This class was created by Brainscape user Fraser Gold. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (104)

GS - Neurotransmitters of the brain
What is the resting membrane pote...,
How does a neuron achieve its res...,
What is an action potential and h...
12  cards
Awesome brain - core principles to new therapies
What are some factors to neuronal...,
Describe a neuron,
What happens in the grey matter
28  cards
Neurophysiology revision
What are the functions of neurons,
How do neurons work,
How do action potentials occur
41  cards
Neurological History Taking
What things should you do to opti...,
What is dysarthria and dysphasia,
Why would asking what hand write ...
32  cards
How to make a brain - development of CNS
What does the cns develop from,
What factor regulates growth with...,
Mention how early development occ...
34  cards
Neuroanatomy: Synopsis and revision
What does the forebrain prosencep...,
What does the midbrain mesencepha...,
What does the hindbrain rhombence...
54  cards
Cerebral cortex from cells to function
What are the components of a neur...,
What are neurons used for,
How are neurons classified and wh...
51  cards
GS - Structure and Function of the Brain
On the outer lateral aspects of t...,
In clinical diagnostic tests a wa...,
Which ventricle s conduit s are d...
20  cards
Skull and cervical spine: anatomy and imaging
What is the skull and its function,
What movement does the skull do,
What type of bones makes up the s...
50  cards
Ascending pathways
Hair follicle receptors sense touch,
Merkel endings sense pressure and...,
Meissner corpuscles sense light t...
41  cards
Descending pathways - control of movement
How is the motor system in the de...,
What are the 2 major systems of d...,
What are the characteristics of v...
25  cards
What are some of the uses of brai...,
What are the different orientatio...,
What are the features of ct compu...
31  cards
GS - Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination
What are the possible causes of c...,
What are the benefits of using th...,
When should the ace iii be used
20  cards
Blood supply and stroke
What is the general blood supply ...,
What are some features of the int...,
What are some features of the ver...
56  cards
The social and psychological bases of depression and suicide
What is the difference between de...,
How many people are effected by d...,
What is sub threshold depressive ...
36  cards
What are the causes of depression,
What are mono amine oxadase inhib...,
What are interactions maoi may have
21  cards
GS - Imaging of Stroke
Where does the word stroke come from,
How many people in the uk have a ...,
What is an acute stroke
24  cards
GS - Videos of motor deficits
What are the 3 different types of...,
What is dysdiadochokinesia
8  cards
Cerebellum, balance and coordination
What segments are the cerebellum ...,
What are the features of the vest...,
What are the features of the spin...
24  cards
Brain stem overview and cranial nerve nuclei
What is the brainstem,
What does the brainstem do,
Where is the brain stem located
27  cards
Opening up to mental health
How common are mental health prob...,
Who is most at risk of suicide,
How many scots take an antidepres...
22  cards
Loss and Maintaining Compassion
What is the mortality rate for pe...,
What are the leading causes of de...,
How many total deaths were there ...
16  cards
GS - Structure and Function of Spinal Cord
Where are the 2 spine enlargements,
Which vertebral level does the sp...,
At which level would you sample c...
31  cards
Cranial nerves: sensorimotor function
What are cranial nerves,
Where are the different cranial n...,
What are the features of the olfa...
29  cards
Cranial nerves: parasympathetic function
How can the ans be divided,
What pathway does the sympathetic...,
Where does the sympathetic system...
17  cards
GS - Structure and function of Brainstem
What are all the cranial nerves,
Most cranial nerves emerge from t...,
Where is cranial nerves grey matt...
22  cards
GS - Art of observation
What must we ask in the history o...,
What sections are covered in a me...,
What is covered in the
17  cards
Development of pharyngeal arches
At what days do pharyngeal arches...,
What develops from pharyngeal arch 1,
What does each arch contain
29  cards
Long term effects of chronic neurological conditions
What s spina bifida,
What general happens in spinal co...,
Who first described spinal spina ...
28  cards
Meninges, venous drainage of the brain and CSF
What are the different layers of ...,
What are the features of the dura...,
What are the features of the arac...
24  cards
Applied physiology:The Clinical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
How prevalent is traumatic brain ...,
Who is most likely to have a trau...,
What is traumatic brain injury
41  cards
The limbic system, emotion, the hypothalamus, appetites
What is the function of the limbi...,
What structures make up the limbi...,
What is the amygdala
38  cards
CS - Neurological Examination Part 1
What does the term fasciculation ...,
What are 2 conditions that may ca...,
Define muscle tone
48  cards
Basal Ganglia and Parkinson's Disease
What is the basal ganglia and wha...,
What are the functions of basal g...,
What is the pathway of the the ba...
