MedEd + PathSoc + Laz's Qs + Romesh Path

This class was created by Brainscape user D J. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: D J

Decks in this class (99)

Histopathology 2: Neoplastic Bone Disorders
X ray codman s triangle at end of...,
X ray lytic lesions with fluffy c...,
X ray onion skinning of periosteu...
12  cards
Histopathology 10: Renal Disease
List the triad of symptoms that d...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Electron microscopy shows loss of...
40  cards
Chempath 25: LFTs And Cases
Which 2 vessels supply the liver,
List 3 metabolic effects of liver...,
What is the tumour marker for can...
13  cards
Chempath 21: Diabetes CPC
What plasma glucose defines diabetes,
A 2 hour plasma glucose in a gtt ...,
A hba1c defines diabetes
8  cards
Chempath 24: Nutrition
List 4 fat soluble vitamins,
What does vitamin a defficiency c...,
What does vitamin d deficiency cause
31  cards
Chempath 19: Assessment Of Renal Function 2
Define acute kidney injury,
A patient on the ward has an incr...,
Outline 2 physiological mechanism...
22  cards
Chempath 18: Assessment Of Renal Function 1
What is considered the best measu...,
List 3 criterias that need to be ...,
Name 2 endogenous markers measure...
9  cards
Chempath 17: Hypoglycaemia
How should you give glucose to a ...,
Which one of these is an adrenerg...,
Which 3 hormones are released as ...
13  cards
Chempath 16: Brief Lipids Update
Which 3 drugs can help improve su...,
Why do patients with a gain of fu...,
Evolocumab is a monoclonal antibo...
6  cards
Chempath 15: Adrenal Disease
What are the 3 zones of the adren...,
In which zone of the adrenal cort...,
In which zone of the adrenal cort...
23  cards
Chempath 14: Diabetes Cases
What is the formula for working o...,
How do you calculate anion gap,
Which metabolic disturbance is ca...
8  cards
Chempath 12: Sodium And Fluid Balance
What is the most common pathogene...,
How does adh increase water reabs...,
Which receptors are found in smoo...
36  cards
Chempath 11: Drugs/forensic Toxicology
Give 3 reasons to report a death ...,
Which bodily fluid is used to mea...,
Which drug can cause death by exc...
5  cards
Chempath 6: Metabolic disorders and screening 2
A neonate presents with cataracts...,
A positive fehlings and benedicts...,
A baby born in quebec canada pres...
4  cards
Haematology 2: Acute Leukaemias
Which acute leukaemia is an emerg...,
What translocation causes acute p...,
Which leukaemia is more common in...
37  cards
Immuno 10: Immuno Modulating Therapies 2
How do corticosteroids inhibit pr...,
Give 2 examples of eicosanoids,
Give 3 examples of immune modulat...
39  cards
Immuno 9: Immune Modulation Therapies 1
Describe clonal expansion in t cells,
List 3 vaccines given to the elde...,
Describe clonal expansion in b cells
21  cards
Immuno 8: HIV Infection
Which cells does hiv mainly infect,
Name 2 co receptors of t cells th...,
List 3 routes of transmission of hiv
8  cards
Immuno 7: Transplant
What are the 2 most important pro...,
Which 3 hla isotypes are consider...,
How can transplanted organs cause...
21  cards
Immuno 6: Allergy
Name 1 cytokine released from dam...,
Which t cells are involved with a...,
List 3 important cytokines releas...
16  cards
Microbiology 9: Hospital Acquired Infections
What is the most common type of h...,
Which organism is most associated...,
Which organism is most associated...
9  cards
Immuno 4: Primary Immune Deficiencies 2
What is the most common form of s...,
Describe the typical cell counts ...,
Pathophys of ada deficiency typic...
