This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Carson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (100)

Cumulative TopHat
Blood pressure __ x __ 1,
What are pressure overload diseas...,
What are volume overload diseases 3
146  cards
Dermatology - Diagnostic Approach and Procedures
What are the top three dermatolog...,
What are the key diagnostic tools...,
Dermatology problems are frequent...
34  cards
Dermatology - Demodicosis
What mites cause demodicosis in d...,
What mites cause demodicosis in c...,
Where does the life cycle of d ca...
76  cards
Dermatology - Scabies
What etiological agent causes sca...,
What species does sarcoptes scabi...,
How is scabies spread 3
56  cards
Dermatology - Fleas
What is the most commonly identif...,
Aside of ctenocephalides felis wh...,
What is the life cycle of ctenoce...
89  cards
Dermatology - Dermatophytosis
What is dermatophytosis also know...,
What etiologic agents cause derma...,
All etiologic agents of dermatoph...
68  cards
Dermatology - Pyoderma (Bacterial-induced Dermatologic Disorders)
What are the primary bacterial pa...,
What does staphylococci produce t...,
What other bacterial isolates can...
117  cards
Dermatology - Malassezia Dermatitis
Describe malassezia pachydermatis...,
Malassezia infections are almost ...,
What are the typical underlying c...
43  cards
Dermatology - Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis also known as a...,
What are the major pathologic mec...,
What is type i hypersensitivity m...
93  cards
Dermatology - Food Hypersensitivity
Define adverse reaction to food 1,
Define food hypersensitivity 2,
Define food intolerance 3
27  cards
Dermatology - Drugsssssss ( I missed some)
Mitaban 1,
Promeris 2,
Advantage multi 3
21  cards
Cardio - Intro
What is structural heart disease 1,
What is functional heart disease 2,
What is vascular disease 3
34  cards
Cardio - Exam
What are 3 general pieces of info...,
What things are included in the s...,
What things are included in the p...
117  cards
Cardio - Thoracic Rads
What are the 5 steps to assessing...,
What are the components of film q...,
What is kvp what is mas 3
37  cards
Cardio - Staging of Heart Disease
What is functional staging of hea...,
What are the 2 types of functiona...,
What is structural staging of hea...
15  cards
Cardio - Understanding HF
What is the definition of heart f...,
Hf occurs in the face of _____ ve...,
What type of diagnosis is hf 3
32  cards
Cardio - Treatment of HF
What pathophysiological parameter...,
What are the top 3 drugs we can u...,
What is the trade name for furose...
98  cards
Cardio - DMVD
What is the most common heart dis...,
What is dmvd 2,
What valves are most commonly to ...
47  cards
Cardio - ECG
What are ecgs great at telling us 1,
What are ecgs good at telling us 2,
What are ecgs bad at telling us 3
65  cards
Cardio - Echo
What are some advantages to using...,
What are disadvantages of echo 2,
How does echo work 3
71  cards
Cardio - DCM
What is the structural component ...,
How does dcm affect general heart...,
What is the cause for primary dcm 3
52  cards
Cardio - Pericardial Diseases
What are some congenital pericard...,
What are some acquired pericardia...,
What are the 2 layers of the peri...
41  cards
Cardio - Pulmonary Hypertension
What is the normal pa pressure 1,
What is considered pht 2,
What is mild pht 3
41  cards
Cardio - Heartworm Disease
Heartworms are adapted to live in...,
What is the cycle of hwd 2,
What is clinical hwd in dogs due ...
24  cards
Cardio - Lab Testing
T f routine labwork is generally ...,
What is routine labwork useful for 2,
What are some concurrent diseases...
31  cards
Cardio - CHF, RAAS
In the short term raas is _____ w...,
In the long term raas is _____ why 2,
What are the raas activation even...
21  cards
Cardio - Systemic Hypertension
How is bp measured 1,
What bp measurement is more accur...,
Where should bp be measured in ca...
61  cards
Cardio - Hypertrophic CM
What is hocm 1,
What cat breeds are prone to hocm 2,
Hocm is a disease of _____ dysfun...
35  cards
Cardio - Congenital Diseases
How is a grade i murmur described 1,
How is a grade ii murmur described 2,
How is a grade iii murmur describ...
58  cards
Cardio - Unit 1 Tophat
Blood pressure __ x __ 1,
What are pressure overload diseas...,
What are volume overload diseases 3
24  cards
Cardio - Unit 2 Tophat
What is the origin of the complex...,
What is the calculated heart rate...,
What is the pathophysiologic etio...
17  cards
Cardio - Unit 3 Tophat
Which of the following diseases a...,
Which of the following diseases a...,
Hich of the following are among t...
16  cards
Unit 3 - Otitis Externa
What clinical features are associ...,
What are the predisposing factors...,
What conformation breed predispos...
95  cards
Unit 3 - Dyspnea and Abnormal Breathing
What zone makes up the majority o...,
What structures are in the respir...,
What structures are in the conduc...
