MS1 - Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, and Renal

This class was created by Brainscape user Walter The-Cat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (154)

CVPR Overview/CV Anatomy
While exercising up to ____ perce...,
At rest most of the blood flows t...,
List the layers of heart tissue f...
24  cards
Hemodynamics & Vasculature
What is transmural pressure 1,
The biggest drop in pressure occu...,
The systemic pressure is much ___...
25  cards
Cardiac Muscle Structure & Function
Cardiac muscles have a much longe...,
About ______ percent of cardiac m...,
What two proteins prevent actin m...
17  cards
Muscle Physics & Heart as Pump
What is a rough average for strok...,
Average cardiac output for people...,
Inotropy is _________ 3
13  cards
Cardiac Ion Channels & Action Potentials
Explain ectopic pacemakers 1,
Which two areas of the heart cond...,
If vm 3
18  cards
Cardiac Conduction System & ECG
Which side of the heart has purki...,
The p wave is ____________ 2,
Qrs is ___________ 3
11  cards
Molecular Mechanisms of Arrhythmias
Almost all arrhythmias are ______...,
Prolonged qt intervals correspond...,
Mutations that lengthen the qt in...
17  cards
Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs
List the classes of anti arrhythm...,
Describe how class i anti arrhyth...,
Describe the function of class ii...
22  cards
EC Coupling I & II
T tubules are ____________ 1,
What is a calsequestrin 2,
What phase inactivates dhprs 3
21  cards
Cardiac Signaling Pathways
Quickly review the process of g p...,
Camp binds to the _______ of pka 2,
Pka phosphorylation of cal induce...
26  cards
Vascular Signaling Pathways
What are some vasoactive metaboli...,
Nitric oxide is produced by _____...,
Nitric oxide synthase can be inhi...
18  cards
Heart Failure I - Pathophysiology
The readmission rate for heart fa...,
Mortality of heart failure is ___...,
Define heart failure 3
18  cards
Autonomic Nervous System Physiology
Compare and contrast the autonomi...,
What are the inputs to the ans 2,
The ans outputs to _________ 3
18  cards
How Does the Heart Work?
What does troponin i do 1,
Factors that influence calcium se...,
How does the body accommodate to ...
3  cards
Chronic Cardiac Adaptation
There are two isoforms of myosin ...,
________ has a higher atpase capa...,
Myosin has a half life of roughly...
5  cards
Heart Failure II - Diagnosis & Treatment
Increased inotropy usually leads ...,
What are the three main clinical ...,
Orthopnea is ____________ 3
24  cards
Clinical Treatment of Heart Failure
Lasix is the brand name for _____...,
_________ are the most common tre...,
Angiotensin converting enzyme inh...
17  cards
Adrenergic & Angiotensin Block in CHF
Angiotensinogen is produced by th...,
Ace inhibitors have an unfortunat...,
Duration of action of the three m...
21  cards
Inotropic Drugs - Limitations in Heart Failure
Naprilysin ____________ 1,
Ivabradine blocks the ________ an...,
Ivabradine is contraindicated in ...
17  cards
Pericardial Disease
What are the four most common cau...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the five most common ide...
11  cards
Diagnostic Features of the ECG
Looking at an ecg printout you ca...,
In a 12 lead ecg there are ____ b...,
Lead 1 is a _____ lead that is __...
20  cards
Overactive thyroids cause _______...,
Increased pr intervals can be cau...,
1 av blocks are usually __________ 3
14  cards
ARS: Arrhythmias
The pr interval should not be lon...,
In addition to not having a prece...,
A narrow qrs wave indicates that ...
5  cards
Clinical Treatment of Arrhythmias
Sinus bradycardia is defined as a...,
Sinus node arrest results in ____...,
Chronotropic incompetence is ____...
27  cards
Small Group: Arrhythmia Cases
Irregularly irregular ___________ 1,
Atrial fibrillation and atrial fl...,
Atrial fibrillation can result fr...
5  cards
Diuretics and RAAS Antagonists
Nitrates dilate the ________ and ...,
Why do ace inhibitors and aldoste...,
Low serum potassium leads to ____...
33  cards
Introduction to the 12-Lead ECG Interpretation
A right bundle branch block is in...,
What is the orientation of lead i 2,
Lead ii and lead iii are both pos...
21  cards
Aortic and Pulmonic Valve Disease
Sequelae of bicuspid aortic valve...,
Management of bicuspid aortic val...,
Rheumatic disease can lead to ___...
17  cards
Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Disease
The majority of mitral stenosis i...,
Mitral stenosis can lead to _____...,
Ss blockers are used to treat mit...
