Proctor EMS - 2017 Protocols

This class was created by Brainscape user Connor Bounds. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (97)

1 - Adult - Universal Adult Patient Protocol
What is the first steps of initia...,
What is the preferred method of o...,
What is the preferred method of o...
6  cards
15 - Adult - Pulseless Arrest
For the pediatric pea asystole ar...,
What is the repeat time for epine...,
When advanced airway is placed wh...
7  cards
9 - Adult - VF/pVT
Intubation of the pvt vf patient ...,
Biphasic monitors are charged to ...,
Lidocaine initial for adult pvt v...
9  cards
10 - Adult - PEA
What are the possible causes of a...
1  cards
11- Adult - Asystole
What are the possible causes of a...,
Medication for pea arrest
2  cards
12- Adult - Cease Efforts
Cpr may be ceased in unwitnessed ...,
Cpr may be ceased in a witnessed ...,
T f if correctable causes of arre...
6  cards
8 - Pediatrics - Sepsis
A pediatric patient that presents...,
For the hypotensive pediatric pat...,
What is the maximum dose of ns in...
3  cards
7- Pediatrics - Pain Management
T f pediatric pain management is ...,
What is the dose of fentanyl in i...,
Repeat time for pediatric in iv i...
4  cards
13 - Adult - DNR
What physical exam findings must ...,
One of which of the following mus...,
This is the softening or degenera...
4  cards
9 - Pediatrics - Bradycardia
Assessment of the pediatric brady...,
Cpr must be performed if the pedi...,
If despite proper oxygenation and...
4  cards
10 - Pediatrics - Resuscitation
Suctioning of the neo natal is __...,
Resuscitation of the neo nate foc...,
The goal of a positive trending s...
6  cards
14 - Adult - Bradycardia
Atropine is contraindicated in wh...,
Dose of atropine for adult bradyc...,
Maximum dose of atropine for adul...
6  cards
15 - Adult - Cardiac Rhythm Thinking Pts
What equipment must be in place f...,
What is the moa of clonidine,
T f assessment of the narrow comp...
7  cards
16 - Adult - Unstable Narrow Complex Tachycardia
A ____ may be attempted in the un...,
A _____ must be given to medical ...,
What heart rhythms are contraindi...
5  cards
11 - Pediatrics - Cardiac Thinking Points
Most pediatric arrests bradycardi...,
What are the reversible causes of...
2  cards
12 - Pediatrics - Narrow complex tachycardia
What hx s s etc should you consid...,
What hx s s etc should you consid...,
If cardiopulmonary compromise is ...
5  cards
17 - Adult - Stable Narrow Complex Tachycardia
Oxygen saturations for the stable...,
____ may be attempted on stable a...,
If the adult nct who is stable wh...
6  cards
18 - Adult - Unstable WCT
For the unstable adult wct patien...,
What complaints with wct should p...,
Midazolam dose for unstable adult...
6  cards
13 - Pediatrics - WCT
What other interventions for the ...,
A qrs with a duration greater tha...,
Synchronized cardioversion of the...
5  cards
14 - Pediatrics - PEA/Asystole Arrest
A key decision point in the care ...,
Epinephrine dose for pediatric pe...,
Repeat time for epinephrine in pe...
3  cards
19 - Adult - AICD
Oxygen in the aicd patient should...,
A 12 lead ecg and contact with __...,
Zofran for nausea vomiting in the...
8  cards
20 - Adult - Adult Pain Management
Initial dose of fentanyl for adul...,
Repeat number of doses for fentanyl,
If a patient is allergic to fenta...
5  cards
15 - Pediatrics - Pulseless VF/pVT
Pvt vf is defibrillated at _____ ...,
Vascular access for the pediatric...,
In the event that shocks number 1...
7  cards
16 - Pediatrics - Respiratory Distress
What infectious process is consid...,
Upper airway disease included wha...,
Lower airway disease include what...
9  cards
21 - Adult - Pain Management Thinking
For patients with known _____ fen...,
Systolic blood pressures must be ...,
Patients with ____ should not rec...
5  cards
22 - Adult - Asthma/COPD
Oxygen in the adult asthma copd p...,
For the adult asthma copd patient...,
For the asthma copd patient cpap ...
7  cards
17 - Pediatrics - Tracheostomy
Initial care of the pediatric tra...,
If the pediatric patient does not...,
What medication may be administer...
4  cards
18 - Pediatrics - Ventilator And Respiratory Distress
T f initial management of the ped...,
If you are unable to ventilate th...
2  cards
23 - Adult - CHF/Pulmonary Edema
T f all 3 doses max of ntg must b...,
Oxygen in the chf pulmonary edema...,
S s of chf pulmonary edema
10  cards
24 - Adult - Respiratory Distress Thinking Points
What are major sighs present with...
