This class was created by Brainscape user Jing Ji. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (172)

UG Development 1
Identify the two major urogenital primordia in the embryo (4-5 weeks).
5  cards
UG Development 2
Describe the significance of pronephros, mesonephros, and metanephros on kidney development, and how development of the permanent kidney accounts for clinical conditions such as horseshoe kidney, pelvic kidney, and multiple renal arteries.
8  cards
UG Development 3
Identify the common male/female primordia at the 8-week "indifferent stage" and the adult UG structures they become.
8  cards
UG Development 4
Describe the embryological/anatomical basis of ectopic pregnancy, hypospadius, cystic structures around the testis or ovary, and fistulas/cysts/sinuses related to abnormal UG sinus development.
6  cards
Female Histology 1
Describe the major histological features of the female reproductive organs - epithelial types and nature of the mucosa/submucosa and muscularis.
3  cards
Female Histology 2
Describe the steps in oocyte development (timing of meiotic divisions, etc.) and the difference between primordial, primary, secondary, and mature (Graafian) follicles. Indicate the hormones that stimulate follicle development and trigger ovulation.
8  cards
Female Histology 3
Describe the origin, function, and two cell types of a corpus luteum.
5  cards
Female Histology 4
Identify the menstrual, proliferative, and secretory phases of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) and the hormonal basis for changes in the uterine lining. Describe the histological differences between cervix and body.
12  cards
Female Histology 5
Describe the origin and structure of a placental villus and placental membrane (maternal/fetal blood barrier).
5  cards
Female Histology 6
Describe the unique histological features of the vagina and the histological basis of interpreting a PAP smear.
3  cards
Female Histology 7
Identify the histological features related to the production and secretion of milk by the mammary gland.
6  cards
Female Histology 8
Describe how the breast changes during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and during old age.
1  cards
Sex Development 1
Differentiate chromosomal, gonadal and phenotypic sex.
3  cards
Sex Development 2
Describe the known roles of genes in gonadal differentiation, particularly SF1, DAX, AMH, SOX9, and SRY.
6  cards
Sex Development 3
List the analogous structures of male and female external genitalia.
2  cards
Sex Development 4
Describe the role of dihydrotestosterone in the development of external genitalia.
2  cards
Sex Development 5
Describe the chromosomal makeup, external and internal genitalia, and abnormalities of the genitalia in the following disorders: Kleinfelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, 46, XY disorders of gonadal dysgenesis, 5-alpha reductase deficiency, and 21-hydroxylase deficiency.
13  cards
Sex Development 6
Apply the knowledge of sexual differentiation to determine the expected findings in an individual with a disorder of sexual development.
1  cards
Sex Development 7
Identify the social and medical challenges of caring for individuals with disorders of sexual development.
2  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 1
Describe the components of the female reproductive system.
6  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 2
Summarize the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.
2  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 3
Summarize the gonadotropin releasing hormone regulation of gonadotropin secretion.
2  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 4
Explain the production of sex hormones.
12  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 5
Explain the estradiol feedback on gonadotropin secretion.
2  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 6
Differentiate the endocrine causes of female reproductive dysfunction.
4  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 7
Summarize the hormonal changes characteristics of different categories of reproductive disorders.
10  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 8
Explain the pathogenesis of the reproductive abnormalities of PCOS.
5  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 9
Describe the metabolic abnormalities of PCOS.
7  cards
Endocrine Control Female Reproduction 10
List the diagnostic criteria for PCOS.
2  cards
Anovulation and Amenorrhea 1
List the common causes of secondary amenorrhea.
9  cards
Anovulation and Amenorrhea 2
Describe how the normal function of the hypothalamic pituitary-ovarian axis is altered with the common causes of anovulation/amenorrhea.
15  cards
Anovulation and Amenorrhea 3
Apply a simple paradigm to make a correct diagnosis in a patient with amenorrhea.
4  cards
Anovulation and Amenorrhea 4
Describe effective therapeutic approaches to the infertile couple.
4  cards
Female Infertility 1
Define infertility.