39  cards
Microbiology 10: Pyrexia Of Unkown Origin
Which 3 components define pyrexia...,
Which 2 conditions can cause a re...,
What is a test for latent tb
7  cards
Immuno 3: Malabsorption
List 3 causes of microcytic anaemia,
If you see basophilic stippling w...,
The presence of anisopoikilocytos...
27  cards
Microbiology 26: Fever In Returning Traveller
List the 4 types of plasmodium th...,
What is the treatment for non fal...,
How is malaria diagnosed which st...
32  cards
Immuno 1: Immune Response To Infection/primary Immune Deficiencies 1
List 4 ways in which the skin is ...,
List 4 ways in which the mucous m...,
Which receptors allow cells of th...
34  cards
Immuno 2: Primary Immuno Defficiency
Which primary immunodeficiency di...,
Which primary immunodeficiency di...,
Which primary immunodeficiency di...
39  cards
Histopathology 14: Urological Pathology
Name 3 benign renal neoplasms,
List 3 types of renal calculi,
What organisms lead to magnesium ...
21  cards
Histopathology 15: Bone Pathology
What part of long bones encompass...,
What are some of the main differe...,
How do osteoblasts inhibit osteoc...
27  cards
Histopathology 16: Lower GI
A 2 year old boy with down syndro...,
Where does volvulus tend to occur...,
Which organism causes pseudomembr...
29  cards
Histopathology 17: Cytology
Outline the nhs cervical screenin...,
From which area does the cervical...,
What is cgin
5  cards
Histopathology 18: Neuro-oncology
List 3 genetic syndromes responsi...,
Outline the who grading of cns tu...,
What type of tumours are the most...
20  cards
Histopathology 19: Cerebrovascular Disease And Trauma
What are the 2 types of hydroceph...,
What is the main cause of non com...,
What is a common cause of communi...
14  cards
Histopathology 20: Neurodegeneration
What are prion diseases,
What is the main sign of prion di...,
List 4 prion types of prion disea...
27  cards
Histopathology 21: Respiratory Pathology
What does pulmonary oedema look l...,
What is the name of the neonatal ...,
On post mortem examination of the...
28  cards
Microbiology 3: HIV Infected Children
Which viral skin infection common...,
Describe an early indication of h...,
List signs symptoms of hiv in chi...
8  cards
Microbiology 4: Infection Cases
What is the typical appearance of...,
Which sinus infections are poorly...,
Which organisms are people with c...
9  cards
Microbiology 17: Neonatal and childhood infections
List 4 infectious diseases screen...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Which disease is transmitted by c...
25  cards
Chempath 8: Porphyrias
Porphyrias are caused by enzyme d...,
Acute intermittent porphyria aip ...,
Hereditary corporphyria hcp and v...
12  cards
Chempath 5: Metabolic disorders and screening 1
List the 9 diseases that are test...,
How is mcadd managed,
Define specificity
6  cards
Chempath 1: Hyperuricaemia and gout
Name the classical sign when gout...,
Describe the shape of urate cryst...,
Describe the shape of calcium pyr...
15  cards
Which sti can cause an argyll rob...,
Which sti can cause lymphogranulo...,
Which sti causes a painful ulcer ...
4  cards
Histopathology 3: Breast pathology
45 year old lady presents with th...,
Breastfeeding mother presents wit...,
60 year old women presents with a...
29  cards
Histopathology 6: Gynaecological pathology
What is the most common site of e...,
List 2 high risk hpv serotypes fo...,
Which cells are characteristic of...
35  cards
Histopathology 7: Vascular and cardiac pathology
Describe dresslers syndrome,
What histological findings are se...,
What histological findings are se...
25  cards
Histopathology 9: Pancreas & Gall Bladder
Which 2 mediators control enzyme ...,
Which cells release glucagon,
Which cells release somatostatin
40  cards
Histopathology 11: Upper G.I pathology
In which part of the stomach does...,
List the 3 layers of tissue seen ...,
What is the normal villous crypt ...
43  cards
Histopathology 12: post mortem
Describe what information goes in...