1  cards
19 - Pediatrics - Respiratory Failure
In the airway assessment of the p...,
In a pediatric patient with inade...,
If a pediatric patient in respira...
3  cards
21 - Pediatrics - Burn Thinking Points
Why does the rule of nines give m...,
Infant anterior arm bsa,
Infant posterior arm bsa
17  cards
31 - Adult - Acute Abdominal Pain
In what abdominal pain situation ...
1  cards
32 - Adult - Allergy/Anaphylaxis
What are the s s of allergy in th...,
What are the s s of allergy in th...,
What are the s s of allergy in th...
9  cards
31 - Adult - N/V
For the adult patient with acute ...,
4 mg of iv im odt zofran may be a...
2  cards
33 - Adult - Drug Overdose/Poisoning
If your patient has a known tca a...
1  cards
34 - Adult - Organophosphate Poisoning
What is the acronym to recall org...,
Hypotension is a potential side e...,
Atropine _____ is given q3 5min i...
5  cards
35 - Adult - OD Thinking Points
T f patients with ingestion of ca...,
Patients with tca overdoses may i...
2  cards
36 - Adult - ExDS And Chemical Restraint
T f for the exds patient iv fluid...,
Secondary causes of exds include,
After a coordinated takedown of t...
4  cards
37 - Adult - Less Than Lethal Weapons
Eyes of the adult less than letha...,
Following administration of oc sp...,
What is the dose of ketamine for ...
3  cards
38 - Adult - HazMat Exposure
What medication is given to the w...
1  cards
25/26 - Pediatrics - Abuse And Neglect with TPs
In suspected child abuse cases wh...,
T f in the case of suspected abus...,
T f in the case of suspected abus...
3  cards
27 - Pediatrics - Hyperthermia
0  cards
39 - Adult - Radiation Exposure
T f in the case of adult radiatio...
1  cards
43 - Adult - Frost Bite
In the frost bitten adult what sh...
1  cards
42 - Adult - Heat-Related Emergencies
These are caused by overexertion ...,
Hypothalamic temperature regulati...,
Acute reaction to heat exposure a...
4  cards
40 - Adult - Hypothermic Emergencies
At temperatures between 80 90f ad...,
If there is a chance of re freezi...,
Severe hypothermia is indicated by
6  cards
41 - Adult - Hyperthermia
0  cards
44 - Adult - Burns
In the adult burn pt both thermal...,
In the adult electrical burn pt t...,
In the adult burn pt alkali burns...
6  cards
45 - Adult - Smoke Inhalation/Cyanide
If an adult smoke inhalation pt s...,
In the adult smoke inhalation pt ...
2  cards
46 - Adult - Drowning
T f in the adult drowning patient...,
In the adult drowning patient any...,
In the adult drowning patient if ...
3  cards
48 - Adult - Tranexamic Acid
0  cards
49 - Adult - Trauma Thinking Points
In the adult trauma patient expla...,
What patient population s may not...,
What conditions may be precursors...
5  cards
47 - Adult - Routine Trauma Care
In the unresponsive adult trauma ...,
T f in the adult trauma patient p...,
In the adult trauma patient head ...
5  cards
50 - Adult - Trauma Assessment
What are the criteria for a level...,
Criteria for level 2 trauma
2  cards
29 - Pediatrics - Nerve Agents
Most nerve agent exposure will be...,
Mild to moderate exposure to nerv...,
Mild to moderate exposure to nerv...
9  cards
28 - Pediatrics - Hypothermia
Signs of hypothermia in the pedia...,
In the hypothermic pediatric pati...,
Max number of defibrillation atte...
3  cards
51 - Trauma - Traumatic Arrest
T f in resuscitation of the adult...,
In resuscitation of the adult tra...,
In resuscitation of the adult tra...
3  cards
51 - Adult - Crush Injuries
In the adult crush injury patient...,
In the adult crush injury patient...,
In the adult crush injury patient...
3  cards
52 - Adult - Crush Injuries
In the adult with an extremity in...,
In the adult with an injured extr...,
In the adult with an injured extr...
5  cards
53 - Adult - Sexual Assault
Any clothing belongings removed f...,
The paper bag containing an adult...,
The pcr on a sexual assault victi...
3  cards
54 - Adult - Radio Communications
For critical patients trauma aler...,
What is the procedure for attempt...
2  cards
55 - Adult - Refusals
0  cards
56 - Adult - Central Line
In chf patients with cpap benefit...,
Indications of cpap,
Contraindications for cpap
3  cards
57 - Adult - C-Spine Clearance
Adult patients who exhibit what t...,
Patients meeting 1 or more of the...,
Trauma patients should with suspe...
3  cards
58 - Adult - Emergency Airway
Contraindications for emergency a...,
After cleaning the larynx stand o...,
A ____ cm incision should be made...
