
This class was created by Brainscape user Lewis Scholes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (188)

Summary 1 - Germany before 1918 (The Second Reich)
Who was germany ruled by till 1918 a,
What was the elected parliament k...,
What did the reichstag not control
7  cards
Summary 1 - Germany and the First World War
When was the defeat in ww1 inevit...,
How was the military moral in 1918,
What of the war cost could be met...
8  cards
Summary 1 - Revolution from above-October 1918
When did the revolution from abov...,
Which 3 things did general ludend...,
The revolution from above was a p...
4  cards
Summary 1 - Peace Note
Who did prince max write to askin...,
What terms did wilson respond with,
Where did general ludendorff flee to
4  cards
Summary 1 - Revolution from below-November 1918
When did a wave of unrest start f...,
On which date was there a mutiny ...,
What started to emerge for sailor...
10  cards
Summary 1 - Left Wing threats
The workers councils had to start...,
What did many on the left see the...,
What were the councils demanding
5  cards
Summary 1 - Ebert-Groener Pact
On which date was the ebert groen...,
What did general groener offer th...,
What did groener demand for in re...
13  cards
Summary 1 - The new Weimar Constitution
What is the date of the elections...,
Who got the largest share of the ...,
Where was the new government formed
13  cards
Summary 1 - Concerns of new Weimar Republic
Which article was used for emerge...,
How many times would ebert use ar...,
What was used with increasing fre...
4  cards
Summary 1 - Voting using proportional representation
How were seats in the reichstag a...,
What type of government were ofte...,
The voting system often led to wh...
3  cards
Summary 1 - Survival of undemocratic constitutions
Which 3 institutions did the new ...,
Who was appointed commander in ch...,
Who did hans von seeckt believe t...
8  cards
Summary 1 - Treaty of Versailles
On which date were germany given ...,
What did the first coalition gove...,
Why did the second government sig...
20  cards
Summary 1 - Political impacts of the treaty of versailles
Who resigned as chancellor instea...,
Who did the new coalition governm...,
What did the army briefly think a...
8  cards
Summary 2 - Economic instability 1919 -1923 - The legacy of the Kiaserreich
What was germany s national debt ...,
In 1920 the mark was worth what o...,
What sort of fiscal policy did th...
6  cards
Summary 2 - The impact of reparations
In 1921 the reparations commissio...,
What did the government do rather...,
When did germany first ask to pos...
4  cards
Summary 2 - The occupation of the Ruhr
When did french and belgian force...,
Why did french and belgian troops...,
During the occupation how many fo...
8  cards
Summary 2 - Causes of hyperinflation
What was the total amount of repa...,
What happened to the government w...,
Why was passive resistance a poor...
14  cards
Summary 2 - Effects of hyperinflation
Give three examples of people who...,
Give three examples of people who...,
4  cards
Summary 2 - The problems with coalition government
Give three problems with,
How many different coalition gove...
2  cards
Summary 2 - Support for democracy and political parties
During the january 1919 election ...,
What percentage of the vote did t...,
What percentage of the vote did t...
7  cards
Summary 2 - Threats from the left to the Weimar Republic - The Spartacist Revolt
When was the spartacist revolt,
Who were the leaders of the spart...,
Where did the attempted revolt ta...
10  cards
Summary 2 - How serious was the threat from the left?
Give evidence to suggest that the...,
What percentage of the electorate...,
Give two reasons why the threat f...
3  cards
Summary 2 - The Kapp Putsch - 1920
When did the kapp putch take place,
In february 1920 the defence mini...,
In february 1920 gustav noske ord...
13  cards
Summary 2 - Political violence
Between 1918 and 1922 how many po...,
Did germans with left wing belief...,
How successful was the response o...
3  cards
Summary 2 - How serious was the Munich Putsch to the Weimar government?
Since the kapp putsch who had bav...,
In september 1923 the nazi s join...,
The nazis took the chance to laun...
9  cards
Summary 3 - Gustav Stresemann
Gustav stresemann was a member of...,
Stresemann was appointed chancell...,
Which problems did stresemann dea...
5  cards
Summary 3 - Stabilising the German economy
What did stresemann do regarding ...,
What was the consequence of endin...,
Stresemann replaced the old worth...
