This class was created by Brainscape user Elvena Guyett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (97)

Maternal Medicine - Perinatal Mental Health (including TOG - Postpartum Psychosis)
How many pregnant women are affec...,
How many deaths between 6 52 and ...,
Rate of mild moderate depression ...
27  cards
Gynae Oncology including TOG: Risk reducing surgery and GT12 Pregnancy and Breast Cancer
What is the risk of ovarian cance...,
What is the risk of developing ov...,
What percentage of general popula...
95  cards
Diabetes In Pregnancy
What proportional of diabetes in ...,
Which diabetic hormones increase ...,
How much do insulin requirements ...
32  cards
Infections/Sepsis in Pregnancy - including GBS GT36, Bacterial Sepsis in/following pregnancy GT64a, b
What is the incidence of early on...,
If gbs was detected in a previous...,
If gbs was detected in a previous...
44  cards
Infections In Pregnancy including Chicken Pox GT13
What percentage of pregnancies ar...,
What percentage of pregnant women...,
What percentage of people over 15...
52  cards
Early Pregnancy - Ectopic and Miscarriage (incl: Recurrent MC GT17)
What is the incidence of ectopic ...,
What percentage of ectopic pregna...,
What are the intrauterine pregnan...
38  cards
Female Genital Mutilation GT53
How many women living in england ...,
How many girls worldwide have und...,
Where are fgm practices most comm...
12  cards
Management of Labour and Delivery including GT26 Operative Vaginal Delivery, GT29 3rd/4th Perineal Tears, GT42 Shoulder Dystocia
How much above background risk is...,
What is the incidence of breech p...,
What percentage of all live birth...
47  cards
Consent Advice: Caesarean section
What is the risk of an emergency ...,
What is the risk of an emergency ...,
What is the risk of emergency hys...
8  cards
Maternal medicine - Neurological Disorders
What percentage of women of child...,
What percentage of pregnancies ar...,
What is the risk of a child devel...
8  cards
Governance Etc
What are the surgical never event...,
What are the medication never eve...,
What are the mental health never ...
8  cards
Pregnancy and Breast Cancer GTG 12
What is the lifetime risk of brea...,
What percentage of breast cancer ...,
How many women of reproductive ag...
17  cards
Tuberculosis in Pregnancy - TOG
What is the uk national incidence...,
Which species of mycobacterium ar...,
What is the effect of pregnancy o...
12  cards
Maternal Medicine - Hypertensive disease in pregnancy
What is the international society...,
Pre eclampsia complicates what pe...,
Pre eclampsia causes what of dire...
49  cards
Changes to anatomy and physiology in pregnancy including TOG - exercise in Pregnancy
How much does cardiac output incr...,
How much does plasma volume incre...,
Rbc volume increases by 3
29  cards
Which cells secrete amh 1,
What proportion of anovulatory in...,
What is the main mechanism by whi...
68  cards
Maternal Mortality and Morbidity
How frequent is cardiac arrest in...,
What is the maternal death rate 2,
How many deaths in mbbrace 2010 12 3
52  cards
Maternal Medicine - Cardiac Disease (including TOG: MI in pregnancy
How many pregnancies are complica...,
What of cardiovascular disease is...,
What of cardiovascular disease is...
28  cards
Maternal Medicine - Gastrointestinal Disease
How many young women suffer with ...,
What of the general population ha...,
What is the inheritance of crohn ...
5  cards
Maternal Medicine - Respiratory disease
What is the chance of an exacerba...,
What is the median life expectanc...,
What is the incidence of cf and h...
13  cards
Maternal Medicine - Renal Disease
How many will end up on dialysis ...,
How many pregnancies will be iugr...,
How many will have preterm delive...
10  cards
Maternal Medicine - HIV and Hepatitis
How many women a year in the uk a...,
If a woman declines screening at ...,
What is the rate of mother to chi...
