This class was created by Brainscape user Walter The-Cat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (111)

Explain the mnemonic vitamin c fo...,
Despite the best current treatmen...,
Large sulci are called __________
9  cards
Neurons, Glia, and Brain Tissue
In general white matter is ______...,
Tracts peduncles and fasciculi ar...,
Nuclei are an example of ________...
30  cards
Vesicles to Ventricles: Blood Supply and CSF
Csf is made by the _____________,
How much csf is in the brain and ...,
What does csf pass through to get...
24  cards
Interrogating the Nervous System
Fluid will be ________ in a t2 we...,
Describe the physics of pet scanning,
What is the resolution of pet and...
10  cards
Synaptic Physiology I, II, and III
Electrical synapses are mediated ...,
Gap junctions are composed of ___...,
Describe how electrical synapses ...
61  cards
CNS Neuropharmacology
The main excitatory neurotransmit...,
5ht and indoleamines are other na...,
Gaba is formed from glutamate via...
25  cards
Peripheral Nervous System Anatomy and Physiology
In alzheimers disease the _______...,
What neurotransmitter do the post...,
What neurotransmitters do the pos...
25  cards
Autonomic Nervous System Neuropharmacology
What kind of drug is doxazosin,
Antimuscarinic drugs are also cal...,
What does the protein cht do
34  cards
PTSD: The Changed Brain
What is the lifetime prevalence o...,
What percentage range of individu...,
What percentage of people will re...
12  cards
Embryology I
When does the neural tube begin t...,
The _________ cavity surrounds th...,
The ___________ cavity surrounds ...
30  cards
Rotation: Synaptic Physiology Lab
Mepp amplitudes have a value of a...,
Mepps will not be detected in ___...,
Overdose of neostigmine can resul...
3  cards
Embryology II
How many neurons and glial cells ...,
How many cells are in the neurect...,
How many synapses are in the brain
24  cards
Neurogenesis and Migration
Lissencephaly means ___________,
Post mitotic cells must _________...,
Reelin is involved in ___________
26  cards
Introduction to Gross Brain Laboratory and Spinal Cord Exercise
The somatosensory cortex is _____...,
The somatotopic area of the wrist...,
The area where the motor neuron a...
37  cards
Rotation: Pharmacology
In addition to bethanecol _______...,
____________ are used to shorten ...,
___________ are the main treatmen...
22  cards
Potnatal Development
__________ only stimulate the gro...,
Why does botox poisoning last for...,
_____________ in a neuron is pred...
15  cards
Developmental Disorders
Autism was originally thought to ...,
Most researchers think there are ...,
Identical twin concordance of aut...
20  cards
Rotation: Spinal Cord Exercise
What is the spinal cord structure...,
Neurons with large red cell bodie...,
Where is the substantia gelatinos...
4  cards
Assessment of Developmental Disorders
What defines developmental delay,
What is a normal developmental qu...,
A developmental quotient less tha...
14  cards
Introduction to Neuropathology
What is the main question you sho...,
What type of cells are ependymal ...,
What cell serves the purpose of t...
41  cards
Congenital Pathology
What structure gives rise to the ...,
What structure gives rise to the ...,
What structure gives rise to the ...
41  cards
3D Neuroanatomy Review
The lateral ventricles are broken...,
What is the interthalamic adhesion,
The caudate closely follows the _...
21  cards
Anterior Horn Cell and Peripheral Nerve Disorders
Emotional dysregulation such as i...,
What are type i and type ii muscl...,
Twitching fasciculation is associ...
21  cards
Neuromuscular Junction and Muscle Disorders
Most patients with myasthenia gra...,
Optic disorders such as ptosis di...,
Myasthenia gravis patients who re...
5  cards
Neuromuscular Pharmacology
What is a good mnemonic for remem...,
What specific v snare is clipped ...,
Why does botulinum lead to flacci...
9  cards
Exam 1 Review / First Exam Review
The front of the corpus callosum ...,
The back of the corpus callosum i...,
The amygdala is within the ______...