4  cards
30 - Pediatrics - Toxins
For ingestion of toxins in the pe...,
Which of the following can be pro...,
What toxin is primarily produced ...
5  cards
Adult - Bougie Use
Contraindications for bougie use,
If you are advancing the bougie c...
2  cards
Advanced Suctioning
Advanced suctioning must be perfo...,
How do you measure the maximum de...
2  cards
In the biad the _____ should be t...
1  cards
71 - Pediatrics - Initial Pediatric Medical Care
Outline the initial care of the p...
1  cards
106 - Pediatrics - Needle Cric Procedure
0  cards
16 - Peds pVT/VF
For pediatric torsades what is th...,
What is the maximum dose of magne...,
What is the initial dose of defib...
6  cards
***1*** - Important Protocol Updates
Magnesium for eclamptic seizure a...,
Magnesium for torsades a 4 g 5 10...,
Magnesium for severe asthma a 4 g...
15  cards
2 - Adult - Universal Cardiac Care
For cardiac care patients supplem...,
Location of 12 lead electrodes,
Contraindications for asa
11  cards
72 - Pediatrics - Assessment Thinking Points
In the stable peds patient as man...,
_____ should be interviewed alone...,
Explain the peds assessment triangle
3  cards
3 - Pediatrics - Allergic Reaction
Epinephrine in anaphylaxis is ind...,
What is the dose of pediatric epi...,
Dose of benadryl for peds anaphyl...
7  cards
4 - Pediatrics - Allergic Reaction Thinking Points
Diagnosis of anaphylaxis in the p...
1  cards
5 - Adult - Cardiac Arrest
What is the minimum etco2 reading...,
What cpr model should be used in ...,
For cardiac arrest the patient sh...
6  cards
6 - Adult - Cardiogenic Shock
What are the s s of cardiogenic s...,
A _____ ml ns bolus may be given ...,
If the cardiogenic shock patiens ...
6  cards
5 - Pediatrics - Altered Mental Status
A key step in the treatment of pe...,
For the hypoglycemic 60 mg dl ped...,
Glucagon for patients over 8 yo
7  cards
6 - Pediatrics - Apparent Life Threatening Events
Define an apparent life threateni...,
T f all apparent life threatening...,
To appropriately exam the alte vi...
5  cards
7 - Adult - High Performance CPR
High performance cpr is accomplis...,
What two resuscitation outcomes a...,
Organ perfusion occurs during the...
5  cards
8 - Adults - ROSC
What are the indications for targ...,
What are the contraindications fo...,
Etco2 should be titrated to _____...
6  cards
25 - Adult - ALOC
Vitals in the aloc patient should...,
Causes of suspected mental status...,
S s of hypoglycemia
9  cards
26 - Adult - Suspected Stroke
T f a suspected cva patient with ...,
Form of glucose for adult hypogly...,
Medication for adult hypoglycemic...
8  cards
22 - Pediatrics - Drowning
Upon removing a pediatric drownin...,
If breathing resumes following cp...,
T f medcom must be contacted in t...
3  cards
23 - Pediatrics - Shock
What are the four forms of shock,
This shock may result from hemoth...,
Tx of obstructive shock
9  cards
28/29 - Adult - Sepsis and Sepsis TPs
When hypotension is notresponsive...,
Evidence of end organ dysfunction...,
Infection that is documented or s...
7  cards
30 - Adult - Hypertensive Crisis
In the case of suspected hyperten...,
Why is a difference in bp reading...,
The hypertensive crisis patient s...
3  cards
23/24 - Pediatrics - Trauma and Trauma TPs
Initial assessment of the pediatr...,
Inadequate ventilation respirator...,
T f in the peds trauma patient fl...
7  cards
59 - Adult - Medication Assisted Intubation
In the adult pt list the indicati...,
T f there is no real contraindica...,
T f patients in cardiac or respir...
7  cards
60 - Adult - OBGYN
As the head crowns control with g...,
Iv io midazolam for eclamptic sei...,
In im midazolam for eclamptic sei...
6  cards
61 - Adults - Endotracheal Intubation
T f situations where airway compr...,
What traumatic injury and related...,
Mnemonic for deterioration of the...
3  cards
62 - Choking
In unresponsive patients emt inte...,
These pts receive subdiaphragmati...,
These pts receive combination of ...
4  cards
1 - Absolutely Must Know By Friday
For bisphasic monitors pulseless ...,
In what step wise fashion is defi...,
Calcium chloride dose of dialysis...
7  cards
Knowledge Rehab
Ketamine for pre sedation for pro...,
What is the only situation in whi...,
T f benzodiazepines may be admini...
3  cards

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Proctor EMS - 2017 Protocols

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