This class was created by Brainscape user Can I get Uhhhh?. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (98)

Fundamentals of Histology
What are the histological feature...,
What are the histological feature...,
What are the histological feature...
24  cards
Lipoprotein metabolism, cardiovascular disease and obesity
What is in an atherosclerotic plaque,
What transports cholesterol in fa...,
How is cholesterol released from ...
54  cards
Calcium Metabolism
What are the roles of calcium,
What are the 3 forms of calcium a...,
What is the normal total serum ca...
65  cards
Haemostasis and Thrombosis
How many hospital deaths are caus...,
What are the consequences of thro...,
What increases the risk of thromb...
51  cards
Liver Histology
What are the parts of the liver a...,
What are the causes of raised br,
What is the van den bergh reaction
39  cards
Immune response to infections
How do infections get into the body,
What are the constitutive barrier...,
What are the constitutive barrier...
96  cards
Antimicrobials 1
What are some selective targets o...,
What are inhibitors of cell wall ...,
What is the difference between gr...
67  cards
Antimicrobials 2
How are antimicrobials commonly m...,
What does resistance cost,
What of people in hospital suffer...
57  cards
Liver Pathology
How heavy is the liver,
What is the blood supply to the l...,
What are the cells of the liver
35  cards
Haemotology of Systemic Disease
What could a patient with lymphom...,
What is something that may be the...,
What kind of anaemias are associa...
65  cards
Sodium Balance
What is the most common electroly...,
What is the boundary for hyponatr...,
What is the underlying pathogenes...
43  cards
CML and myeloproliferative disorders
What are the types of polycythaemia,
What are the types of true polycy...,
What causes relative polycythaemia
58  cards
Potassium and Electrolytes
What is the most abundant intrace...,
What is the normal serum concentr...,
Which hormones are involved in re...
25  cards
Hospital Acquired Infections
What are hai,
How much do hai cost,
Are hai preventable
35  cards
Does hypopituitarism cause hypote...,
Can you make aldosterone if the p...,
Which hormones come from the ante...
23  cards
Extra haematology
What can you do with tissue biops...,
What surface markers can show us ...,
What do you look for in morphology
10  cards
HIV and secondary causes of immune deficiency
What type of virus is hiv,
What is a retrovirus,
What is the organisation of hiv
78  cards
Myeloma and MGUS
What are the key features of myeloma,
What does cran mean,
What type of cells are in multipl...
74  cards
Neonatal and Childhood Diseases
What is a congenital infection,
What is the current screening of ...,
What is currently not screened in...
58  cards
Diabetes Cases
What is compensation,
If ph is low and pco2 is low what...,
If ph is low and pco2 is high wha...
16  cards
Adrenal Cases
Where is cortisol made,
31 yo presents with fatigue and v...,
Na 125 k 65 u 10 glucose 29mmft4 ...
23  cards
Respiratory Histopathology
What does vitamin cdef stand for,
What are the important lung disea...,
What is pulmonary oedema
57  cards
Respiratory Histopathology (Cancer)
What are the characteristics of b...,
What are the characteristics of m...,
What are the non small cell carci...
43  cards
Primary Immune deficiency 1
How do you get primary immune def...,
How do you get secondary immune d...,
How do you get physiological immu...
72  cards
Skin pathology
What condition is this,
What is the most common cancer in...,
Does bcc metastasise
83  cards
Primary Immune deficiency 2
What are the components of the ad...,
What is the definition of a prima...,
What does the bone marrow do
57  cards
CNS infections and meningitis
What are the four routes of entry,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the causative organisms ...
49  cards
Lymphoma 1: MDT
What is lymphoma,
Where are lymphomas usually found,
What is the incidence of lymphoma...
