This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Pypka. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (99)

What is the respiratory system co...,
What is the purpose of the respir...,
What is ventilation
9  cards
What is asthma,
What does asthma involve,
What are the 2 types of asthma
13  cards
Prevalence of asthma
Does the prevalence of asthma inc...,
What is the most common chronic d...,
In children is the prevalence for...
7  cards
In childhood asthma what age is s...,
What are risk factors for develop...,
How many genes have been identifi...
10  cards
Definition of Asthma
Definition of asthma,
What are the three phases of asthma,
What are the three types of sympt...
4  cards
What are the triggers in extrinsi...,
What are the triggers in intrinsi...,
Do most people have intrinsic or ...
4  cards
Early & Late Phase Response
The early response occurs in how ...
1  cards
Inflammatory Cells
What are mast cells,
When are mast cells activated,
What does the activated mast cell...
25  cards
What is bronchospasm,
What is bronchospasm caused by,
What is mucus hypersecretion
10  cards
Airway remodelling
Why does airway remodelling occur...,
When does airway remodelling occur,
What changes may occur in the air...
5  cards
Clinical Manifestations
Are signs objective or subjective,
Are symptoms objective or subjective,
What tests are evaluated in patie...
18  cards
Physical Assessment Findings
If your patient is in respiratory...,
What are the 4 assessment techniques,
Why is palpation useful to assess...
8  cards
Laboratory Values
What is the most helpful laborato...,
What does the arterial blood gas ...,
What causes respiratory alkalosis...
10  cards
Chest X ray
What is a common finding for a ch...,
What else can a chest x ray indicate,
When are antibiotics warranted
4  cards
Pulmonary Function Tests
What pulmonary function test may ...,
What is a bronchial provacation test,
What is methacholine
5  cards
Peak Flow Monitoring
What does peak flow monitoring me...,
How is peak flow monitoring done,
How often should peak flow monito...
6  cards
Pharmacologic Therapy
What are the long term control me...,
What are the quick relief medicat...,
Medications are separated into wh...
14  cards
Patient Teaching
Patient teaching should include
1  cards
COPD in Canada
Copd is the ____ leading cause of...,
Is there a higher prevalence of c...,
What are the two most common comp...
3  cards
What is the leading cause of copd,
What happens when adolescents sta...,
What percentage of people with co...
10  cards
COPD Phenotypes
What are the two major phenotypes...,
What is chronic bronchitis,
When is chronic bronchitis diagnosed
4  cards
Defining COPD
How is copd defined,
What is copd characterized by,
What is the pathophysiological ha...
3  cards
Airway Limitation Mechanisms
What are the 4 most important mec...,
Why does peribronchiolar fibrosis...,
How is airway remodelling defined
5  cards
Chronic Bronchitis
Why does chronic bronchitis result,
What is the first feature of chro...,
What is the texture of the mucus ...
9  cards
What is emphysema characterized by,
What are proteases,
Why does emphysema occur
12  cards
Role of alpha 1-antitrypsin
What inflammatory cells release e...,
What is elastin normally inhibite...,
As inflammation persists what hap...
8  cards
Sites of Involvement
What does the site of involvement...,
What is the most,
Where is the involvement in panac...
4  cards
Air Trapping/Hyperinflation
How does air trapping occur,
How will people with air trapping...
2  cards
What are the two types of immunity,
What is innate immunity activated,
22  cards
Systemic Inflammation
Systemic manifestations and co mo...,
Second the pulmonary manifestatio...,
In the first view how should ther...
10  cards
Acute Exacerbations
What is an acute exacerbation,
How many acute exacerbations of c...,
Why is it hard to establish what ...
9  cards
Management (AECOPD)
What is the first line therapy fo...,
What is the 2nd line therapy for ...,
What is the 3rd line therapy for ...
3  cards
Prevention (AECOPD)
How often should you get vaccines...,
What therapy is used to prevent m...,
What therapy is used to prevent m...
3  cards
Clinical Manifestations
What are signs for copd,
What are symptoms of copd,
What can dyspnea be caused by
7  cards
Possible abnormal PA findings
Why does hypoventilation decrease...,
Why may tachycardia occur,
If you have an abnormal result li...
12  cards
Signs 'cont
What are common lab findings on a...,
What are common lab findings on a...,
What are some things you might se...
