This class was created by Brainscape user Jordan Cyr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Generic and Counterfeit Drugs
What must a manufacturer submit f...,
What is an nds,
What is a generic drug list some ...
30  cards
Intro to Solid Dosage Forms
Why is there a need for dosage forms,
What is a dosage form,
List off the many dosage forms
46  cards
What are capsules,
What can be encapsulated in capsules,
True or false capsules are only a...
56  cards
What is the most frequently used ...,
What are the advantages of tablets,
What are the two methods that tab...
89  cards
True or false suspensions are a h...,
What is a pharmaceutical solution,
What is the difference between a ...
138  cards
What is a dispersed system,
What are examples of dispersed sy...,
Which physicochemical feature is ...
67  cards
What is a pharmaceutical suspension,
What is the criteria for a suspen...,
What are the advantages of suspen...
34  cards
What is pharmaceutical biotechnology,
What is the goal of pharmaceutica...,
What are some applications of bio...
129  cards
What are biosimilars,
True or false biosimilar is essen...,
True or false biosimilars have a ...
28  cards
Drug Delivery Systems
What is the definition of drug de...,
What are the factors to be consid...,
What does the magnitude of drug r...
36  cards
Give examples of biological thera...,
Describe nucleic acid vaccines,
What is antisense oligonucleotide
23  cards
Modified Release Dosage Forms
Explain the blood concentration c...,
What is the definition of the fol...,
What are the challenges of the co...
46  cards

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