This class was created by Brainscape user Walter The-Cat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (142)

Sketchy Pharm: NRTIs
How do nrtis work,
The nrtis require __________ for ...,
What are some adverse effects of ...
10  cards
Sketchy Pharm: NNRTIs
Name three nnrtis,
How are nrtis different from nnrtis,
Nnrtis __________ inhibit reverse...
6  cards
Q Banks: Week of 01/23/17
What three drugs prevent platelet...,
Abciximab binds to a receptor tha...,
Von willebrand factor binds to wh...
93  cards
Pathoma: [Breast] Introduction
Embryologically the breast is ___...,
Where can breast cancer develop,
The terminal duct lobular unit en...
8  cards
Pathoma: Ovarian Tumors
What is included in the term sex ...,
The most common type of ovarian t...,
There are two names for the epith...
32  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Protease Inhibitors
Just like the nnrtis the protease...,
The protease inhibitors all end i...,
Which gene encodes the hiv protease
10  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Maraviroc, Fusion Inhibitors, Integrase Inhibitors
The gag gene encodes for proteins...,
What proteins does gag encode,
Which hiv protein allows for entr...
9  cards
Pathoma: Testicular Tumors
There are only two kinds of testi...,
Like liver cancers testicular can...,
All germ cell tumors are ________...
16  cards
Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective Tissues
What are the attachment points of...,
The pcl extends from the ________...,
What s the difference between the...
30  cards
The mullerian duct is _________ t...,
The mesonephric ducts develop in ...,
The gonads become testes in respo...
13  cards
Sketchy Micro: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
M tuberculosis is _________ fast,
What kind of stain is acid fast,
What kind of media is able to cul...
20  cards
Sketchy Micro: Mycobacterium Leprae
M leprae thrives in ___________,
M leprae is a _____________ bacteria,
Leprosy is also called _____________
9  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Leprosy Drugs
How is mycobacterium avium treated,
Aids patients sometimes get mac w...,
Macrolides are often given prophy...
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Pneumocystis Pneumonia
Pcp is caused by _______________,
Pcp is prevalent in those with __...,
How is pcp transmitted
8  cards
Sketchy Micro: Toxoplasmosis
What are the three ways to contra...,
In immunocompromised patients t g...,
How can you differentiate toxopla...
6  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Candida Albicans
What is an often said adage about...,
How is candida different than the...,
In warm conditions candida forms ...
14  cards
Q Banks: Week of 01/30/17
Scar tissue is which kind of coll...,
Granulation tissue is the same ty...,
Clefts are on the __________ side...
95  cards
Sketchy Micro: Picorniviridae Overview
What kind of virus are the picorn...,
How are the picorniviruses transm...,
How do picorniviruses replicate
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Adenovirus
What kind of virus is adenovirus,
Adenovirus is the number one caus...,
How is adenovirus transmitted
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Coronavirus
What kind of virus is coronoavirus,
Coronavirus has a unique shape __...,
Coronavirus most often causes the...
4  cards
Sketchy Micro: (Pico) Rhinovirus
Like all picorniviruses rhinoviru...,
All other picorniviruses are feca...,
Rhinovirus is transmitted _______...
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Flavivirus Group
What kind of virus are flaviviruses,
True or false flaviviruses are se...,
List the flaviviruses
10  cards
Pathoma: Inflammatory Conditions
Acute mastitis is most often due ...,
The classic drug used for acute m...,
______________ usually presents w...
9  cards
Sketchy Micro: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
Why dont mycoplasma gram stain,
Mycoplasma are the only bacteria ...,
Why are the atypical pneumonias l...
8  cards
Sketchy Micro: Rickettsia Prowazekii
Once again all rickettsia are ___...,
Rickettsia stain ______________,
What factors do rickettsia requir...
8  cards
Sketchy Micro: Togavirus Group
The togaviruses are what kinds of...,
Which of the togaviruses is an ar...,
Rubella can cause ____________ ly...
12  cards
Sketchy Micro: Orthomyxovirus
What kind of virus is orthomyxovirus,
All negative sense rna viruses br...,
All rna viruses replicate in ____...
22  cards
Q Banks: Week of 02/06/17
Explain the term polycistronic,
Whats the only significant effect...,
What fascia is often cut to relie...
107  cards
Sketchy Micro: Paramyxovirus
What kind of virus is paramyxovirus,
Paramyxovirus is spread by ______...,
What kind of vaccine is the mmr v...
