IUIC precept book

This class was created by Brainscape user Johnny Murry. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (320)

Abraham kept the laws
Abraham obeyed my voice 1,
Abraham found faithful 2,
Abraham kept the law of the most ...
3  cards
This abominable thing that i hate 1,
The lord hateth all abomination 2,
For every abomination to the lord...
8  cards
Talk no more so exceeding proudly...,
Show me thy faith 2
2  cards
Adam (Sons of God)
Of him come we all 1
1  cards
To redeem them that were under th...,
Adoption belongs to israel 2
2  cards
The law 1,
Judgment for adultery with anothe...,
Lack understanding 3
7  cards
Birth of a Boy/Girl
Birth of a boy 40 days 1,
Birth of a girl 80 days 2
2  cards
Alms Giving
Give alms of thy substance 1,
Alms maketh an atonement for sins 2,
No good can come to him that give...
3  cards
All knowledge to Israel
All the way of knowledge 1,
Knowledge of the things that are 2
2  cards
Angels protecting us
Encampeth round bout them 1,
Keep thee in the way 2,
Angel shut lions mouth 3
4  cards
Be ye angry and sin not 1
1  cards
Another Jesus
Another jesus 1,
Covereth the faces of the judges 2,
Sought to paint the likeness of t...
3  cards
Atrocities only to Israel
Only happened to israel 1
1  cards
Cleanse it with the washing of wa...,
Wash you make you clean 2,
Thou wash thee with nitre and tak...
9  cards
Be quiet
Study to be quite 1,
Keep thy foot 2,
Slow to speak 3
8  cards
Mar corners of thy beard 1,
Shave off corner of thy beard 2,
Trim beard 3
4  cards
Believe/ Believing
He that believeth 1,
Keepeth not his commandments is a...,
He that believeth on the son of g...
4  cards
Bible Author
Lord gave the word 1,
Used similitudes 2,
Declaring end at beginning 3
9  cards
Bible true book
Blasphemy of them which say they ...,
Lord s controversy with israel 2,
Jerusalem a burdensome stone 3
6  cards
bible only for Israel
Sheweth his word unto jacob 1,
All the way of knowledge 2,
Unto them were committed the orac...
5  cards
Cursed be the day wherein i was b...,
Pharaoh s birthday 2,
Let the day perish wherein i was ...
9  cards
Black like Egyptians
Joseph mistaken for 1,
Moses looked egyptian 2,
Paul looked egyptian 3
7  cards
Blonde hair
Blonde hair 1
1  cards
Blood against blood (black on black crime)
My people risen up as an enemy 1,
Love wax cold 2,
Blood touch blood 3
6  cards
Books/ Book of the dead
He is not the god of the dead but...
1  cards
Body must be on one accord
Like minded having the same love ...,
Speak same thing 2
2  cards
Born again
Except a man be born again 1,
Washing of waters by the word 2,
Born again by the word 3
7  cards
Born gay
Born gay 1,
Who said it was ok to be homosexu...,
Abraham prayed first for the sodo...
3  cards
Breath of life
Breath of life hearing the word o...,
Keep my commandments and live 2,
Wisdom is the breath 3
4  cards
Honour all men love the brotherho...,
No divisions among you 2,
Endeavoring to keep the unity of ...
4  cards
Brotherly love & charity
Be kindly affectioned 1,
Love one another 2,
Let brotherly love continue 3
15  cards
Praise to graven image 1,
Graven images exodus 2,
Graven images deuteronomy 3
6  cards
Children (Raising Kids)
Teach law to children 1,
Nurture admonition of the lord 2,
Train up child 3
16  cards
The lord thy god hath chosen thee 1,
Ye are my witnesses saith the lor...,
Israel whom i have chosen 3
4  cards
Christ came for Israel
Blessed be the lord god of israel 1,
I am not sent but unto the lost s...,
Repentance to israel 3
3  cards
Christ from the tribe of Judah
Lion of the tribe of judah 1,
For it is evident that our lord s...
2  cards
Christ in Roman captivity
Now when the centurion and they t...,
And jesus said unto the centurion...,
And when we came to rome the cent...
4  cards
Christ did not baptize with water
Though jesus himself baptized not 1,
He shall baptize you with the hol...,
He shall baptize you with the hol...
4  cards
Christ fulfilled
That christ should suffer he hath...,
Wherefore when he cometh into the...
2  cards
Christ freed us from the law of sin and death
For the law of the spirit of life...
1  cards
Christ had an Earthly father
Jacob begat joseph the husband of...,
For verily he took not on him the...
2  cards
Christ in old testament
Gathering of the people 1,
Lord shall raise up a prophet fro...,
Ruler in israel 3
9  cards
Christ justifies Israel only
In the lord shall all the seed of...,
For he was cut off out of the lan...
2  cards
Christ return
Taking vengeance 1,
Slain of the lord 2,
Gathering nations of israel 3
7  cards
Christ told us not to sin
Neither do i condemn thee go and ...,
Sin no more lest a worse thing co...