13  cards
Summary 3 - Reparations and the Dawes Plan
What did stresemann do in novembe...,
Who acted as the new comittees ch...,
When was the dawes plan finalised...
9  cards
Summary 3 - The reparations issue and the young plan
Why was the rhineland still signi...,
What did the young plan oblige ge...,
By how much was the reparations b...
8  cards
Summary 3 - The extent of economic recovery 1925-1929
Why were interest rates kept high...,
What did american loans do to the...,
How was industrial output affecte...
15  cards
Summary 3 - Limits to the economic recovery 1925-1929
What was a continuous problems be...,
Why was unemployment so high thro...,
By how many did the mining compan...
10  cards
Summary 3 - Social and cutural developments 1924-1928 - Social welfare reform
When was the public assistance sy...,
In which year was a national unem...,
How many disabled war veterans wa...
5  cards
Summary 3 - Living Standards and lifestyles
How did the living standards of g...,
Why were the poorest people in so...,
How were business owners affected...
4  cards
Summary 3 - Position of Women
What did the weimar constitution ...,
Why was there fewer opportunities...,
How had the war affected women
11  cards
Summary 3 - Young people
At what age were kids meant to le...,
In 1924 what of the unemployed pa...,
Why was there a high level of une...
4  cards
Summary 3 - Education
How was german state education fo...,
What did education reformers in t...,
What was the main educational ref...
3  cards
Summary 3 - Youth Groups
When did the establishment of the...,
Which political youth groups held...,
When was the hilter youth set up
4  cards
Summary 3 - Development of arts in culture in the Weimar Republic
What did germany in the 1920s wit...,
How did germans welcome the chang...,
What did berlins nightclubs becom...
12  cards
Summary 4 - Reichstag elections and coalition governments 1924-1928
How many elections took place in ...,
Parties in favour of democracy ga...,
What percentage of voters voted f...
19  cards
Summary 4 - Coalition governments
How many coalition governments we...,
How stable was the political scen...,
How many cabinets were there betw...
9  cards
Summary 4 - The development of political parties
Give two reasons why between the ...,
What could the spd not let go of,
Who did the spd have close links ...
10  cards
Summary 4 - The election of Hindenburg as President in 1925
When did ebert die thus meaning t...,
Under the terms of the constituti...,
How many candidates stood for the...
12  cards
Summary 4 - Evidence that 1924 - 1929 was a golden era
The elections between 1924 and 19...,
What percentage of the vote did t...,
Election turnouts were relatively...
4  cards
Summary 4 - Evidence of continuing weaknesses and problems between 1924 and 1929
How many of the 6 coalitions betw...,
How many people died in fights be...,
Why was the election of hindenbur...
4  cards
Summary 4 - Stresemann's foreign policy - policy of fulfilment
Stresemann pursued a policy of fu...,
What were the two aims of stesema...,
What were the three aspects of th...
3  cards
Summary 4 - The Locarno Pact 1925
When was the lacarno pact impleme...,
In october 1925 western european ...,
Who began to feel threatened by g...
12  cards
Summary 4 - Aspects of Stresemann's policy of fulfilment
When was germany allowed to join ...,
Germany being allowed to join the...,
What was the impact of germany be...
15  cards
Summary 4 - Successes of Stresemann's foreign policy
Why was gaining a seat on the sec...,
What was the impact of the treaty...,
Give evidence that suggests that ...
5  cards
Summary 4 - Weaknesses of Stresemann's foreign policy
Was stresemann able to achieve si...,
What was the impact of stresemann...,
6  cards
Summary 5 - Why did the government not act decisively to tackle the economic slump?
What was the widespread internati...,
When did muller s coalition colla...,
What was the government terrified of
11  cards
Summary 5 - The economic impact of the depression
How much did industrial productio...,
During the depression how much di...,
What proportion of german workers...
8  cards
Summary 5 - The social impact of the depression
How many people was the unemploym...,
Why did the amount paid out in un...,
How long were people able to clai...
8  cards
Summary 5 - The political impact of the depression
What happened to the percentage o...,
What happened to the percentage o...,
Who received more votes in the no...
