This class was created by Brainscape user James Labovitch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (91)

Land Law
What is land corporeal hereditame...,
Limitation of airspace 2,
Limits on ownership of ground 3
103  cards
Property Practice
What are the stages in a conveyan...,
What should you consider in a con...,
What are related transaction and ...
121  cards
SQE 1: Solicitors Accounts
What the the rules related to how...,
What processes must firm do regul...,
When does an accounting report ha...
37  cards
SQE: Wills 1: Execution and alteration
What are the requirements for a v...,
What is the test for capacity of ...,
At what time must testator have h...
21  cards
Wills 2: Interpretation / Intestacy
What is a specific legacy gift an...,
What is a general legacy gift and...,
What are different gifts of cash 3
21  cards
Wills and Estates: applying for grant
What is the difference between an...,
Who cannot be an executor 2,
How can an executor renunciate of...
31  cards
Wills: Duty, Powers and Protection of PRs
What are the duties of prs 1,
What is the liability of prs for ...,
Are prs liable for breach of anot...
17  cards
Wills: Realising Assets
What happens to claims of deceased 1,
What is a solvent vs insolvent es...,
How are secured and unsecured deb...
29  cards
Wills: Assents and Rights or Beneficiaries
From when does an assent apply 1,
Requirements for assents 2,
Does a pr have to assent if they ...
14  cards
Trust 1: Express Trusts
What are the 3 certainties general 1,
What are the requirements for cer...,
Can informal words or conduct sho...
28  cards
Trust: Interests and S&V
What are the different interests ...,
What happens if beneficiary has v...,
What is a gift over provision in ...
6  cards
Trust 2: Resulting Trusts
What is a voluntary transfer and ...,
When does a purchase money case r...,
Who has the burden of proof in pu...
6  cards
Family home constructive trust
Trust of family home two legal ow...,
Where a couple hold family home s...,
Where a couple hold family home s...
9  cards
Trust 3: Purpose Trusts
What are the requirements for a c...,
What are the defined charitable p...,
Can a charitable purpose trust be...
15  cards
Trust: Appointment and Removal of Trustees
What are the ways that trustees c...,
When can power to appoint new tru...,
Can beneficiaries have the power ...
8  cards
Trust 4: Trustees Duties and Powers
How might a trustee breach the du...,
When might a trustee be entitled ...,
When is a trustee able to charge ...
31  cards
Trust 5: Liability
What is the liability of trustees...,
Can losses resulting from breach ...,
Are trustees liable for breach of...
27  cards
Tax 1: Income Tax
Who pays income tax 1,
What are the primary system of co...,
What is the paye system of collec...
47  cards
Tax 2: Capital Gains
What is capital gains 1,
What is a taxable disposal dispos...,
What is capital gains taxed for i...
24  cards
Tax 3: Inheritance Tax
What is the bill rate band for ih...,
What is the effect on iht payable...,
Are transfers for less than marke...
60  cards
Tax 5: Corporation Tax & VAT
When is corporation tax due when ...,
How much is corporation tax 2,
How is corporation tax calculated 3
12  cards
Tax 6: VAT
What goods and services are exemp...,
What is the vat rate 2,
When must a business register for...
13  cards
Tax 7: Stamp Duty Tax
When is stamp duty tax due 1,
Is stamp duty only due if propert...,
What are exempt transactions for ...
10  cards
Criminal Practice 1: The Criminal Justice System
When will a suspect be arrested a...,
What are the classifications of o...,
Who presides over magistrates cou...
6  cards
Criminal Practice 2: Police Station
What rights does a suspect at a p...,
Who determines if free legal advi...,
Can right to free legal advice fo...
33  cards
Criminal Practice 3: First Hearing
What happens for each type of off...,
What is the role of solicitor at ...,
What must solicitor advise client...
12  cards
Criminal Practice Case Management
What happens after summary trail ...,
What is included in the case mana...,
What are the standard magistrates...
12  cards
Criminal Practice 4: Admitting/Excluding Evidence
Who has the burden of proof and w...,
What are the turnbull guidelines ...,
What are the turnbull guidelines ...
29  cards
Criminal Practice 5: Trial
What are the stages of a criminal...,
What are the rules for examinatio...,
What are the rules for cross exam...
