This class was created by Brainscape user reyhana r. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (148)

definitions of abnormality ao1
What is statistical infrequency,
Example of statistical infrequency,
What is deviation from social norms
14  cards
definitions of abnormality A03
Weakness of statistical infrequen...,
Strength of statistical infrequen...,
Weakness for statistical infreq i...
14  cards
phobias ao1
What is a phobia,
What is an anxiety disorder and w...,
What important about the level of...
38  cards
behaviourist explanation of phobias ao3
Strength for behaviourist expalna...,
Strength for behaviourist expalna...,
Weakness for beh app to phobias b...
4  cards
behaviourist treatment of phobias - ao3
Strength of systematic desensitis...,
Limitation of flooding peel highl...,
Weakness of behavioural therapy o...
4  cards
depression ao1
What is dsm 5,
2 main types of depression in dsm...,
What is major depressive disorder
44  cards
cognitive explanations of depression - ao3
Limitation of cog ex of dep,
Strength of cog explanations of d...
2  cards
cognitive treatments of depression - ao3
Strength of cbt research support,
Limitation suitability for divers...,
Counterpoint for suitability for ...
4  cards
ocd ao1
What is ocd,
2 main components of ocd and diff...,
3 cogntive characteristics of ocd
45  cards
biological explanation of OCD - ao3
Strength of bio app for ocd suppo...,
Limitation of bio ex of ocd issue...
2  cards
biological treatments of ODC - ao3
Limitation of biologial treatment...,
Strengthof drug therapy preferabl...,
Limitations od bio treat for ocd ...
4  cards
origins of psychology ao1
Who is wilhelm wundt and what did...,
Emergence of psych as a science 1...
5  cards
origins of psychology ao3
Strengths of wundt and introspection,
Weaknesses of wundt and introspec...,
Strengths of psch as science
4  cards
behaviourist approach ao1
Who theorised behaviourist approach,
Why did behaviourist approach com...,
Basic assumptions of behaviourist...
29  cards
behaviourist approach ao3
Strength of behaviourist approach...,
Example of cause and effect relat...,
Strength of behaviouist op cond irl
5  cards
social learning theory ao1
Who proposed social learning theory,
Describe slt
26  cards
social learning theory ao3
Strenth of slt cog,
Stremgth slt explains diff
7  cards
cognitive approach ao1
When was cogntive approach developed,
Cog approach basic assumptions,
Processes in beh app
20  cards
cognitive approach ao3
Strength of cognitive irl app,
Strength of cog scientific method,
Counter point for scientfic metho...
4  cards
biological approach ao1
Biological approach basic assumpt...,
40  cards
biological approach ao3
Irl appliaction of neurotransmitters,
Counter to irl application of neu...,
Counter to irl application of neu...
18  cards
psychodynamic approach ao1
Basic assumptions of psychodynami...,
What is the unconscious,
Describe id
37  cards
psychodynamic approach ao3
Strength of psychodynamic app exp...,
Weakness of psychodyanmic case st...,
Weakness of psychodyamic untestab...
6  cards
humanistic approach ao1
Key individuals of humanistic,
Basic assumptions of humanistic,
Explain maslow hireachy of needs
19  cards
humanistic approach ao3
Nevis cultural bias,
Strength of humanistic approach n...,
Strength of humanistic positive v...
4  cards
ainsworths strange situation ao1
Who and when developed the strang...,
What was the strange situation,
Procedure of strange situation
24  cards
ainsworths strange situation ao3
Strength of strange situation goo...,
Weakness of strange situation cul...,
Strength of strange sit good pred...
4  cards
role of the father ao3
Weakness confusion of research qu...,
Weakness conflicting evidence,
Strength real word app
3  cards
role of the father ao1
What defined as a father whne tal...,
Who are babies most likely to att...,
What evidence suggests that babie...
13  cards
cultural variations in attachment ao1
Define culture,
Who studied cultural variations i...,
Aim of i and j study
11  cards
caregiver-infant interaction ao1
Define attachment,
What displayed behaviours can be ...,
Define proximity
20  cards
caregiver-infant interactions ao3
Strength of research into interac...,
Weakness of research into caregiv...,
Weakness of caregiver to infant i...
4  cards
schaffers stages of attachment ao1
Who found stages of attachment,
4 stages of attachment,
Describe stage 1 the asocial stage
11  cards
animal studies of attachment ao1
What 2 ethologists conducted anim...,
When did lorenz carry out his res...,
What phenomenon did lorenz observe
18  cards
animal studies ao3
Strength of lorenz existence for ...,
Limitation of lorenz generalisabi...,
Strength of harlow real word appl...