13  cards
Small Group: Heart Failure
The jugular vein pulses during v ...,
What is normal pulmonary artery o...
2  cards
Cardiac History & Physical Exam
Angina pectoris results from ____...,
True angina is ___________ while ...,
Orthostatic hypotension is define...
7  cards
Heart Sounds
A fixed split s2 is indicative of...,
The bell is better at picking up ...,
The diaphragm is better at pickin...
21  cards
Myocardial Pathology
Cardiac myxomas are found more fr...,
Pathologic findings suggestive of...,
__________ is a chemotherapeutic ...
16  cards
Valvular Heart Disease Pathology
Most cases of systemic hypertensi...,
Secondary causes of systemic hype...,
Hypertrophy results from increase...
7  cards
Cardiomyopathy & Myocarditis
The chordae don t change much in ...,
Bacterial causes of myocarditis i...,
Most dilated cardiomyopathies are...
10  cards
ARS: 12-Lead ECG Interpretation
If there is a wide qrs then begin...,
A wide qrs that is positive in th...,
In addition to increased q wave a...
7  cards
Small Group: Myocarditis/Pericarditis Cases
The interventricular septum is us...,
Why do standing and valsalva incr...,
What are some presenting signs an...
5  cards
Small Group: Valvular Disease Cases
Other than mitral stenosis what e...,
Diastolic decrescendo murmurs are...
2  cards
Exam 1 Review
Phase 2 is characterized by compe...,
Giving class iii antiarrhythmics ...,
Class iii drugs are used to _____...
8  cards
Practice Exam 1
The a wave is __________ the c wa...,
Enlargement of which chamber can ...,
Which coronary artery supplies th...
31  cards
Ischemic Heart Disease I
Atherosclerosis has a _______ asy...,
List the stages of coronary arter...,
Smoking increases risk of coronar...
24  cards
Ischemic Heart Disease II
What is coronary angioplasty 1,
One of the problems with early ba...,
Stable angina manifests with ____...
11  cards
Endothelium, Plaque Rupture, and Vascular Injury
Large arteries have more ________...,
What ligands can stimulate the pr...,
What are foam cells 3
15  cards
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Define acute coronary syndrome 1,
Describe the pathology of a stemi 2,
Describe the pathology of an nste...
14  cards
Tools of the Trade
Mitral regurgitation will lead to...,
How can atrial septal defect be d...,
Stress tests are used to identify...
8  cards
Lab Findings for Heart Disease Detection and Management
Where are the three types of natr...,
In what populations is bnp elevat...,
S4 requires atrial ___________ 3
6  cards
Pathology of Ischemic Heart Disease
Ischemic heart disease refers to ...,
Exertional ihd is usually caused ...,
Most myocardial infarctions are d...
20  cards
Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs
Plavix is the brand name for ____...,
Rivaroxaban and enoxaparin inhibi...,
Dabigatran inhibits __________ 3
22  cards
Pathology Lab: Valvular disease
What is the venturi effect 1,
What proportion of patients with ...,
In the three layers of the heart ...
6  cards
Vasodilators in Angina (Nitrates & Ca Blockers)
If you have venous constriction _...,
Activation of ss2 receptors on va...,
While nitrates lower systolic vol...
15  cards
Pathology Lab: Ischemic Heart Disease
The pulmonary artery is _______ t...,
About ____ percent of people supp...,
Lipofuscin are __________ 3
12  cards
Atherosclerosis, HDL, and LDL
Chylomicrons come from _________ 1,
When ldl is taken up by the endot...,
Oxidized ldl attracts ___________ 3
9  cards
Secondary Prevention of CAD
What is primordial prevention 1,
What is primary prevention 2,
Plaque formation occurs everywher...
18  cards
Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
What receptors mediates monocyte ...,
_________ cells promote plaque in...,
What processes make a plaque less...
14  cards
Peripheral Vascular Disease
The word claudication comes from ...,
These factors increase risk for p...,
Signs of peripheral vascular dise...
9  cards
Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease
What does postprandial mean 1,
What are some indications of hype...
2  cards
Exercise: Pathophysiology and Testing
Describe the fick principle 1,
During exercise blood diverts fro...,
Cardiac output in early exercise ...
22  cards
Cardiac Embryonic-Fetal Circulation
The precardiac cells arise from t...,
______ migrate through the ______...,
The heart arises from the _______...
23  cards
Small Group: Peripheral Vascular Disease Cases
Why do people with peripheral vas...,
Limbs affected by atherosclerotic...,
What is thrombophlebitis 3
4  cards
Small Group: Ischemic Heart Disease
How do you distinguish angina fro...,
Eating can __________ cardiac oxy...,
Emotional stress and smoking can ...