14  cards
Criminal Practice 6: Sentencing Principles
How is the punishment decided aft...,
What aggravating factors must a c...,
What aggravating factors may a co...
15  cards
Criminal Practice: Appeals
What appeal options are there if ...,
What is the process for appealing...,
What are the proceedings in crown...
9  cards
Criminal Practice 7: Youth Court
What court does a case go to if d...,
Can youths ever be sentenced outs...,
When should youth court send grav...
10  cards
Land 1: Nature and Interests
How can a legal interest in land ...,
What is land corporeal hereditame...,
Limitation of airspace 3
22  cards
Land Unregistered land 3rd party interests
How can a seller of unregistered ...,
Requirements for root of title 2,
What is an epitome of title 3
11  cards
Land 4: Registration
What are triggering events for re...,
Deadline for applying for first r...,
Who bares the cost of remedy of f...
12  cards
Land: Registered Land
What transactions must be registe...,
What are the different registers 2,
What is included in property regi...
18  cards
Land: Co-Ownership of Land
How can a legal estate be held is...,
What is the effect of person in j...,
What are the limits and requireme...
17  cards
Land: Easements and Profits
What are the essential characteri...,
What disqualifying factors may pr...,
What are the requirements for cre...
18  cards
Land Freehold Covenants
What are covenants 1,
When can successor convenatee enf...,
How can covenant be enforced if b...
15  cards
Land: Mortgages
What is a mortgagee and mortgagor 1,
How can legal mortgage be created 2,
What can be create a mortgage over 3
9  cards
Land: Mortgage Remedies
When will a tenant s interest be ...,
What risk do beneficial owners wh...,
What remedies do mortgagors have ...
7  cards
Land: Leases 1 essentials
What are the essential characteri...,
What might court consider for exc...,
When might exclusive possession n...
15  cards
Land: Leases - Covenants
What is a covenant 1,
What are prescribed clauses 2,
Main convenants contained in leas...
13  cards
Land: Lease Breach of Covenant
Remedies for breach of rent coven...,
Remedies for breach of repair cov...,
When is forfeiture available 3
10  cards
Land: Lease liability of covenants
When is a lease a new lease vs an...,
What are the rules of old leases 2,
Rules of new leases 3
11  cards
Property 1: Types of Transactions - Leases
How can terms of lease be changed...,
What is the role of a management ...,
Examples of unacceptable covenant...
4  cards
Property 2: Stage 1 and professional conduct
What does a solicitor have to do ...,
What preliminary matters will sol...,
Rules for capital gains tax 3
11  cards
Property 3: Stage 2
When does title need to be invest...,
How might a solicitor investigate...,
What must sellers solicitor do on...
19  cards
Property 4: Stage 2 Investigating Title
What should you look for when ins...,
What to look for in title deed of...,
Which pre contract searches are a...
14  cards
Property 5: Stage 2 Town and Country Planning
Can you overcome restrictive cove...,
When is planning permission requi...,
How can planning permission be gi...
19  cards
Property 6: Stage 2 Funding the Purchase
What must buyers solicitor do for...,
What must a solicitor do if clien...,
What are the types of mortgages 3
14  cards
Property 7: Stage 3 Exchange of Contracts
What does it mean for transaction...,
What is the result of failure to ...,
What is the significance of excha...
14  cards
Property 8: Pre-completion
Can exchange and completion happe...,
What pre completion tasks are the...,
What is the completion statement 3
19  cards
Property: Stage 5 Completion
How can completion be done methods 1,
What must be done ahead of comple...,
What is the process for sending t...
8  cards
Property: Stage 6 Post Completion
What must the sellers solicitor d...,
How should the sellers solicitor ...,
What are the buyers solicitors po...
7  cards
Property: Delayed Completion
When is completion considered del...,
What remedies are available for d...,
When is time of the essence for c...
14  cards
Property Landlord and Tenant Act
What does landlord and tenant act...,
Which tenancies are excluded from...,
How can business tenancy be broug...
11  cards
Tax: Income Tax Basic Info
Who pays income tax 1,
What are the primary system of co...,
When is the self assessment syste...
22  cards
Criminal 1: Bringing Proceedings and Burden of Proof
At which court are different crim...,
Who can bing a criminal case to c...,
What is the aim in bringing crimi...