4  cards
explanations of attachment: learning theory ao1
Who put forth the learning theory...,
When was learning theory of attac...,
What was learning theory of attac...
13  cards
explanations of attachment: learning theory ao3
Limitation of learning theory of ...,
Limitation of learning theory of ...,
Strength of learning theory of at...
4  cards
explanations of attachment: bowlbys theory ao1
What theory did john bowlby reject,
What kind of explanation for atta...,
Describe bowlbys evolutionary exp...
18  cards
explanations of attachment: bowlbys theory ao3
Strength of internal working mode...,
Counterpoint for reseach support ...,
Limitation of iwm mixed ev for mo...
4  cards
bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation ao1
What did bowlby 1953 say about mo...,
Maternal deprivation focuses on,
Maternal deprivation could interf...
18  cards
bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation - ao3
Limitation flawed evidence,
Counterpoint to limitation of fla...,
Limitation deprivation vs privation
3  cards
romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation ao1
Main study what was it called and...,
Aim and procedureera study,
Findings of era study
11  cards
romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation ao3
Strength real life application,
Strength lack of confounding vari...,
Counterpoint to lack of confoundi...
4  cards
influence of early attachment on later relationships ao1
What is internal working model,
Based on iwm what would affection...,
Based on iwm what would avoidant ...
17  cards
influence of early attachment on later relationships ao3
Weakness mixed evidence,
Weakness validity issues within r...,
Correlation vs causation
4  cards
coding, capacity and duration ao1
Coding definition,
Formats in which memory is stored in,
Who did research coding and when
15  cards
coding, capacity and duration ao3
Strength of baddlyes study,
Weakness of baddeleys study,
Strength of jacob study
6  cards
the multi store model of memory ao1
Who and when proposed multistore ...,
Each component of msm has its own,
Components of msm
16  cards
the multi store model of memory ao3
Strengths of msm diff bet compone...,
Counter point to sep mem stores peel,
Weakness of msm peel outdated model
4  cards
types of long term memory ao1
Who found that there were types o...,
How many types of ltm and what ar...,
What episodic memory
5  cards
types of long term memory ao3
Strength for tyoes of ltm clinica...,
Strenth of tyoes of ltm support f...,
Counterpoint to clinical evi stre...
4  cards
working memory model ao1
Components of wmm,
What is the ce
13  cards
working memory model ao3
Strength of wmm clinical evidence,
Dual task performance,
Counterpoint for clinical ev stre...
5  cards
interference ao1
Outline interference theory as an...,
What is interference theory,
Proactive interfernve
7  cards
interference ao3
Interference evaluation strength ...,
Strength of interfere irl studies,
Weakness if interference artificial
3  cards
retrieval failure ao1
Encoding specificity principle wh...,
What is en coding specificity pri...,
What is context dependent forgetting
7  cards
retrieval failure ao3
Strength of retrieval failure sup...,
Weakness of retrieval failure,
Strength of retrival failure prac...
3  cards
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - misleading information ao3
Strength of research into mislead...,
Counterpoint to pracitcal applica...,
Weakness of memory conformity in ...
4  cards
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - anxiety ao1
Who investigated weapon focus effect,
Procedure of johnson and scott,
Findings of johnson and scott 1976
11  cards
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - misleading information ao1
What can affect the accuracy of ewt,
Accuracy of ewt can be imporved by,
Ewt definitiona
25  cards
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - anxiety ao3
Contradictory evidnece yuille and...,
Limiation of res into anx ewt wea...,
Ethical issues weakness
3  cards
conformity : social roles (SPE) ao1
Define social role,
Who conducted stanford prison exp...,
Sample of spe
11  cards
conformity: types and explanations ao3
Strength research support for nor...,
Strength research support for inf...,
Counterpoint to lucas et al
3  cards
conformity types and explanations ao1
Define conformity,
3 types of conformity,
Define conformity
8  cards
conformity: social roles (SPE) ao3
Weakness individual differences,
Weakness lack of research support,
Strength real life applications
3  cards
obedience: milgrams research ao1
Define obedience,
Milgrams baseline sample,
Baseline procedure
7  cards
obedience : milgrams research ao3
Strength research support,
Weakness low internal validity,
Counter point to low internal val...
4  cards
obedience: situational variables ao1
Name the 3 situational variables,
Where did milgram do his initial ...,
In the location variation where d...
