This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Woodroffe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (85)

[A] 1.15 Spread of the pathological processes in the organism. Septicaemia, sepsis, bacteriaemia
Infectious agents,
List the types of infectious agents,
33  cards
[A] 1.17 Local hyperaemia
Regulation of circulation is by,
Terminal circulatory bed
25  cards
[A] 1.18 Local oligaemia (ischaemia)
Physiological ischaemia,
Pathological ischaemia
23  cards
[A] 1.19 Hemostasis, shock
Purpose of physiological haemostasis,
Disruption of the balance of endo...
30  cards
[A] 1.20 Haemorrhage
Define haemorrhage,
Define thrombosis embolism,
List the disorders of coagulation...
24  cards
[A] 1.21 Thrombosis
Factors predisposing to thrombosis,
Alterations in the vascular endot...
22  cards
[A] 1.22 Embolism
Define embolus,
Embolism causes,
Embolism direction of travel
11  cards
[A] 1.38 Necrosis & Apoptosis
Give the forms of necrosis,
Responses to injuries
36  cards
[A] 1.41 About the regeneration in general, removal of the necrotic tissues
Healing of tissue lesions,
Removal of cells and tissues
11  cards
[A] 1.43 Organisation, demarcation
Direct forms of repair,
11  cards
[A] 1.44 Regeneration of epithelial tissue
List the locations of epithelial ...,
Regeneration of the skin,
Regeneration of the skin when str...
11  cards
[A] 1.45 Regeneration of muscle and neural tissue
Complete regeneration of muscle t...,
Regeneration of muscle tissue com...,
Striated muscle
6  cards
[A] 1.46 Regeneration of connective tissue and blood vessels. Wound healing
Which connective tissues can be r...,
Regeneration of collagen fibrous ...,
Angiofibroblast tissue
26  cards
[A] 1.50 Vascular changes and exudation in the acute inflammation
Infectious inflammation caused by,
Non infectious inflammation cause...,
Acute inflammation
31  cards
[A] 1.52 Proliferative processes during inflammation.
Give the most important factors i...
7  cards
[A] 1.51 Infiltrative processes during acute inflammation
Cellular infiltration,
Exogenous chemoattractants
22  cards
[A] 1.59 Tuberculum. Predominantly exudative and predominantly proliferative tuberculosis
During tuberculosis infection whi...,
Tuberculosis phylogeny,
Mycobacterium bovis affects which...
29  cards
[A] 1.53 Serous, catarrhal, haemorrhagic and ichorous inflammation
Serous inflammation overview,
Serous inflammation contents,
Serous inflammation localisation ...
25  cards
[A] 1.54 Suppurative inflammation
Suppurative purulent inflammation...,
Suppurative purulent inflammation...
16  cards
[A] 1.55 Fibrinous inflammation
Fibrinous inflammation overview,
Fibrinous inflammation special st...,
Fibrinous inflammation forms
18  cards
[A] 1.60 Factors influencing the character of tuberculosis
Give the three forms of,
The form of tb is dependent on,
11  cards
[A] 1.61 General pathogenesis of tuberculosis
The stages during tb were describ...,
Give the stages of pathogenesis o...,
37  cards
[A] 1.70 The general macro- and microscopic morphology of tumors. The increase in volume of tumor cells and tumoral proliferations
Macroscopic morphology overview,
Macroscopic morphology forms,
Macroscopic form type
33  cards
[A] 1.71 Tumor-induced angiogenesis (capillary incorporation, budding of endothelial cells)
8  cards
[A] 1.74 The tumor-organism relationship (tumor progression, heterogeneity, metabolism of tumor cells, cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome, paraneoplasia, tumor immunity)
Tumour progression,
Tumour heterogeneity,
Tumour heterogeneity
23  cards
[A] 1.75 Metastasis
What is metastasis,
Metastasis overview,
Give the classifications of metas...
24  cards
[A] 1.72 Carcinogenesis (chemical and physical agents)
Carcinogenesis oncogenesis overview,
It is hypothesised in carciongene...,
Give the steps of carcinogenesis
25  cards
[A] 1.73 Carcinogenesis (biological agents)
Microbial carcinogens fungi,
Microbial carcinogens plants,
Microbial carcinogens oncogenic v...