15  cards
What is the epidemiology of heada...,
How many headaches is there and w...,
What questions should we be askin...
18  cards
GS - Brainstem Case Studies
What 3 questions should you ask y...,
What things should you think abou...,
What are the medial tracts
20  cards
GS - Diagnosing death using neurological criteria
What is the function of the brain...,
What are the 3 components from su...,
Where does the mid brain pass thr...
21  cards
Infections of the CNS
A 3 year old boy is admitted to h...,
What are the features of infectio...,
What are the features of purpura ...
29  cards
The eye and vision (special senses)
What makes up vision,
How does the eye focus and sense,
What are the different parts of t...
40  cards
CS - Examination of the cranial nerves
What are the different sections y...,
What would you cover in general i...,
How would you inspect sense of sm...
36  cards
Sleep, wakefulness, epilepsy and EEG
What is sleep and consciousness,
What is sleep,
How does eeg work
27  cards
Language and cognition
What is cognition,
How does cognition work within a ...,
What is multi sensory integration
17  cards
Infections of the Sensory System
Give a general overview of the de...,
What are the ocular defence mecha...,
What is an important first line i...
44  cards
The psychological effect of facial and neck surgery
What is the trend for head and ne...,
Where in the uk has the highest i...,
Is cancer a chronic disease
18  cards
Learning and memory
What is learning and memory,
What are engrams,
What is hebbian learning and netw...
26  cards
Lab - Special Senses Practical: Vision
What is visual acuity,
How would you test for visual acuity,
How would you test for visual acuity
53  cards
Ageing and health care
What are the multiple factors tha...,
What are the different theories o...,
What changes may you see in someo...
13  cards
Neurodegenerative disorders
How does the european brain disor...,
What is the definition of neurode...,
How big of an issue are
35  cards
Pathology of the eye
What are the leading causes of bl...,
What is trachoma,
What is the who criteria of blind...
36  cards
Dementia and its effects on patients, family and carers
What are the 4 main types of deme...,
What are some facts about dementi...,
What are some facts around the co...
16  cards
Neuropathology 1
What are the general principles o...,
What type of tumours are most com...,
What would lung cancer cells look...
37  cards
CS - Ophthalmoscopy and Auroscopy
What are the steps involved in a ...,
What would you cover in the intro...,
What would you cover in the intro...
38  cards
Molecular basis of some neurological disorders
What type of repeats can occur in...,
What are the features of huntingt...,
What goes wrong in huntington s d...
34  cards
Visual pathways (special senses)
What makes up the eyeball,
What 3 things make up vision,
What makes up the connections in ...
34  cards
GS - Auroscopy
What is auroscopy,
What are the features of the exte...,
What are the features of the inne...
16  cards
GS - Huntingtons
What is the genetic defect in hun...,
Why is huntington s pathological,
What is the minimum age for testing
7  cards
Lab - Special Senses Practical: Taste, Smell & Hearing
How can we test hearing,
How do we record audiogram results,
Sketch what you would consider a ...
15  cards
What is the definition of pain,
Why do we have pain,
How does pain work
37  cards
Anatomy and function of hearing, smell and taste (special senses)
What is frequency,
What is amplitude,
How does hearing work in the ear
42  cards
Palliative care
What is palliative care,
What is the definition of end of ...,
What are the principles of delive...
26  cards
Psychology of chronic pain
What is the definition of pain,
What is the definition of acute pain,
What is the definition of chronic...
21  cards
CS - Head and neck: surface anatomy and ultrasound scanning
What is point of care ultrasound ...,
What central venous access can we...,
What are the features of the inte...
6  cards
How much money is spent in scotla...,
What is the who analgesic ladder,
What significant discovery was ma...
27  cards
Introduction to neuropsychiatry
What are some neuropsychiatry pro...,
What are the behavioural and psyc...,
What are some features you are li...
15  cards
The neck
What are the different layers of ...,
What facial spaces is there and w...,
What makes up the
35  cards
GS - Cochlea
Where is the organ of corti locat...,
What fluid is found in the cochle...,
Entry of potassium into hair cell...
5  cards
Anxiety during stressful medical procedures
What is anxiety,
How may a patient perceive a medi...,
What things are patients anxious ...
23  cards
Sedatives anxiolytics
What are anxiolysis,
When can anxiolytics be used,
What are the features of anxiolyt...
