This class was created by Brainscape user Fraser Gold. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (105)

Oral Cavity
What are the associated organs of...,
What are the functions of the the...,
What is the oral cavity made up o...
39  cards
Oesophagus, Stomach and Duodenum
Name the 4 oesophageal contrictions,
Describe the different muscle typ...,
Describe the arterial supply veno...
30  cards
Anterior Abdominal Wall
What are the two factors that are...,
What are are the lines of rectus ...,
What are the muscles are in the a...
24  cards
Posterior Abdominal Wall
Summarise the contents of the pos...,
Name the posterior abdominal wall...,
Name the origins and insertions o...
26  cards
Jejunum, Ilium and the Large Intestines
Name the abdominal organs of the ...,
Name the organs of the mid gut,
What are the organs of the hindgut
30  cards
Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
What is the peritoneum,
What are intraperitoneal organs,
What are intraperitoneal organs w...
27  cards
Liver and Pancreas
What are the functions of the liver,
What are the anatomical relations...,
Describe how the liver is held in...
27  cards
What is the function of the spleen,
Describe the location of the spleen,
Describe the structure of the spleen
20  cards
The Urinary System
What are the main functions of th...,
Describe the epithelium of the gi...,
Where are the locations of the ki...
25  cards
Pelvis; Walls, Floor and Neurovascular Supply
Describe how the pelvis is divided,
Describe the bony landmarks of th...,
What are the bony landmarks of th...
29  cards
Male Reproductive Organs
What are the internal structures ...,
Describe features of the scrotum ...,
What is the processus vaginialis
29  cards
Male Reproductive Organs 2
Describe the external structure o...,
How does smegma form,
Describe what roots the penis
15  cards
Perineum and Urogenital Triangle
What is the perineum,
Describe the fascia of the perineum,
In males what are the fascia laye...
26  cards
Rectum and Anal Canal
Describe features of the rectum,
What is the mesorectum,
What do the rectal folds result in
24  cards
Domestic and Sexual Violence
What are some of the statistics o...,
What can abusers use in terms of ...,
What are some signs of abuse
5  cards
Global Health
Why are infectious diseases are a...,
Name key international documents ...,
Name the 6 michael selgelid consi...
8  cards
Taking a History: Abdomen
What are some specific areas to e...,
What are some mouth symptoms,
Name the different regions on the...
17  cards
Psychosomatics of IBS
Define a psychosomatic disorder,
Name some examples of psychosomat...,
What are functional gi disorders
14  cards
History Taking; GU
Describe what the following means...,
Urinary questions to ask,
What can be some of the causes of...
19  cards
Clinical Examination of Abdomen/GU
What are the red flags for testic...,
What is a red flag for endometria...,
What indicates a possible differe...
22  cards
What is the obesity burden world ...,
What is obesity and what methods ...,
What bmi values are classified as...
11  cards
Children and Young People
At what age is it legal assumed t...,
Explain what is meant by children...,
What does the clinician need to c...
8  cards
Imaging of the GI Tract
Name some imaging methods for loo...,
What is first line imaging in cas...,
What is the normal gas distributi...
17  cards
Global Health (GI Infections)
Define equality and equity,
Define incidence and prevalence,
What are some of the key measures...
3  cards
Liver Function and LFTs
Each lobule is composed of what,
Briefly describe the functions of...,
Describe the classification of li...
18  cards
Alcohol Health Promotion
Describe the epidemiology of chro...,
What are some of the wider impact...,
What are some of the barries to r...
9  cards
Drug and Alcohol Dependency
Define tolerance,
Describe the temperance model in ...,
Describe the moral model in expla...
11  cards
Urea and Electrolytes
Describe what is measured in u es,
What are the extracellular and in...,
What are some physiological and t...
20  cards
Health Care Resources
What are some variations in healt...,
Explain the concept of equity in ...,
Explain the distrinction between ...
8  cards
In Vitro Fertilisation
Define infertility,
Name some factors affecting a wom...,
What factors affect a mans fertility
13  cards
Sex, Gender and Gender Identity
What is sex judged on,
Describe the number of biological...,
What is gender
11  cards
Causes of Clubbing (for osce)
Cardiac causes,
Respiratory causin,
Gi causes
3  cards
Prenatal Testing
What is prenatal testing,
What is the difference between pr...,
What is the purpose of prenatal t...
18  cards
Genetic Counselling
What is genetic counselling,
Genetic counselling integrates what,
What is r117h
4  cards
Screening and Prevention of STIs
What are the serious complication...,
What are serious complications of...,
What are some of the issues of ch...