6  cards
Exam 1 SNAPP Qs and Practice Test Review
Which cells are activated first b...,
When neurons are damaged the micr...,
What embryologic structure gives ...
24  cards
CNS Trauma
What percent of head injury death...,
Trauma is the leading cause of de...,
What are the four categories of c...
42  cards
Hemorrhagic Stroke
What two ethnic racial groups are...,
Which kind of stroke deep or loba...,
Aneurysms often occur at _______ ...
17  cards
Ischemic Stroke
What are the two main determining...,
What are four broad categories of...,
Aphasia is typical of strokes tha...
15  cards
Pathology of Stroke
What is the distinguishing featur...,
Nontraumatic hemorrhages involve ...,
What is the most common etiology ...
13  cards
Stroke and Interventional Radiology
Which kind of stroke is more common,
How many strokes occur in the us ...,
Emboli are the most common source...
7  cards
Delirium and Dementia
What are the differences between ...,
Delirium is more often characteri...,
Delirium is present in ________ p...
34  cards
Degenerative Disease
__________ reflexes are lost in p...,
What are the defining features of...,
Describe progressive supranuclear...
14  cards
One of the key features of deliri...,
What are the most common types of...,
What drug type often has a parado...
7  cards
What areas of the brain are most ...,
Recap from stroke lectures which ...,
What are symptoms of increase in icp
45  cards
Inflammatory/Demyelinating Diseases
There are two phenotypes of multi...,
Relapsing remitting ms can evolve...,
Describe the rough demographics o...
26  cards
CNS Injury III
Define concussion,
Which lobes are most often affect...,
What type of radiologic study is ...
14  cards
Toxic/Metabolic/Nutritional Disease
Airplane glue which some people h...,
Methanol toxicity targets what br...,
Ethyl alcohol damages __________ ...
17  cards
Infectious Disease
What three vaccines have led to a...,
Meningitis is an infection of the...,
Infection of the subarachnoid spa...
41  cards
Infectious Disease CPC
Based on location in the brain ho...,
Toxoplasmosis takes __________ to...
2  cards
Overview of Sensory System and Receptors
What is touch of the outside worl...,
What is the vm of rod cells in th...,
What happens to the vm of rod cel...
16  cards
Intensity is a product of _______...,
Ruffinis ending cells are _______...,
Describe the different territory ...
17  cards
The first synapse for vibratory n...,
The first synapse for pain neuron...,
For the warm cold receptors that ...
56  cards
Local Anesthetics
Chemically local anesthetics are ...,
Describe the basic structure of l...,
Dissecting the names of local ane...
18  cards
Patients with Somatic Complaints and Pain
What is the difference between ma...,
What is the basic framework of ps...,
Describe the differences between ...
3  cards
Differentiate primary and seconda...,
What does tth stand for,
In evaluating patients what thing...
20  cards
Pharmacologic Treatment of Headaches
Which abortive treatments for mig...,
Nsaids are avoided in those with ...,
Ergots are ____________ treatments
10  cards
Spinal Cord I and II
The disk that surrounds the nucle...,
What bony process connects the ve...,
Differentiate myelopathy and radi...
33  cards
Opioid Analgesics
In terms of neurotransmitters end...,
What is the opioid motif,
Endogenous opioids only affect ne...
39  cards
Pain Management
More than ___ of overdose deaths ...,
What percent of people without ca...,
What type of neuron senses non no...
25  cards
Exam 2 SNAPP and Practice Qs Review
What is a subgaleal hematoma and ...,
High impact injuries to the head ...,
Growing fractures are caused from...
27  cards
Introduction to the Brainstem
Functionally the brainstem is div...,
The brainstem is kind of like a s...,
Cerebral peduncle is the modern n...
81  cards
Auditory I, II, and III
Sound pressure level is equal to ...,
We typically lose ________ freque...,
The body of the ear that helps ca...
