Palliative Medicine (SB)

This class was created by Brainscape user Shannon Bunn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (145)

9.1 (8.2) Dyspnea and other resp symptoms in PC
What are the two patterns of dysp...,
List four trajectories of dyspnea...,
List three qualities that may be ...
18  cards
14.13 (8.3) Anemia, Cytopenias, And Thrombosis In PC
List four causes of anemia in pt ...,
Pathophysiology of anemia of chro...,
How does anemia of chronic diseas...
22  cards
11.2 (8.4 GU of PC) Obstructive urinary disorders
What are the four major gu issues...,
Name three non uro two uro causes...,
A patient presents with suprapubi...
18  cards
10.4 (8.5) Oral Care
Oral symptoms are prevalent in pa...,
List 5 broad categories of the et...,
List 5 common oral symptoms in pa...
45  cards
2.1 () Building definitional consensus in palliative care
What 3 common goals for palliativ...,
What three strategies are suggest...,
What four domains does the who de...
4  cards
Preface Worldwide status of PC
Sidell et all identified four pat...,
Describe the rights ethos that ex...,
List four traits that the modern ...
19  cards
2.4 (3.1) Barriers to delivery of PC
How can the definition of pc act ...,
What is the fundamental rationale...,
What are 5 groups that experience...
7  cards
12.3 (8.6) Sleep Disorders
List two mechanisms that control ...,
What are the two main types of sl...,
Where is the central pacemaker fo...
15  cards
12.5 (8.7) Management Of Bleeding In PC
Which vessels are the most common...,
List 3 broad categories of causes...,
List three nutritional deficienci...
24  cards
12.2 (8.8) Sexuality in pall care
List four benefits derived from s...,
Until what part of a person s ill...,
What are potential barriers to se...
23  cards
13.1 Cancer Pain Syndromes
Acute pain in the cancer patient ...,
What is best characterized acute ...,
What type of underlying mass make...
18  cards
7.14 (13.2) Cancer induced bone pain
List the three most common sites ...,
List the two types of nerves that...,
List the three predominant types ...
28  cards
7.15 (13.3) Management issues in neuropathic pain
Define neuropathic pain 1,
List four etiologies of periphera...,
List clinical characteristics of ...
40  cards
7.16 (13.4) visceral pain
Define visceral pain 1,
Visceral nerves are predominantly...,
The cns receives information from...
22  cards
7.17 (13.5) management issues in chronic pain following cancer therapy
List three contributors to greate...,
List two major potential pain com...,
List three surgeries used for can...
21  cards
14.8 (14.1) neurological problems in advanced cancer
List seven features of intracrani...,
List four features of a ha that w...,
List four types of brain edema th...
40  cards
14.9 (14.2) Endocrine and metabolic complications from advanced cancer
What is the most common life thre...,
Malignancy related hypercalcemia 2,
List 2 ways in which osteoclasts ...
65  cards
14.10 (14.3) malignant bowel obstruction
What is the formal definition of ...,
List common causes of bowel obstr...,
4 mechanisms by which cancer caus...
18  cards
14.4 skin problems in oncology
What are the three layers of the ...,
List two types of cells found in ...,
List two specialized units locate...
20  cards
14.11 (14.5) Palliative issues in the care of patients with head and neck cancers
Where do head and neck cancers ar...,
What type of cancer are most head...,
What are the four domains of heal...
26  cards
15.1 (15.1) HIV/AIDS
Why is there a substantial rise i...,
Name 3 most common routes of hiv ...,
Why do minorities women and older...
29  cards
15.2 (15.2) Advanced diseases of the lung
List six classes of drugs commonl...,
What are the indications for long...,
How does ltot need to be used to ...
22  cards
15.3 (15.3) advanced heart disease
2 types of chf and the ef associa...,
Name 2 ways to classify chf sever...,
List three barriers to palliative...