72  cards
Fungal Infections
What are fungi,
What is the difference between a ...,
Give some examples of yeasts
61  cards
Bacterial and Viral Vaccines
Who first tested out the smallpox...,
After the smallpox vaccine when w...,
What is the goal of immunisation
34  cards
CLL and quiz
When are reed steenberg cells pre...,
What is non hodgkins lymphoma,
What is the incidence of nhl
65  cards
Breast Pathology
How may breast disease present,
How do you examine breast disease,
How do you take an fna
74  cards
Mycobacterial diseases
What are mycobacterium,
What do mycobacteria have in thei...,
What stain do you use for tb afb
45  cards
Acute and Chronic renal Failure 1
What is an aki,
What is ckd,
What is acute failure of kidneys
51  cards
Acute and Chronic Renal Failure 2
How can we measure kidney function,
What is renal function,
What is an normal gfr
37  cards
Lower GI pathology
What are the types of gi pathology,
What are the general symptoms of ...,
What are congenital gi disorders
60  cards
What is an allograft,
What can you transplant,
Where do organs come from
57  cards
Blood Transfusion 1
What are the important blood groups,
What are the blood components,
What is the process of blood dona...
54  cards
Blood Transfusion 2
What defines an acute transfusion...,
Which are the acute transfusion r...,
Which are the delayed transfusion...
59  cards
Clinical Chemistry CPC
What is an alternative treatment ...,
What is st john s wort,
What mood is hypercalcaemia assoc...
41  cards
What is an allergic disorder,
What is sensitisation,
How does the body respond to alle...
81  cards
Bone Marrow Transplantation
What is the marker of maximum tol...,
What is the most resistant to rad...,
What is the least resistant to ra...
84  cards
Pancreas and Gallbladder
Label this,
Which is the exocrine component a...,
What is acute pancreatitis
46  cards
Wound, bone and joint infections
What is the epidemiology of surgi...,
What are the major surgical site ...,
What is the pathogenesis of surgi...
58  cards
Enzymes and cardiac markers
What is an enzyme,
What is clinical enzymology,
Why should we measure enzymes
66  cards
EMQ: enzymes, chemistry
Acid phosphatase alanine aminotra...,
Acid phosphatase alanine aminotra...,
Acid phosphatase alanine aminotra...
22  cards
Path SBAs
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is a common cause of broncho...,
Which condition would you expect ...
6  cards
Metabolic Disorders Screening 1
How are inherited disorder inherited,
What results in deficient enzymes,
What does deficient enzyme lead to
23  cards
Metabolic Disorders Screening 2
What can go wrong in the urea cycle,
What is caused by urea cycle diso...,
How do urea cycle defects get inh...
27  cards
Paeds Haem
What is an important cause of inf...,
What are common problems in lbw,
What is nec
82  cards
Diabetes CPC
48 yo unconscious woman with rece...,
What test should we do first,
Ph 765pco2 61 kpa n 47 60 po2 15 ...
32  cards
Systemic Pathology
What are the complications of hiv,
How does symptoms change with cd4...,
What are the hiv opportunistic in...
31  cards
Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Diseases 1
What is the damage to the host ca...,
What is the damage to the host ca...,
What immunopathology exists in th...
39  cards
Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Diseases 2
What are the polygenic autoimmune...,
What is a polygenic autoimmune di...,
What is ptpn22
47  cards
Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Diseases 3
What are antinuclear antibodies,
What may a person with sle presen...,
What is the genetic predispositio...
30  cards
What is the definition of bacteri...,
What is the definition of cystitis,
What is the difference between un...
40  cards
Upper GI Pathology
What are the layers of the gut,
What is the z line,
What are the parts of a normal st...
44  cards
Opportunistic Viral Infections
What are opportunistic viral infe...,
Which infections may occur more f...,
How may infection exist in immuno...
92  cards
Neuro oncology
What s the difference between a p...,
How common are cns tumours,
What is the classification of cns...
59  cards
What occurs when there is vitamin...,
What occurs when there is vitamin...,
How do you test adek
49  cards
Which of these signs suggest an i...,
Anti d immunoglobulin should be g...,
What does this x ray show
10  cards
Acid Base Balance
What is normal h conc in ecf,
What is normal ph and how do you ...,
How is h made and excreted
27  cards
Immune modulating therapies
How can we boost the immune system,
What do we vaccinate against in kids,
Which vx are travel vx
62  cards
What is a prophyria,
What do porphyrias cause,
What is haem
32  cards
What is the acute management of h...,
What is the acute management of h...,
What is the acute management of h...