18  cards
Pathoma: Benign [Breast] Tumors and Fibrocystic Changes
Why does fibrosis happen in fibro...,
The classic physical exam finding...,
Fcc is more common in ____________
14  cards
Sketchy Micro: Pasturella Multocida
What is the most common way that ...,
What two infections are most comm...,
What two lab tests can help ident...
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Brucella
What kind of bacteria is brucella,
The reservoir for brucella is ___...,
Any question you might get on bru...
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Coxiella Burnetii
Coxiella burnetii is gram _______...,
One of the best ways to distingui...,
Coxiella causes ________ fever
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Rickettisa Rickettsii
Briefly run through the character...,
How is rickettsia rickettsii tran...,
What are the symptoms of ricketts...
3  cards
Sketchy Micro: Francisella Tularensis
The main reservoir for francisell...,
Humans usually get f tularensis b...,
Why is tularemia a reportable ill...
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Borrelia
The borrelia species are found pr...,
Borrelia is transmitted by ______...,
The ixodes tick mainly lives in _...
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is most common in _...,
Leptospirosis has what shape,
Where is leptospira found
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Rhabdovirus
Rhabdovirus causes ____________,
What kind of virus is rhabdovirus,
Rhabdovirus is said to have a ___...
13  cards
Sketchy Micro: Filovirus
What kind of virus is filovirus,
The nucleocapsid of filovirus is ...,
Filovirus causes what two diseases
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Bunyavirus
What kind of virus is bunyavirus,
What is unique about the bunyavir...,
Most of the viruses in the bunyav...
8  cards
Sketchy Micro: Arenavirus
What kind of virus is arenavirus,
Although arenavirus is mostly neg...,
Arenavirus has a ___________ capsid
8  cards
Pathoma: Gestational Pathology
The most common site of ectopic p...,
What are risk factors for ectopic...,
The classic presentation of ectop...
31  cards
Sketchy Micro: Histoplasmosis
Histoplasma is almost always asso...,
Where in the us is histoplasma co...,
How do histoplasma infect people
9  cards
Pathoma: Breast Cancer
What are risk factors for breast ...,
What is pagets disease of the nipple,
Why does dcis often calcify
15  cards
Sketchy Micro: Blastomycosis
Where is the geographic distribut...,
Blastomycosis is a ________ fungi,
To help you associate the name of...
10  cards
Q Banks: Week of 02/13/17
Where do neural crest cells initi...,
Remember that the thyroids calcit...,
Local factors control the myogeni...
25  cards
Sketchy Micro: Coccidioidomycosis
How can you associate this scene ...,
Where is coccidioides distributed,
Another name for coccidioidomycos...
11  cards
Sketchy Micro: Paracoccidioidomycosis
Where is paracoccidioides found,
Describe the yeast form of paraco...,
Paracoccidioides is a ___________...
8  cards
Sketchy Micro: Aspergillus Fumigatus
How can you associate the scene w...,
Which two fungi are catalase posi...,
Aspergillus __________ can cause ...
11  cards
Sketchy Micro: Cryptococcus Neoformans
What cellular feature distinguish...,
What virulence factor is prominen...,
How is cryptococcus usually trans...
11  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Amphotericin, Flucytosine
Recall that fungal membranes are ...,
How does amphotericin work,
How can fungi develop resistance ...
19  cards
Sketchy Micro: Mucormycosis
This sketch deals with two strain...,
Rhizopus and mucor affect which t...,
Where does rhizopus come from
10  cards
Sketchy Micro: Malassezia Furfur / Pityriasis Versicolor
Malassezia furfur is also called ...,
Malassezia furfur has a _________...,
M furfur thrives in ______________
8  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Azoles
List some of the azoles,
Recall that fungal membranes util...,
Azoles inhibit __________________
14  cards
Sketchy Micro: Dermatophytes
Differentiate the terms dermatoph...,
There are three different kinds o...,
What are the different types of t...
9  cards
Sketchy Micro: Sporothrix Schenckii
Sporothrix is commonly contracted...,
Describe two key morphological fe...,
What are molds and yeasts
6  cards
How is screening performed in a p...,
Development generally proceeds fr...,
Whats the most common pattern of ...
30  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Griseofulvin, Terbinafine, Echinocandins
These three drugs are used to tre...,
How is griseofulvin administered,
Griseofulvin is first line treatm...
14  cards
Sketchy Micro: (Pico) Polio Virus
Polio is what kind of virus,
Polio is a part of the ________ s...,
Polio is ______ stable
10  cards
Sketchy Micro: (Pico) Coxsackie A
What kind of virus is coxsackie,
Coxsackie a is associated with __...,
With what kind of rash does hand ...