27  cards
15.4 (15.4) Dementia
Diagnostic criteria for major neu...,
The diagnosis of dementia require...,
List three screening tools for de...
26  cards
15.5 (15.5)Neurological disorders other than dementia
What is the average prognosis of ...,
What are the two major subtypes o...,
What kind of cognitive impairment...
26  cards
15.7 (15.6) end stage kidney disease
List three clinical scenarios in ...,
What is the median survival after...,
Name two validated renal disease ...
18  cards
3.3 (15.7) Palliative medicine in the ICU
List four reasons that pc is impo...,
List three factors that make deli...,
What are four of the seven standa...
18  cards
16.1 () Involving children and families when someone important died
Name 3 key protective factors in ...,
Infants and toddlers 0 2 years 2,
Pre schoolers 3 5 years 3
10  cards
16.2 (16.2) Care of children with advanced illness
List four roles of the palliative...,
Validated symptom assessment tool...,
Name a multidimensional symptom a...
21  cards
16.3 (16.3) palliative medicine and care of the elderly
List the 5 most common causes of ...,
List 5 major geriatric syndromes 2,
List 5 triggers for considering a...
44  cards
17.1 Spiritual issues in palliative medicine
Four broad themes in understandin...,
Three main spiritual issues for p...,
List two differences between spir...
14  cards
13.1 (17.2): Coping in palliative medicine
List 3 issues that coping helps t...,
What is the definition of coping 2,
What is the definition of stress 3
20  cards
13.2 (17.3) Depression, demoralization, and suicidality
List 3 negative outcomes that dep...,
What are two cardinal features of...,
List four somatic symptoms of dis...
55  cards
13.3 (17.4) Fear, anxiety and adjustment disorders
Existential suffering threat 1,
What of pall patients experience 2,
What to focus on when diagnosing ...
17  cards
13.4 (17.5) Delirium
List 6 domains of function that c...,
What is the dsm 5 definition of d...,
List four neurotransmitters that ...
20  cards
6.1 (17.6) Family dynamics in the context of serious illness
To fully understand impact of ill...,
The impact of a serious illness o...,
List two mental health impacts on...
13  cards
13.5 (17.7) Bereavement
Define the following terms 1,
List four types of theory to expl...,
What are the two orientations des...
40  cards
18.3 (18.1) Management of the actively dying patient
What is the terminal phase of ill...,
How might the patient family expe...,
List 7 symptoms that indicate the...
25  cards
18.2 Sedation at the end of life
What is palliative sedation thera...,
List three of the most common rea...,
List three potential side effects...
16  cards
19.6 () Ethical issues in palliative care research
List five major ethical issues to...,
List two elements of a study that...,
Give a strategy for maximizing th...
6  cards
4.1 The core team and the extended team
Healthcare teams are complex and ...,
Teamwork has been shown to be mor...,
If you were to evaluate a palliat...
11  cards
21.1 (4.2) Teaching and training in palliative medicine
Research suggests that what type ...,
The palliative education assessme...,
In competency based education the...
13  cards
4.3 + 21.2 (4.3) Nursing and Palliative Care
List five types of knowing that a...,
A generalist nurse is trying to d...,
Your team has recently added a sp...
8  cards
4.4 (4.4) Social work in palliative care
What four principles guide the wo...,
List four factors that may be ass...,
You are following a patient who s...
5  cards
4.5 The role of the chaplain in PC
Evidence exists that addressing t...,
Outline three premises upon which...,
At the 2009 national consensus co...
10  cards
4.6 (4.6) Occupational therapy in palliative care
Occupational therapists are an es...,
A patient on the pcu has a gliobl...,
An occupational therapist provide...
8  cards
4.7 Music Therapy in Palliative Care
Music therapy is an integral part...,
List three major aims of the musi...,
Studies have looked at themes tha...
7  cards
4.8 () Contribution of the dietician and nutritionist to PC
List 5 reasons a pall pt may have...,
List three common causes of alter...,
Dysphagia is a common issue for p...