71  cards
Unit 3 - Approach to the Coughing Patient
The coughing mechanism is a _____...,
What medical history must you obt...,
What are potential triggers for a...
37  cards
Unit 3 - Nasal and Large Airway Disease
Excessive mucus in the nasal cavi...,
Disease narrowing the intrathorac...,
You are evaluating a 10 year old ...
63  cards
Unit 3 - Lower Airway Disease and Pneumonia
Why is inflammatory disease in ca...,
What inflammatory airway disease ...,
What is airflow limitation 3
60  cards
Unit 3 - Pleural Space Disease
What air effusion known as 1,
What is lymph effusion known as 2,
What is pus effusion known as 3
44  cards
Neuro - The Neurologic Examination
What are the goals to a neurologi...,
What needs to be evaluated during...,
What are the different classifica...
28  cards
Neuro - Neuroanatomic Diagnosis
What are the different divisions ...,
What clinical findings are associ...,
If there is a unilateral supraten...
22  cards
Neuro - Formulating DDx and Diagnostic Plans
What does damnniittvp stand for 1,
What are differentials based on 2,
A ____ localization often indicat...
7  cards
Neuro - Seizure Diagnosis
What is a seizure 1,
What is the assumption for the pa...,
What happens if the seizure focus...
15  cards
Neuro - Diseases of the Intracranial Nervous System
What clinical findings are associ...,
What is hydrocephalus 2,
True or false hydrocephalus is on...
44  cards
Neuro - Spinal Cord Diseases
What clinical signs are associate...,
What are our top differentials fo...,
What are the key diagnostics for ...
62  cards
Neuro - Peripheral Nerve Diseases
What degenerative diseases affect...,
What metabolic diseases affect th...,
What neoplastic diseases affect t...
31  cards
Neuro - Cases
Winnifred is a 12 year old female...,
Winnifred is a 12 year old female...,
Winnifred is a 12 year old female...
105  cards
Gastro - Exocrine Pancreas
What are the functions of the pan...,
What pancreatic cells primarily c...,
How does the pancreas defend agai...
64  cards
Gastro - Diseases of the Stomach
What are gastric ulcers 1,
What is a gastric erosion 2,
What do the parietal cells of the...
85  cards
Gastro - Diseases of the Colon
What is the normal function of th...,
Do anaerobes or aerobes prevail i...,
What are clinical signs of colon ...
64  cards
Gastro - Vomiting and Regurgitation
What are the three most common ca...,
What anatomic abnormalities lead ...,
What type of obstructions lead to...
64  cards
Gastro - Diarrhea
What is diarrhea 1,
What is melena 2,
What is flatulence 3
47  cards
Gastro - Icterus
What are the causes of icterus 1,
What causes prehepatic icterus 2,
What is overwhelmed with hepatic ...
24  cards
Gastro - Hepatic Encephalopathy
What can cause chronic hepatitis 1,
What breeds are predisposed to ch...,
What laboratory values are associ...
15  cards
Infectious Dz - Blood Borne 1
What type of parasite is babesia 1,
What babesia species infects dogs 2,
Is babesia canis vogeli a large o...
52  cards
Infectious Dz - Blood Borne 2
What are hemotropic mycoplasmas a...,
Where do hemotropic mycoplasmas r...,
What causes haemobartonellosis in...
89  cards
Infectious Dz - Blood Borne 3
What causes rocky mountain spotte...,
What type of illness is rmsf 2,
What is the vector non specific f...
44  cards
Infectious Dz - Antibiotic Review
What do bacteriostatic antibiotic...,
What do bactericidal antibiotics ...,
What antibiotics are bacteriostat...
103  cards
Infectious Dz - Fungal
Where is blastomycosis distributed 1,
What type of fungi is blastomyces...,
In what form is blastomyces derma...
115  cards
Infectious Dz - Lepto
What type of bacteria is leptospi...,
What are the two main pathogenic ...,
What are the specific reservoir h...
53  cards
Infectious Dz - Feline Retroviruses and FIP
What type of viruses are retrovir...,
How do retroviruses work 2,
Where is feline immunodeficiency ...
106  cards
Infectious Dz - Vaccines
What is the goal of the american ...,
What is the role of the american ...,
What are aaha s recommended core ...
33  cards
Endocrinology - Hypoadrenocorticism
What are the regions of the adren...,
What does the zona glomerulosa se...,
What does the zona fasiculata sec...
67  cards
Endocrinology - Glucose homeostasis...
Glucose is the sole source of ene...,
What is the range for normal bloo...,
What are the exogenous sources of...
65  cards
Endocrinology - Diabetes Mellitus
What are the four presentations o...,
What history is typically associa...,
What will you find on pe in a sta...
50  cards
Endocrinology - Diabetes Management
When should diabetic monitoring o...,
What diagnostics should be done f...,
How is a blood glucose curve done 3
32  cards
Endocrinology - Hypothyroidism
What does tbg stand for 1,
What does tsh stand for 2,
What does trh stand for 3
60  cards
Endocrinology - Hyperthyroidism
What is feline hyperthyroidism 1,
True or false feline hyperthyroid...,
Whatis the pathophysiology of hyp...