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: (Pico) Hepatitis A
What kind of virus is hav,
Hav is ________ stable,
How is hav transmitted
8  cards
Q Banks: Week of 02/20/17
Rapidly progressive glomeruloneph...,
Rheumatic fever can result in wha...,
Describe the neurodegenerative di...
58  cards
Sketchy Micro: Giardia
How is giardia transmitted,
Which population is at high risk ...,
What symptoms does giardia cause
8  cards
Sketchy Micro: Entamoeba Histolytica
How can you associate this sketch...,
How is entamoeba histolytica tran...,
What population is at increased r...
11  cards
Sketchy Micro: Cryptosporidium
Cryptosporidium is the most commo...,
What laboratory test can help ide...,
How is cryptosporidium transmitted
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Trypanosoma Brucei
What illness does trypanosoma cause,
_____________ carries trypanosoma,
Trypanosoma brucei is native to _...
9  cards
Sketchy Micro: Naegleria Fowleri
Naegleria fowleri is associated w...,
How do naegleria fowleri enter th...,
What illness is caused by n fowleri
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Trypanosoma Cruzi
Where is t cruzi commonly found,
Trypanosoma cruzi causes ________...,
How is t cruzi transmitted
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Babesia
Babesia is most common in _______...,
Babesia is transmitted by the ___...,
What symptoms are typical of babe...
6  cards
Sketchy Micro: Plasmodium Species
How can you diagnose malaria,
What plasmodium species causes ma...,
What fever pattern is typical of ...
16  cards
Sketchy Micro: Leishmaniasis
Which species of leishmaniasis ca...,
How is leishmania transmitted,
How can you diagnose leishmaniasis
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Intestinal Nematodes
Describe the transmission of ente...,
How can enterobius vermicularis b...,
What drug treats enterobius infec...
15  cards
Sketchy Micro: Tissue Nematodes
How does infection with dracuncul...,
Dracunculus medinensis ultimately...,
Other than the worm emerging from...
19  cards
Sketchy Micro: Cestodes
Cestode is just a fancy word for ...,
Cestodes are usually acquired by ...,
If you were shown a micrograph of...
14  cards
Sketchy Micro: Trematodes
Who is at risk for schistosoma in...,
Describe the schistosoma life cycle,
How do mature schistosoma get to ...
16  cards
Sketchy Micro: (Flavi) Hepatitis C
Give a rundown on hcv,
The most common method of transmi...,
Why is vaccination to hcv not pos...
8  cards
Q Banks: Week of 02/27/17
A patient has a communication bet...,
How can you detect pfo in a bubbl...,
Whats the difference between supp...
219  cards
Sketchy Micro: Hepatitis B
Hepatitis b is in the ___________...,
Describe hbv,
Uniquely hbv replicates _________...
18  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Interferon Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Cytokines such as the interferons...,
___________ upregulate interferon...,
Interferon alpha is used to treat...
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Ribavirin, Sofosbuvir, and Simeprevir
It is important to ______________...,
What is the goal of hcv therapy,
Which patients should be consider...
12  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/06/17
What cardiac manifestations does ...,
Dont forget that ________________...,
How might you diagnose nocturnal ...
155  cards
Pathoma: Bone Tumors
Osteomas most commonly arise on t...,
Gardner syndrome raises the risk ...,
Which is closer to the end of the...
22  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/13/17
In general when should you use a ...,
What happens to the hemoglobin in...,
Which nerve is in the lateral com...
250  cards
Sketchy Micro: Polyomavirus
List the two poyomaviruses,
Describe the structure or polyoma...,
In whom does jc virus cause problems
7  cards
Sketchy Micro: Parvovirus
Describe parvovirus,
How is parvovirus transmitted,
The disease caused by parvovirus ...
8  cards
Pathoma: Skeletal System
What causes achondroplasia,
Why does achondroplasia only affe...,
Describe osteogenesis imperfecta
23  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Azathioprine, 6-Mercaptopurine, Mycophenolate Mofetil
How is purine synthesis distinct ...,
Purine synthesis begins with ____...,
Azathioprine is converted to ____...
11  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Acetazolamide, Mannitol
In the proximal convoluted tubule...,
Sodium enters the serum on the ba...,
Through what channel does sodium ...
15  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Loop Diuretics
What percent of the filtered sodi...,
Just like in the proximal convolu...,
The apical membrane of the loop o...