7  cards
4.9 () Physiotherapy in PC
What can be taught by pt to relie...,
What are the four stages of rehab...,
Pulmonary rehab involves multidis...
9  cards
4.10 (4.10) SLP in PC
What phase of swallowing are slps...,
Slp is not always indicated in th...,
A patient is admitted to your pcu...
8  cards
4.7 (4.11) The contribution of art therapy to palliative medicine
What is the purpose of art therap...,
List three populations for whom a...,
Metanalyses of art therapy sugges...
3  cards
4.12 Stoma therapy in PC
Pouching of a stoma can change ov...,
As disease progresses stomas can ...,
A patient you are caring for has ...
9  cards
4.13 clinical psychology in PC
Research has been done on the fac...,
In people with advanced medical i...,
List three features of demoraliza...
9  cards
4.14 The contribution of the clinical pharmacist in PC
A new clinical pharmacist joins y...,
A pharmacist approaches you and s...,
Many drugs that are used in pc fo...
3  cards
4.13 (4.15) Medical rehabilitation and the palliative care patient
What are the four types of rehabi...,
Name two ways rehab strategies ca...,
List four clinician related barri...
8  cards
4.2 (4.16) burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral distress in PC
Palliative care providers can fac...,
Burnout is a well recognized phen...,
List 3 factors needed for job eng...
29  cards
14.6 (4.17) Integrative oncology in PM
What is complementary and alterna...,
What is cim how does the oxford t...,
Define integrative oncology 3
24  cards
1.3 (5.1) human rights issues
What are the 5 minimum standards ...
1  cards
5.2 confidentiality
How do the concepts of privacy an...,
What are three fundamental ethica...,
What three domains are respected ...
5  cards
5.3 Neuro-palliative care and disorders of consciousness
Disturbances in a patient s level...,
Describe 4 features of a patient ...,
A patient is seen by the palliati...
8  cards
7.5 (9.1) Principles of drug therapy
How is efficacy different from ef...,
What are two statistical paramete...,
Define pharmacokinetics and pharm...
25  cards
9.2 Principles of drug therapy: Focus on opioids
What are two predominant differen...,
What are 3 results of nervous pla...,
Name two types of nerves that con...
19  cards
19.4 (5.4) Truth telling and consent
List two ways why truth telling i...,
A list 3 preferred behaviours tha...,
A patient with leukemia requires ...
10  cards
5.5 Ethics in pediatric palliative care
Children face certain challenges ...,
What are two paradigms that exist...,
Do children have autonomy how doe...
6  cards
5.6 Dignity and palliative end of life care
Dignity has been difficult to def...,
What are four guiding principles ...,
In the model of dignity in the ca...
10  cards
5.7 Euthanasia and PC
What is the consistent essential ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
If a patient makes a wish to die ...
6  cards
19.7 (5.8) Withholding and withdrawing life sustaining treatment
How do withholding and withdrawin...,
What are the steps that should be...,
What is the relationship between ...
19  cards
7.1 (9.3) Definition and assessment of chronic pain in advanced disease
What is the definition of pain by...,
Define chronic pain 3 ways 2,
What are 2 categories of chronic ...
16  cards
7.6 (9.4) Opioid therapy: optimizing outcomes
What are three major categories o...,
Opioids have complex pharmacology...,
Explain the difference between th...
108  cards
7.7 (9.5) Opioid therapy: Managing risks of abuse, addiction, and diversion
Name 2 of each of the following c...,
What is opioid diversion 2,
A patient with cancer pain is on ...
16  cards
5.1 (6.1) communication with patient and family
List four situations in pc where ...,
What are four components of patie...,
Other than being patient centred ...
14  cards
6.2 Talking with families and children about the death of a parent
After the death of a parent most ...,
List four general factors which i...,
List three family and social rela...
13  cards
7.8 (9.6) Non-opioid analgesics
What are 2 major types of non opi...,
List four advantages pertaining t...,
List two major disadvantages of n...
