This class was created by Brainscape user Karishma Patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1. Property Development Approach
What is property development,
What activities do developers do,
What are 3 attributes of developers
5  cards
2. Market Cycles
How long is the typical commercia...,
What should be done before constr...,
What are the 2 sets of factors in...
12  cards
3. Development Process
What is the asset creation process,
Which decisions made have the big...,
How is progressive commitment ach...
26  cards
4. Feasibility Studies
What is feasibility judgement,
What are the two measurement of f...,
What profit is generally required...
37  cards
Quiz Questions
Which of the following statements...,
A crash in the property market is...,
Which statement best describes th...
50  cards
5. Commercial Assessment
What are the 3 commercial assessm...,
How is the go no go decision made,
What are the 5 categories of cost
36  cards
6. Investment Assessments
What is the irr,
What is the npv when the interest...,
What are 3 benefits of an investm...
13  cards
7. Development Concept
What must design development solu...,
What is the development concept,
What are design needs
12  cards
8. Authority Consents
What is the key legislation involved,
What is the authority planning pr...,
How is the public realm addressed...
30  cards
9. Communicating
What are the 3 broad styles of co...,
Which style is this demand bargai...,
What style is this logic facts ex...
14  cards
10. Sustainable Development and Land Subdivision
Why build sustainable buildings 3,
How can carbon emissions be reduc...,
How is carbon emission calculated
27  cards
11. Risk Management
How is property development risk ...,
What are the 5 common developer r...,
What is the bond guarantee agains...
25  cards
12. Consultation and User Groups
How is consultation defined by th...,
How does consultation help planni...,
How does consultation help design...
16  cards
13. Tenancy Concepts and Office Buildings
How can maximum value be achieved,
What are 5 resulting trends in of...,
What are 6 resulting attributes f...
4  cards
14. Construction Contracting
What are 7 procurement considerat...,
What is single point of delivery,
What are the benefits of single p...
28  cards
15. Construction Contract and Procurement
What is the purpose of a contract,
What are the 4 aspects needed for...,
What are 9 important as
34  cards
16. Team Briefing & Management
What are 3 main categories of tea...,
When should design team briefing ...,
What are 7 components of the brief
10  cards
17. Industry Sectors & Refurbishment
What are 5 aspects and challenges...,
What are 5 special points of note...,
What are 5 development commercial...
21  cards
18. Shopping Centres
What are 7 retail development cha...,
What is market research,
What does market research focus on
20  cards
What was the result of the jarden...,
What was the problem with quay we...,
What is an example of a no go dec...
43  cards
What 4 things must developers con...,
What is the asset creation process,
What are the 3 simplified develop...
69  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Karishma Patel's PROPERTY342 flashcards for their Botany Downs Secondary College class now!

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