7  cards
PROPERTY: Who Owns Your Body
Who owns your body when you are a...,
Describe what happened in the ald...,
Describe the john moore case
7  cards
Early mother/child interactions
What is the circle of security,
What factors of the child contrib...,
What factors of the parent contri...
8  cards
Describe the embryological develo...,
Name the origins of the diaphragm,
Describe the origins of the muscu...
13  cards
Dietary Assesment
Name some different methods of di...
1  cards
Food Allergy and Intolerance
Explain the difference between fo...,
What are some common foods that c...,
What are some symptoms of food al...
3  cards
Vitamins and Minerals
What is the role of calcium,
What are the main sources of calcium,
What occurs if you have excess ca...
21  cards
Hormonal Aspect of the Kidneys
List the causes of release of ery...,
List the functions of erythropoietin,
Describe how chronic renal failur...
6  cards
Fluid Distribution
What percentage of water are men ...,
What are the approximate values o...,
What is a non electrolyte
12  cards
What is the importance of magnesi...,
What are some causes of hypomagne...,
Where can magnesium be of therapu...
3  cards
Urinary Tract Infections
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are some common urinary trac...,
What are some predisposing condit...
7  cards
Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands, Pharynx
Briefly list the functions of the...,
Describe the bones and structures...,
Briefly describe the functional a...
25  cards
Gastro-Oesophageal Inflammation and Peptic Ulceration
What is achalasia,
What are the 2 ways that cause ac...,
What are the 3 rules impairments ...
9  cards
Female Reproductive Organs
Describe the location of the ovar...,
What are the anatomical relations...,
Describe features of the uterine ...
46  cards
Vomiting & Gut Motility Disorders
Describe the physiological contro...,
How may drugs modify the physiolo...,
List the drugs which affect bile ...
20  cards
Gastro-oesophageal inflammation and Peptic Ulcers
What is achalasia,
What is the achalasia triad,
What are the causes of achalasia
24  cards
The Physiology of GI Disorders
How can sialorrhea drooling be ma...,
What are the side effects of anti...,
What does the follow surgical ter...
20  cards
Molecular Basics of Colon Cancer
Name two types of familial colore...,
What are some features of fap,
What is the gene defect in famili...
14  cards
Bacterial and Viral Infections of the GI Tract
What are the normal barriers to i...,
What is the difference between in...,
Describe methods of diagnosis for...
31  cards
Tumours of the Upper GI
Name some of the benign and malig...,
What are some of the benign and m...,
What are some of the benign tumou...
20  cards
Protozoal and Helminthic Infections
What are is the life cycle of gia...,
Describe the pathogenesis of giar...,
Describe the clinical presentatio...
16  cards
Tumours of the Lower GI
What are the benign and malignant...,
What are the benign and malignant...,
Describe features of an adenoma o...
29  cards
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease
What does the liver synthesis and...,
What is the function of kupffer c...,
What is jaundice
30  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What are the different types of ibd,
What is ulcerative colitis,
What clinical signs will ulcerati...
14  cards
Viral Hepatitis
What is hepatitis and what are so...,
What are the main symptoms of hep...,
What is the most common cause of ...
27  cards
Urinary Tract Infections COPY
What are lower utis,
What are upper utis,
What are uncomplicated utis
23  cards
Microscopy of UTI Pathogens
Gram positive cocci could be,
Gram bacilli could be,
Gram neg coccobacilli
17  cards
Pathology of the Kidney 1
When creating a differential diag...,
Name an example of a congenital r...,
Name an example of a genetic rena...
18  cards
Pathology of the Kidney 2
What are kidney calculi,
What are some of the clinical eff...,
What are calculi caused by
17  cards
Dysfunction of the Male Genitalia
What are some of the causes of hy...,
What are some of the causes of de...,
What is the difference between pr...
6  cards
Pathology of the Male Reproductive System
What are some common disorders of...,
What is benign nodular hyperplasia,
Where does benign nodular hyperpl...
24  cards
Female Repro Pathology 1
What are benign breast diseases,
How are the majority of benign br...,
What is a core biopsy tru cut use...
23  cards
Molecular Basis of Breast Cancer
What are the two main gene defect...,
What is the increase in risk with...,
Why do defects in brca1 predispos...
14  cards
Female Reproductive Pathology 2
Describe some features of mullari...,
How can congenital uterine anomal...,
Name some examples of congenital ...
26  cards
Infections in Pregnancy and the Neonate
Define congenital perinatal perio...,
What are some of the vertical tra...,
How does rubella present
18  cards
Sexually Transmitted Infections
What are the top 3 most common stis,
What are the risk factors for get...,
What are some determinants of ris...
