What is chemotherapy common,
What is radiation treatment common,
What are side effects of radiatio...
7  cards
Risky Behaviors For Cancer
What are some risky behaviors,
Why is smoking risky,
What is ultraviolet radiation
6  cards
Noncommunicable Diseases
What are the characteristics of n...,
What are genetic influences,
How does lifestyle influence this
4  cards
Common Noncommunicable Diseases
What are hereditary diseases,
What is the single gene,
What are complex
7  cards
Types Of Diabetes And Their Causes
What is the food digestion process,
What is diabetes,
What are symptoms of diabetes
11  cards

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