33  cards
CNS stimulants
What are the 3 main categories of...,
What is the uk misuse of drugs act,
What are the types of cns stimula...
25  cards
Post-traumatic stress disorder
What is ptsd,
What did studies on ww 1 and 2 ve...,
How common is ptsd
22  cards
General anaesthesia
What is general anaesthesia,
What are some commonly used anaes...,
What is the most common induction...
34  cards
Neuropathology 2
What issues to we face in pathology,
What are some common neurodegener...,
What are the main types of motor ...
37  cards
CS - Examination of the neck and mouth
What are steps to follow in exami...,
What do you cover in introduction,
What do you cover in general insp...
20  cards
How may mental disorders vary,
What is psychosis,
What are examples of psychosis
25  cards
What are the features and clinica...,
What are the features of schizoph...,
What is the theory behind schizop...
23  cards
GS - Regional Anaesthesia of the Shoulder
What types of shoulder surgery ca...,
Which dermatomes would you need t...,
What structures around the should...
14  cards
The hypothalamus-pituitary axis - Part 1
What are the major endocrine glan...,
What are endocrine glands mode of...,
What are the different classes of...
28  cards
The hypothalamus-pituitary axis - Part 2
What are the landmarks of where t...,
What 2 features is the pituitary ...,
If a patients had a change in ski...
24  cards
The thyroid gland: control of secretion, effects of the thyroid hormones
What is the thyroid gland tg,
What are the important cells comp...,
So what is t3 and t4
41  cards
Interpreting Evidence
Why do we interpret evidence,
What is interpreting evidence in ...,
What are types of data summarisin...
36  cards
Pathology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
What are different thyroid clinic...,
What are the different goitres yo...,
22  cards
Treatment of thyroid disorders
What are the abnormalities of thy...,
When do we do thyroid function te...,
How do we treat thyroid disorders...
35  cards
Immunology: the immune response, auto-immunity, white blood cells
What are the 3 different disorder...,
What are the features of autoimmu...,
Are autoimmune diseases caused by...
29  cards
The endocrine pancreas: alpha and beta cell functions
What is the pancreas and the 2 fu...,
What are the features of the endo...,
Give a summary of each cell its p...
16  cards
GS - Metabolic pathways
Which of the following best defin...,
The primary function of cellular ...,
Proteins carbohydrates and fats c...
17  cards
The adrenal glands
What are the features of the adre...,
What are the regions of the adren...,
Name these layers of the adrenal ...
21  cards
Glucocorticoids and the stress response
What is a stressor,
What is a stress response,
Explain what is happening in the ...
24  cards
Workshop - Laboratory Medicine
How do we classify anaemia by cel...,
What is mch,
What is mchc
20  cards
Long term conditions including Type II Diabetes
What is a long term condition,
What are the issues with long ter...,
What age group has the highest nu...
15  cards
Endocrine pancreas and the development of diabetes
How is blood glucose controlled,
What are the features of diabetes...,
How does diabetes mellitus cause ...
17  cards
Treatment of diabetes mellitus
What are the features of diabetes...,
How do we treat diabetes,
How do we formulate insulin
17  cards
Clinical aspects of Diabetes Mellitus and Complications
What is diabetes mellitus and the...,
What are the criteria for diagnos...,
How do we classify diabetes
36  cards
Clinical Audit, Research or Service Evaluation?
What is the definition of a clini...,
What is the definition of research,
What is service evaluation
23  cards
Fluid and electrolyte balance
What are the features of fluid co...,
How do fluid compartments look in...,
How does pressure change across a...
32  cards
GS - Palliative Care Calculations
What are some first line opioids ...,
What are some second line opioids...,
What are some third and fourth li...
12  cards
LAB - Glucose Tolerance Test Lab
How much glucose is in the drink,
How long should your fast be for,
What is elizabeth s body mass ind...
38  cards
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
What does the gmc state about cam,
What is cam,
18  cards
Actions of adrenal steroids and treatment of adrenal disorders
What is the structural anatomy of...,
What is the physiology behind adr...,
How do we regulate adrenal cortic...
5  cards
Workshop - Integrated Diabetes Circuit
0  cards
Pathology of the adrenal gland and endocrine pancreas
0  cards
The parathyroid gland and calcium homeostasis
0  cards
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2)
0  cards
Clinico-pathological conference: Endocrinology
0  cards
GS - Maths in the endocrinology clinic
0  cards

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