This class was created by Brainscape user Jasmine Sappor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (93)

Intro to clinical skills
Pulse depends on 1,
Importance of the pulse 2,
When can a pulse be felt 3
160  cards
Clinical skills - Fractures and Dislocations
Fracture management 1,
Fracture management reduce 2,
Fracture management retain 3
141  cards
Clinical skills - Infection & Immunity
Are urine dipsticks necessary to ...,
Key urinary symptoms 2,
If a woman has 2 key urinary symp...
34  cards
Clinical skills - Monoarticular joint pain
Major joints 1,
Symptoms of oa 2,
Management of oa 3
113  cards
Clinical skills - Infl Arthritis
Polyarticular pain 1,
Arthralgia 2,
Characteristics of infl arthritis 3
206  cards
Clinical skills - Viral diseases
Common nsaids 1,
Dysphagia 2,
Dysepsis 3
70  cards
Clinical skills - Professionalism and the Patient Perspective
Objectives of first aid 1,
Priorities of first aid 2,
Abc s of first aid 3
51  cards
Clinical Skills - Pharmacology and Prescribing
Patient safety 1,
Never events 2,
Examples of never events 3
25  cards
Clinical Skills - Chronic Diseases
Classification of fibromyalgia 1,
Where must the pain be to classif...,
Tender points in fm 3
94  cards
Clinical skills - Bone pain
Osteoporosis 1,
Commons sites of fractures due to...,
Consequences of hip fractures 3
127  cards
Clinical skills - Soft Tissue
Causes of pain in a leg 1,
Procceses that can cause pain 2,
Causes of leg pain skin 3
154  cards
Clinical Skills - Connective Tissue
What is the reconstructive ladder 1,
Steps on reconstructive ladder 2,
Skin graft 3
210  cards
Clinical Skills - Spinal Disorders
Spinal hx 1,
Long tract symptoms atoms 2,
Nerve root irritation 3
156  cards
Clinical skills - Healthy & Unhealthy Communities
Categories of preventable causes ...,
Content of work causing hazardous...,
Job content as a hazard 3
33  cards
Clin skills - Gait and Limp
What is the limp 1,
Examples of abnormal gait 2,
Things to note in the hpc of the ...
107  cards
Clinical skills - Old Age & Falls
Sensory mechanisms involved in ba...,
Types of balance 2,
Adaptations to help us keep our b...
97  cards
Clinical Skills - Death
Frailty or age related physical d...,
What are frail pts at increased r...,
How many people 85 are potentiall...
65  cards
Intro to Anatomy and Embryology
Midline 1,
Parasagittal plane 2,
Horizontal plane 3
161  cards
Anatomy - Muscles Of Leg
Anterior muscles of the leg 1,
Innervation of the anterior muscl...,
Tibialis anterior 3
39  cards
Anatomy - Muscles Of Thigh
Gluteus muscles 1,
Gluteus maximus 2,
What does the gluteus maximus att...
61  cards
Anatomy - The Foot & Ankle
Talocrural joint 1,
What kind of joint is the talocru...,
How is the talocrural joint a clo...
32  cards
Anatomy - The Knee Joint
What kind of joint is the knee 1,
What kind of bone is the patella 2,
Differences between femoral condy...
27  cards
Anatomy - The Hip Joint
What does the hip joint sacrifice 1,
What does the joint capsule allow 2,
Fovea 3
16  cards
Anatomy - Nerves Of Lower Limb
Dermatome 1,
Myotome 2,
Nerve root 3
75  cards
Anatomy - Upper Limb Intro
How are both the upper and lower ...,
Bones making up pelvic girdle 2,
Bones making up shoulder girdle 3
38  cards
Anatomy - The Shoulder Joint
Bones of the shoulder 1,
Clavicle 2,
Actromion process 3
49  cards
Anatomy - The Elbow and Wrist
What is the spiral groove in the ...,
Why is the medial epicondyle more...,
Articulations within joint capsule 3
31  cards
Anatomy - The Chest, Back and Arm
Muscles of shoulder girdle scapula 1,
Pectoralis minor 2,
Pectoralis function 3
72  cards
Anatomy - Muscles of the forearm
Basic movement of digits 1,
Superficial muscles of anterior f...,
Common flexor origin in forearm 3
76  cards
Anatomy - Intro to the Spine
Vertebral column 1,
What is the vertebral column comp...,
Vertebrae in neck 3
82  cards
Anatomy - The Spine and Back
Muscles of the spine 1,
Serratus posterior 2,
Function of splenius muscles 3
41  cards
Intro to biochem
Classes of nucleic acids found in...,
Classes of rna 2,
Functions of dna 3
51  cards
Biochem - Fracture and Dislocation
Types of bone 1,
Cortical bone 2,
Trabecular bone 3
106  cards
Biochem - Infection and Immunity
Acidic functional groups of aa 1,
Basic functional groups of aa 2,
Neutral functional groups of aa 3
63  cards
Biochem - Pharmacology and Patient Safety
What are hormones 1,
What do hormones bind to in order...,
Types of hormone transport 3
38  cards
Biochem - Chronic Diseas
Overview of carbs 1,
Sugar units in a monosaccharide 2,
Sugar units in a disaccharide 3
35  cards
Biochem - Bone Pain
Supply of vit d 1,
D2 2,
D3 3
30  cards
Biochem - Connective Tissue
Types of connective tissue diseas...,
Examples of autoimmune connective...,
Examples of congenital connective...