23  cards
7.9 (9.7) Adjuvant analgesics
What is an adjuvant analgesic 1,
List 4 ways to limit polypharmacy...,
List 3 conventional pain etiologi...
58  cards
7.10 (9.8) Interventional approaches for pain
What are the two general indicati...,
A patient has muscle pain and a p...,
List 2 medications that are gener...
36  cards
6.3 Communication between professionals
Provide 6 examples of the outcome...,
Provide four examples of outcomes...,
Provide 3 reasons why palliative ...
13  cards
20.1 (7.1) Palliative care needs assessment tools
According to the who palliative c...,
What are needs in the context of ...,
List the six domains of palliativ...
16  cards
7.11 (9.9) Neurostimulation in pain management
List three non invasive neurostim...,
List three invasive neurostimulat...,
What does the gate control theory...
11  cards
9.10 Rehab medicine approaches to pain management
Rehab medicine is particularly fo...,
What are the four major groups of...,
What are the two main approaches ...
16  cards
9.11 Psychological and psychiatric interventions in pain control
Pain is a multifactorial process ...,
What are the differential role of...,
List six contributors to distress...
23  cards
7.13 (9.12) Complementary therapies in pain management
What are three complementary ther...,
List four types of mind body ther...,
List 3 benefits of meditation wha...
20  cards
7.18 (9.13) Pediatric pain control
What document outlines the curren...,
List four factors that make pain ...,
List 4 common myths and misconcep...
49  cards
8.1 (10.1) Dysphagia, dyspepsia, and hiccup
A patient presents with a sensati...,
List four complications of oropha...,
What are 2 phases of swallowing w...
50  cards
7.2 the measurement of, and tools for, pain and other symptoms
What is the predominant differenc...,
Symptom assessment tools seek to ...,
List three specific dimensions of...
19  cards
20.3 (7.4) Validated assessment tools for psychological, spiritual, and family issues
How does the use of a symptom ass...,
Name one tool that can be used to...,
List four features that make a me...
14  cards
8.2 (10.2) Palliation of nausea and vomiting
What are the 3 phases of emesis 1,
What acts as a centre for integra...,
List 4 main afferent sources for ...
29  cards
8.3 (10.3) Constipation and diarrhea
List neurotransmitters involved i...,
List four ways in which opioids c...,
A patient needs to be started on ...
36  cards
8.4 (10.4) Jaundice, ascites, and encephalopathy
List three categories of unconjug...,
List three top causes of hepatic ...,
List two malignant and two benign...
41  cards
8.5 (10.5) Etiology, classification, assessment, and treatment of the anorexia-cachexia syndrome
What are two negative balances as...,
List four patient conditions that...,
What are four complications of ca...
24  cards
10.1 (11.1) Skin problems in palliative care
What are three goals of wound man...,
Name 3 types of wounds with poten...,
Name 3 non medical consequences f...
24  cards
11.2 Pruritus in palliative medicine
Afferent itch neurons synapse in ...,
Give two examples of physical sti...,
List three mechanisms for how opi...
19  cards
10.3 (11.3) Lymphedema
List three factors that determine...,
Flow along lymphatics is dependen...,
Edema can occur because of failur...
17  cards
14.1 (12.1) Role of the oncologist
List five roles of the oncologist...,
List four types of common ethical...,
What are four principles that are...
8  cards
14.2 (12.2) Disease modifying therapies in advanced cancer
List 3 factors that influence the...,
List three advanced cancers that ...,
List three advanced cancers that ...
18  cards
14.3 (12.3) Radiotherapy in symptom management
What are two types of damage caus...,
List 4 types of particle radiatio...,
List 2 contributors to radiosensi...
59  cards
14.4 (12.4) The role of general surgery in the palliative care of patients with cancer
List 3 common medical indications...,
List 5 complications a patient ma...,
What two types of tumor are most ...