2  cards
Color in the bible
Of the dust of the ground first m...,
They are black unto the ground 2,
My skin is black upon me 3
6  cards
Color of Christ
Burned in a furnace 1,
His arms and his feet like in col...,
Feet like fine brass 3
5  cards
Color range of Israel
Ephraim he hath mixed himself amo...,
Speckled bird 2
2  cards
But the comforter which is the ho...
1  cards
Commandments & Faith of christ
Here is the patience of the saints 1,
Forget not my law 2
2  cards
Put off the former conversation 1,
Be examples in conversation 2
2  cards
Covenants are with Israel
Lord made a new covenant 1,
New covenant with israel ot 2
2  cards
Crafty Counsel
Crafty council 1,
Media 2
2  cards
He hath called you out of darknes...,
Darkness is sin 2
2  cards
Follow your husband not your fami...,
Women don t teach men nor are the...
2  cards
Daughter of babylon
Esau is the daughter of babylon 1
1  cards
Day of atonement
Day of atonement 1,
Afflict your soul means to fast 2,
How to fast 3
4  cards
I have created the waster to dest...,
Pass away with a great noise 2
2  cards
Destruction of Nicanor
1 mac 7 1 50 2 mac 14 3 46 2 mac ...
1  cards
Destruction of the spirit
Temed antes a aquel que puede des...,
Y el espiritu se vuelva a dios qu...
2  cards
Varon pio devoto conforme a la ley 1
1  cards
Dietary laws
Leyes dietetico 1,
El proposito de los leyes dieteti...
2  cards
Y que no haya entre vosotros dise...,
Pensais que he venido a la tierra...
2  cards
Y yo os digo que cualquiera que r...,
Le escribira carta de repudio y s...,
Mas si su marido muriere libre es...
3  cards
No con solo el pan vivira el homb...,
Toda escritura es inspirada divin...,
The doctrine of life and immortal...
3  cards
Dogs (Heathen Nations)
Shall not a dog move his tongue d...,
Nations are as a drop of a bucket 2
2  cards
Don't Worry
Take no thought of your life 1,
Trust in the lord 2
2  cards
Dress code/ Fringes
Ornaments and beautiful garment 1,
Glorious and warlike apparel 2
2  cards
Dress code for women
Man s attire show what he is 1,
Do not prostitute thy daughters 2
2  cards
Drunk moderately 1,
They are drunken but not with wine 2
2  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Enemies death
0  cards
Ensign (enemies)
Enemies ensigns 1
1  cards
Efrain no tendra envidia de juda 1,
No envies al hombre injusto 2,
No envidies al malvado 3
3  cards
Esau Origens
0  cards
Esau is evil/ enemy
Enemistad perpetua 1
1  cards
Esau's judgment
Juzgado de esau 1,
Prophesy against seir 2
2  cards
Evil angels/spirits/satan
0  cards
Evil communications
Malas conversaciones 1,
Palabras deshonestas 2
2  cards
Eyes red with wine
0  cards
Faith without works is dead
Fe sin obras 1
1  cards
Fake Jews (jewish)
0  cards
Fallen Angels
0  cards
False Christ
0  cards
False Prophet
0  cards
Family according to the bible
0  cards
0  cards
Feast of dedication
0  cards
Feast of tabernacles
0  cards
Fear of the lord
0  cards
0  cards
Firstborn = Heir
0  cards
Flee Babylon
0  cards
0  cards
Foreknew, God
0  cards
Gang Bangers
Thou shalt not hate thy brother i...,
Thou shalt not follow a multitude...,
Whoso shedders man s blood 3
9  cards
Gentile (other Nations)
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
God dealing with mixed multitude
0  cards
God does not hear sinners
0  cards
God does have respect of persons
0  cards
God's Favorites
0  cards
God feel about the other nations
0  cards
God hates
0  cards
God is a man
0  cards
God is black
0  cards
Gods laws given to israel
0  cards
God must deal with the southern kingdom/ Judah kingdom firsty
0  cards
God's heritage
0  cards
God loves israel
0  cards
God's people
0  cards
God pleads with the nations
0  cards
God puts difference between the children of Israel and Ham
0  cards
Gods way "question him?"