46  cards
The Vestibular System
What is the basic function of the...,
Describe the basic structure of t...,
Hair cells of the vestibular syst...
25  cards
Speech and Aphasia
Define behavioral neurology,
Define neuropsychiatry,
What is neuropsychology
30  cards
The malleus contacts the tympanic...,
What percent of americans age 20 ...,
What is the incidence of congenit...
23  cards
Anxiety Disorders
Describe the six types of anxiety...,
What are the ocd compulsive disor...,
The lifetime prevalence of panic ...
18  cards
Motor System I, II, and III
Interestingly there is a tunicate...,
The local circuit neurons do what,
The motor unit is defined as ____...
31  cards
What does heuristic mean,
What is the basic function of the...,
There are two inputs for the cere...
54  cards
Basal Ganglia
Dysdiadochokinesia is ______________,
The basal ganglia is derived from...,
Contrast the roles of the basal g...
25  cards
Function of Cerebellum-Basal Ganglia
What does the prism adaptation ex...,
What fibers do gamma motor neuron...,
Dopamine from the substantia nigr...
17  cards
Pharmacology of Parkinson's Disease plus CPC w/Patient
What is the difference between l ...,
Comtan entacapone treats parkinso...,
Parkinson the doctor called his d...
20  cards
Movement Disorders
The job of the basal ganglia is t...,
Parkinsons is a _________ kinesia,
The most common movement disorder...
20  cards
Neurodegenerative Pathology
Genetics are not a common etiolog...,
How does cortical atrophy appear ...,
Neurofibrillary tangles appear on...
25  cards
Cortical Lesions
What area of the cortex is phylog...,
The cerebral cortex comprises how...,
Each cortical neuron connects to ...
25  cards
Vision I, II, and III
The aqueous humor is in the _____...,
What two parts of the eye focus l...,
The zonule fibers connect what to...
50  cards
Eye Movements I & II
Theres a kind of eye movement cal...,
Describe the type of eye movement...,
While reading we focus on a point...
22  cards
Ophthalmology I
What is a fundoscopic exam,
Which kind of conjunctivitis is m...,
Viral conjunctivitis commonly occ...
27  cards
Ophthalmology II
Which parts of the orbit break pr...,
Which nerve runs through the floo...,
Why does graves disease lead to o...
8  cards
Ophthalmology III
What is the macula,
What are the three layers of the ...,
What is the uvea
26  cards
Mood and Psychiatric Disorders
Review sigecaps,
One needs at least _________ of t...,
Differentiate bipolar i and ii
13  cards
If you interrupt the sympathetic ...,
Interruption of the parasympathet...,
Horner syndrome results in ______...
18  cards
Ocular Pharmacology
Systemic distribution of ophthalm...,
Why is there a higher potential f...,
Trace the three ways by which med...
24  cards
Review of Brainstem and Cranial Nerves
The lower midbrain has a major cr...,
Dr ojemann i would know this section,
The anterior tips of the upper me...
9  cards
In a subset of people loss of sme...,
Loss of taste is called _________...,
Which is more common loss of tast...
15  cards
What is the forebrain,
The thalamus has both _________ a...,
True or false all sensory informa...
24  cards
Hypothalamus and Temperature Regulation
Anatomically what structures surr...,
True or false the pineal gland is...,
How does the hypothalamus control...
29  cards
Exam 3 Review
After the pain neurons from the t...,
Fine touch axons from the trigemi...,
True or false some sensory inform...
59  cards
Thalamocortical Physiology
Absence seizures can be prompted ...,
What is the basic definition of a...,
There are two broad categories of...
24  cards
Limbic System
What is the home mnemonic for the...,
Which tract is next to the fornix,
What is declarative learning
15  cards
Hippocampus and Memory
The amygdala is important in both...,
Conditioned flavor aversion occur...,
There are three proteases that cl...
3  cards
Limbic System and the Physiology of Emotion
The population of cholinergic cel...,
Which part of the amygdala is the...,
The output nucleus of the amygdal...