7  cards
Pulmonary Function Tests
What is the standard assessment t...,
What does fev1 stand for,
What is fev1
9  cards
Oxygen Therapy
What stage of copd is oxygen ther...,
When is long term continuous ther...,
How long is long term oxygen ther...
5  cards
Pharm Bronchodilators
What is the main pharmacological ...,
What formulations are offered in ...,
What is the purpose of inhaled an...
9  cards
Pharm Combination Inhalations
Which 2 long term medications can...,
Why is it important to identify t...
2  cards
Pharm Corticosteroids
Should inhaled corticosteroids be...,
When are inhaled corticosteroid t...,
What are corticosteroids given in...
7  cards
Pharm Other
What other pharmacologic agents a...,
When are methylxanthines used,
What are mucolytics used for
4  cards
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
When should pulmonary rehabilitat...,
What has pulmonary rehabilitation...,
What is the goal of pulmonary reh...
5  cards
Fluid Balance at the Capillary Level
Fluid balance at the capillary re...,
How does the capillary hydrostati...,
How does the capillary colloidal ...
6  cards
What is a reason of why hydrostat...,
What is an example of hydrostatic...,
Any situation that results in dec...
7  cards
Balance and Capillary Levels
Explain capillary hydrostatic pre...,
Explain capillary colloidal osmot...,
What particles move from vessel i...
17  cards
What is edema,
Increased capillary permeability ...,
Lymphatic obstruction leads to __...
6  cards
Edema or Third-Spacing
What is third spacing,
Why is edema different then third...,
What is the transcellular compart...
3  cards
Manifestations with Edema
What is edema most frequently ass...,
How does cerebral edema occur,
What are signs of increased intra...
16  cards
maintaining Na+ and H2O balance
The movement of bodily fluids bet...,
What is the major regulator of so...,
Why do our bodies continually str...
3  cards
Fluid balance receptors
What are the function of osmorece...,
What is the predominant osmotical...,
4  cards
Thirst an ADH
What is the primary regulator of ...,
Why do we get thirsty,
What is the function of the adh v...
5  cards
sympathetic nervous system
What does the sns do,
The sns regulates the constrictio...,
When the sns is stimulated the af...
6  cards
0  cards
Natriuretic Peptides
What is the function of natriuret...,
Baroreceptors adh and the raas ca...
2  cards
Risk for Fluid Imbalances
What are the 4 at risk for fluid ...,
Do infants or adults have a highe...,
What is more than half of body wa...
13  cards
Assessing Fluid Balance
What should be assessed for fluid...,
Why does dry mouth occur,
In mouth breathing what areas wil...
18  cards
Disorders of Na+ and H2O Balance
What accounts for most of the osm...,
Imbalances between sodium and wat...
2  cards
Isotonic Fluid Volume Deficit (CAUSES)
Causes with inadequate intake,
Causes with excessive output,
How is fluid lost through the skin
9  cards
Isotonic Fluid Volume Deficit (MANIFESTATIONS)
What are manifestations of isoton...,
How much does a litre of water weigh,
When baroreceptors sense a decrea...
11  cards
Isotonic Fluid Volume Deficit (TREATMENT)
For hypovolemia why it is very im...,
What is the main treatment for hy...,
When using iv therapy what are is...
4  cards
Isotonic Fluid Volime Excess
How does isotonic fluid volume ex...,
What extracellular fluid compartm...,
If the heart is unable to effecti...
3  cards
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess (MANIFESTATIONS)
What are signs symptoms of hypern...,
How does edema occur in the lungs,
In hypervolemia is the bun and he...
3  cards
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess (TREATMENT)
The treatment of hypervolemia rev...,
How can u stop increasing fluid v...,
How to start decreasing the exces...
4  cards
Disorders of Na+ and H2O Balance
There are two reasons that the co...,
The excessive loss of sodium is o...,
Kidneys preserve sodium through t...
11  cards
Hyponatremia: Manifestations
The manifestations of hyponatremi...,
If the onset is gradual will ther...,
Bc of decreased vascular osmotic ...
8  cards
Hyponatremia: Treatment
When treating hyponatremia should...,
When are fluid restrictions placed,
If its a medication that s causin...