5  cards
Female Infertility 2
Describe the differential diagnosis of infertility.
12  cards
Female Infertility 3
Describe the modern diagnostic approach to infertility.
6  cards
Female Infertility 4
Describe effective therapeutic approaches to the infertile couple
9  cards
Contraception 1
Describe the various contraceptive methods that affect each site of the female genital tract (vagina, cervix, endometrium, fallopian tube, and ovary), and the specific mechanism(s) used to prevent conception.
31  cards
Contraception 2
In the context of counseling a patient with medical problems that absolutely preclude pregnancy, explain the benefits of long-acting reversible contraception and identify those methods which are considered: LARC.
2  cards
Contraception 3
Using the concept of first pass metabolism, explain why oral combined hormonal contraception is associated with increased risk of thromboembolic complications compared to trans-dermal and vaginal combined hormonal formulations.
2  cards
Contraception 4
A patient complains of new acne on an oral contraceptive pill containing progestin, levonorgestrel. Formulate and explanation to her as to why a drospirenone-containing pill might help reduce her acne.
1  cards
Contraception 5
Compare the side effect profile of the copper-containing IUD to the progestin-releasing IUD based on their effects on the endometrium.
2  cards
Implantation 1
List the functions of the placenta.
5  cards
Implantation 2
Describe the process of normal implantation.
5  cards
Implantation 3
Describe the development of the placenta, especially focusing on the roles of cellular differentiation and vascular development.
12  cards
Implantation 4
Explain how the placenta can maintain extensive fetal growth in the third trimester despite only a relatively small increase in placental size.
3  cards
Implantation 5
Describe the process and importance of remodeling of the maternal spiral arteries.
2  cards
Implantation 6
List the gross and histologic features of a normal placenta.
6  cards
Anatomy and Pathology of the Placenta 1
Differentiate maternal and fetal compartments of the placenta.
5  cards
Anatomy and Pathology of the Placenta 2
Compare and contrast the features of ascending and hematogenous infection in the placenta and fetal membranes.
4  cards
Anatomy and Pathology of the Placenta 3
Describe abnormalities of uteroplacental and fetoplacental vasculature and their complications: preeclampsia, abruption, fetal thrombotic vasculopathy.
9  cards
Anatomy and Pathology of the Placenta 4
Distinguish between dichorionic and monochorionic placentation and compare and contrast formation and complications of these twinning patterns.
3  cards
Anatomy and Pathology of the Placenta 5
Distinguish between the pathologic findings in partial and complete hydatidiform mole.
8  cards
Pelvic Anatomy 1
Describe how design of the pelvis is related to obstetrics and bipedal locomotion.
2  cards
Pelvic Anatomy 2
Explain how the arrangement of ligaments of the sacrum relates to force transmission through the pelvis.
2  cards
Pelvic Anatomy 3
Describe how the pelvic diaphragm differs from the urogenital diaphragm.
7  cards
Pelvic Anatomy 4
Indicate the path of urine flow from the pyramids to the exterior of the body and indicate where kidney stones commonly lodge.
4  cards
Pelvic Anatomy 5
Relate pelvic development from splanchnopleure and somatopleure (gut vs. body wall) to the organization of muscles, nerves, blood supply, and lymphatic drainage. Define hemorrhoids and describe how they relate to venous drainage and portal hypertension.
7  cards
Pelvic Anatomy 6
Explain how sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral sensory neurons get to the pelvic plexus.
5  cards
Normal Pregnancy 1
Explain the maternal physiologic chanegs in pregnancy as a basis of how that can affect disease presentation.
16  cards
Normal Pregnancy 2
Recognize the Unique features of fetal physiology.
8  cards
Normal Pregnancy 3
Describe normal labor and delivery.
6  cards
Abnormalities of Pregnancy 1
Describe and recognize common abnormal processes that affect pregnancy outcome.
17  cards
Abnormalities of Pregnancy 2
Identify the etiologies of preterm birth and the risks related to prematurity.