0  cards
Good according to the bible
0  cards
Good wife
0  cards
Gossip, Busybody & Tale-bearing
0  cards
Grace doesn't give license to sin
0  cards
Hair texture
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Head covering (men)
0  cards
Head covering (women)
0  cards
0  cards
Heathen not justified
0  cards
Heaven, How to get into Heaven
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
high holy days
0  cards
Holy Ghost
0  cards
Homosexual/ Gay
Juicio por la homosexualidad 1,
Es abominacion 2
2  cards
How a nation should be ran
0  cards
How do we know that we know god
Le conocemos 1,
Profesan conocer a dios 2
2  cards
How to read the bible
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Images/ Image (goodly)
0  cards
Image (worship)
0  cards
Immaculate conception lie
0  cards
Interracial marriage
0  cards
Islam (622 AD)
0  cards
Israel justified
0  cards
Israelites called church
0  cards
Israelites called Gentiles
0  cards
Israelites called heathen
0  cards
Israelites called strangers
0  cards
Israel disconnected from heritage
Perderas la heredad 1,
Ha dado a jacob 2
2  cards
Israel in Americas/ the land of the north
0  cards
Israel in slavery
0  cards
Israel not dealing with judah
0  cards
Israelites being referred to as angels in their fleshly bodies
0  cards
Israelites built pyramids
0  cards
Israelites lived in Egypt in the new testament
0  cards
Israelites lived in Rome
0  cards
Israelites would be scattered amongst all nations
0  cards
James talked to 12 tribes of israel
0  cards
Jesus means
0  cards
Jews believed in Christ
0  cards
John told us not to sin
0  cards
Judah and Israel would be oppressed together
0  cards
Judge, we can judge
0  cards
Just in the eyes of god
0  cards
Keeping laws in present world
0  cards
0  cards
known by his look
0  cards
Labor pains were created
0  cards
Laws from the beginning
0  cards
Laws and commandments the same
0  cards
Laws of the land
0  cards
Law not void through our faith
0  cards
Linen breeches
0  cards
0  cards
What makes us live
0  cards
Lion, Gurd up
0  cards
Love of god
0  cards
Long hair (men)
0  cards
Lying pastors
0  cards
Man, show thyself a man
0  cards
Man must rule his household
0  cards
Manner of Christ
0  cards
0  cards
Marriageable age
0  cards
Marriage papers
0  cards
Marriage to other nations
0  cards
0  cards
Month comes from moon
0  cards
Moon does not dictate sabbath
0  cards
Moses came down with more than just ten commandments
0  cards
moses age when he left Egypt the first time
0  cards
0  cards
Mount seir
0  cards
Multiple wives
0  cards
The Name
0  cards
Nationality, Race
0  cards
Nationality of Samaritan woman
0  cards
Nations in captivity
0  cards
0  cards
New creature
0  cards
New testament only for Israel
0  cards
No commandments = No kingdom
0  cards
Northern kingdom called "not a people"
0  cards
Northern kingdom coming to America
0  cards
Northern kingdom Skin color
0  cards
Northern kingdom in Jerusalem
0  cards
Olive tree
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Order of man and woman
0  cards
Order of woman
0  cards
Out of order
0  cards
Our names changed
0  cards
Paul mistaken for an Egyptian
0  cards
Pauls writtings are laws
0  cards
Paul told us not to sin
0  cards
0  cards
Plead/ Sword (war)
0  cards
Praying in the streets
0  cards
Pure language
0  cards
Purple royalist
0  cards
Prophets in the bible are Israelites
0  cards
Prove all things
0  cards
Race/ Nationality
0  cards
Rape is a sin
0  cards
0  cards
Reading/ Understanding the bible
0  cards
Real jews
0  cards
Rebellious/ Stubborn
0  cards
Recompense & Revenge, God gives
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Repentance is only for Israel
0  cards
Repent or die
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Sacrificial law is dead
0  cards
0  cards
Sanctuary in captivity
0  cards
Salvation for Israel
0  cards
Scorning, Mocking and jesting
0  cards
0  cards
Seed comes from the man
0  cards
0  cards
Seperated Nations
0  cards
Sex with your wife while she is on her issue of blood
0  cards
Sex laws
0  cards
Sexual sins
0  cards
Show our people their sins
0  cards
Sickness from sin & healing
0  cards
Similitude/ Dark sayings/ Parables
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Sodom spirit
0  cards
Solomon's sin
0  cards
Speak smooth things
0  cards
Spells, Enchantments on Jacob
0  cards
0  cards
Speak boldly
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Spiritually Dead
0  cards
0  cards
Star of David
0  cards
0  cards
Strange, apparel
0  cards
Strangers, Nations
0  cards
0  cards
Study the whole bible
0  cards
Swearing (snitching)
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Take wives and build nation
0  cards
Tarry not
0  cards
0  cards
Teaching children commandments
0  cards
The Law
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Traditions, Pagan holidays
0  cards
0  cards
True Witness (Jehovah Witness)
0  cards
Trust in Man
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Understanding, Reading the bible
0  cards
Understanding & wisdom
0  cards
0  cards
Wages of sin
0  cards
The way
0  cards
What does god hate
0  cards
Who rejected Christ
0  cards
Physical whoredom
0  cards
Spiritual Whoredom
0  cards
0  cards
Whole world belong to Israel
0  cards
Wicked Imaginations
0  cards
Wicked Nation (Esau)
0  cards
Wicked women
0  cards
0  cards
Witchcraft, Magic, Star Gazing
0  cards
Woman learn from
0  cards
Won't listen
0  cards
0  cards
Word is pure
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Woman cannot divorce husband
0  cards
Woman must submit to husband
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Hand join in hand 1,
Sone sone mlk 2
2  cards

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IUIC precept book

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