36  cards
VTE in pregnancy GT37a, b
How many dvts in pregnancy occur ...,
How many dvts arise in the ileo f...,
How many with a clinical diagnosi...
52  cards
Urinary incontinence and urogynaecology including NICE Urinary Incontinence, Post hysterectomy vault prolapse GT46
What are the 2 most common advers...,
What are the first line medicatio...,
What is the risk of bladder perfo...
70  cards
Endometriosis - ESHRE guideline
What is the prevalence of endomet...,
What is the prevalence of endomet...,
What is the average diagnostic de...
11  cards
General Gynaecology including Chronic Pelvic Pain GT41
What is the prevalence of fibroid...,
When should pharmaceutical treatm...,
What is the prevalence of chronic...
28  cards
Antenatal Screening - TOG article
What happens to the serum markers...,
What happens to the serum markers...,
What happens to the serum markers...
21  cards
How long should a symptom diary b...,
How long can gnrh analogues be us...,
What should be considered first l...
16  cards
Stillbirth and SGA including Reduced Fetal Movements GT57
What is the absolute risk of stil...,
In high income countries what of ...,
What are the top 5 risk factors f...
16  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease GT38
What are complete moles 1,
What are partial moles 2,
What is the incidence of gtd in t...
23  cards
Maternal Medicine - Endocrine, Haematology
What happens to tbg total t4 and ...,
How many pregnancies are affected...,
What is the mortality rate of a t...
22  cards
Skin Eruptions in Pregnancy - TOG article
What proportion of pregnant mothe...,
What treatments for melasma have ...,
What causes striae 3
47  cards
Anorexia in pregnancy - TOG article
What is the increase in perinatal...,
What is the prevalence of anorexi...,
What are the hormonal changes see...
15  cards
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - TOG article
What of gopd referrals are made u...,
What is thought to be the prevale...,
What theories exist for the patho...
16  cards
Pregnancy and bariatric surgery - TOG article
How long should patients wait to ...,
How many women who died of direct...,
What is the prevalence of obesity...
22  cards
Domestic Violence - TOG article
What of women receiving an pn car...,
What is the estimated cost of car...,
What are the risk factors for dv 3
12  cards
Menstrual problems in adolescents with disability - TOG article
What are the common reasons paren...,
Pms ocurs in how many women with ...,
Pms occurs in how many women with...
15  cards
What are the release rates of eto...,
What is the release rate of levon...,
What is the amenorrhoea rate regu...
25  cards
PCOS and hyperandrogenism - GT33 and various TOGs
When should women with a history ...,
How should women with pcos be scr...,
When should lipid lowering treatm...
30  cards
Red Cell Antibodies in Pregnancy - GT65
Which red cell antigens can be te...,
When would invasive testing be co...,
When generally should patients be...
27  cards
OHSS Management GT5
What is the chance of developing ...,
What is the chance of developing ...,
What is the ohss diagnosis 3
22  cards
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery - SIGN guideline
For which gynae procedures are pr...,
For which gynae procedures are pr...,
For which gynae procedures should...
15  cards
Management of sickle cell disease in pregnancy GT61
If woman is hbsa sickle cell trai...,
How many children are born with s...,
In the uk how many individuals ar...
51  cards
SGA fetus GT31
How many small babies are identif...,
What is the management of women w...,
What is the management of women w...
22  cards
The perforated uterus - TOG article
Which factors increase the risk o...,
What is the incidence of uterine ...,
Where do most perforations occur 3
14  cards
TOG - Adnexal masses in pregnancy and Appendicitis in Pregnancy
What is the overall incidence of ...,
What is the incidence of ovarian ...,
What is the overall incidence of ...
24  cards
Management of Ovarian Cysts in Postmenopausal Women GT34, Premenopausal GT62
Which rmi score is recommended fo...,
What are the other scoring system...,
What is the management of postmen...
20  cards
Preterm Labour - NICE
Which patients should be offered ...,
Which patients should be offered ...,
Which patients should be offered ...