8  cards
Congenital Heart Disease
What is the prevalence of congeni...,
___ are more likely to have sever...,
What are two big risk factors for...
38  cards
Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Primary prevention refers to ____...,
Those who have ascvd should recei...,
In those age 50 59 initiate aspir...
6  cards
Integrated CV Pharmacology Review
The most effective lipid lowering...,
What are contraindications of fib...,
Remember that unstable angina and...
12  cards
Cardiovascular Disease and Depression
Depression predicts __________ in...,
_______ percent of those with hea...,
Those with depression were _____ ...
7  cards
Lab: Miscellaneous CV Diseases
70 80 of hypertrophic cardiomyopa...,
Dystrophin mutations result in __...,
Amyloidosis on microscopy will ha...
8  cards
Small Group: Congenital Heart Disease
_________ in early pregnancy is a...,
Why do those with patent ductus a...
2  cards
Exam 2 Review
Increased pressure in the left at...,
The heart does not utilize ______...,
Subendocardial infarction _______...
37  cards
Overview of the Pulmonary System/Lung Development
Lungs are the only organ in mamma...,
The lungs are the only organ that...,
The airway branches about 23 time...
27  cards
Lung Microanatomy
What cells line the pleural cavity 1,
What are the two types of pleural...,
What artery takes oxygenated bloo...
11  cards
Mechanism of Breathing/Compliance
What is the difference between ob...,
What are three obstructive diseas...,
What is a restrictive disease 3
22  cards
Surface Tension/Airway Resistance
Why does surface tension arise 1,
What is respiratory distress synd...,
The majority of airway resistance...
15  cards
What is minute ventilation 1,
What is alveolar ventilation 2,
The alveoli represent _____ perce...
29  cards
Gas Transport in the Airways
What is a healthy range for parti...,
Oxygen in the blood is not ______...,
What is dalton s law 3
25  cards
Arterial Blood Gases–O2 Carriage/CO2 Carriage
There is about 264 mm of carbon d...,
Describe the bohr effect 2,
What is the haldane effect 3
22  cards
Diffusion and Perfusion
What is the equation for arterial...,
The p a o2 represents only ______...,
The pressure gradient that drives...
29  cards
Acid/Base Physiology
Ka _________ 1,
What is the henderson hasselbach ...,
Co2 can be thought of as the conj...
25  cards
Control of Respiration
Where is the respiratory center i...,
Where are peripheral chemorecepto...,
Peripheral chemoreceptors increas...
19  cards
Pulmonary Physical Exam
What is increased depth of breath...,
What is cheyne stokes breathing 2,
Chests that dip inward are called...
23  cards
Pulmonary Function Tests
What is the difference between vo...,
What are tidal volumes 2,
What is expiratory reserve volume 3
32  cards
Assessment of V/Q
Normal v q averages to _______ 1,
Upper lobes have more _________ 2,
Lower lobes have more __________ 3
26  cards
Lung Histology
The alveolar septa are full of __...,
There are ________ between alveol...,
What is black lung pathologically 3
13  cards
Small Group: Pathophysiology Cases 1 - 7
Differentiate anatomic and physio...,
What percent change in a bronchod...,
Draw pv curves for normal individ...
13  cards
Clinical Obstructive Lung Disease: COPD/Asthma/CF
What are two major causes of obst...,
Airway resistance is inversely pr...,
Hyperinflation as found in obstru...
33  cards
Treatment of Obstructive Lung Disease
Well controlled asthma presents w...,
The first step of asthma treatmen...,
Omalizumab inhibits ___________ 3
29  cards
Pulmonary Circulation
The bronchial circulation supplie...,
The bronchial arteries arise from...,
Typical pulmonary pressure is ___...
45  cards
Imaging of the Lung
What are the pros and cons of che...,
The x ray beam passes through the...,
The heart appears magnified in __...
15  cards
Small Group: Pathophysiology Cases 8 - 14
What is bronchiectasis 1,
What will bronchiectasis look lik...,
Those with cystic fibrosis are gi...
10  cards
Pulmonary Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Patients with als and other neuro...,
Those with chest wall weakness wi...,
Respiratory patterns of those wit...
14  cards
Restrictive/Inflammatory Lung Disease
Restrictive lung diseases are def...,
Elastance is the _________ of com...,
If lung tissue has a lower compli...
22  cards
Pulmonary Pathology
What kind of epithelium lines the...,
On a cellular level acute bronchi...,
Histologically chronic bronchitis...
46  cards
Disease of Mediastinum and Pleura
The mediastinum is broken into th...,
The anterior mediastinum contains...,
The middle compartment contains t...