9  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Cladribine, Cytarabine, Gemcitabine
What is the mechanism of cladribine,
All three of these drugs inhibit ...,
What are the side effects of cyta...
7  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide, Busulifan, Nitrosoureas (Carmustine, Lomustine, Streptozocin)
How does cyclophosphamide work,
What needs to happen to cyclophos...,
Cyclophosphamide is used to treat...
14  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/13/17 (#2)
The kidney forms by the metanephr...,
Recurrent spontaneous lobar hemor...,
What are charcot bouchard aneurysms
69  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Oxaliplatin, Amifostine
How do the platin drugs work,
For which kinds of cancer are the...,
What are the side effects of plat...
5  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Bleomycin, Doxorubicin, Daunorubicin, Actinomycin D
Why are bleomycin doxorubicin and...,
How does bleomycin work,
True or false bleomycin is stage ...
10  cards
Pathoma: Skeletal Muscle, Neuromuscular Junction, and STT
Although the etiology of dermatom...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the laboratory histologi...
16  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/20/17
What does opsoclonus myoclonus sy...,
True or false tardive dyskinesia ...,
How is acute dystonia different f...
214  cards
First Aid: Gastrointestinal
The midgut rotates ____ around th...,
_____________ presents with the d...,
What kind of insult typically lea...
6  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Etoposide, Teniposide, Topotecan, Irinotecan
Etoposide inhibits which enzyme,
Etoposide is ________ phase specific,
The main side effects of etoposid...
5  cards
Pathoma: Joint
Synovial joints usually have ____...,
The synovium along the internal e...,
Degenerative joint disease usuall...
27  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Vincristine, Vinblastine, Paclitaxel
How do vincristine and vinblastin...,
The microtubule targeting agents ...,
What are some side effects of vin...
5  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Primary Hypertension and Hypertensive Emergency
Two antihypertensive drugs are us...,
Which three agents are recommende...,
Ccbs and thiazides are particular...
15  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/20/17 #2
Nasal hemianopsia can result from...,
What cardiopulmonary findings are...,
Another term for pharmacologic po...
142  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Thiazides
Just like the pct and loop of hen...,
_____________ is actively absorbe...,
True or false calcium is dragged ...
14  cards
Sketchy Pharm: K+ Sparing Diuretics
Which cells handle the sodium abs...,
Just like in all other sections o...,
How is sodium absorbed through th...
18  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/27/17
A question describes a young girl...,
Genetic absence of ____________ l...,
Hydatid cysts present with what k...
175  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Propylthiouracil, Methimazole, and Levothyroxine
Iodide enters the follicular cell...,
Iodide gets _____________ before ...,
What enzyme oxidizes iodide in th...
18  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Imatinib, Erlotinib, Sorafenib, Sunitinib, Vemurafenib
How might you hear cml described,
Imatinib is used to treat what he...,
Imatinib is also used to treat __...
11  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Poxvirus
Give a brief rundown on poxvirus,
What is unique about the poxvirus...,
Poxvirus is the only dna virus th...
10  cards
Q Banks: Week of 03/27/17 # 2
If a man can get an erection but ...,
How does amp affect glycogen phos...,
What are catabolite activators
193  cards
Sketchy Path: Myocardial Response to Ischemia
Which vein has the lowest oxygen ...,
The only way the heart can get mo...,
The two main vasodilators in the ...
16  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Rituximab, Cetuximab, Bevacizumab, Alemtuzumab, Trastuzumab
What kind of antibody is rituximab,
What surface receptor does rituxi...,
For what diseases is rituximab used
16  cards
Sketchy Path: Stable Angina, Vasospastic Angina, Acute Coronary Syndromes (VA, NSTEMI, STEMI)
Most atheromatous plaques are sta...,
Stable angina can lead to damage ...,
Stable angina typically improves ...
21  cards
Sketchy Path: Acute Myocardial Infarction and Post-MI Timeline
What are the symptoms of an mi,
What happens to cardiac function ...,
Most mis occur due to occlusions ...
24  cards
Sketchy Path: Congestive Heart Failure Pathophysiology
What is the defective process in ...,
What percent of ejection fraction...,
What is used to determine ejectio...
17  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Teriparatide, Vitamin D, Cinacalcet, Sevelamer
Osteoclasts release what two fact...,
High _____________ inhibits pth,
How does pth induce calcium resor...
20  cards
Sketchy Path: Congestive Heart Failure Clinical Manifestations
What will histologic exam of the ...,
Pulmonary edema is a symptom of _...,
Why do those with left heart fail...