12  cards
Cervical Screening and HPV triage
What are the age intervals for ce...,
What may be the reasons for volun...,
What is the management of smears ...
32  cards
Consent and complications
What is the risk of severe haemor...,
How frequently are ureteric injur...,
What are the chances of having a ...
58  cards
Vaccination in Pregnancy TOG
What is the main immunoglobulin f...,
What are the 3 main types of vacc...,
Which trimester is safest for vac...
20  cards
Sex Development Disorders and Precocious Puberty
What is the inheritance of congen...,
What is the most frequent enzyme ...,
What is the function of 21 hydrox...
33  cards
TOG: Role of Ultrasound in Early Pregnancy Problems
What are the key uss measurements...,
How is mean sac diameter measured...,
How many days from lmp is the ges...
23  cards
TOG: Precocious puberty in girls
What is the definition of precoci...,
What is the overall incidence of ...,
At what age does puberty normally...
37  cards
problematic bleeding with hormonal contraception
What is the definition of frequen...,
What is definition of infrequent ...,
What is the definition of prolong...
18  cards
TOG: Hyperprolactinaemia and reproductive function
What is the main inhibitory facto...,
How long after pregnancy do prl l...,
How do high levels of prl lead to...
25  cards
contraception for women over 40
In 2008 what was the rate of top ...,
What is the risk of trisomy 21 in...,
What are the ukmec score for coc ...
30  cards
TOG - Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
At what age is premature ovarian ...,
What is the incidence of prematur...,
What are the causes of premature ...
9  cards
TOG - The role of AMH as a predictor of ovarian function
What type of molecule is amh 1,
Where is amh expressed 2,
When is amh produced by females 3
10  cards
Management of monochorionic twin pregnancy GT51 and NICE 129 Multiple Pregnancy
At what gestation should an uss b...,
What is the uss surveillance for ...,
Which parameters should be measur...
32  cards
TOG: pelvic floor & sphincter injuries
What is the innervation of the pe...,
What type of muscle is internal a...,
What is the innervation to the ias 3
24  cards
Menopause - NICE 23 and TOG - Latest evidence on using HRT in Menopause
What is the prevalence of menopau...,
What are the risk factors for hot...,
In what does hrt improve vasomoto...
43  cards
Prenatal Genetic Testing and Amniocentesis/CVS GT8
How long does full karyotyping wi...,
How long does it take to get a re...,
Which method of genetic testing c...
9  cards
TOG - Retinoids in Pregnancy
How long after cessation of retin...,
What conditions does accutane iso...,
What is the elimination 1 2 life ...
9  cards
TOG - Urinary tract injuries in laparoscopic gynaecological surgery
What is the most common visceral ...,
When do most injuries to the blad...,
What are the 4 causes of inadvert...
25  cards
TOG - Nerve injuries in gynae surgery
How frequent are nerve injuries i...,
What are the main conributors to ...,
What are the 3 types of nerve inj...
22  cards
What is the bolam principle 1,
What is the roe ruling 2,
What is the janaway principle 3
10  cards
TOG: Headaches in Pregnancy
What is the most common type of h...,
In what percentage of epidurals d...,
What is the chance of a postdural...
16  cards
TOG - Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
What is the incidence of iih 1,
What are the common symptoms of i...,
What are the common signs of iih 3
11  cards
TOG - Polyhydramnios in singleton pregnancies
What is the prevalence of aneuplo...,
What is the incidence of polyhydr...,
In what of cases despite investig...
14  cards
TOG - Caesarean Section at full dilatation
How much more likely is intraoper...,
What is the rate of maternal intr...,
How frequent is maternal haemorrh...
5  cards
TOG - Vulvodynia and psychosexual medicine
What are the lifetime and point p...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the medical options for ...
9  cards
TOG - Fertility Preservation
To what temperature is ovarian ti...,
Which chemotherapy regimes seem t...,
What is the rate of premature ova...