9  cards
[A] 1.83 Rules of collecting and sending specimens for pathological and for other supplementary examinations
When an autopsy is not enough,
Sending specimens for supplementa...,
Packing of specimens
5  cards
[B] 1.6 High temperature as cause of disease
High temperature as a cause of di...,
What influences the degree of a burn,
Inhalation burns
23  cards
[B] 1.7 Low temperature as a cause of disease
Effects of low temperature,
Give the degrees of frostbite,
Apart from at freezing point when...
8  cards
[B] 1.9 Inadequate oxygen and water supply
List the inadequate oxygen supply...,
12  cards
[B] 1.10 Inadequate nutrient supply. Starvation.
Total starvation,
Partial starvation malnutrition,
Obesity overfeeding
9  cards
[B] 1.11 Autointoxication
Define autointoxication,
Causes of autointoxication
46  cards
[B] 1.13 Infectious agents/Bacteria, viruses and fungi as causes of disease
Infectious pathogens examples
22  cards
[B] 1.23 Disturbances in water balance of the organism (Edema)
Regulators of water balance,
Regulators of water balance nervo...
18  cards
[B] 1.14 Pathological aspects of immunology
The 2 types of immune response,
Characteristics of innate immunity,
Characteristics of adaptive immunity
23  cards
[B] 1.24 Disturbances in water balance of cells
Cellular disturbances in the wate...,
What is shown,
Cellular disturbances in the wate...
7  cards
[B] 1.25 Disturbances in fat metabolism
Fat substances affected by water ...,
Simple fats lipids,
Compound fats lipoids
19  cards
[B] 1.26 Disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism
Examples of disturbances of carbo...,
Glycogen detection in tissues,
Glycogen detection in tissues fix...
15  cards
[B] 1.28 Disturbances in keratinization
Cytoplasmic filaments,
Keratohyalin granula,
Odlands granules
21  cards
[B] 1.29 Uricosis (Gout)
Uricosis is seen in which animals,
Give the excretory metabolism of ...
14  cards
[B] 1.31 Amyloidosis
Etymology amyloid,
Give the two main groups of amylo...,
Morphology of an amyloid protein
21  cards
[B] 1.40 Pathological calcification
Physiological calcification,
Pathological calcification,
Pathological calcification appear...
10  cards
[B] 1.48 Atrophy
Atrophy define,
Atrophy related terms,
Give the forms of atrophy
13  cards
[B] 1.62 Actinobacillosis, actinomycosis
Bacteriology of actinomycosis,
A bovis location,
A bovis from the point of infection
28  cards
[B] 1.65 Disturbances in cell division
Stages of mitosis,
Normal mitosis,
Causes of normal mitosis growth f...
25  cards
[B] 1.68 Definition of tumor (oncogenes, tumorsuppressor genes)
Definition of tumour,
There will always be damage durin...,
Neoplasia cannot be avoided if
28  cards
[B] 1.69 Terminology and classification of tumors (beningn, semimalignant tumors, in situ carcinoma, malignant tumors, preneoplastic changes, tumor-like lesions)
Clinicopathologic groups,
Neoplasia types,
Benign neoplasia are usually call...
29  cards
[B] 1.76 Benign mesenchymal tumors
Beingn mesenchymal tumours,
Identification of tissue,
Immunohistochemistry how it works
13  cards
[B] 1.77 Malignant mesenchymal tumors
Give the malignant tumours of con...,
Feline injection site sarcoma fiss,
Malignant osteosarcoma
4  cards
[B] 1.78 Melanocytic tumors, the important tumors of nervous tissue. Mixed tumors
Melanocytic tumours,
18  cards
[B] 1.79 Benign epithelial tumors
Tumours of the epidermis,
Congenital papilloma,
Oncogenic papillomavirus
8  cards
[B] 1.80 Malignant epithelial tumors
Multicentric in situ carcinoma,
Multicentric in situ carcinoma ma...
15  cards
[B] 1.81 Tumors of vascular tissues (blood and lymph vessels)
Tumours of vascular tissues class...,
Benign angiomas,
Malignant angiosarcomas
9  cards
[B] 1.82 Hemolymphatic tumors in mammals
Define haemolymphatic tumours,
Lymphoid tumours in lymphoid tissues,
Lymphoid tumours bone marrow spleen
21  cards
[B] 1.84 Basic principles and technique of histopathological examinations. Light microscopy.