13  cards
Anatomy of the Perineum 1
Define the perineum, its boundaries, and identify the structures that traverse it.
5  cards
Anatomy of the Perineum 2
Describe the difference between the urogenital and pelvic diaphragms. Define the central tendon of the perineum and identify the structures that attach to it.
1  cards
Anatomy of the Perineum 3
Define the superficial and deep perineal pouches and identify their contents. Describe Colles' fascia and its attachments and relations.
7  cards
Anatomy of the Perineum 4
Identify the parts of the male and female genitalia, their blood supply and innervations, and how they relate to the two diaphragms. Describe the ligaments of the uterus and ovaries and the basic supporting structures for all pelvic/perineal viscera.
18  cards
Anatomy of the Perineum 5
Describe the structures cut in a median and mediolateral episiotomy, the muscular cause of uterine prolapse, the location and effects of nerve blocks, and the clinical significance of the rectouterine pouch.
6  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 1
Explain the pathology of gestational trophoblastic diseases.
2  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 2
Describe the genetics of hydatidiform moles.
1  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 3
Diagnose and develop a management plan for a hydatidiform mole.
6  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 4
Define gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.
5  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 5
Describe treatment options for gestational trophoblast neoplasia based on stage and risk assessment.
4  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 6
Summarize the most important reasons for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia treatment success.
3  cards
Pharmacology of Gonadal Hormones 1
Describe why and how gonadotropin releasing hormone and/or analogs are used diagnostically and for stimulatory and inhibitory effects.
15  cards
Pharmacology of Gonadal Hormones 2
Describe why and how gonadotropins are used therapeutically in males and females.
7  cards
Pharmacology of Gonadal Hormones 3
Describe why analogs of androgens, estrogens, and progestins can provide therapeutic advantages over the naturally occurring hormones.
14  cards
Pharmacology of Gonadal Hormones 4
Describe the relationship of the psychological effects of androgens, estrogens, and progestins to their therapeutic applications and side effects.
12  cards
Pharmacology of Gonadal Hormones 5
Describe the actions and applications of agents that inhibit gonadal hormone synthesis or action.
3  cards
Pharmacology of Gonadal Hormones 6
Describe the reproductive cycle and why estrogenic and progestational compounds can be effective contraceptives.
6  cards
Reproductive Genetics 1
List indications for prenatal genetic diagnostic testing.
17  cards
Reproductive Genetics 2
Describe principles of genetic carrier testing.
1  cards
Reproductive Genetics 3
Describe the risks for aneuplodiy or single gene disorders for patients based on age, prior history, or screening results.
5  cards
Reproductive Genetics 4
Recognize pedigree patterns consistent with hereditary gynecologic cancer syndromes.
10  cards
Spontaneous and Induced Abortion 1
Distinguish different types of spontaneous abortion when challenged with simulated clinical scenarios.
10  cards
Spontaneous and Induced Abortion 2
Describe in layman's terms to a classmate steps involved in performing uterine evacuation during the first trimester.
3  cards
Spontaneous and Induced Abortion 3
Describe in layman's terms to a classmate medical options for uterine evacuation during the first trimester.
9  cards
Menopause and HRT 1
Define menopause, menopause transition, and perimenopause.
3  cards
Menopause and HRT 2
List the cardinal signs/symptoms of the perimenopause.
3  cards
Menopause and HRT 3
Describe the clinical significance of menopause and your place as a role model in health promotion.
5  cards
Menopause and HRT 4
Describe indications for treatment of perimenopausal symptoms and basic treatment principles for prescribing hormone therapy.
8  cards
Menopause and HRT 5
Apply knowledge of menopause to clinical scenarios and begin to understand counseling and informed consent.
3  cards
Pathology of Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva 1
Describe the etiologic role that high risk HPV plays in the development of invasive cervical carcinoma.
6  cards
Pathology of Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva 2
Describe the protracted natural history of cervical dysplasia and the low rate of progression to invasive cervical carcinoma.
7  cards
Pathology of Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva 3
Identify the basic principles behind the pap test and high risk HPV testing.