13  cards
TOG - Urethral diverticulum
What is a urethral diverticulum 1,
What is the prevalence of urethra...,
What is the aetiology of urethral...
13  cards
BASHH - Management of Vulval Disorders
What is the aetiology of lichen s...,
Name the condition pale white atr...,
What are the complications of lic...
30  cards
Management of b-Thalassaemia GT66
What is the definition of b thala...,
How many babies are born with tha...,
How many individuals worldwide ar...
18  cards
Tocolysis for women in preterm labour and Antental Corticosteroids to reduce neonatal mortality - GT1b and GT7
What is the mortality rate of 37 ...,
What is the mortality rate at 1 y...,
What of uk births are very preter...
21  cards
Breech GT20a and b
What of term deliveries are breech 1,
By how much does ecv reduce the c...,
What of primips will have spontan...
24  cards
Placenta Praevia, Accreta and Vasa Praevia GT27
What constitutes type 1 and 2 vas...,
What is the perinatal mortality r...,
What are the risk factors for pla...
9  cards
Birth after previous Caesarean birth - GT45
What is the cs rate in england 1,
What are the absolute contraindic...,
What is the chance of placenta pr...
29  cards
Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics - GT47
Where does haemorrhage rank in ca...,
How many cases of severe haemorrh...,
What are the hb cut offs to diagn...
19  cards
Malaria in Pregnancy - GT 54a and 54b
How many cases year of malaria ar...,
What of cases are due to plasmodi...,
What is the overall mortality rat...
38  cards
Best practice in outpatient hysteroscopy - GT59
What analgesia can be used pre op...,
What cervical preparation should ...,
Which type of hysteroscope should...
9  cards
Cervical cerclage GT60
What of all live births in englan...,
What is the mortality rate for in...,
What is the mortality rate for in...
22  cards
Endometrial Hyperplasia - GT67
What are the who 2014 classificat...,
When should direct visualisation ...,
What is the risk of endometrial h...
29  cards
Obstetric Cholestasis - GT 43 +TOG: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
What of pregnancies are affected ...,
What are the perinatal risks of o...,
What of women with obstetric chol...
25  cards
Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes - GT44
What is the incidence of pprom 1,
What of preterm deliveries are as...,
What is the management of pprom 3
3  cards
Postpartum and Antepartum Haemorrhage - GT52, GT63
What is classified as a minor pph 1,
What is classified as a major pph 2,
What is classified as a major sev...
37  cards
Maternal Collapse in Pregnancy and the Puerperium - GT 56
What is the estimated rate of mat...,
How frequent if major obstetric h...,
What is the estimated frequency o...
21  cards
TOG - Management of borderline ovarian tumours
What is the definition of borderl...,
What of all epithelial ovarian ne...,
What are the 5 year survival rate...
20  cards
TOG: IBD and Pregnancy
What percentage of patients are d...,
What percentage of women will con...,
What are the 2 key factors for su...
24  cards
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - NICE 44 and Uterine Artery Embolisation
When should a physical examinatio...,
When should women with fibroids b...,
Which blood tests should be carri...
27  cards
Epilepsy in Pregnancy - GT68
What is the prevalence of epileps...,
How many infant are born to women...,
How many deaths in 2009 2012 were...
27  cards
Scientific Impact Papers
What are the limits in gestation ...,
What is the increase in vte risk ...,
What is the advice re dvt and fly...
36  cards
GTG 17: Recurrent Miscarriage
What is the definition of recurre...,
What percentage second trimester ...,
What is the age related risk of m...
20  cards
TOG: Abdominal incisions and sutures in O&G
What is the description of the pf...,
What is the kustner incision whic...,
What is the cherney incsion when ...
23  cards
BASHH guidelines - STIs
What is the recommendation for go...,
How long should women be abstinen...,
What is the treatment for uncompl...
29  cards

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