38  cards
Immune modulating therapies 2
What drugs suppress the immune re...,
What are corticosteroids,
What are steroids used for
57  cards
Viral Hepatitis
Where is hav worst,
What type of hepatitis is hav,
How do the immunoglobulins change...
53  cards
Cerebrovascular disease and trauma
What is cerebral oedema,
What are the types of cerebral oe...,
How does oedema form
32  cards
What is prion disease,
What are the types of prion diseases
25  cards
Which of the following conditions...,
Which of the following is an exam...,
A 32 year old male has a producti...
10  cards
HIV in African Children
How many children 15 have hiv,
What is the under 5 mortality inc...,
How do kids get hiv
26  cards
Acute Leukaemia
What can leukaemia be,
What is acute leukaemia,
Which cells does
64  cards
Case studies and Quiz
How do you make a haematological ...,
A 5 year old boy of indian ethnic...,
Why does a mediastinal mass occur
67  cards
Interactive case hx in haematology
Which of the following is the mos...,
Give 2 symptoms and 2 signs of an...,
Scenario a eage 36sex femalehisto...
47  cards
GI Infection
What is the epidemiology of gi in...,
What is the difference between se...,
What is the incubation duration a...
58  cards
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
What is the biggest cause of deat...,
What is the biggest cause of deat...,
66  cards
Gynae Path 1
What are the parts of the gynaeco...,
How are neoplasia classified,
What are the congenital abnormali...
38  cards
Gynae Path 2
What s the distinction between hi...,
What is a stage i tumour confined...,
What is a stage 2 tumour
48  cards
Myelodysplastic syndromes and aplastic anaemia
Which one result of the follow fa...,
What is mds,
What is mds characterised by
44  cards
How does iodine get from the gut ...,
How is thyroxine made,
How is thyroxine used
43  cards
Haemolytic anaemias
What is the life of red cells,
What are the types of haemolysis,
What are the types of extravascul...
24  cards
Bone Tumours
What is the epidemiology of bone ...,
What is the clinical features of ...,
What is relevant in the history o...
25  cards
Endocrine Disorders
What is the anatomy of the pituitary,
What is the anterior pituitary ma...,
What are the symptoms of pituitar...
46  cards
Uric Acid Metabolism
What are the purines,
What do the purines act as,
How is allantoin made
16  cards
Respiratory Tract Infections
What are the urtis,
What are the lrtis,
What effects on the body does res...
44  cards
Infection CPC
What may patients with pcp pneumo...,
What is the typical picture of pc...,
How do you treat pcp pneumonia
23  cards
What is zoonoses,
How do zoonoses transmit,
What is the classification of zoo...
21  cards
Obstetric Haematology
What are the physiological blood ...,
What are the demands on blood in ...,
What does hepcidin do
30  cards
Immune related multisystem disorders
What are the ai multisystem diseases,
What are the investigations of ctds,
If you have positive ana and dsdn...
40  cards
What are urinary calculi,
What can stones be made of,
What are calcium oxalate crystals
25  cards
Renal Disease
What are the major functions of t...,
What is renal anatomy,
What is the nephron
38  cards
LAMS 6+7
Which of the following is a commo...,
Which drug is useful in an acute ...,
Which of the following syndromes ...
20  cards
What hosts exist in flu pandemics,
What is tropism in influenza,
What is the replication cycle of ...
37  cards
Where do we target with antivirals,
What are directly acting antivirals,
What is the cellular response to ...
61  cards
Tropical Medicine: Worms
Why do worms kill us,
Do worms replicate inside the host,
What is the shape of cestodes
53  cards
Tropical Medicine: Toilets
Why are there issues with getting...,
What are environmental stressors ...,
What are social stressors for goi...
6  cards
Tropical Medicine: Brains Worms and TB
What has improved life expectancy...,
How much tb is from 1 primary inf...,
What is mdr tb
17  cards
Tropical Medicine: Fever in the Returning Traveller
Name one cause of fever and rash,
Name one cause of fever and abdo ...,
Name one cause of fever and norma...
39  cards

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