3  cards
Pathology of Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva 4
Describe the two pathways of squamous carcinogenesis in the vulva 1) HPV related, 2) related to lichen sclerosus.
3  cards
Pathology of Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva 5
Compare and contrast lichen sclerosus and lichen simplex chronicus.
2  cards
Pathology of Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva 6
Contrast mammary Paget's disease with extra mammary Paget's disease.
3  cards
Vulvar and Cervical Cancer 1
Define the criteria that make the pap smear a successful screening tool for cervical cancer.
4  cards
Vulvar and Cervical Cancer 2
Apply risk benchmarking to contemporary pap smear/HPV results when presented with a clinical scenario.
5  cards
Vulvar and Cervical Cancer 3
Identify and describe the following vulvar lesions: lichen sclerosis, vulvar carcinoma, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, vulvar condyloma, dermatitis, melanoma.
10  cards
Vulvar and Cervical Cancer 4
Differentiate low-risk HPV lesions from high-risk HPV lesions with respect to etiology, natural history, and management.
9  cards
Breast Physiology and Benign Diseases 1
To describe basic rmbryology, anatomy, and physiology of the breast.
11  cards
Breast Physiology and Benign Diseases 2
To describe basic breast histology and the changes that occur over a woman's lifetime.
4  cards
Breast Physiology and Benign Diseases 3
What happens to breast physiology...,
What happens to breast physiology...,
Describe breast physiology during...
10  cards
Breast Physiology and Benign Diseases 4
List the major complications of b...,
What is mastitis and what are the...,
What are breast abscesses and wha...
6  cards
Breast Physiology and Benign Diseases 5
To describe the characteristics and histology of benign breast disease and describe the most common benign breast diseases.
19  cards
Ovary and Fallopian Tube Pathology 1
Describe the tumor classification for four types of "ovarian tumors."
20  cards
Ovary and Fallopian Tube Pathology 2
Describe the major histological features and molecular changes in type I and II ovarian carcinomas.
5  cards
Ovary and Fallopian Tube Pathology 3
Describe the concept of fallopian tube in ovarian carcinogenesis and the key features of high grade serous carcinoma.
9  cards
Ovary and Fallopian Tube Pathology 4
Differentiate the histogenesis of germ cell and sex-cord and stromal tumors.
18  cards
Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Pathology 5
What are the major considerations...,
What are the most common adnexal ...,
What are important characteristic...
28  cards
Uterine Pathology 1
Describe the range of histologic changes of endometrium in different hormonal status.
6  cards
Uterine Pathology 2
Connect the clinical and pathologic findings of uterine bleeding.
5  cards
Uterine Pathology 3
Describe the spectrum of estrogen-driven endometrium from proliferative, hyperplastic to neoplastic progression.
3  cards
Uterine Pathology 4
Describe the morphologic features of epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms that arise at this site
24  cards
Uterine Pathology 5
Benign and Malignant Uterine Disease
22  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 1
Describe the role of somatic (pudendal), sympathetic, and parasympathetic nerves in urination and defecation.
12  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 2
Identify the mechanisms responsible for the continence and voiding phases of micturition and defecation.
4  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 3
Describe the sequence of events in the colon and anal sphincters occurring during reflexive defecation.
4  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 4
Describe the levels of CNS control of micturition and defecation, differentiating reflexive and voluntary control mechanisms.
2  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 5
Describe the innervation of sexual organs in men and women.
2  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 6
Outline the coordination of somatic, sympathetic and parasympathetic activity in sexual function.
5  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 7
Describe the sequence of events in male and female sexual arousal and climax.
8  cards
Neural Control of Pelvic Function 8
Explain differences and similarities in male and female sexual function.
3  cards
Female Sexual Dysfunction 1
Identify and differentiate the 4 types of female sexual dysfunction.
4  cards
Female Sexual Dysfunction 2
Identify the multifactorial causes of FSD.
9  cards
Female Sexual Dysfunction 3
Describe how to conduct a professional sexual dysfunction interview.