50  cards
Endocrinology - Cushings 1
What is cushing s 1,
What does hac mean 2,
What does pdh mean 3
62  cards
Endocrinology - Cushings 2
How do you differentiate at from ...,
If you have a pituitary microaden...,
Why is an ultrasound only a diffe...
40  cards
Endocrinology - ADH and Calcium
What is polyuria 1,
What is the normal urine producti...,
What is polydipsia 3
69  cards
Endocrinology - TopHat
You are seeing a 3 year old fs st...,
Glucagon promotes which of the fo...,
A 3 year old intact female mixed ...
20  cards
Hematology - Levine Regenerative Anemia SG
What is the body s normal respons...,
Epo release is induced by ______ ...,
What is the most useful marker of...
33  cards
Hematology - Levine IMHA SG
What are the three etiologies of ...,
What causes spherocytosis in imha 2,
You have a patient with anemia sp...
30  cards
Hematology - Levine Blood Transfusion SG
List three benefits of component ...,
List some clinical signs that wou...,
List the components contained in ...
36  cards
Hematology - Levine Hemostasis SG
What are the two key cellular pla...,
What is the end result of primary...,
What are some clinical signs that...
38  cards
Hematology - Anemia
What is anemia 1,
What is anemia caused by 2,
What are clinical signs of anemia...
82  cards
Hematology - IMHA
What is the pathogenesis of imha 1,
What is the most common form of i...,
How do spheryocytes form 3
64  cards
Hematology - Transfusions
True or false blood transfusions ...,
What are the indications for tran...,
What are the benefits to blood co...
84  cards
Hematology - Hemostasis 1
What are the stages of hemostasis 1,
What occurs during primary hemost...,
What is primary hemostasis suffic...
57  cards
Hematology - Hemostasis 2
______ is needed for medium large...,
What cells are key players for se...,
What proteases are involved in se...
82  cards
Hematology - TopHat
An absolute reticulocyte count ab...,
An absolute reticulocyte count ab...,
How would you characterize this p...
28  cards
Renal - Physiology and Diagnostics
What is the functional subunit of...,
True or false nephron numbers inc...,
What are the components of the ne...
70  cards
Renal - Evaluation of Renal Disease
What are some historical indicati...,
What are some pe indications for ...,
What are some preventative indica...
121  cards
Renal - Glomerular and Tubular Diseases
Where are the 2 sites of possible...,
What are the three layers of the ...,
What size molecules and cells doe...
46  cards
Renal - Urinary Tract Infections
What is a urinary tract infection 1,
What usually is the origin of utis 2,
What makes up the upper urinary t...
74  cards
Renal - Acute Kidney Disease
What acute kidney injury 1,
What is aki in regards to creatin...,
Generally what are the pre renal ...
49  cards
Renal - Chronic Kidney Disease
What is chronic kidney disease 1,
Ckd is typically reversible irrev...,
What is the pathophysiology of ckd 3
54  cards
Renal - Urolithiasis
What is urolithiasis 1,
What is a nephrolith 2,
What is a ureterolith 3
75  cards
Renal - Urinary Incontinence
What is dysuria 1,
What is stranguria 2,
What is pollakiuria 3
57  cards
Oncology - Intro + Lymphoma
True or false cancer is a leading...,
What are some things that clients...,
Multimodal treatment is often nee...
66  cards
Oncology - Lymphoma/Leukemia 2
Define stage i lymphoma 1,
Define stage ii lymphoma 2,
Define stage iii lymphoma 3
90  cards
Oncology - Radiation
Gastrointestinal gi lymphoma diag...,
Lymphoma is currently diagnosed m...,
Most commonly used oral chemother...
41  cards
Oncology - Mast Cell + Others
What is a mast cell 1,
True or false mcts are the most c...,
Where are mcts most commonly loca...
60  cards
Oncology - Oral and Nasal
What is the most common oral tumo...,
What oral tumors do dogs get 2,
What nasal tumors do dogs get 3
65  cards
Oncology - Bladder and AGASACA
Typically what type of neoplasia ...,
Where do tccs like to locate in t...,
Where do tccs like to spread 3
46  cards
Oncology - Osteosarcoma and Hemangiosarcoma
What is an osteosarcoma 1,
True or false osteosarcoma is the...,
What type of age distribution doe...
60  cards
Oncology - STS, HS, Mammary
What are soft tissue sarcomas 1,
What tumors are soft tissue sarco...,
Soft tissue sarcomas are typicall...
79  cards
Oncology - FISS and SCC
What is a feline injection site s...,
What can fiss be 2,
What are the risk factors for fiss 3
42  cards
Oncology - Top Hat
Cerenia maropitant treats vomitin...,
Entyce capromorelin increases app...,
Approximately what of dogs and ca...
28  cards
Oncology - Tx of Choice
What is the treatment of choice f...,
What is the treatment of choice f...,
What is the treatment of choice f...
22  cards

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Small Animal Medicine

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