14  cards
Criminal 2: Homocide Offence
What are the elements of murder g...,
What counts as human being for mu...,
What is malice afterthought 3
10  cards
criminal 3: Non-Fatal Offences
What are the non fatal offences 1,
What are the elements of assault 2,
Assault how might someone apprehe...
16  cards
Criminal 4: Theft
Elements of theft 1,
What might be considered under ap...,
What is coincidence rule in theft 3
9  cards
Criminal 5: robbery, burglary
Elements of robbery 1,
What is meant by use of force in ...,
Difference between s9 1a and s9 1...
7  cards
Criminal 5: Fraud Offences
What are the different fraud offe...,
Elements of false misrepresentati...,
How can a misrepresentation be ma...
11  cards
Criminal 6: Criminal Damage
Elements of criminal damage 1,
What counts as damage 2,
What counts as property belonging...
8  cards
Criminal 7: Parties to a Crime
What is a principle offender 1,
What is an innocent agent who is ...,
What are secondary parties how ar...
11  cards
Criminal 8: Inchoate Offences
Elements of attempt 1,
When is an act more than merely p...,
What are the 3 types of impossibi...
9  cards
Criminal 9: Intoxication Defence
When can involuntary intoxication...,
What is not involuntary intoxicat...,
When can voluntary intoxication n...
13  cards
Solicitors Accounts Entries
Where in a ledger does a debt vs ...,
When to use a debit vs credit for...,
What entries to make for money pa...
16  cards
Solicitors Accounts VAT
How should vat to communicated to...,
What is an important consideratio...,
How is a disbursement treated to ...
13  cards
Solicitors Accounts: Deposits
How must deposits be held 1,
Requirements for stakeholder ledg...,
Enter when receiving deposing mon...
7  cards
Solicitors Accounts Interest
What are the rules for firms for ...,
What is the firms discretion in d...,
How can firms pay interest to cli...
4  cards
IHT 1: Basics
Iht on doms vs non doms 1,
What transfers are not counted as...,
How do you value transfers made s...
12  cards
Blank 1,
What is a pet 2,
What is a chargeable lifetime tra...
9  cards
IHT Tax Reliefs on Lifetime Transfers
Business relief basics and requir...,
What is the rate of business reli...,
What types of business are exclud...
9  cards
IHT Death Tax
What might be used to increase ni...,
When is transferable nil rate ban...,
How is transferable nil rate band...
12  cards
IHT Death Tax Proper
How to calculate iht on death 1,
What assets are exempt from estate 2,
How to value chargeable assets 3
7  cards
IHT Payment of IHT
When is iht for clt due 1,
Who is liable to pay for iht on c...,
When is iht on pet due and who is...
5  cards
IHT for Income and CGT
What must pr do in relation to in...,
What income tax must pr pay 2,
What cgt must pr pay 3
5  cards
CGT Private Residence Relief
How do you calculate private resi...,
When is deemed occupation used 2,
What to remember for deemed occup...
4  cards
FLK 2 Mocks
Can trusts be partly void for one...,
Difference between citation 1 to ...,
Limit on adducing hearsay evidenc...
55  cards
Land Protecting 3rd Party Interests
What interests must be registered...,
How can equitable easements be pr...,
When is estates contract in regis...
19  cards
Land Natures SQE2
What are the limitations of airsp...,
What does something being a fixtu...,
Difference between freehold and l...
16  cards
Co-Owned Land SQE2
How can a legal estate be held is...,
What is needed for beneficial int...,
How can you bring joint tenancy t...
8  cards
Land SEQ2 Easements and Profits
What are the essential characteri...,
What disqualifying factors may pr...,
What is a grant vs a reservation 3
13  cards
Land Topics Leases
What are the essential characteri...,
What might court consider for exc...,
When might exclusive possession n...
15  cards
Land Lease Covenants
What is a covenant 1,
Main convenants contained in leas...,
When is a tenant prevented from d...
30  cards
SQE2 Land Mortgages
What clause in mortgage will cour...,
Redemption date meaning 2,
What are the situations a mortgag...
8  cards
Land: Freehold Covenants
How can covenant be enforced if b...,
When is negative covenant enforce...,
When does positive covenant bind 3
6  cards
Criminal Adverse Inferences
When can adverse inference be dra...,
When can adverse inference be dra...,
When can adverse inference be use...
7  cards
Blank 1,
Blank 2
2  cards

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