This class was created by Brainscape user Arshpreet Bassi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (122)

Approaches- The Origins Of Psychology
What did wilhelm wundt establish ...,
What was wundt s objective in his...,
What is introspection 3
18  cards
Approaches- The Behaviourist Approach
What is the primary focus of the ...,
Why did early behaviourists like ...,
What methods did behaviourists pr...
25  cards
Approaches- The Social Learning Theory
What is the main idea of albert b...,
What is vicarious reinforcement i...,
What are the four mediational pro...
15  cards
Approaches- The Cognitive Approach
What is the main assumption of th...,
How do cognitive psychologists st...,
What is the information processin...
16  cards
Approaches- The Biological Approach
What is the main assumption of th...,
How does the biological approach ...,
What do behavior geneticists study 3
17  cards
Approaches- The Psychodynamic Approach
What is the role of the unconscio...,
How does freud describe the struc...,
What is the preconscious 2
17  cards
Approaches- Humanistic Psychology
What is the humanistic perspectiv...,
How does humanistic psychology di...,
What is self actualization 3
18  cards
Approaches- Comparison Of Approaches
What is the psychodynamic view of...,
How does the cognitive approach e...,
What is the biological approach s...
45  cards
Approaches- Comparison Of Approaches
Name all the approaches 1,
Comparison points 2,
Behaviourism 3
32  cards
Biopsychology- The Nervous System And The Endocrine System
Nervous system 1,
Central nervous system cns 2,
Peripheral nervous system pns 3
33  cards
Biopsychology- Neurons And Synaptic Transmission
Neuron 1,
Sensory neurons 2,
Relay neurons 3
35  cards
Biopsychology- Localisation Of Function
Localisation of function 1,
Motor area 2,
Somatosensory area 3
26  cards
Biopsychology- Plasticity And Fucntional Recovery Of The Brain After Trauma
Plasticity 1,
Functional recovery 2,
What is brain plasticity 3
18  cards
Biopsychology- Split-brain Research Into Hemispheric Lateralisation
Hemispheric lateralisation 1,
Split brain research 2,
What is hemispheric lateralisation 3
18  cards
Biopsychology- Ways Of Investigating The Brain
Functional magnetic resonance ima...,
Electroencephalogram eeg 2,
Event related potentials erps 3
18  cards
Biopsychology- Bio Rhythms: Circadian Rhythms
Biological rhythms 1,
Circadian rhythm 2,
What are biological rhythms 3
15  cards
Biopsychology- Bio Rhythms: Infradian And Ultradian Rhythms
Infradian rhythm 1,
Ultradian rhythm 2,
What are biological rhythms 3
21  cards
Biopsycholgy- Endogenous Pacemakers And Exogenous Pacemakers
Endogenous pacemakers 1,
Exogenous zeitgebers 2,
Sleep wake cycle 3
17  cards
Psychopathology- Definitions Of Abnormalities
Statistical infrequency 1,
Deviation from social norms 2,
What is statistical infrequency i...
18  cards
Psychopathology- Phobias
When does a person cross the line...,
What are some signs that a person...,
What signs did rosenhan seligman ...
23  cards
Psychopathology- Depression
Depression 1,
Behavioural 2,
Emotional 3
15  cards
Psychopathology- Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Ocd obsessive compulsive disorder 1,
Behavioural 2,
Emotional 3
22  cards
Psychopathology- The Behavioural Approach To Explaining Phobias
Behavioural approach 1,
Classical conditioning 2,
Operant conditioning 3
18  cards
Psychopathology- The Behavioural Approach To Treating Phobias
Systematic desensitisation sd 1,
Flooding 2,
What is the goal of systematic de...
23  cards
Psychopathology- The Cognitive Approach To Explaining Depression
Cognitive approach 1,
Negative triad 2,
Abc model 3
19  cards
Psychopathology- The Cognitive Approach To Treating Depression
Cognitive behaviour therapy cbt 1,
Irrational thoughts 2,
What is cbt used for 3
21  cards
Psychopathology- The Biological Approach To Explaining OCD
Biological approach 1,
Genetic explanations 2,
Neural explanations 3
35  cards
Psychopathology- The Biological Approach To Treating OCD
Drug therapy 1,
What is the aim of drug therapy f...,
What neurotransmitter is associat...