6  cards
Hypernatremia is defined as,
Where in the body is there a chan...,
What are the high levels of sodiu...
12  cards
Hypernatremia: Manifestations
How does shrunken cells occur,
What symptoms result from shrunke...,
If the imbalance of hypernatremia...
6  cards
Hypernatremia: Treatment
What is the treatment of hypernat...,
What is the benefit of oral rehyd...,
What substances treat hypernatremia
4  cards
Potassium Imbalances
What is the normal concentration ...,
How is the ecf concentration meas...,
What is potassium s major role
4  cards
What is hypokalemia,
Adults require how much potassium...,
People on what diets may not eat ...
9  cards
Hypokalemia: Manifestations
What are 4 manifestations of hypo...,
When do people usually show signs...,
When kidneys try to conserve pota...
9  cards
Hypokalemia: Treatment
Prevention is the best treatment ...,
What is the usual treatment for h...,
What is the treatment for hypokal...
4  cards
What is hyperkalemia,
What are the 3 causes of hyperkal...,
Why is it difficult to create hyp...
8  cards
Hyperkalemia: Manifestations
What are the 3 manifestations of ...,
When do the signs of hyperkalemia...,
What symptoms do you see for hype...
6  cards
Hyperkalemia: Treatment
What does the treatment of hyperk...,
What is the treatment of hyperkal...,
If further aggressive treatment i...
3  cards
Calcium, Phosphorus, an Magnesium Imbalances
What is ca phosphorus an magnesiu...,
What is the normal ca levels,
What are the two manifestations o...
4  cards
DEPRESSION - statistics
The neurobiological basis for inc...,
Suicide is the cause of death is ...,
Depression is among the leading c...
8  cards
MDD - D5M 5 Criteria for Depression
What are symptoms of depression,
What are co morbid diagnosis of mdd,
Sub classifications of depression...
7  cards
Risk Factors - Depression
Risk factors contribute to what,
What are risk factors of depression
2  cards
Seen as a dynamic interplay amongst,
Etiology is multifactorial t or f,
Currently believed that mdd arise...
4  cards
Genetic - Environment Interaction
0  cards
Genetic Predisposition - Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Bdnf is not only related to depre...,
The ability of the serotonin syst...,
During brain development the cycl...
9  cards
BDNF: val/met genotype
Is bdnf levels tested in order to...,
Why is it important for scientist...,
A common polymorphism in the gene...
10  cards
What are the 4 steps of neurotran...,
How do nerve cells communicate,
What causes an excitatory or inhi...
3  cards
Synaptic Transmission - Neurotransmitter Synthesis & Release
What is the importance of neurotr...
1  cards
Biogenic Amine Hypothesis
Dopamine is increased in ______ a...,
Explain the chicken and egg theor...,
Is there increased or decreased l...
7  cards
Neurophysiology of Symptoms - PREFRONTAL CORTEX
What does pet scan stand for,
What does a pet scan measure,
With a pet scan drugs can be infu...
14  cards
Neurophysiology of Symptoms - FRONTAL/TEMPORAL LOBES
What is the temporal lobe respons...,
How is one able to have an approp...,
Limbic system main function
7  cards
Amygdala - neurophysiology of symptoms
Where is the amygdala located,
Where does the amygdala receive n...,
What does the amygdala communicat...
8  cards
Limbic System - neurophysiology of symptoms
How does the limbic system commun...,
What is the role of the neocortex...,
What are the active neurotransmit...
7  cards
Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis (HPA) - neuroendocrine system - childhood stress
People with depression have incre...,
What are the cortisol levels in a...,
Mdd is associated with multiple e...
10  cards
Other changes in depression
0  cards
Other theories of causation: environmental
Psychodynamic factors involve what,
Behavioural factors involve what,
Developmental factors involve what
7  cards
Treatment: Antidepressant Drugs
What are the 4 drug classes,
These classes of drugs normalize ...,
What is synaptic pruning
7  cards
Antidepressant drug classes
What do maois do,
What are the 4 steps of maois,
What do ssris do
7  cards
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
How often is this tx given,
Each year how many people in the ...,
How does ect work
17  cards
Other non pharmacological treatments
What is deep brain stimulation,
The ventral striatum is connectio...,
What is psychotherapy
15  cards

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Patho Sem 2

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