1  cards
Female Sexual Dysfunction 4
Describe how to treat FSD.
3  cards
Histology of the Male Reproductive System 1
Name the organs of the male reproductive system in correct anatomical sequence with respect to the passage of sperm, beginning with the testes.
4  cards
Histology of the Male Reproductive System 2
Identify the major histological features and functions of the organs. Describe the process of ejaculation and the function and the clinical significance of prostate specific antigen.
8  cards
Histology of the Male Reproductive System 3
Describe the structure of a spermatozoon at the electron microscopic level.
1  cards
Histology of the Male Reproductive System 4
Describe the processes that occur in the seminiferous tubules, collectively known as spermatogenesis or gametogenesis (that includes spermatocytogenesis, meiosis, and spermiogenesis.
11  cards
Histology of the Male Reproductive System 5
Describe the process of sperm maturation and capacitation, where they occur, and the timeframe for all of the events.
2  cards
Histology of the Male Reproductive System 6
Describe the events and function of the acrosome reaction at fertilization and the ovum cortical reaction.
2  cards
Male Contraception 1
The learner will be able to list the available types of male contraception.
5  cards
Male Contraception 2
The learner will be able to state demographic factors that are associated with increased/decreased utilization of vasectomy.
2  cards
Male Contraception 3
The learner will be able to describe the risks and benefits associated with a vasectomy procedure.
3  cards
Male Sexual Dysfunction 1
The learner will be able to discuss the four different broad categories of sexual dysfunction.
9  cards
Male Sexual Dysfunction 2
The learner will be able to differentiate the three types of erectile dysfunction.
13  cards
Male Sexual Dysfunction 3
The learner will be able to compare and contrast the available behavioral, medical, and surgical therapies for ED.
7  cards
Male Sexual Dysfunction 4
The learner will be able to identify the medical co-morbidities that should be considered when a patient is diagnosed with erectile dysfunction ("reciprocal diagnosis").
2  cards
Prostate Cancer 1
Recite the core information on the epidemiology of prostate cancer.
3  cards
Prostate Cancer 2
Describe the methods for early detection of prostate cancer.
5  cards
Prostate Cancer 3
Describe the primary tumors.
4  cards
Prostate Cancer 4
Evaluate the patient for immediate treatment or active surveillance.
2  cards
Prostate Cancer 5
Recite the management options and be able to discuss the pros and cons of each.
5  cards
Prostate Cancer 6
Recognize the indications for multimodal primary therapy and adjuvant therapy and evaluate the need andoptiosn for salvage therapy.
4  cards
Microbiology and Impact of STIs Part 1
1. Describe the major sexually transmitted disease syndromes. (MKS-1b) 2. Describe the microbiological characteristics of the major sexually transmitted pathogens. (MKS-1b) 3. Describe the disease manifestations caused by the sexually transmitted pathogens as well as tests and therapies used to diagnose and treat them. (MKS-1d, MKS-1e)
22  cards
Microbiology and Impact of STIs Part 2
1. Identify basic epidemiologic trends (incidence, patterns of spread) for sexually transmitted infections (MKS-1f) 2. Describe how anatomic, biologic, social and behavioral factors affect STI acquisition and prevention (MKS-1b, CES-1) 3. Identify effective prevention efforts for the major STIs (MKS-1b,d,e,f) 4. List the impact of STI's on women's health and reproductive outcomes (MKS-1b) 5. Explain the mechanism of transmission and effective prevention strategies for STIs which are perinata
17  cards
1. Recognize the symptoms and signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) and interpret confirmatory diagnostic tests. (CMKS-1d, MKS-3c)
3  cards
Understand why UTI occur and what can be done to prevent them.
3  cards
3. Learn management strategies for treatment of UTI. (MKS1e)
13  cards
Male Infertility 1
Describe the normal stages of spermatogenesis.
6  cards
Male Infertility 2
Differentiate the clinical presentation of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in terms of reproductive health.
3  cards
Male Infertility 3
Describe the pathophysiology of varicocele in causing male factor infertility.