6  cards
Summary 5 - The collapse of the Grand Coalition
Who became chancellor in june 192...,
When did the grand coalition coll...,
What were the aims of the grand c...
7  cards
Summary 5 - Heinrich Brϋning’s government (March 1930-June 1932)
When did bruning become the chanc...,
Bruning s government was supporte...,
What were the main actions of bru...
13  cards
Summary 5 - September 1930 election - ‘a political earthquake’
What percentage of the vote did t...,
How large were the nazi s after t...,
What was the impact of the increa...
3  cards
Summary 5 - Growing political violence
There was growing political viole...,
How did hindenburg respond to the...,
How effective was hindenburg s de...
3  cards
Summary 5 - Who did the Nazi's appeal to?
Which groups of people were over ...,
The working class was under repre...,
Were catholics or protestants mor...
7  cards
Summary 5 - The appeal of Nazism : Why did people vote for the Nazi's?
How did the nazi s present themse...,
How did the nazi s view war,
Give some examples of socialist p...
20  cards
Summary 5 - How did the Nazi's achieve electoral success?
Hitler ensured that he had a posi...,
How did hitler and goebbels use p...,
Why did hitlers image help to gai...
20  cards
Summary 5 - The appeal of communism between 1928 and 1932
The kpd received 106 of the vote ...,
Why did the kpd gain some support...,
How did the communists present th...
13  cards
Summary 6 - March 1932 : Presidential election
Which three candidates stood in t...,
How did the nazi s portray hitler...,
What percentage of the vote did h...
5  cards
Summary 6 - Bruning's economic policies
Why was bruning prepared to worse...,
What did bruning want to reduce,
Bruning pursued a deflationary mo...
6  cards
Summary 6 - The fall of Brϋning’s government (March 1930-May 1932)
How was bruning able to remain in...,
How did bruning pass the majority...,
How did bruning respond to the de...
12  cards
Summary 6 - Von Papen's governments: June 1932 - December 1932
Von papens government was filled ...,
What policy did von papen impleme...,
How did von papen utilise the inc...
8  cards
Summary 6 -The July 1932 election
What percentage of the vote did t...,
What percentage of the vote did t...,
What percentage of the vote did t...
12  cards
Summary 6 - The November 1932 election
What percentage of the vote did t...,
The number of seats held by the n...,
What percentage of the vote did t...
10  cards
Summary 6 - The role of backstairs intrigue
During the complicated events of ...,
State two of hindenburg s advisers,
What was the aim of hindenburg s ...
4  cards
Summary 6 - Von Schleicher’s Government December 1932-January 1933
How successful was von schleicher...,
Which nazi did von schleicher try...,
Why was von schleicher unable to ...
16  cards
Summary 6 - Were the Nazis on the verge of decline when Hitler was appointed Chancellor?
Give evidence which suggests that...,
Describe some of the internal dis...,
How many members did the sa have ...
6  cards
Summary 6 - Was there an alternative to Hitler - A more authoritarian government
Would a new system involving the ...,
Give evidence that suggests the e...,
How widespread would support in t...
8  cards
Summary 6 - Was there an alternative to Hitler - The survival of parliamentary democracy
How likely was the survival of pa...,
Why was the survival of parliamen...,
What percentage of people voted f...
4  cards
Summary 6 - Was there an alternative to Hitler - Communism
What happened to the level of sup...,
Although support for the kpd incr...,
Communism only appealed to which ...
6  cards
Summary 6 - The death of Weimar democracy
Was weimar democracy dead before ...,
Give one factor which meant that ...,
When did the actions of the germa...
9  cards
Summary 6 - The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship January-March 1933
How many nazi ministers did the n...,
Why did the new cabinet only have...,
How long did it take for the nazi...
3  cards
Summary 6 - The role of violence in the rise of the Nazis
Which organisation played a key r...,
Why were the sa so important to h...,
How many sa members were there in...
11  cards
Summary 6 - The Reichstag Fire - 27th February 1933
Why did hitler persuade hindenbur...,
The terror campaign against which...,
Which major building was set on fire
11  cards
Summary 6 - The March 1933 election
What strategy did the nazis emplo...,
To what extent were the spd and k...,
What percentage of the vote did t...