17  cards
Forensics- Offender Profiling: Top-down Approach
Offender profiling 1,
The top down approach 2,
Organised offender 3
23  cards
Forensics- Offender Profiling: Bottom-up Approach
The bottom up approach 1,
Geographical profiling 2,
How does the british bottom up mo...
23  cards
Forensics- Biological Explanations: Atavistic Form
Atavistic form 1,
What is the atavistic form theory...,
How did lombroso describe crimina...
16  cards
Forensics- Biological Explanations: Genetics And Neural Explanations
Genetics 1,
Neural explanation 2,
What do genetic explanations for ...
22  cards
Forensics- Psychological Explanations: Eysenck’s Theory
The criminal personality 1,
What do genetic explanations for ...,
What evidence supports genetic ex...
21  cards
Forensics- Psychological Explanations: Cognitive Explanations
Level of moral reasoning 1,
Cognitive distortions 2,
Hostile attribution bias 3
31  cards
Forensics- Psychological Explanations: Differential Association Theory
Differential association theory 1,
What is differential association ...,
What is the scientific basis of d...
25  cards
Forensics- Psychological Explanations: Psychodynamic Explanations
Psychodynamic explanations 1,
What are psychodynamic explanatio...,
What are the three types of inade...
18  cards
Forensics- Dealing W/ Offending Behaviour: Custodial Sentencing
Custodial sentencing 1,
Recidivism 2,
What is custodial sentencing 3
16  cards
Forensics- Dealing W/ Offending Behaviour: Behaviour Modification In Custody
Behaviour modification 1,
What is behaviour modification in...,
What is the aim of behaviour modi...
17  cards
Forensics- Dealing W/ Offending Behaviour: Anger Management
Anger management 1,
What does raymond novaco 1975 sug...,
How is becoming angry reinforced ...
14  cards
Forensics- Dealing W/ Offending Behaviour: Restorative Justice
Restorative justice 1,
What are the basic principles of ...,
How does restorative justice chan...
15  cards
Relationships- Sexual Selection & Human Reproductive Behaviour
Sexual selection 1,
Human reproductive behaviour 2,
What is sexual selection 3
13  cards
Relationships- Factors affecting attraction: Self-disclosure
Self disclosure 1,
What is self disclosure in relati...,
What role does self disclosure pl...
15  cards
Relationships- Factors affecting attraction: Physical attractiveness
Physical attractiveness 1,
Matching hypothesis 2,
Why is physical attractiveness im...
16  cards
Relationships- Factors affecting attraction: Filter theory
Filter theory 1,
Social demography 2,
Similarity in attitudes 3
19  cards
Relationships- Theories of romantic relationships: Social exchange theory
Social exchange theory 1,
What is social exchange theory set 2,
What are rewards and costs in set 3
21  cards
Relationships- Theories of romantic relationships: Equity theory
Equity theory 1,
What is equity theory 2,
What does the term equity mean in...
15  cards
Relationships- Theories of romantic relationships: Rusbult's investment model
Commitment 1,
Satisfaction 2,
Comparison with alternatives 3
21  cards
Relationships- Theories of romantic relationships: Duck's phase model
Phase model of relationship break...,
What is duck s phase model of rel...,
What are the four phases in duck ...
17  cards
Relationships- Virtual relationships in social media
Self disclosure 1,
Absence of gating 2,
What is the role of self disclosu...
22  cards
Relationships- Parasocial relationships
Parasocial relationship 1,
Levels of parasocial relationships 2,
Absorption addiction model 3
20  cards
Schizophrenia 1,
Classification of mental disorder 2,
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia 3
42  cards
Schizophrenia- Biological explanations for schizophrenia
Genetics 1,
Dopamine 2,
Neural correlates 3
51  cards
Schizophrenia- Psychological explanations for schizophrenia
Family dysfunction 1,
Cognitive explanations 2,
Dysfunctional thought processing 3
15  cards
Schizophrenia- Biological therapies for schizophrenia: Drug therapy
Antipsychotics 1,
Typical antipsychotics 2,
Atypical antipsychotics 3
38  cards
Schizophrenia- Psychological therapies for schizophrenia
Cognitive behaviour therapy cbt 1,
Family therapy 2,
Token economies 3
24  cards
Schizophrenia- The interactionist approach to schizophrenia
The interactionist approach 1,
The diathesis stress model 2,
What is the interactionist approa...