21  cards
14.5 (12.5) Orthopedic surgery in the palliation of cancer
List four cancers commonly associ...,
List 3 medical consequences compl...,
List the two major mechanisms tha...
16  cards
14.7 (12.6) Interventional radiology in the palliation of cancer
List five types of procedures tha...,
List three indications for antegr...,
List 2 advantages of metal biliar...
24  cards
18.1 (2.3) Predicting survival in patients with advanced disease
List three components of the clin...,
List 3 ways to formulate a progno...,
List 3 characteristics of a well ...
16  cards
3.4 (3.3) Palliative Care in the emergency department
Palliative patients frequently pr...,
What are the five domains assesse...,
Describe the four elements of the...
11  cards
3.5 (3.4) Palliative Care in the nursing home
Epidemiologic studies demonstrate...,
Improving access of long term car...,
A palliative approach to care has...
9  cards
Pediatric drug doses
Morphine 1,
Hydromorphone 2,
Haloperidol 3
10  cards
Palliative emergencies
List all the pc emergencies 1
1  cards
Cannabis - CBM
What are the two main pharmacolog...,
List 4 psychological side effects...,
List two synthetic cannabinoid pr...
14  cards
Methadone CBM
List 4 common side effects of met...,
List 6 rare side effects of metha...,
What are 3 common causes for qt p...
19  cards
Heart Failure CBM
Which is the most common cause of...,
List 4 causes of cardiomyopathy 2,
What are the classes of nyha clas...
6  cards
Renal Failure CBM
List 3 indications for acute dial...,
Is gfr 10 an indication for dialy...,
List four categories of etiology ...
6  cards
8.6 () Parenteral Nutrition
Per nutrition guidelines what is ...,
What evidence is there for pn in ...,
What are 6 important consideratio...
11  cards
7.3 () Acute Cancer Pain Syndromes
Name four characteristics of a lu...,
Describe the pathophysiology of a...,
Name three management options for...
14  cards
7.2 () Pathophysiology of pain in cancer and other terminal illnesses
What is the source of nociceptive...,
Which afferent sensory fibers car...,
Second order neurons project to t...
25  cards
15.6 () End Stage Liver Disease
Common causes of esld 1,
What makes transition from compen...,
Name 5 symptoms of esld 3
21  cards
15.8 () Palliative Care in Catastrophic disasters and humanitarian crises
Define catastrophic disaster vers...,
Define three types of humanitaria...,
Define two major types of humanit...
16  cards
9.2 (Parts of 8.2) Cough and other pulmonary symptoms
List three categories of causes o...,
Give four examples of muscle fact...,
Give two examples of airway facto...
18  cards
7.4 (part of 13.1) Chronic cancer pain syndrome
Name top 2 causes of chronic canc...,
For tumor related chronic pain wh...,
Which type of pain is the most co...
44  cards
7.12 Behavioural and Psychosocial Interventions for pain management
1 what of those with advanced ill...,
Treatment of pain in patients wit...,
As an expanded model of dame cice...
39  cards
10.2 (8.4 Fistula bits) Palliative wound and ostomy care
What are three types of skin fail...,
Name 3 causes for a acute skin fa...,
What are 2 examples of end stage ...
49  cards
11.1 () Dysuria, frequency and bladder spasm
Name 5 medical conditions that ca...,
Dysuria what does it feel like wh...,
What common medication can help d...
16  cards
12.4 () Assessment and Management of Thrombotic Complications
List the 3 risk factors in vircho...,
For cancer associated thrombosis ...,
I list 4 primary tumour types wit...
38  cards
12.1 () Fatigue
List 3 key features of fatigue 1,
1 what is the prevalence of fatig...,
Define generalized weakness 3
58  cards
14.12 Palliative Care Issues in Populations with Hematological Malignancies (HM)
List 4 ways in which patients wit...,
List 2 unique features of hematol...,
List 3 major categories of hemato...