8  cards
Summary 6 - The end of democracy - The Enabling Act
When was the first meeting of the...,
In order for the enabling act to ...,
Why did 66 of reichstag deputies ...
19  cards
Summary 7 - A timeline of the key events in the establishment of a dictatorship?
When was the enabling act passed,
Which law was passed on the 31st ...,
Which two laws were passed on the...
17  cards
Summary 7-Government and Administrative Changes
When and why were the kpd banned,
How was june 1933 significant to ...,
Who dissolved themselves in june ...
10  cards
Summary 7- Night of the Long Knives
When did hitler consider the nazi...,
Which organisation was hitler sta...,
By january 1934 how many sa membe...
12  cards
Summary 7 - The death of Hindenburg
When did hindenburg die,
Why had hindenburg considered dis...,
Which event assuaged hindenburg s...
7  cards
Summary 7 - The police system
How did the nazis alter the polic...,
Name the different nazi party con...,
What was the impact of the night ...
4  cards
Summary 7 - The Schutzstaffel (SS)
How did the role of the ss change...,
What did the ss primarily deal with,
By 1936 what did the ss control
6  cards
Summary 7 - The Sicherheitsdienst (SD) – an offshoot of the SS
When was the sd founded and what ...,
What was the role of the sd once ...,
How many sd officers were there i...
4  cards
Summary 7 - The Gestapo
What was the gestapo,
What was the role of the gestapo,
Why did the gestapo instil fear a...
6  cards
Summary 7 - The courts and justice system
Why was hitler concerned by the j...,
Why was hitler angered by the jud...,
State the two new courts that wer...
5  cards
Summary 7 - Opposition and non-conformity
Why were many germans supportive ...,
Which system was in place to deal...,
Give one reason why opposition to...
3  cards
Summary 7 - Political resistance
Why were the left wing unable to ...,
Which law did the spd try to resist,
Why was the spd unable to pose a ...
13  cards
Summary 7 - Resistance by the Church
Which organisations were the only...,
Why were the churches able to mai...,
Describe the extent of resistance...
3  cards
Summary 7 - Resistance from the Protestant Church
Some protestants resisted hitler ...,
Give a notable example of resista...,
How did the nazis respond to the ...
5  cards
Summary 7 - Resistance by the Catholic Church
Give an example of how the cathol...,
When did the pope have a pamphlet...,
How did the nazis respond to the ...
5  cards
Summary 7 - Resistance from young people
When was there a growing disillus...,
When did membership with the nazi...,
Give examples of how some young p...
5  cards
Summary 7 - Resistance by the elite
Why was the level of resistance t...,
In november 1937 which two genera...,
Why were the two generals doubtfu...
7  cards
Summary 7 - Propaganda
What was the aim of propaganda,
What was the impact of goebbels a...,
Which two policies were viewed as...
4  cards
Summary 7 - Methods of propaganda
Newspapers that endorsed which po...,
How many daily newspapers did the...,
What did the nazis do once they h...
18  cards
Summary 7 - How effective was propaganda?
What did occasional plebiscites s...,
What did gestapo reports suggest ...,
Give some factors other than prop...
5  cards
Summary 7 - The Hitler Myth
How did propaganda portray hitler,
How involved was hitler in the da...,
How hard working was hitler
3  cards
Summary 7 - The Nazi State and totalitarian control
How did the nazis alter the exist...,
What was the impact of the nazis ...,
Give examples of rivalries betwee...
6  cards
Summary 7 - Was the Nazi regime totalitarian
What is a totalitarian society,
Was the nazi state a true totalit...,
Give some evidence which suggests...
5  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi economic policies
What was one of hitler s key prom...,
How coherent was nazi economic po...,
What was the nazis initial econom...
5  cards
Summary 8 - Recovery from the Depression
Who played a key role in ensuring...,
Which two positions did schacht hold,
When was schacht made economic mi...
22  cards
Summary 8 - Rearmament and the creation of a war economy
Give some negative consequences o...,
What was the guns vs butter debate,
How was the guns vs butter debate...
17  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policy towards management and the industrial elite
How widespread was support for th...,
Which early nazi economic policie...,
What was the impact of the four y...
7  cards
Summary 8 - Living standards: Did the German people benefit from Nazi rule?