22  cards
Sketchy Path: Dilated and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
What causes dilated cardiomyopath...,
Dcm leads to _____ stolic heart f...,
Most dcm occurs on which side of ...
16  cards
Sketchy Path: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
The central defect in hypertrophi...,
Most hereditary forms of hocm are...,
All of the genetic defects that c...
13  cards
Sketchy Path: Myocarditis
The most common cause of myocardi...,
Describe the pathogenesis of vira...,
While most viral myocarditis is s...
15  cards
Sketchy Path: Pericarditis Constrictive & Pericarditis
One of the most common causes of ...,
Myocardial infarction is associat...,
What renal pathology can cause pe...
20  cards
Sketchy Path: Acute Rheumatic Fever & Mitral Stenosis (Rheumatic Heart Disease)
What kind of infection can cause ...,
Acute rheumatic fever is much mor...,
True or false only a small percen...
25  cards
Sketchy Path: Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Mitral Valve Prolapse
_____________ is the number one c...,
The most common cause of mitral v...,
In addition to stretching valve l...
18  cards
Sketchy Path: Aortic Stenosis and Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic stenosis most commonly pre...,
Aortic stenosis in the elderly is...,
What causes the calcification in ...
24  cards
Sketchy Path: Left-To-Right Shunts
The mixed venous blood should be ...,
What causes eisenmengers syndrome...,
Small vsds cause what kind of murmur
20  cards
Sketchy Path: Right-To-Left Shunts
What is truncus arteriosus,
What causes truncus arteriosus,
On what chromosome can a deletion...
14  cards
Sketchy Path: COPD and Emphysema
Copd results from ________________,
The paths between alveoli are cal...,
Which parts of the airways are af...
21  cards
Sketchy Path: Asthma and Bronchiectasis
In a nutshell asthma results from...,
What is a key feature from the pa...,
Asthma is characterized by ______...
20  cards
Sketchy Pharm: Asthma Therapy
The most common first line agent ...,
If sabas are insufficient to cont...,
One common side effect of inhaled...
14  cards
Sketchy Path: Restrictive Lung Disease (Overview)
Restrictive lung diseases are all...,
What spirometry values are charac...,
_____________ is the amount of ai...
12  cards
Sketchy Path: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is ...,
Which demographic is most affecte...,
Although the etiology is not full...
15  cards
Sketchy Path: Pneumoconioses
Particles that are 1 to 5 microns...,
Particles greater than 10 microns...,
After macrophages engulf dust the...
22  cards
Sketchy Path: Sarcoidosis and Berylliosis
Sarcoidosis presents with _______...,
Weirdly sarcoidosis is more commo...,
Sarcoidosis is not fully understo...
17  cards
Sketchy Path: Lung Carcinoma
Most cancers found in the lungs a...,
Although most lung cancers are ca...,
What age is most common for lung ...
27  cards
Sketchy Path: Renal Function Tests and AKI
Creatinine is the breakdown produ...,
The normal value of creatinine is...,
Some creatinine is _____________ ...
21  cards
Sketchy Path: Acute Tubular Necrosis
The most common cause of aki is _...,
Atn is usually caused by ________...,
Common scenarios that lead to dec...
10  cards
Sketchy Path: Tubulointerstitial Nephritis
Acute interstitial nephritis usua...,
What can cause ain,
What immune response usually occu...
15  cards
Sketchy Path: The Nephrotic Syndrome
The basement membrane is normally...,
One of the main processes disrupt...,
____________ have been implicated...
26  cards
Sketchy Path: The Nephritic Syndrome
Many cases of nephritic syndrome ...,
Immune deposits lead to _________...,
Inflammatory infiltrate leads to ...
30  cards
Sketchy Path: Congenital and Cystic Kidney Disease
Horseshoe kidney is associated wi...,
The most common complication of h...,
Horseshoe kidney can also cause _...
16  cards
Sketchy Path: Chronic Kidney Disease
What two tests are most commonly ...,
Chronic kidney disease is defined...,
The two most common causes of ckd...
18  cards
Sketchy Path: Hydronephrosis and Urinary Tract Obstruction
What is hydronephrosis,
Urinary obstruction shrinks the k...,
Sudden onset hydronephrosis can c...
17  cards
Sketchy Path: Calcium Oxalate Stones and Calcium Phosphate Stones
The most common cause of calcium ...,
Its thought that normocalcemic hy...,
Though most people with kidney st...
14  cards

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