This class was created by Brainscape user R A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: R A

Decks in this class (19)

Defining Identity, Authentication, and Authorization
These flashcards cover essential concepts related to identity, authentication, and authorization, including their definitions, examples, and management in Azure using Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Entra ID).
9  cards
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
These flashcards cover essential information regarding Microsoft Entra, Azure Active Directory, Azure AD Domain Services, tenants, subscriptions, and the relationship between traditional Active Directory and Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Entra ID).
8  cards
Zero Trust Concepts
What are the key characteristics ...,
What are the challenges associate...,
What is zero trust and how does i...
7  cards
Multi-Factor Authentication
What is multi factor authenticati...,
What are the key components of th...,
Can you provide an example of how...
5  cards
Conditional Access
What is conditional access,
What is conditional access,
What are some common conditional ...
5  cards
Passwordless Authentication
What is passwordless authentication,
Why is there a conflict between s...,
What are some methods of password...
5  cards
External Guest Access
What is the challenge that extern...,
What are the solutions available ...,
How does external id for partners...
5  cards
Azure Active Directory Domain Services
What are some limitations of azur...,
What are some possible solutions ...,
How does azure active directory d...
6  cards
Managing Access to Resources with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
What is rbac and how does it cont...,
What are the two overarching type...,
What is the importance of scope i...
8  cards
Revisiting Defense in Depth
What is the objective of defense ...,
How can defense in depth be visua...,
How does the castle example illus...
6  cards
Exam Tips: Azure Identity, Authentication, and Authorization
1 identity authentication and aut...,
2 zero trust,
3 least privilege access
10  cards
Interacting with Azure Using Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
What is arm,
2 what is arm for,
3 who is arm for
8  cards
Understanding the Azure Portal
What is the azure portal,
What are the key visual component...,
What visual customizations are po...
5  cards
Azure CLI
What does azure cli stand for and...,
What are some key features of azu...,
How can users access azure cli th...
5  cards
Azure PowerShell
What are the three different mean...,
Describe the syntax used in azure...,
How can users access azure powers...
7  cards
Accessing Azure Cloud Shell
What are the two main access meth...,
What are the benefits of azure cl...,
What are the benefits of accessin...
5  cards
Azure ARM Templates
What are azure arm templates,
What are five benefits of using a...,
What is bicep in relation to azur...
5  cards
Exam Tips: Management and Deployment Tools
What is azure resource manager ar...,
What are the key features of the ...,
What are the main characteristics...
6  cards
Course Summary
What is azure ad azure active dir...,
How can resources be deployed in ...,
What management capabilities does...
5  cards

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