Conditions of the sample for hist...,
Fixing of tissue can be in
2  cards
[C] 1.5 Traumas and their consequences
Forms of trauma,
Causes of trauma,
Consequences of trauma
11  cards
[C] 1.1 Objective, task and investigation methods of pathology
Define pathology,
Latin etymology of pathology,
Sciences consisting withing the f...
19  cards
[C] 1.2 Disease
A defect may be normal and not,
Functional changes of a disease a...,
Disease can be categorised in to
13  cards
[C] 1.3 Death
Latin mors,
Death can be either,
Atria mortis
7  cards
[C] 1.4 Postmortem changes
Cooling off,
Cooling off is dependent on,
Causes of increased postmortem te...
32  cards
[C] 1.8 Irradiations and electricity as cause of disease
Electricity as a cause of disease,
Give the influencing factors of e...,
As voltage increases
32  cards
[C] 1.12 Internal Conditions of development of diseases
Predisposition to a disease,
Predisposition and resistance are...,
Constitutional characteristics
15  cards
[C] 1.16 Degenerative changes of cells and tissues
Cell injury was defined by,
Mechanisms of cell injury general...,
Cellular injury results from func...
21  cards
[C] 1.27 Pathological mucus production and pathological changes in the mucosubstance
Give the types of mucus,
11  cards
[C] 1.30 Hyalinosis, fibrinoid necrosis
Physiological hyalinosis,
Pathological hyalinosis
21  cards
[C] 1.32 Pathologic pigmentation caused by hemoglobin and haemosiderin
Haemolysis haemoglobinaemia,
Give the causes of haemolysis,
6  cards
[C] 1.33 Pathologic pigmentation caused by hematoidin, and bilirubin
Jaundice icterus
7  cards
[C] 1.34. Pathologic pigmentation caused by porphyrins
Porphyrin as a component of hb,
Where is porphyrin synthesised
6  cards
[C] 1.35 Pathologic pigmentation caused by melanin, lipofuscin, and ceroid
Melanin lipofuscin and ceroid are...,
Melanin is produced by
25  cards
[C] 1.36 Exogenous pigments
Give the exogenous pigment types,
20  cards
[C] 1.37 Concretions (lithiasis) and pseudoconcretions
Lithiasis calculus formation,
Reasons for precipitation,
24  cards
[C] 1.39 Gangrene
Summarise gangrene,
Gangraena sicca,
Gangraena humida
8  cards
[C] 1.42 Proliferative changes during regeneration. Fibrosis, elastosis, fibroelastosis, reticulosis, cirrhosis
Reaction from the organism,
Mitotic activity of difference cells,
Cellular proliferative changes in...
27  cards
[C] 1.47 Metaplasia, pseudomateplasia
Define metaplasia,
Metaplasia is only possible on wh...,
Give the forms of metaplasia
9  cards
[C] 1.49 Accomodation (hypertrophy, hyperplasia, transformatio)
Accommodation overview,
Accommodation types,
17  cards
[C] 1.56 Inflammation in organs without blood vessels. The inflammation-organism relationship
Give the organs without blood ves...,
Summarise inflammation in organs ...,
Inflammation of the cornea
27  cards
[C] 1.57 Necrotizing and proliferative inflammation
Alternative necrotising inflammation,
Alternative necrotising inflammat...,
Alternative necrotising inflammat...
7  cards
[C] 1.58 General characteristics of the granuloma formation
What are granulomatous lesions,
Granuloma formation overview,
Granuloma formation categories
20  cards
[C] 1.63 Granulomas caused by fungi
List the diseases caused by micro...,
Give the groups of microscopical ...,
28  cards
[C] 1.64 Granulomas caused by chemicals and other granulomas
Endogenous chemical substances ca...,
Exogenous chemical substances cau...,
What type of granuloma is normall...
10  cards
[C] 1.66 Causes of developmental anomalies (formal and causal genesis)
Developmental anomaly congenital ...,
Developmental anomaly physical an...,
Major steps of morphogenesis
13  cards
[C] 1.67 Main forms of developmental anomalies
Groups of the developmental anoma...,
Groups of the developmental anoma...,
28  cards
[C] 1.85 Professional and formal aspects of writing a post mortem report
Formal aspects of a pm report inc...,
Formal aspects of a pm report inc...,
Formal aspects of a pm report inc...
5  cards

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Pathology A - General Pathology

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