This class was created by Brainscape user Zoe Doak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (114)

Characteristic feature,
Gene mutation
8  cards
Acute Tubular Necrosis
Most common cause of aki seen in ...,
What does acute tubular necrosis ...,
Two main causes of atn
7  cards
Alkaptonuria is also known as,
Alkaptonuria is a disorder of phe...
9  cards
Antidiuretic hormone
Synthesised in the______________,
Released by the ______________,
Main function
10  cards
Arachidonic acid metabolism
Name some of the end product meta...,
What enzyme must metabolise arach...,
Function of prostacyclins
8  cards
5 stages of atherosclerosis,
2 main complications of atheroscl...,
Risk factors for endothelial dysf...
4  cards
Atrial natriuretic peptide
Where is anp secreted from,
Why is anp secreted,
How many amino acids long is anp
7  cards
Autosomal dominant or recessive?
Both homozygotes and heterozygote...,
What gender is most commonly affe...,
Only affected individuals can pas...
50  cards
Error in assigning individuals to...,
Subjects in a sample are not repr...,
Give an example of volunteer bias
12  cards
Brachial plexus
Sections of the plexus from large...,
Where anatomically are roots located,
Where anatomically are trunks loc...
12  cards
Brain tumours
Most common form of brain tumour,
Cancers which commonly metastasis...,
Most common primary tumour in adu...
13  cards
Breastfeeding: contraindications
Main contraindications to breastf...,
What antibiotiscv should be avoid...,
What psychiatric medicaiton sshou...
17  cards
Actions of parathyroid hormone pth,
Actions of active form of vitamin d,
Where in the kidney is phosphate ...
7  cards
Cardiovascular physiology and action potentials
Describe what happens during the ...,
How is a new cardiac action poten...,
Where in the heart is conduction ...
11  cards
Cell cycle
Resting phasequiescent cells such...,
Gap 1cells increase in sizedeterm...,
What regulatory proteins are invo...
9  cards
Cell division
Two main types of cell division,
Which cells undergo mitosis and w...,
Number of daughter cells produced...
11  cards
Cell organelles
Translation and folding of new pr...,
Examples of cells with extensive ...,
Responsible for steroid and lipid...
13  cards
Cell surface proteins
Stem cells,
T helper,
Cytotoxic t
21  cards
Cerebral perfusion pressure
What is the cpp,
Sharp rise in cpp may result in a...,
How is cpp calculated
5  cards
Childhood syndromes
Microcephalic small eyescleft lip...,
Micrognathialow set earsrocker bo...,
Learning difficultiesmacrocephaly...
8  cards
Clinical trial: phases
Determines pharmacokinetics and p...,
Which phase is used to assess eff...,
Who normally partakes in phase 1 ...
7  cards
Collagen i is important for the f...,
Collagen ii is important for the ...,
Collagen iii is important for the...
12  cards
Complement deficiencies
Actions of complement system,
Hereditary angioedemac1 inh is a ...,
C1q c1rs c2 c4 deficiency classic...
7  cards
Confidence interval and standard error of the mean
What is meant by the confidence i...,
What is the standard error of the...,
What happens to sem as the sample...
4  cards
What is confounding give an example,
When does confounding most common...,
Give examples of common causes of...
5  cards
Congenital infections
Name 3 major congenital infections,
What is the most common congenita...,
Maternal cmv infection is usually...
7  cards
Correlation and linear regression
What is correlation used for,
What is meant by regression,
The degree of correlation is summ...
8  cards
Cranial nerves
I olfactory smell cribriform plate,
Ii optic sight optic canal,
Eye movement mr io sr ir pupil co...
27  cards
From macrophages function acute i...,
From th1 cells function stimulate...,
From activated t helper cells fun...
12  cards
Data types
Observed values can be put into s...,
Observed values can be put into s...,
Observed values are confined to a...
6  cards
Posterior half of the skull cap,
High turtleneck shirt,
Low collar shirt
16  cards
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy is the commo...,
What percentage of patients with ...,
What percentage of patients with ...
8  cards
Di George syndrome
What causes immunodeficiency in d...,
Chromosomal abnormality in digeor...,
5  cards
Downs Syndrome
Describe the risk of down s syndr...,
Describe the 3 mechanisms by whic...,
Physical features of down s syndrome
6  cards
Action of endothelin,
What secretes endothelin,
Endothelin acts via interaction w...
8  cards
Flat dead scale like cells filled...,
Clear layer present in thick skin...,
Cells form links with neighbours
6  cards
Where does erythropoeisis usually...,
Where does erythropoeisis take pl...,
Erythrocytes originate from what ...