30  cards
18.2 () Phys of dying
Name three symptoms found to be a...,
Name four neurological signs of i...,
Name five neuro muscular signs of...
4  cards
5.2 () Practical considerations including difficult conversations
Name six strategies for building ...,
Name three strategies for dealing...,
Name four strategies for respondi...
8  cards
19.8 () Medical and ethical considerations in pall sedation at EOL
List common symptoms for pall sed...,
What should an md do if a patient...,
What is the principle of double e...
7  cards
22.7 (19.7) QoL & Pt reported outcome measures
Name two general approaches to de...,
Name three qol measurement tools 2,
What is a patient reported outcom...
4  cards
2.2 () Core concepts in palliative care
Name eight principles of palliati...,
Name two potential goals of medic...,
Name two difficult transitions as...
4  cards
3.1 () Specialist pall care along the trajectory of illness: early integration
Name one time based criteria for ...,
Name three needs based criteria f...,
Name three levels of integrations...
4  cards
3.2 Palliative Care Delivery Models
What do current population charac...,
List 3 components of specialist p...,
List a barrier to specialist pall...
8  cards
21.3 Teaching and training in palliative social work, chaplaincy, and pharmacy
Social workers provide care to se...,
What are 3 key skills of spiritua...,
List 3 elements of the code of et...
5  cards
2.6 () Health economics for pall care
What is opportunity cost 1,
Name 3 economic evaluations 2,
What does qaly stand for 3
3  cards
5.3 Advance care planning
List 2 reasons advance care plann...,
Acp has increasingly been conside...,
List 5 potential benefits of acp ...
8  cards
6.2 Caregiver burden and distress
What 2 factors have increased the...,
Define caregiver capacity 2,
What do we know about the prevale...
8  cards
19.1 Bioethics in care of patients with advanced illness
What is an approach to analyze et...,
What are the 4 categories of rele...,
Name 4 ethics principles in medic...
6  cards
19.3 Autonomy and shared decision making
What information is important to ...,
Name the 5 criteria that must be ...
2  cards
22.1 Research in Palliative Care
List 2 current gaps in palliative...,
List 2 benefits demonstrated by e...,
List 4 barriers to palliative car...
12  cards
2.5 () Ethnic and cultural aspects of pall and EOL care
How does who define qol 1,
Name 3 cross cultural communicati...,
What is the first step to cross c...
8  cards
2.3 () Epidemiology of death and symptoms
Define incidence and prevalence 1,
Name 5 top leading causes of deat...,
Name 3 factors influencing a home...
5  cards
22.2 The principles of evidence-based medicine
What is evidence based medicine 1,
What is evidence based clinical p...,
Rank the following in strength of...
12  cards
22.5 Research into Psychosocial Issues
List a key difference in the focu...,
List 3 quantitative rating scales...,
List 3 quantitative instruments m...
26  cards
19.2 Requests for Futile/Inappropriate Interventions near the EOL
What is the difference between fu...,
According to an international mul...,
When patients sdm s demand interv...
8  cards
20.2 Informatics and Literature Search
List 3 challenges of evidence ret...,
Although quick and easy list 3 co...,
List 3 major knowledge resources ...
4  cards
1.4 () Policy in Pall Care
4 main components of who public h...,
Most important element in policy ...,
What are 4 barriers to implementa...
3  cards
22.9 () Clinical audit, QI, safety
How to assess quality and safety ...,
What approach is implemented for ...,
Name 3 pall tools that can be use...
3  cards
22.4 () Qualitative research
What kinds of research questions ...,
List 3 methodologies of qual rese...,
Meta analysis is the systematic r...
4  cards
22.6 () Ethical issues in pall care research
Name 5 ethical considerations in ...,
Name 2 ways to increase validity ...
2  cards
19.5 () Ethics in ped pall care
Why is there an imbalance of powe...,
What is the relationship between ...
2  cards

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Palliative Medicine (SB)

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