How did propaganda encourage peop...,
How did propaganda portray the im...,
What happened to peoples wages be...
10  cards
Summary 8 - How successful were Nazi economic policies by 1939
How did propaganda project an ima...,
Give some evidence which suggests...,
Give an example of how statistica...
4  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi social policy - Volkgemeinschaft
Define volk,
What were the three aspects of vo...
2  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards young people - schools
When did the nazis gain control o...,
How did the nazis use the curricu...,
Give examples of things that were...
7  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards young people - universities
How highly did the nazis value ac...,
What happened to the number of un...,
Women were restricted to what per...
12  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards young people - Hitler Youth
What was the slogan of hitler youth,
When was hitler youth established,
When were all other youth groups ...
11  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards young people - The League of German Girls (BDM)
What was the slogan for the leagu...,
What was the purpose of the leagu...,
When was membership to the league...
10  cards
Summary 8 - How successful were Nazi youth policies?
Give three pieces of evidence whi...,
Give one piece of evidence which ...
2  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards women
How did hitler view the trend for...,
What was the main aim of nazi pol...,
Why did the nazis want to raise t...
11  cards
Summary 8 - How successful were Nazi policies towards women?
How successful were nazi policies...,
Why was hitler forced to encourag...
2  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards workers
Why did industrial workers presen...,
When were trade unions banned,
What did the nazis replace trade ...
3  cards
Summary 8 - The DAF (The German labour Front)
When was the daf established,
What was the purpose of the daf,
How large was the daf
8  cards
Summary 8 - The KDF (Strength Through Joy)
Give five aims of the kdf,
How did strength through joy incr...,
What were workers offered as part...
5  cards
Summary 8 - How successful were Nazi policies towards workers
What do sopade and gestapo report...,
How did workers who were communis...,
What was one of key reasons why t...
4  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards churches
Were the majority of germans prot...,
Why did hitler see religion as a ...,
How coherent was the nazi view of...
3  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards the Protestant Church
What was the main protestant chur...,
How did the nazis feel that they ...,
Describe the level of support for...
18  cards
Summary 8 - Nazi policies towards the Catholic Church
Give two reasons why the catholic...,
How willing was the catholic chur...,
Give some common ground between t...
14  cards
Summary 8 - How successful were Nazi policies towards the Churches?
How successful were nazi policies...,
How successful were nazi policies...
2  cards
Summary 8 - A summary of Nazi social policies
A 1951 survey showed that nearly ...,
Why did many germans view the yea...,
Give some limitations of nazi soc...
6  cards
Summary 9 - The radicalisation of the State
How many different phases of the ...,
When was thee first phase of the ...,
What was the name given to the fi...
9  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi racial ideology - Social Darwinism
Where did the nazis adopt the the...,
What did hitler apply darwin s sc...,
What were darwin s scientific pri...
9  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi racial ideology - Volksgemeinschaft
In order to be a member of the vo...,
Membership of the volkgenossen na...,
Which groups were
3  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi racial policies - Lebensraum
Define the term lebensraum,
Why was there support for lebensr...,
How did the concept of lebensraum...
4  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards the mentally and physically disabled - Sterilisation
What was the theory of eugenics,
In july 1933 what did the law for...,
In 1935 what addition was made to...
8  cards
Summary 9- Policies towards the mentally ill and disabled - Euthanasia
By 1939 who had the regime author...,
What were hospitals required to d...,
How many victims were there of th...
7  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards asocials
Which groups of people were class...,
Which groups of people were round...,
How many tramps and beggars were ...
6  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards homosexuals
Was it legal to be homosexual in ...,
How did the nazis view homosexuals,
Why did lesbians not suffer the s...
8  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards religious sects
When had the nazi s banned most r...,
Give some examples of religious s...,
How were religious sects able to ...
9  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards Roma and Sinti
How many roma and sinti people we...,
When did the nazis increase the l...,
When were the nuremburg laws appl...
6  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards the Jews 1933-1937
How did the nazis persecute the j...,
What was used to educate the germ...,
What were the three aims of nazi ...
3  cards
Summary 9 - 1st April 1933: The boycott of Jewish shops
Why did the nazis claim that jewi...,
Why did the sa stand outside of j...,
Which other jews were prosecuted ...