16  cards
conformity: aschs research ao1
Asch 1951 did,
Procedure asch baseline study,
Asch 1951 baseline findings
13  cards
conformity: aschs research ao3
Strength research support,
Counterpoint to strength of,
Weakness limited application of f...
4  cards
obedience: situational variables ao3
Strength research support,
Strength cross cultural replication,
Counterpoint to milgrams cross cu...
5  cards
obedience: situational explanations ao1
2 explanations of obedience,
Explain legitimacy of authority,
An authority figure is deemed leg...
17  cards
obedience: situational explanations ao3
Research support for agentic state,
Weakness limitated explanation of...,
Strength of legitimacy of authori...
3  cards
obedience: dipositional explanation ao1
Name the dispositional explanatio...,
How did the authoritarian persona...,
Who did study on authoritarian pe...
9  cards
obedience: dispositional explanations ao3
Research support elms and milgram...,
Counterpoint to elms and milgrams...,
Weakness f scale test bias
5  cards
resistance to social influence: ao1
2 reasons for ppl resisting socia...,
Social support refers to how the,
What study showed how social supp...
14  cards
resistance to social influence: ao3
Strength research support by olin...,
Weakness issue of social desirabi...,
Weakness correlational results
4  cards
minority influence + social change: ao1
Define minority influence,
Minority influence is most likely...,
3 things that need to be shown fo...
20  cards
minority influence: ao3
Issues with moscovicis research,
Counterpoint to issues w moscovic...,
Research support for effects of f...
4  cards
schizophrenia: diagnosis and classification ao1
What is schizophrenia,
Describe 2 types of classificatio...,
2 types of symptoms of schizophrenia
12  cards
schizophrenia: diagnosis and classification ao3
Weakness issue of reliability,
Weakness issue of co morbidity,
Weakness issue of symptom overlap
5  cards
schizophrenia: biological explanations ao1
Purpose of family studies,
Who conducted a family study and ...,
Gottesman 1991 procedure
34  cards
schizophrenia: biological explanations ao3
Strength research support for gen...,
Weakness issues and debates biolo...,
Strength of dopamine hypothesis e...
4  cards
schizophrenia: psycholgical explanations ao1
2 types of psychological explanat...,
Family dysfunction,
Psychodynamic model
28  cards
schizophrenia: psycholgical explanations ao3
Support for the role of family dy...,
Lack of support for family dysfun...,
Discussion point parent blaming
5  cards
schizophrenia: biological therapies ao1
Two types of drug therapy,
All antipsychotics work as,
2 types of antipsychotics
18  cards
schizophrenia: biological therapies ao3
1  cards
schizophrenia: psychological therapies ao1
3 types of psychological therapies,
How many cbt steps and name them,
Stress management
14  cards
schizophrenia: psychological therapies ao3
Evidence for effectiveness,
Counterpoint to research support,
Weakness alternative psych therap...
4  cards
schizophrenia : the interactionist approach ao1
What is the interactionist approach,
Explain diathesis stress model,
Who did og diathesis stress model
8  cards
schizophrenia : the interactionist approach ao3
Supporting evidence,
Overly simplistic,
Real world application
3  cards
Issues In Diagnosing Schiz
3 types of schiz
22  cards
neurons and synaptic transmission ao1
Electron transmission occurs with...,
What travels down a neuron,
5 parts of neuron
20  cards
nervous System and endo ao1
Difference between nervous and en...,
A hormone is,
What is hpa axis
35  cards
localisation of function ao1
Define localisation,
Define hemispheric lateralisation,
Define contralateral
15  cards
localisation of function ao3
Strength evidence from brain scans,
Strength evidence from case study,
Strength research support for bro...
4  cards
plasticity and functional recovery ao1
Define plasticity,
Reasons for plasticity,
Define functional recovery
20  cards
plasticity and functional recovery ao3
Research support maguire 2000,
Practical applications,
Research support for plasticity
4  cards
split brain research and hemispheric lateralisation ao1
Left hemisphere,
Right hemisphere,
Who did case study to supoort rig...
24  cards
split brain research and hemispheric lateralisation ao3
Strength research support,
Weakness issue of generalisation,
Strength highly scientific
4  cards
ways of investigating the brain ao1
Spatial resolution,
4 ways to study the brain,
Temporal resolution
19  cards
ways of investigating the brain ao3
Strength of fmris,
Weakness of fmris can only measur...,
Eegs invaluable in clinical diagn...
8  cards
biological rhythms : circaidian rhythms ao1
All living things have,
3 types of biological rhythms,
2 things which control and mainta...