66  cards
Intro to Genetics
Examples of unifactorial diseases 1,
Polygenic inheritance 2,
Traits showing continuous distrib...
32  cards
Genetics - Bone Pain
Carcinogenesis 1,
Changes to make the cell tumourge...,
Hallmarks of cancer 3
16  cards
Intro to immunology
Primary function of immune system 1,
How are foreign substances recogn...,
Clonal selection 3
145  cards
Immunology - Monoarticular Joint Pain
Hla 1,
Mhc 2,
Where is the immunological self e...
16  cards
Immunology - Viral Diseases
Immunisation 1,
Passive immunisation 2,
Natural passive immunisation 3
56  cards
Intro to pharmacology
Pharmacology 1,
Drug 2,
Poison 3
73  cards
Pharmacology - Pharmacology and Patient Safety
Sources of info for dug hx 1,
Drugs w high risk of error 2,
Cross checking drugs 3
85  cards
Pharmacology - Bone Pain
Cd 1,
Po 2,
Iv bolus 3
55  cards
Pharmacology - Old Age & Falls
Main variables taht affet drug ac...,
Why is age a main variable that a...,
Effect of changing body compositi...
37  cards
Intro to Microbiology
Eukaryotic species 1,
Prokaryotic species 2,
Clone 3
48  cards
Microbiology - Infection and Immunity
Prophylaxis 1,
Hcai 2,
Mrsa as a hcai 3
84  cards
Microbiology - Monoarticular joint pain
How can joints become infected 1,
What does bacterial arthritis usu...,
What kind of bacteria usually cau...
44  cards
Microbiology - Viral Disease
Ways viruses can be classified 1,
Virus classification taxonomy 2,
Baltimore classification of virus...
104  cards
Microbiology - Healthy & Unhealthy Communities
Key factors determining the trave...,
Why is the epidemiology of infect...,
Risky behaviour of travellers 3
77  cards
Microbiology - Gender, Family & Culture
Why are stis difficult to control 1,
Common sti causing organisms 2,
Disease cased by papillomaviruses 3
82  cards
Intro to Pathology
Causes of disease 1,
Congenital diseases 2,
Acquired diseases 3
52  cards
Pathology - Fractures and Dislocations
Possible outcomes of a normal cel...,
Pyroptosis 2,
What can damage cells 3
54  cards
Pathology - Monoarticular joint pain
Why did we need bones 1,
Trabecular vs cortical bone 2,
Methods of bone formation 3
67  cards
Pathology - Viral Diseases
Outcomes of acute infl 1,
Resolution and healing as a resul...,
Anti infl cytokines 3
69  cards
Pathology - Bone Pain
What are metabolic bone disorders 1,
Primary osteoporosis 2,
Secondary op 3
68  cards
Intro to physiology
Main function of cns 1,
Areas of brain involved with cns 2,
Regions of the spinal cord 3
57  cards
Physiology - Fractures and Dislocation
Nociceptors 1,
Types of nociceptors 2,
Mechanical nociceptors 3
43  cards
Physiology - Viral Diseases
Critical body core temperature 1,
What is the critical body temp de...,
Core temp is dependent upon 3
38  cards
Physiology - Pharmacology and Patient Safety
Facts about nicotine 1,
Absorption of nicotine 2,
Where can nicotine be absorbed th...