6  cards
Summary 9 - April 1933: The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
What did the law for the restorat...,
Why were all jews not dismissed f...,
The exemption that was granted by...
5  cards
Summary 9 - Nazi policies towards Jews in other professions
Jews made up what percentage of t...,
What percentage of jewish lawyers...,
What percentage of german doctors...
13  cards
Summary 9 - The Nuremberg Laws 1935
What was the purpose of the nurem...,
Why were the nuremburg laws imple...,
Which two laws made up the nuremb...
11  cards
Summary 9 - Discrimination towards the Jews
Who encouraged discrimination tow...,
Give examples of discrimination t...,
Did ordinary germans resist the d...
3  cards
Summary 9 - A summary of Nazi policies towards the Jews between 1933 and 1937
Which tools did the nazi use to d...,
Describe the level of resistance ...,
Why did many ordinary germans not...
4  cards
Summary 10 - The development of anti-semitic policies 1938-1940
Which event in 1938 gave the nazi...,
How did the nazi policies towards...,
How did the
7  cards
Summary 10 - Kristallnacht
When did kristallnacht take place,
Who orchestrated kristallnacht an...,
Who did nazi propaganda suggest c...
11  cards
Summary 10 - Emigration
How did nazi policy towards the j...,
How many jews voluntarily left ge...,
Why did many jews not leave germa...
5  cards
Summary 10 - The impact of war against Poland
How did the outbreak of war again...,
The invasion of poland brought ho...,
What happened to the degree of an...
9  cards
Summary 10 - The Madagascar Plan
What did the madagascar plan entail,
The idea of sending jews to madag...,
How many jews did the nazis plan ...
8  cards
Summary 10 - Deportations and Ghettos
Why did the nazis create ghettos,
Which ghetto was the first to open,
How many jews lived in lodz in fe...
9  cards
Summary 10 - Policies towards Jews 1940-41
The defeat of france and west eur...,
What was operation barbarossa and...,
The invasion of the soviet union ...
7  cards
Summary 10 - The Einsatzgruppen (‘Special Groups’)
How did the establishment of eins...,
What was the role of einsatzgrupp...,
It is estimated that how many sov...
8  cards
Summary 10 - The Final Solution
When did the nazis implement the ...,
Describe the efficiency of the ki...,
How many people were murdered in ...
4  cards
Summary 10 - Operation Reinhard (Autumn 1941 - Autumn 1943)
According to the estimate of the ...,
What was the purpose of operation...,
The killing of german and polish ...
10  cards
Summary 10 - The Wannsee Conference January 1942
What was the purpose of the wanns...,
When was the decision made to ext...,
How many top nazi officials atten...
7  cards
Summary 10 - The 'Final Solution'
What happened to the extent of ma...,
In 1943 and 1944 germany suffered...,
The nazis rounded up the jewish p...
7  cards
Summary 10 - The Camp System
What were concentration camps,
How many concentration camps were...,
What were death camps
12  cards
Summary 10 - Jewish resistance
How extensive was the jewish resi...,
Give an example of,
How did the nazis respond to the ...
6  cards
Summary 10 - The death marches
What were the death marches,
How many people died as a result ...,
Did the nazis cancel the death ma...
3  cards
Summary 10 - Was Hitler responsible for the persecution of the Jews and the Final Solution?
Give evidence which suggests that...,
Give evidence that indicates that...,
Give evidence that suggests that ...
3  cards
Summary 10 - Were many ordinary Germans responsible for the 'Final Solution?'
Give evidence which suggests that...,
Why were many germans unable to p...,
Give evidence which suggests that...
6  cards
Summary 10 - Was it the nature of the Nazi State that allowed the Holocaust to happen?
Give evidence which suggests that...,
How did propaganda contribute to ...,
As part of the nazi state hitler ...
4  cards
Summary 10 - Was the war responsible for the Holocaust?
Give evidence which suggests that...,
Why did the war allow the nazis t...,
How did the stalemate in russia a...