26  cards
Issues & Debates- Gender Bias
Universality 1,
Gender bias 2,
Androcentrism 3
58  cards
Issues & Debates- Cultural Bias
Cultural bias 1,
Ethnocentrism 2,
Cultural relativism 3
33  cards
Issues & Debates- Free Will & Determinism
Free will 1,
Determinism 2,
Hard determinism 3
34  cards
Issues & Debates- The Nature-Nurture Debate
The nature nurture debate 1,
Heredity 2,
Environment 3
24  cards
Issues & Debates- Holism & Reductionism
Holism 1,
Reductionism 2,
Biological reductionism 3
34  cards
Issues & Debates- Idiographic & Nomothetic Approaches
Idiographic approach 1,
Nomothetic approach 2,
What is the idiographic approach ...
25  cards
Issues & Debates- Ethical Implications Of Research Studies & Theory
Ethical implications 1,
Social sensitivity 2,
What are ethical implications in ...
22  cards
Memory- The Multi-store Model Of Memory
Multi store model msm 1,
Sensory register 2,
What is the multi store model msm...
24  cards
Memory- Coding, capacity & duration of memory
Coding 1,
Capacity 2,
Duration 3
29  cards
Memory- Types Of Long-term Memory
Episodic memory 1,
Semantic memory 2,
Procedural memory 3
24  cards
Memory- The Working Memory Model
Working memory model wmmm 1,
Central executive ce 2,
Phonologicalcop pl 3
16  cards
Memory- Explanations For Forgetting: Interference
Interference 1,
Proactive interference pi 2,
Retroactive interference ri 3
23  cards
Memory- Explanations For Forgetting: Retrieval Failure
Retrieval failure 1,
Cue 2,
What is retrieval failure theory 3
16  cards
Memory- Factors Affecting The Accuracy Of Eyewitness Testimony: Misleading Information
Eyewitness testimony ewt 1,
Misleading information 2,
Leading question 3
16  cards
Memory- Factors Affecting The Accuracy Of Eyewitness Testimony: Anxiety
Anxiety 1,
What are the emotional and physic...,
How does anxiety negatively affec...
13  cards
Memory- Improving The Accuracy Of Eyewitness Testimomy: Cognitive Interview
Cognitive interview ci 1,
What did fisher and geiselman 199...,
What are the four main techniques...
14  cards
Attachment- Introduction to attachment
Reciprocity 1,
Interactional synchrony 2,
From an early age what do babies ...
28  cards
Attachment- Explanations of attachment: Learning theory
Learning theory 1,
What is the learning theory expla...,
How does classical conditioning e...
13  cards
Attachment- Schaffer's stages of attachment
Stages of attachment 1,
Multiple attachments 2,
What was the aim of schaffer and ...
21  cards
Attachment- Animal studies of attachment
Animal studies in psychology are 1,
What did konrad lorenz observe as...,
What was the procedure of lorenz ...
18  cards
Attachment- Explanations of attachment:Bowlby's theory
Monotropic 1,
Internal working models 2,
Critical period 3
17  cards
Attachment- Ainsworth's strange situation
Strange situation 1,
Secure attachment 2,
Insecure avoidant attachment 3
18  cards
Attachment- Cultural variations in attachment
Cultural variations 1,
What was the aim of van ijzendoor...,
What procedure did van ijzendoorn...
15  cards
Attachment- Bowlby's theory of material deprivation
Maternal deprivation 1,
What is bowlby s theory of matern...,
What is the difference between se...
16  cards
Attachment- Romanian orphan studies
Institutionalisation 1,
Orphan studies 2,
What is the focus of romanian orp...
21  cards
Attachment- Influence of early attachment on later relationships
Childhood relationships 1,
Adult relationships 2,
Internal working models 3
23  cards
Social Influence- Conformity: Types and explanations
Conformity 1,
Identification 2,
Compliance 3
20  cards
Social Influence- Conformity: Asch's research
Group size 1,
Unanimity 2,
Task difficulty 3
23  cards
Social Influence- Conformity to social roles: Zimbardo's research
Social roles the parts people pla...,
What was the aim of the stanford ...,
What was the procedure of the spe 3
20  cards
Social Influence- Obedience: Milgram's research
Obedience 1,
What was the aim of milgram s ori...,
What was the procedure of milgram...