26  cards
Drug Absorption
Define bioavailabilty,
Define bioequivalence,
What is a generic subsitution
19  cards
Treatment of Vomiting and Gut motility Disorders
Neural control of vomiting is where,
Describe features of the vomiting...,
Describe features of the chemorec...
23  cards
Treatment of Protozoal and Helminthic Infections
Name the protozoa that infect the...,
What is the treatment for g lamblia,
What is the treatment for cryptos...
30  cards
Treatment of Peptic Ulceration and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What are some of the protective m...,
Explain how the proton pump is in...,
Name three endogenous secretagogu...
20  cards
Drugs and the Kidney
Name the mechanism of loop diuret...,
What are the indications for loop...,
What are the side effects of loop...
22  cards
Drugs Affecting the Reproductive System
What are the three main oestrogen...,
What is the main mechanism of act...,
What are the theraputic uses of o...
26  cards
Uterine Motility
Describe the anatomy of the uterus,
What do uterine contractions depe...,
What are the functions of gap jun...
16  cards
Drug Metabolism
What does half life depend on,
Where are the sites of metabolism,
What occurs in result of metabolism
16  cards
Overview of the GI Motility
What are the layers of the intest...,
Describe the splanchnic circulation,
Describe the microvasculature of ...
20  cards
IN-DEPTH GI Tract Motility
Describe the function of mastication,
What does deglutition consist of,
Describe features of the oral vol...
22  cards
Gut Microbiota
Name a bacterium that can survive...,
What is sibo,
What are some of the defence mech...
9  cards
GI Tract Secretions
Name the three different regulato...,
Describe the primary regulatory e...,
Describe the primary regulatory e...
29  cards
Digestion and Absorption
Define digestion and absorption,
Describe the structure or the sma...,
Name the dietary requirements
22  cards
Peritoneal and GI Development
Describe the formation of the for...,
Describe the formation of the vit...,
What is meckels diverticulum
25  cards
Glomerular Filtration and its Control
List the functions of the kidneys,
Describe the structure of a nephron,
What are the main processes that ...
18  cards
Development of the GU System
The urogenital system is derived ...,
Describe the development of the i...,
What does the nephrogenic ridge g...
24  cards
Obligatory Reabsorption and Secretion in the PCT
What are the functions of the pro...,
Describe the movement of urea lip...,
What is reabsorbed at the pct and...
17  cards
Producing a Concentrated or Dilute Urine
What does the countercurrent mech...,
What is the normal osmolality of ...,
What are some factors that contri...
9  cards
Control of Reabsorption and Secretion
What is active transport,
What is the function of the sodiu...,
What is secondary active transport
16  cards
Histology of the Kidney
Describe histological features of...,
What is the macula densa,
Describe features of the renal me...
7  cards
What is ph preportional too,
How are the kidneys involved with...,
What is the normal palsma bicarbo...
17  cards
Long Term Control of Blood Pressure
What ions are present in the extr...,
Describe how ecf volume and extra...,
Why is sodium so important
20  cards
Acid Base Control
1kpa how many mmhg,
When do acid base disturbances occur,
What is standard bicarbonate
18  cards
Steroid Biosynthesis
What is the precursor for all ste...,
Describe the synthesis of cholest...,
How is cholesterol transported ar...
12  cards
Oogenesis and Follicular Development
Describe the first phase of oogensis,
Describe mitosis and meiosis,
Describe the second phase of ooge...
12  cards
The Menstrual Cycle
What are the 3 physiological syst...,
Define menarche,
Define menopause
19  cards
Coitus, Fertilisation and Preimplantation
Describe what occurs in the excit...,
Describe the plateau stage of the...,
Describe the orgasm stage of the ...
24  cards
Placentation and Implantation
Explain the formation of the plac...,
Describe the placenta blood supply,
Describe the implantation and pla...
16  cards
Sex Determination and Development
What is the difference of sexual ...,
What is the genetic difference be...,
What is the genetic determinant o...
21  cards
Production of Seminal Fluid
Describe the development from a s...,
Describe the sperm axonemal struc...,
Describe the structure of the tes...
17  cards
Name and describe the two major c...,
What separates the seminiferous a...,
What are the three stages involve...
19  cards
Puberty and Lactation
What does puberty involve,
What are the primary and secondar...,
Define thelarche pubarche menarche
22  cards
Immunological/Haematological Changes in Pregnancy
What occurs as trophoblasts invad...,
What are the physiological haemat...,
Why does anaemia occur in oregnancy
19  cards
Define pre term term and post ter...,
How can you asses gestation age,
What is the most common presentat...
12  cards
Maternal Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
What are the normal anatomic chan...,
What are the normal musculoskelte...,
Describe features of human chorio...
25  cards

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