42  cards
biological rhythms : circaidian rhythms ao3
Issues with animal studies,
Strength application to chronothe...,
Evidence from siffre strength
4  cards
Offender Profiling Ao1
Offender profiling is,
2 types of offender profiling,
Top down approach is from where a...
29  cards
Offender Profiling Ao3
Counterpoint to weakness about it...
13  cards
Biological Approach Forensics Ao1
Atavistic form,
Lombrosso says,
What did lombroso measure
22  cards
Biological Approach Forensics Ao3
Contradictory evidence
6  cards
experimental method - rm
What is an extraneous variable,
What is a confounding variable,
What is dependent and independent...
14  cards
research issues - rm
0  cards
experimental designs - rm
1  cards
types of experiment - rm
Lab experiments,
Field experiment,
Natural experiment
4  cards
sampling - rm
0  cards
ethical issues and ways of dealing with them - rm
0  cards
pilot studies (and more) - rm
0  cards
observational techniques - rm
0  cards
observational design - rm
0  cards
self report techniques - rm
0  cards
self report design - rm
0  cards
correlations - rm
Positive correlation,
Negative correlation,
No correlation
10  cards
types of data - rm
0  cards
measures of central tendency and dispersion - rm
studying mean, median, mode (CT) and range and standard dev
0  cards
presentation of quantitative data - rm
0  cards
Psychological Explanations: Forensics Ao1
Who proposed differential associa...,
What is differential association ...,
According to differential associa...
5  cards
Psych Explantions Ao1 Forensics Cogntive
2 cog explanations,
Cognitive distortions,
What do cog distortions allow
6  cards
Psych Explanations Ao3 - Cognitive
Strengths irl application,
Types of offence,
Kolbergs theory of moral reasoning
15  cards
Psychological Explanations Forensics Psychodynamic Ao1
Did frued directly address offend...,
What drives future offendin beh,
2 psychodynamic explanations of c...
13  cards
Psychological Approahch Forensics Psychodynamic Ao3
1  cards
Psychological Explantions: Eysencks Theory Ao1
Eysenck proposed that behaviour c...,
The role of socialisation,
What do i think socialisation is
9  cards
Dealing With Offending Behaviour
4 ways to deal with offending beh...,
What is custodial sentencing,
4 main aims of custodial sentencing
8  cards
Psychological Effects Of Prison
Psychological effects of custodia...,
Evidence supports psychological e...,
Prison reform trust 2014 study
7  cards
Relationships Phys Attractiveness Ao1
Mc nulty et al,
Buss research 1989
26  cards
Relationships Phys Attractivness Ao3
Correlational data weakness,
Cultural differences,
5  cards
Relationships: Filter Theory Ao1
Filter theory,
3 parts of filter theory
2  cards
Relationships: Filter Theory AO3
Research support,
Failure to replicate,
Culture bias
5  cards
relationships: evolutionary explanations for partner preferences ao1
Partner preferences area,
What does it mean by evolutionary...,
Evolution favours what feature wh...
15  cards
Anger Managment Forensics
Theory behind anger management no...,
Aims of anger management,
1st stage of anger management
10  cards
Forensics: Behaviour Modification Ao1
Token economy systems teps are us...,
Token economies are a form of,
What is behaviour modification an...
10  cards
Forensics: Behaviour Modification AO3
Easy to implement,
Counter point to easy to implement,
Little rehabilitative value
6  cards
Forensics: Restorative Justice Ao1
What is restorative justice,
What comes from restorative justice,
Restorative justice must be _____...
13  cards
schaffers stages of attachment: ao3
External validity of research,
Counterpoint to good external val...,
Problems studying the asocial age
4  cards
Issues And Debates: Free Will And Determinism
Free will is,
Determinism is,
5 types of determinism
18  cards
Reliability - Rm
Reliability refers to,
Internal reliability,
External reliability
12  cards
relationships: factors affecting attraction ao1
What is self disclosure
1  cards
cultural variations in attachment ao3
Standardised methodology,
Weakness unrepresentative samples,
3  cards
Issues And Debates: Ethical Implications Of Research Studies And Theory
Ethical implications for research...,
Socially sensitive research,
3 ethical issues when conducting ...
10  cards
Relationships: Social Exchange Theory Ao1
Social ex theory is a what theory,
We form a relationship if its we ...
23  cards
Issues And Debates: Idiographic And Nomothetic
The idiographic approach,
Idiographic methods,
The nomothetic approach
16  cards

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