11  cards
Pharmacology of Reward
The brain pathway central to the ...,
The nucleus accumbens generates _...,
In general drugs with shorter hal...
9  cards
Pharmacology of Psychosis - Mood Disorders
Pharmacologically what is the dif...,
Psychosis usually presents with i...,
The antipsychotic that causes sia...
23  cards
Psychotic Disorders - CPC w/ Patient
I was not taking ownership of my ...,
I practice halt _____________
2  cards
Mood Disorders
____________ is the leading cause...,
The most common psychiatric disor...,
The dsm v breaks mood disorders i...
21  cards
Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers
Describe two policies that have r...,
The time course of ______________...,
Placebo studies have shown what e...
16  cards
Personality Disorders
There is a great deal of ________...,
What are the criteria a f of diag...,
Describe cluster a personality di...
12  cards
Anxiolytic Agents
Serotonin agents stimulate anxiol...,
Buspirone has what mechanism,
True or false benzodiazepines can...
15  cards
Drugs of Abuse
All the drugs of abuse share the ...,
Why does mdma lead to electrolyte...,
Cross tolerance is common in what...
11  cards
Pharmacology of Ethanol
Alcohol abuse causes ____________...,
What percent of drinkers meet cri...,
Alcohol distributes to water thus...
19  cards
Addiction I & II
The lifetime prevalence of alcoho...,
Family tree patterns of substance...,
Twin and adoption studies show th...
31  cards
Psychotic Disorders
What is the monozygotic twin conc...,
At what age does schizophrenia us...,
What did the first neuroanatomica...
12  cards
General Anesthetics I & II
Nitrous oxide has what chemical s...,
More potent anesthetics are _____...,
Which general anesthetics are mor...
30  cards
CNS Neuropathology
The _____________ often gets chew...,
It is possible to have enlarged v...,
Ms lesions in the brain often app...
16  cards
What are the defining criteria fo...,
Some things that commonly get con...,
Some people note a o x 3 but ther...
20  cards
Epilepsy I
What is the prevalence of epileps...,
Focal seizures can spread _______...,
Partial complex seizures like abs...
5  cards
Epilepsy II
What percent of children will hav...,
______ percent of people will be ...,
True or false partial seizures wi...
24  cards
Antiseizure Medications
The difference between simple par...,
_____________ blocks the calcium ...,
What drug is first line treatment...
11  cards
The Frontal Lobes and the Hippocampus
There are both attentional and de...,
Damage to the dorsolateral prefro...,
The ______________ is activated b...
16  cards
Cerebral Cortex
The top three layers of the corte...,
Layer iv of the cortex is _______...,
Layers v and vi are _____________
8  cards
Alcoholics Anonymous
Attend an aa meeting before _____...
1  cards
CPC: Brainstem
What is hoffmans sign and what do...,
When one of the vestibular nuclei...,
In the upper mid medulla describe...
5  cards
Pharmacotherapy of Sleep Disorders
What is the brand name of zolpidem,
Eszopiclone is sold under the bra...,
True or false both benzodiazepine...
14  cards
CNS Pharmacology Overview-Review
Insomnia results from increased _...,
Why would you give memantine to s...,
General anesthetics work by _____...
10  cards
Differentiate the terms delirium ...,
By gcs definition coma means ____...,
Define vegetative state
13  cards
Decision Making for Patients with Neurological Impairments
For those with gcs between 3 and ...
1  cards
Review Presentation for Exam 4 and Block
What findings suggest an afferent...,
In conductive hearing loss the we...,
What findings are demonstrated in...
8  cards
Course Summary
The spinocerebellar fibers are la...,
Review cauda equina syndrome and ...,
One of fishers rules resist the t...
9  cards
Final Exam Review
One in ________ people who try ma...,
True or false chronic stimulant u...,
Reckless behavior in children is ...
38  cards

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MS2 - Nervous System

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