2  cards
Male Infertility 4
Identify appropriate laboratory testing for a male presenting for a fertility evaluation.
4  cards
Male Infertility 5
Describe when genetics testing is indicated in the evaluation of men with ssevere oligospermia/azoospermia.
1  cards
Male Infertility 6
Describe indications for and outcomes associated with microdissection testicular sperm extraction.
7  cards
Congenital Pediatric GU Anomalies
1. Identify the common congenital anomalies of the kidneys and ureters (MSK1a/knowledge) 2. Describe the radiolographic findings associated with anomalies of the kidney, ureters, and urethra (MSK1a/knowledge) 3. List the differential diagnosis of antenatal hydronephrosis and identify their initial management (MSK1a/knowledge) 4. Describe the most frequent causes of UPJ obstruction (MSK1a.knowledge) 5. Apply the Weigert-Meyer rule to predict the pathology associated with duplicated ureters (
14  cards
Depression in Reproduction
1. Describe the epidemiology of depression during pregnancy and postpartum (MKS 1f) 2. Discuss risks of antidepressant use during pregnancy (MKS 1e) 3. Review risks of Major Depressive Disorder during pregnancy (MKS 1b) 4. Present data about breastfeeding and antidepressant use (MKS 1e) 5. Be aware of the impact of pregnancy on drug disposition and the need for antidepressant dose changes (MKS 1e) 6. Learn why the FDA categorization (ABCDX) for drugs in pregnancy should not be used to guide
22  cards
1. Identify and name the major anatomic and histologic features of the prostate gland (MKS1a/knowledge) 2. Identify the predominant location in the prostate where BPH develops and describe how this fact relates to the symptoms and signs of BPH (MKS-1b) 3. Describe the distinctive epidemiological features and natural history of BPH (MKS-1b) 4. List the symptoms and signs of BPH (MKS1c&d/knowledge) 5. List the indications for treatment of BPH(MKS1e/knowledge and MKS3d/clinical reasoning) 6.
20  cards
Voiding Dysfunction
1. List the spinal cord level of nerve root origin providing parasympathic, sympathetic, and somatic neurologic input to the lower urinary tract (MKS 1a) 2. Define bladder compliance and describe how this can affect renal function (MKS 1a) 3. Describe the roll of the pontine micturition center in coordinating lower urinary tract function (MKS 1a) 4. Describe lower urinary tract impact of neurologic diseases above the pontine micturition center as well as at the cervical, thoracic, and sacral
16  cards
Testicular Pathology
1. Describe the different histological types of testicular tumors. (MKS-1b) 2. Describe the commonly used markers for testicular tumors. (MKS-1b) 3. Describe key diagnostic features of these tumors. (MKS-1d)
27  cards
Benign and Malignant Genital Disorders
1. Describe the anatomy, presenting features, and management options for the commonly encountered benign scrotal masses. (MKS 1b, 1d, 1e) 2. Describe the anatomic abnormalities predisposing to testicular torsion, the common presenting signs/symptoms, useful diagnostic tests and the rationale underlying prompt surgical management. (MKS 1b, 1d, 1e) Describe the standard precepts of diagnosis, staging, and management of testicular, penile, & urethral tumors. (MKS 1d, 1e)
28  cards
Genitourinary Trauma
What is the mechanism and present...,
What is the management of penile ...,
When is penile reimplantation ind...
23  cards
Urothelial and Renal Cancers
What is the epidemiology of uroth...,
What are risk factors for urothel...,
What is the presentation of uroth...
21  cards
Urothelial and Renal Cancer Pathology
What are the most common benign k...,
What are the common malignant ren...,
What is the major histologic diff...
26  cards
Female Pelvic Floor Disorders
What are the major muscles of the...,
What are the delancey levels of s...,
List the three major catagories o...
11  cards
What are the two modalities most ...,
What is the differential for pain...,
What is the differential for pain...
7  cards
What is the blood supply of the k...,
What are the significant regions ...,
What are the three major categori...
22  cards

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