26  cards
Tobacco Prevention and Intervention
How many people die each year in ...,
______ of all smokers will be kil...,
People with mental illness accoun...
12  cards
Small Group: Pathophysiology Cases 15-18
The most common cause of pneumoni...,
In pneumonia related pulmonary ed...,
How is compliance affected by pul...
10  cards
Pathology of Obstructive/Restrictive Lung Disease
Uip is worse in the ________ than...,
Which kind of alveolar epithelial...,
Cardiac output is lower in ______...
10  cards
Pneumonia and Influenza
What is the technical definition ...,
The lower airways are usually ___...,
________ oil can cause pneumonia 3
24  cards
Sleep Disordered Breathing
What is emg 1,
________ is the first line therap...,
Studies have shown that those wit...
12  cards
Carcinogenesis and Cancer
The ________ of cigarette smokers...,
About ______ percent of lung canc...,
Studies have shown that risk of _...
30  cards
Upper Airways and Larynx
The mucosa of the _________ sits ...,
What three things are needed for ...,
The _______ is the only solid rin...
17  cards
What are the three phases of coug...,
What are some reasons coughing mi...,
Some consequences of impaired cou...
21  cards
Small Group: Pathophysiology Cases 19-24
What is significant about iiib lu...,
Dull at the base and resonance on...,
Those who have dyspnea secondary ...
9  cards
Pharmacotherapy of the Upper Airway
Antihistamines are primarily used...,
Physiologically decongestants are...,
Decongestants are primarily used ...
30  cards
Pulmonary Defense Mechanisms
How many liters of air are the lu...,
How is material cleared from the ...,
How is debris cleared from the br...
20  cards
TB - Worldwide Control, Testing
What is primary tuberculosis infe...,
Worldwide tb is the number ______...,
________ million people die each ...
20  cards
Respiratory Failure and ARDS
What are three causes of hypoxemia 1,
In basic terms what is hypercapni...,
What is the formula for minute ve...
16  cards
Occupational Lung Disease/Exposures
The clinical and pathologic expre...,
There is often a latency period b...,
Clinical effects usually correlat...
25  cards
High Altitude and Diving
People usually start hyperventila...,
Those who are acclimatized to alt...,
Living at altitude increases ____...
16  cards
Lab: Inflammatory Lung Disease and Cancer Cases
Spindle cells are indicative of _...,
Differentiate the pathologic appe...,
What are empyemas 3
8  cards
Pediatric Lung Disease
What is the resistance consequenc...,
What is the main pathophysiology ...,
Laryngomalacia is usually _______...
27  cards
Small Group: Cases in Pathophysiology
Of the restrictive diseases with ...,
If you just have acute mountain s...,
Pneumothorax causes the hemithora...
5  cards
Exam 3 Review
Why do small alveoli tend to coll...,
Intrapleural pressure is most neg...,
Nicotine gum and patches are both...
34  cards
FDC Phase I Assessment
Ros general 1,
Ros heent 2,
Ros pulmonary 3
13  cards
Overview of Renal Physiology
Renal is _______ nephrology is __...,
Total body fluid is roughly _____...,
Two thirds of the body fluid is _...
25  cards
Glomerular Filtration & Renal Blood Flow
Filterability through the glomeru...,
The cells on the opposite side of...,
Glomerular filtration rate is det...
18  cards
Histology of the Kidney
What is the capsule that collects...,
Where are the glomeruli located 2,
Where is bowman s capsule located 3
19  cards
Tubular Transport of NaCl and Water
Carnivore urine is more _________...,
Normal gfr is ___________ 2,
What four parts of homeostasis do...
26  cards
Kidney Microanatomy
Histologically how can you differ...,
What are the ducts of bellini 2
2  cards
Regulation of Extracellular Sodium and Water
The extracellular fluid is broken...,
Ecf volume is determined more by ...,
The content of sodium in the extr...
23  cards
Intro to Acute Renal Failure and Clearance
What is inulin 1,
Creatinine is made by the _______...,
________ percent of creatinine is...
20  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is characteriz...,
Nephrologists think that ________...,
Nephrotic syndrome leads to incre...
31  cards
What is glomerulonephritis 1,
Inflammation leads to ___________...,
Glomerulonephritis may involve __...
30  cards
Pathology of Nephritic Syndrome
_______ of the convoluted tubules...,
Most of the renal arterioles do n...,
Only about __________ percent of ...
36  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome Pathology
The basic defect in nephrotic syn...,
Why does hyperlipidemia arise in ...,
Nephrotic syndrome leads to incre...