19  cards
Social Influence- Obedience: Situational variables
Situational variables 1,
Location 2,
Uniform 2
21  cards
Social Influence- Obedience: Social-psychological factors
Agentic state 1,
Legitimacy of authority 2,
What sparked milgram s interest i...
15  cards
Social Influence- Obedience: Dispositional explanations
Dispositional explanation 1,
Authoritarian personality 2,
What did adorno et al investigate 3
15  cards
Social Influence- Resistance to social influence
Resistance to social influence 1,
Social support 2,
Locus of control loc 3
15  cards
Social Influence- Minority influence
Minority influence 1,
Consistency 2,
Commitment 3
15  cards
Social Influence- Social influence and social change
Social influence 1,
Social change 2,
What is the role of minority infl...
14  cards
Research Methods- Experimental method
Experimental method 1,
Aim 2,
Hypothesis 3
29  cards
Research Methods- Control of variables
Extraneous variable ev 1,
Confounding variables 2,
Demand characteristics 3
26  cards
Research Methods- Experimental design
Experimental design 1,
Independent groups design 2,
Repeated measures 3
26  cards
Research Methods- Types of experiment
Laboratory lab experiment 1,
Field experiment 2,
Natural experiment 3
24  cards
Research Methods- Sampling
Population 1,
Sample 2,
Sampling techniques 3
35  cards
Research Methods- Ethical issues and ways of dealing with them
Ethical issues 1,
Bps code of ethics 2,
What are ethical issues in psycho...
28  cards
Research Methods- Pilot studies (and more)
Pilot study 1,
What is the aim of a pilot study 2,
What is the purpose of a pilot st...
25  cards
Research Methods- Observational techniques
Naturalistic observation 1,
Controlled observation 2,
Covert observation 3
36  cards
Research Methods- Observational design
Behavioural categories 1,
Event sampling 2,
Time sampling 3
34  cards
Research Methods- Self-report techniques
Self report technique 1,
Questionnaire 2,
Interview 3
35  cards
Research Methods- Self-report design
Open questions 1,
Closed questions 2,
What is a likert scale 3
36  cards
Research Methods- Correlations
Correlation 1,
Co variables 2,
Positive correlation 3
34  cards
Research Methods- Data analysis: Kinds of data
Qualitative data 1,
Quantitative data 2,
Primary data 3
39  cards
Research Methods- Data analysis: Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics 1,
Measures of central tendency 2,
Mean 3
42  cards
Research Methods- Data analysis: Graphs
Scattergram 1,
Bar chart 2,
What is an example of a summary t...
51  cards
Research Methods- Mathematical content
What percentage of participants s...,
How do you convert a percentage t...,
How do you convert a decimal to a...
19  cards
Research Methods- Introduction to statistical testing
Statistical testing 1,
Sign test 2,
What did researchers find after p...
13  cards
Research Methods- Peer review and psychology and the economy
Peer review 1,
Economy 2,
How is psychological research typ...
18  cards
Research Methods- Correlations
Research methods 1,
Correlation 2,
What does the term correlation re...
15  cards
Research Methods- Case studies and content analysis
Case studies 1,
Coding 2,
Content analysis 3
22  cards
Research Methods- Reliability
Reliability 1,
Test retest reliability 2,
Inter observer reliability 3
25  cards
Research Methods- Types of validity
Validity 1,
Face validity 2,
Concurrent validity 3
24  cards
Research Methods- Choosing a statistical test
Levels of measurement 1,
Statistical tests 2,
Mann whitney 3
36  cards
Research Methods- Probability and significance
Probability 1,
Significance 2,
Critical value 3
21  cards
Research Methods- Test of difference: Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon
What is the mann whitney test use...,
What is the aim of the study on t...,
What is the alternative hypothesi...
18  cards
Research Methods- Parametric tests of difference: Unrelated and related t-tests
Why the unrelated t test 1,
What is the design and level of m...,
What is the aim of the study 3
18  cards
Research Methods- Tests of correlation: Spearman's and Pearson's
Why spearman s rho 1,
What is the level of measurement ...,
What is the aim of the study 3
19  cards
Research Methods- Tests of association: Chi-Squared
What is chi squared used for 1,
What is the design of the study i...,
What is the aim of the study on c...
11  cards
Research Methods- Reporting psychological investigations
Abstract 1,
Introduction 2,
Results 3
20  cards
Research Methods- Features of science
Paradigm 1,
Paradigm shift 2,
Replicability 2
20  cards

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