9  cards
Fabry disease
Deficiency of,
Clinical features
4  cards
Fitness to fly
Give examples of those with cardi...,
Uncomplicated myocardial infarcti...,
Complicated myocardial infarction...
15  cards
Folate metabolism
Drugs which interfere with folate...,
Drugs which reduce folate absorption,
3  cards
Foramina of the skull
The optic canal is found in which...,
What artery and nerve pass throug...,
The superior orbital fissure is f...
12  cards
Fragile X syndrome
Describe the genetic abnormality ...,
Features of fragile x in males,
Females with fragile x typically ...
5  cards
Funnel plot
What are funnel plots used for,
Describe how funnel plots are usu...,
If a funnel plot shows a symmetri...
5  cards
GMC guidance: Confidentiality
Patients right to privacy,
Obtaining consent,
11  cards
Growth hormone
Secreted by,
Functions of growth hormone,
Mechanism of action of growth hor...
8  cards
Hazard ratio
When is hazard ratio used,
2  cards
HIV: immunology
Immunological changes seen in pro...
1  cards
HLA associations
Chromosome responsible for encodi...,
Give examples of class i vs class...,
Hla a3
10  cards
6  cards
Antigen reacts with ige bound to ...,
Igg or igm binds to antigen on ce...,
Free antigen and antibody igg iga...
4  cards
Il 1 is mainly secreted by which ...,
Action of il 1,
Il 1 acts on the hypothalamus to ...
5  cards
Immune system cells
Involved in the cell mediated imm...,
Involved in the cell mediated imm...,
Major cell of the humoral immune ...
12  cards
Monomer enhance phagocytosis of b...,
Monomer dimer found in breast mil...,
Pentamer first immunoglobulins to...
6  cards
Incidence and Prevalence
Point prevalence
7  cards
Inherited metabolic disorders
Name the 4 types of glycogen stor...,
Glucose 6 phosphatase deficiencyh...,
Lysosomal alpha 1 4 glucosidase d...
16  cards
What are interferons and when are...,
What receptors do interferon alph...,
What cells release interferon alpha
9  cards
iron metabolism
Site of most iron absorption,
What percentage of dietary iron i...,
Which is better absorbed fe2 or fe3
9  cards
Functions of leukotrienes,
What cells secrete leukotrienes,
What pathway is responsible for t...
4  cards
Lower limb anatomy
Motor knee extension thigh flexio...,
Motor thigh adduction sensory med...,
Motor none sensory lateral and po...
8  cards
McCune-Albright Syndrome
Clinical features
2  cards
Membrane receptors
4 main types of receptor,
Which receptors typically mediate...,
Give examples of
13  cards
Metabolic alkalosis
What is the electrolyte cause of ...,
Problems with which areas of the ...,
Specific causes of metabolic alka...
5  cards
What are microtubules and where a...,
Function of microtubules,
Microtubules are found in all cel...
8  cards
Mitochondrial diseases
What does the small amount of dna...,
None of the children of an affect...
9  cards
molecular biology techniques
Southern blotting,
Northern blotting,
Western blotting
5  cards
Muscle contraction
Steps of muscle contraction in sa...,
Slow contracting fibresred due to...,
Fast contractionwhite colour due ...
9  cards
Nitric oxide
What forms nitric oxide,
Does nitric oxide have a short or...,
Effects of nitric oxide
7  cards
Noonan syndrome
On what chromosome does the defec...
7  cards
Normal distribution
Other names for normal distributi...,
What does it mean when the normal...,
What percentage of values lie wit...
4  cards
NNT and absolute risk reduction
What is number needed to treat,
How is nnt calculated,
Number who had particular outcome...
6  cards
Obesity: physiology
What molecule is produced by adip...,
What hormones does leptin stimula...,
What is responsible for stimulati...
5  cards
Odds and odds ratio
Definition of odds ratio,
In what type of study is odds rat...,
3  cards
Oncogenes are derived from normal...,
How do proto oncogenes become onc...,
Only one mutated copy of the gene...
11  cards
What are oncoviruses,
Cancers associated with ebv,
Cancers associated with hpv
6  cards
Is p53 an oncogene or tumour supp...,
On which chromosome is p53 located,
Cancers in which p53 is most comm...