72  cards
Physiology - Soft Tissue
What does the pns consists of 1,
Divisions of autonomic nervsous s...,
Motor nerves in somatic nervous s...
97  cards
Physiology - Spinal disorders
Upper motor neurone pathology 1,
Where do lower motor neurones sta...,
Lower motor neurone pathology 3
29  cards
Physiology - Death
Life span 1,
Life expectancy 2,
Healthy life expectancy 3
63  cards
Radiology - Fractures and Dislocation
Rules of recognising fractures 1,
Bony rings 2,
Describing fractures using positi...
15  cards
Radiology - Monoarticular joint pain
Distribution in oa 1,
Distribution in psa 2,
Distribution in rha 3
23  cards
Radiology - Spinal Disorders
Pathology seen in spine imaging 1,
Imaging techniques for the spine 2,
Plain films for spinal imaging 3
22  cards
Intro to Public Health
Definition of health 1,
Epidemiology 2,
Public health model 3
7  cards
Public Health - Viral Disease
Reservoir of infection 1,
Transmission pathway 2,
Routes of infection 3
15  cards
Public Health - Chronic Disease
Public health surveillance 1,
What does surveillance allow us t...,
Steps involved in surveillance 3
21  cards
Public Health - Soft Tissue
What of deaths in the uk are caus...,
Examples of modifiable risk facto...,
What can we compact physical inac...
17  cards
Public Health - Healthy and Unhealthy Communities
What does the social model of hea...,
Social model of heath 2,
What does individual lifestyle fa...
81  cards
Health Economics
Concepts of efficiency 1,
Technical efficiency 2,
Productive efficiency 3
17  cards
Clinical skills - Secondary care
Absorption of subcutaneous inject...,
How much fluid can you inject sub...,
What is an example of a medicine ...
138  cards
Paediatric MSK conditions
Common paeds fractures 1,
Special types of fractures in pae...,
Greenstick fractures 3
52  cards
Primary care - Bone Pain
Examples of condns managed in non...,
Why are more people attending the...,
The difference in life expectancy...
60  cards
Primary Care - Soft Tissue
When does bone density start decr...,
Which bones are injured in a coll...,
Vitamin d levels in osteoporosis 3
42  cards
Primary Care - Connective Tissue
Changes in fluid leading to oedema 1,
Most commonly dislocated carpal b...,
Ganglion cysts 3
63  cards
Primary care - Spinal Disorders
Which infl condo usually presents...,
Treatment of pmr 2,
People most affected by pmr 3
69  cards
Primary care - Healthy & Unhealthy Communities
2 main causes for crushed vertebr...,
How do most people find out they ...,
Drugs given to treat osteoporosis 3
18  cards
Physiology - Gait and Limp
Functions of motor control system 1,
What is the motor control system ...,
Classes of movements 3
47  cards
Genetics - Gait and Limp
Criteria to be classified as a ra...,
What is an ataxia 2,
Genetic cause of duchenne and bec...
71  cards
Physiology - Gender, Family & Culture
What does the hpo axis control 1,
What is the menstrual cycle 2,
The hormonal cycle tightly regula...
40  cards
Public Health - Gender, Family & Culture
Avg life expectancy in low income...,
Avg life expectancy in high incom...,
What is where we live a key deter...
23  cards
Psychology - Chronic Diseases
Different ways we think of health 1,
Health behaviours 2,
Diff approaches to med 3
70  cards
Psychology - Family, Gender & Culture
What is attachment 1,
When does attachment start 2,
What does attachment involve 3
27  cards
Psychology - Death
Compared to the non bereaved bere...,
Loss 2,
Grief 3
64  cards
Primary Care - Gender, Family & Culture
Main areas of abuse in nai 1,
Causes of bruising that are not n...,
Pathology of parkinson s 3
20  cards
Primary Care - Falls and Old Age
What does staying upright involve 1,
Why do people fall 2,
Diseases and falls 3
32  cards
Primary Care - Gait & Limp
Normal gait cycle 1,
Heel strike gait cycle 2,
Foot flat gait cycle 3
30  cards
What is ethics 1,
Moral theories 2,
Virtue ethics 3
79  cards
Medical Law
Purpose of the law 1,
Types of the law 2,
Sources of law 3
151  cards

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MBBS - Year 1

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