1  cards
Histopathology 13: Skin Pathology
Baby with itchy yellow scales on ...,
Rain drop plaques seen in childre...,
What type of hypersensitivity rea...
13  cards
Chempath 3: Acid base disorders
Which acid base disorder do you g...,
What happens to hco3 in pyloric s...,
What two electrolytes are involve...
24  cards
Chempath 2: Lipoprotein metabolism, CVD and obesity
Which enzyme causes production of...,
Which lipoprotein is the largest,
Which lipoproteins are the smallest
4  cards
Histopathology 4: Liver Disease CPC
Describe the arrangement of hepat...,
Components of a portal triad,
Describe the arrangement of endot...
36  cards
Haem 5: Haem of systemic disease
Which types of anaemia can be cau...,
Which types of cancer are associa...,
What do these laboratory findings...
44  cards
Micro 20: Antimicrobial agents 1
What are the 3 main targets for a...,
Difference in structure of gram v...,
Name two groups of antibiotics th...
73  cards
ChemPath 9: Thyroid
What controls the uptake of iodin...,
What needs to be done to iodine t...,
Which channel is important for th...
39  cards
Histopath 4: Endocrine Disease
What types of cell are the anteri...,
What is the blood supply to the a...,
Where do the nerves that make up ...
72  cards
ChemPath 22: Pituitary
Why doesn t hypopituitarism cause...,
Which hypothalamic hormones affec...,
How might pituitary failure prese...
38  cards
ChemPath 20: Clin Chem CPC
Describe the effect of hypokalaem...,
Describe the cardiac consequences...,
What is the difference between a ...
38  cards
ChemPath 23: Enzymes and Cardiac Markers
Where are most enzymes found,
What are the two types of intrace...,
Describe the order of release of ...
43  cards
Histopathology 13 - Histopathology of Systemic Disease
What can jcv infection in hiv pos...,
What is the most common opportuni...,
Which herpes virus causes kaposi ...
24  cards
Micro 2: GI infections
List some reportable gi infections,
What are the main characteristics...,
What are the main characteristics...
80  cards
Microbio 12: Resp Tract Infections
What type of bacterium is strepto...,
Why is no microbiological identif...,
List the main organisms that caus...
56  cards
Histopath 21: Resp Pathology
What type of cells line the airwa...,
Define pulmonary oedema causes,
Intra alveolar fluid is the main ...
65  cards
ChemPath 10: calcium handling and metabolic bone disease
Why is the calcium level in the b...,
What are the consequences of high...,
What are the three forms in which...
44  cards
ChemPath 12: Sodium and Fluid Balance
What is the definition of hyponat...,
What is the underlying pathogenes...,
Describe the action of adh
36  cards
ChemPath 13: Potassium
What is the normal range for seru...,
What are the two main hormones in...,
Outline how the renin angiotensin...
19  cards
Microbio 6: UTI
Uti definitions,
What is a lower uti,
What is a upper uti
37  cards
Histopath 1: Fundemental of Histo
What are neutrophils present in a...,
What are macrophages present in a...,
What are lymphocytes present in a...
31  cards
Histopath 8: Liver Pathology
What direct does blood and bile f...,
What are the 3 different zones of...,
What part of the liver lobule is ...
41  cards
Immuno 5: Autoinflammatory + AI diseases
Difference between autoinflammato...,
Which cells are mainly responsibl...,
Mutations in which pathways are i...
53  cards
Immuno 11: Autoinflammatory and AI disease 2
Name the autoantigen in the follo...,
What is the autoantigen in slerhe...,
Describe the pathophysiology of g...
37  cards
Anaemias - macro and microcytic
What does anaemia mean what are t...,
What are the three main mechanism...,
How can anaemia be classified
31  cards
Haem 1: Haemolytic anaemias (normocytic things)
What are the key differentials in...,
What ix should be conducted in a ...,
Causes of anaemia of chronic disease
49  cards
Haem meded - haemoglobinopathies - Basically Haem 15: Paediatric Haem
What are haemoglobinopathies how ...,
What are the different types of h...,
What are some examples of haemogl...