22  cards
Serum creatinine and bun rise aft...,
Why is creatinine a good indicato...,
Urine must be analyzed within ___...
37  cards
Small Group: Acute Renal Failure
What is the formula for clearance 1,
Clearance is __________ 2,
What are rigors 3
23  cards
Small Group: Glomerulonephritis
What are normal albumin levels 1,
List the five characteristics of ...,
The most common type of nephrotic...
7  cards
Suicidal patients present to ____...,
______ percent of suicide victims...,
What are three predisposing socia...
8  cards
Pathophysiology of Water Handling
Osmoregulation is achieved by ___...,
What two things can stimulate the...,
Adh increases exponentially if th...
36  cards
Pathophysiology of Sodium Handling
A no added salt diet usually resu...,
A low salt diet means ___________ 2,
How much sodium is ____________ 3
22  cards
Lab: Nephritic/Nephrotic Diseases
Comparing nephritic and nephrotic...,
Describe the typical pathological...,
What is uremia 3
12  cards
Renal Regulation of ECF Potassium
What is the formula for potassium...,
How much of potassium balance is ...,
In response to ss adrenergic stim...
16  cards
Diseases of Potassium Regulation
Cortisol is prevented from activa...,
Low serum potassium can result fr...,
What medications and physiologica...
17  cards
Small Group: Water Handling
How does glucose level affect sod...,
To calculate serum osmolarity in ...,
Cortisol inhibits _______ 3
6  cards
The lifetime risk of developing h...,
Starting at 115 75 risk of cardio...,
For persons over the age of 50 __...
24  cards
Secondary Causes of Hypertension
The gold standard for renal steno...,
How should renal stenosis be trea...,
What would you worry about in a p...
16  cards
Small Group: Sodium Handling
At the proximal tubule there are ...,
What is acetazolamide 2,
How does the thick ascending loop...
14  cards
Role of the Kidneys in Acid/Base Balance
What is the molarity of h at 740 ...,
What is the difference between ac...,
How much metabolic acid is produc...
23  cards
Acid/Base Disorders
The urine anion gap should be ___...,
For acute and chronic respiratory...,
For acute and chronic respiratory...
15  cards
Small Group: Potassium Regulation and Hypertension Cases
High potassium levels stimulate _...,
Leukocytosis can lead to pseudo h...,
Dietary causes of hypokalemia are...
14  cards
Diuretics and Antihypertensives
__________ draws free water out o...,
How long does furosemide last 2,
Loop diuretics are not used only ...
17  cards
Small Group: Acid/Base Cases
What is the formula for co2 compe...,
For every decrease in serum album...,
What is the calculation for urine...
10  cards
Chronic Renal Disease
What is the definition of chronic...,
What is the classification system...,
How many people have ckd in the us 3
23  cards
Generally when should a patient s...,
What are some specific indication...,
Estimations of gfr at very low ki...
14  cards
How many people are currently on ...,
What is the mortality of those on...,
What percent of those on the wait...
18  cards
Pharmacology Issues in Renal Failure
What endogenous compounds induce ...,
Acei are category ________ in pre...,
How does efferent dilation affect...
14  cards
Urinary Tract Infection / Interstitial Disease
When looking at a slide of the co...,
What are lower gu tract infection...,
The most common type of uti is __...
17  cards
Small Group: Chronic Kidney Disease and Transplant Cases
If people with ckd intake more th...,
Why do people with ckd develop hy...,
What does parathyroid hormone do ...
13  cards
Tumors of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
When was the first renal malignan...,
List the four types of benign ren...,
What is the most common type of r...
17  cards
Bladder and Micturition
Be sure to know the __________ 1,
What are the three layers of the ...,
Parasympathetic nerves innervate ...
19  cards
Development of the Kidney
There are three sets of kidneys t...,
When do the first metanephrons be...,
The mesonephric duct is also call...
19  cards
Lab: Pathology of Urinary Tract Infection and Chronic Renal Failure
Hydronephrosis is defined by ____...,
Why do pathologists cover resecte...
2  cards
Developmental and Cystic Diseases
What is the definition of hydrone...,
Ureteropelvic obstruction is more...,
What is the most common renal abn...
18  cards
Pediatric Kidney and Urinary Tract
In fetal development the kidneys ...,
What is the incidence of unilater...,
Renal ectopia results from ______...
27  cards
Lab: Tumors of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
Histologically what are blastema 1,
Clear cell carcinoma originates f...,
Chromophobe cancers originate fro...
5  cards
Exam 4 Review
What vessels lead into the ducts ...,
The fenestrated endothelium only ...,
The molecular filter is composed ...
23  cards

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MS1 - Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, and Renal

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