4  cards
Summary 10 - Overall summary and some key facts
What created the conditions for t...,
Which two key events confirmed ho...,
How many jews died in the holocaust
8  cards
Summary 11-The impact of war on Germany - Rationing
How did the german population mee...,
What was the main aim in the earl...,
When did rationing begin in germany
4  cards
Summary 11 - The use of propaganda during the war
Who was in charge of controlling ...,
How did goebbels use nazi victori...,
How was hitler presented after th...
4  cards
Summary 11 - Phase one of the war - Blitzkrieg
When was phase one of the war,
What military tactic did the nazi...,
How successful were the nazis mil...
4  cards
Summary 11 - Phase two of the war - The spreading of war
When did the spreading of the war...,
When did germany invade russia,
9  cards
Summary 11 - Phase three of the war - The turning of the tide
When did phase three of the war t...,
How successful were the nazis mil...,
Describe the level of faith that ...
7  cards
Summary 11 - Phase four of the war - Total war and defeat
When did phase four of the war ta...,
When did goebbels declare that ge...,
Why did german cities suffer part...
12  cards
Summary 11 - The impact of bombing on morale
When were german cities continuou...,
Which areas were primarily target...,
Where was the allied bombing the ...
6  cards
Summary 11 - The end of the war and German casualties
The german populations of which n...,
As russian forces entered germany...,
The nazi gauleiters tended to lea...
10  cards
Summary 11 - The changing impact of war on the elite and workers
How did some of the elite view th...,
Why did some of the elite oppose ...,
Some of the elite wanted a change...
8  cards
Summary 11 - The changing impact of war on women
In may 1939 women accounted for w...,
Why was hitler reluctant to consc...,
In june 1940 how many women had b...
12  cards
Summary 11 - The changing impact of war on the youth
When did membership of the hj and...,
What was the emphasis of hj and bdm,
State the age for military conscr...
9  cards
Summary 12 - Mobilising Germany's economy for war
When did germany begin preparing ...,
When was the decree for the conve...,
When was the german economy fully...
15  cards
Summary 12 - The work of Albert Speer
To what extent was speer given th...,
Speer set up the central planning...,
How was the production of armamen...
10  cards
Summary 12 - The economic impact of the Allied bombing
What were the two aims of the con...,
How effective was germany s air d...,
How significantly was the product...
11  cards
Summary 12 - Mobilisation of the workforce and the use of foreign labour
Why was there a labour shortage w...,
What did germany need to do at th...,
Why did production levels not inc...
19  cards
Summary 12 - The use of foreign resources
Give examples of resources that t...,
How did the nazis utilise the ind...,
Give another way which the nazis ...
3  cards
Summary 12 - Refugees
How many russians died during ger...,
As defeat approached why did many...,
How many refugees fled from the a...
4  cards
Summary 12 - Resistance during the war
How widespread was resistance tow...,
Why did opposition to the regime ...,
Give some examples of resistance ...
4  cards
Summary 12 - Opposition from the working class youth
When were all independent youth g...,
There was a long standing traditi...,
Give an example of a wild clique
11  cards
Summary 12 - Opposition from the swing youth
How did swing youth groups resist...,
Why did the groups listen to jazz...,
Why did the actions of swing yout...
4  cards
Summary 12 - The White Rose Group
What was the white rose group,
Where were the white rose group l...,
Who were the leaders of the white...
9  cards
Summary 12 - Opposition from the Roman Catholic Church
What was the main priority of the...,
How did the catholic church view ...,
How did the catholic church view ...
8  cards
Summary 12 - Opposition from the Protestant Church
Why did the protestant church off...,
Who called for christian resistan...,
When was bonhoeffer banned from s...
6  cards
Summary 12 - Communist Opposition
How successful was the gestapo in...,
In 1941 how many underground cell...,
How did the kpd try and gain support
20  cards
Summary 12 - Opposition to racial policies
Give an example of an organised p...,
Why did the rosenstrasse protest ...,
Who took part in the rosentrasse ...
5  cards
Summary 12 - Opposition from within the army and civilian critics
What can be considered as the int...,
The kreisau circle was centred ar...,
Who was count helmut von moltke
9  cards
Summary 12 - Assassination attempts that were made on Hitler's life
When did plotters such as general...,
Why did some of the plotters agai...,
When did johann elser try to assa...
19  cards

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