5  cards
Parathyroid glands and disorders of calcium metabolism
Pth elevated ca2 elevated phospha...,
Symptoms of primary hyperparathyr...,
Cause of primary hyperparathyroidism
12  cards
patients who refuse treatment
What 3 legal frameworks can be us...,
When is an awi used,
When is the mental health act used
4  cards
Penetrance and expressivity
Not all patients with the same ge...,
The proportion of a population of...,
The extent to which a genotype sh...
8  cards
Enzyme defect,
High levels of phenylalanine lead...
10  cards
Very thin squamous cells which co...,
Cuboidal cellssecrete surfactantd...,
Type 2 pneumocytes can differenti...
6  cards
Polymerase chain reaction
What is pcr used for,
Describe how pcr takes place,
What is reverse transcriptase pcr...
4  cards
Popliteal fossa
Pathologies which may involve the...,
Superomedial border,
Superolateral border
7  cards
Prader-Willi syndrome
If prader willi syndrome is inher...,
On what chromosome is the genetic...,
Cause of genetic abnormality in p...
5  cards
Pre- and post- test odds and probability
Proportion of people with the tar...,
Proportion of patients with that ...,
Post test odds 1 post test odds
6  cards
Source of prolactin,
Function of prolactin,
What inhibits prolactin secretion
6  cards
Pulmonary surfactant
What is surfactant,
What cells secrete surfactant,
What is the main functioning comp...
7  cards
Radial nerve
The radial nerve is a continuatio...,
Describe the path taken by the ra...,
Muscles innervated by the radial ...
9  cards
Relative risk
Ratio of risk in the experimental...,
Experimental event rate eer,
Control event rate cer
5  cards
reliability and validity
Term used to imply consistency of...,
Term which describes whether a te...,
A measurement can be valid but no...
4  cards
Renal anatomy and physiology
What are the rough dimensions of ...,
The kidneys lie on the anterior s...,
Which kidney lies 15cm superior t...
26  cards
Renal stones
Hypercalciuria is a major risk fa...,
Inherited recessive disorder of t...,
Product of purine metabolismmay p...
8  cards
Renin and RAAS system
What cells secrete renin,
Function of renin,
Factors stimulating renin secretion
10  cards
Resp physiology
Increasing acidity or pco2 means ...,
Increase po2 means co2 binds less...,
What 3 areas are in control of re...
13  cards
Screening test statistics
The chance that the patient has t...
8  cards
Second messengers
Secondary messenger if primary ef...,
Secondary messengers if primary e...,
Secondary messenger if primary ef...
5  cards
Significance tests
What is a null hypothesis,
What is a significance test used for,
What is an alternative hypothesis
9  cards
Skewed distribution
Normal gaussian distributions,
Positively screwed distribution,
Negatively skewed distribution
4  cards
Sleep stages
Light sleeptransition to this sta...,
Deeper sleeprepresents around 50 ...,
Deep sleepparasomnias such as nig...
5  cards
Spinal cord
What do the cervico lumbar enlarg...,
At what level does the spinal cor...,
Spinal cord is incompletely divid...
8  cards
Study design
Participants randomly allocated t...,
Observational and prospective two...,
Observational and retrospective p...
8  cards
Statistical terms
The average of a series of observ...,
The middle value if series of obs...,
The value that occurs most freque...
7  cards
T helper cells
Involved in the cell mediated res...,
Involved in mediating humoral ant...,
3  cards
Temporal artery biopsy
Superficial temporal artery is a ...,
When is a temporal artery biopsy ...,
Describe what is seen on histolog...
6  cards
Trinucleotide repeat disorders
Give examples of conditions which...
1  cards
Troponin is a complex of how many...,
Main role of troponin,
What does troponin c bind to
5  cards
Tumour suppressor genes
What are tumour suppressor genes ...,
9  cards
Chromosomal abnormality in turners,
Physical features,
Cardiac complications
8  cards
Ulnar nerve
What cord of brachial plexus give...,
To what muscles does the ulnar ne...,
What part of the upper limb has s...
8  cards
upper limb anatomy
Motor elbow flexion supplies bice...,
Motor shoulder abduction deltoid ...,
Motor extension forearm wrist fin...
9  cards
urinary casts
Red blood cell casts white blood ...,
White blood cell casts,
Granular muddy brown casts
8  cards
What is variance,
How is variance calculated
2  cards
Vitamin b1 aka ___,
Is thiamine b1 water or lipid sol...,
What is thiamine used for
30  cards
Williams syndrome
Chromosome abnormality,
What type of disorder is william s,
Clinical features
5  cards
X linked dominant and recessive
Give examples of conditions which...,
In x linked recessive disorders w...,
How are x linked conditions trans...
6  cards

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MRCP Clinical sciences

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