23  cards
Haem 6: Haemostasis and Bleeding disorders
Describe the process of haemostasis,
What are the 3 stages of the coag...,
Outline the initiation phase of t...
47  cards
Haem 11: Obstetric Haem + Haem 6 SBAs
What happens during pregnancy fro...,
What the haematological changes s...,
Why are pregnant women at great r...
20  cards
Haem 13+14 - Blood transfusion
What is the time frame for the di...,
What are the different acute bloo...,
Features of anaphylactic blood tr...
16  cards
Haematology 10: CML and myeloproliferative disorders
What are mpns,
What are some examples of mpns mu...,
What is essential thrombocytopaen...
24  cards
Haem 8+9: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia and Lymphoproliferative Disorders
What is cll,
What is the presentation of cll,
What is the natural history
33  cards
Haem 7: Myelodysplastic syndromes + aplastic anaemia
What are myelodysplastic syndromes,
What are the presentations of mye...,
What are myelodysplastic syndrome...
9  cards
Haem 12: Myeloma etc
What is myelomas,
What happens in myeloma,
What is the relationship between ...
16  cards
Immuno 9 - Immune modulating therapies 1+
How can immune modulating therapi...,
How do vaccines provide immunity ...,
What should vaccnes induce
53  cards
Microbio 1: CNS infections + meningitis
What is meningitis,
What are causes of meningitis,
What is meningococcus and pneumoc...
13  cards
Micro 13: Mycobacterial Diseases
Describe the different possibilit...,
What are the symptoms of tb seper...,
What can usually trigger reactiva...
16  cards
Microbio: Zoonoses
What are zoonoses,
What organism causes rabies and w...,
What are the features of rabies i...
11  cards
Microbio: STIs
What type of bacteria is chlamydi...,
What are the symptoms of chalmydi...,
How can chlamydia be classified
22  cards
Microbio: Infective endocarditis + Wound, bone & joint
What is infective endocarditis,
Where does infective endocarditis...,
What are the different types of i...
23  cards
Microbio: Antimicrobials 2
What are the different indication...,
What are the different indication...,
What are the indications for usin...
22  cards
Histopath: Gynae path
What is pid usually caused by whi...,
What are some potential complicat...,
What are the textbook buzzwords f...
39  cards
Immuno 9 - Immune modulating therapies 1
How do steroids help modulate the...,
What effect do steroids have on p...,
What effect do steroids have on l...
58  cards
Immuno 1: Response to immune infection
What are the different aspects of...,
What are the different components...,
What do polymorphic cells in the ...
27  cards
Histopath: Renal
How can renal pathology be classi...,
What is nephrotic syndrome,
What are the different causes of ...
19  cards
Histopath: Bone disease
What are the main benign bone tum...,
What are the main features of fib...,
What are the main features of ost...
18  cards
Histopath: CVD
A coroner is conducting an autops...,
Which of the following is not ass...,
What is atherosclerosis
30  cards
Chempath: Diabetes CPC + Hypoglycaemia
What are the diagnositic tests fo...,
What are the test levels for pre ...,
What is the equation for anion gap
23  cards
Chempath: Adrenal Disease
What are the layers of the adrena...,
What hormones are produced by eac...,
What are some adrenal diseases
27  cards
Chempath: Renal
What are the functions of the kidney,
What is gfr what is the normal level,
How is gft calculated
43  cards
Chempath: LFTs + Cases
What are the different lfts,
What is the best measure of liver...,
What do these do the following lf...
22  cards
Chempath: Clinical chemistry
What happens when k levels are al...,
What happens when ca levels are a...,
What are the hormones that raise ...
16  cards

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MedEd + PathSoc + Laz's Qs + Romesh Path

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