Tobias Everything

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlotte Doyle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (110)

Phase 1 Topics by Chapter 2016-2018 Document
Define prevalence 1,
Define incidence 2,
What muscles are involved in exte...
46  cards
Tobias Rounds Questions (From Powerpoints)
Which of the following is false r...,
True or false variations of the h...,
Which of the following is true re...
224  cards
How may pairs of pharyngeal arche...,
What form of epithelium forms in ...,
What bones form the hard palate 3
26  cards
List the cartilages of the larynx 1,
List the processes of the aryteno...,
List the extrinsic and intrinsic ...
19  cards
Trachea and Bronchi
What makes up the trachea 1,
How many tracheal rings do dogs h...,
How many cartilage rings are pres...
59  cards
How many sternebrae does a dog ha...,
List the muscle that cover the th...,
List the lung lobes 3
38  cards
Thoracic wall
Wha flaps can be based on the tho...,
What muscle attaches to the manub...,
What can be used as landmarks dur...
29  cards
Thoracic Cavity
What is normal plural fluid volum...,
What cells make up normal plueral...,
What of dogs have a dorsal thorac...
41  cards
Cardiac Surgery
Which coronary artery is dominant...,
What is the first brach of the ao...,
What factors determine stroke vol...
41  cards
Pericardial surgery
What are the 2 layers of the peri...,
List the functions of the pericar...,
What does pericardial fluid conta...
20  cards
Vascular Surgery
What are the three layers of bloo...,
What veins carry oxygenated blood 2,
Name the following instruments 3
19  cards
Ovaries and uterus
Where do the ovarian arteries ari...,
Where do the ovarian vein drain i...,
What are the layers of the uterus 3
31  cards
What is the spaulding classificat...,
What is toxic anterior chamber sy...,
What are the main options for cle...
21  cards
Vagina, Vestibule and Vulva
What embryological structure form...,
What kind of epithelium does the ...,
What it the blood supply to the v...
17  cards
Testes, epididymides and scrotum
What are the three layers of the ...,
What are the three different cell...,
What is the function of the epidi...
24  cards
Penis and Prepuce
Which part of the penis contains ...,
Which part of the penis is most r...,
What is another name for the os p...
19  cards
What is the normal size of the pr...,
Is the prostate peritoneal or ret...,
What nervous input increases glan...
27  cards
How often are multiple renal arte...,
Where do the capsular arteries co...,
What is the role of the vasa rect...
40  cards
What of felines have circumcaval ...,
List the layers or the ureter 2,
What is the response in terms of ...
27  cards
Where do the lateral ligaments at...,
Where is the trigone 2,
What is responsible for voluntary...
37  cards
List the layers of the urethra 1,
Describe the urethra muscularis i...,
What is the urethral diameter of ...
32  cards
What are the 4 interacting mechan...,
What is the role of the pudendal ...,
List potential causes of congenit...
22  cards
Renal Transplant
List some factors associated with...,
What test is performed is a recip...,
Can patients with positive toxopl...
26  cards
Ch 120: Adrenal dependant cushings
What percentage of pituitary depe...,
What percentage of cushinoid dogs...,
What size is the contralateral ad...
11  cards
Ch 120: Phaeochromocytoma
What are the cells called which s...,
What is the ratio of epinephrine ...,
What is the rate limiting enzyme ...
12  cards
Ch 120: Journal Articles - Adrenal Glands
Renal venotomy for thrombectomy a...,
Outcome in dogs undergoing adrena...,
Short term outcome of adrenalecto...
6  cards
Ch 120: Adrenal Glands (Anatomy and Physiology)
List then endocrine functions of ...,
What doe the adrenal medulla aris...,
List the zones of the adrenal cor...
21  cards
Thyroid and Parathyroid
What is unique about the thyroid ...,
Into what structures does the lym...,
Where is ectopic thyrpid tissue c...
44  cards
Pinna and external ear
What is the scutiform cartilage 1,
What is the annular cartilage 2,
What is cerumen 3
35  cards
Middle and Inner ear
List the components of the tympan...,
What are the main components of t...,
Where is the aural opening of the...
28  cards
Name the main two types of eyelid...,
What solution is used to prep the...,
What suture material is preferred...
3  cards
The OR
What are the 5 principles of cond...,
What is included in a surgical br...,
What benefits are provided by a s...
11  cards
Surgical infection surveillance
Define surveillance 1,
What factors need to be considere...,
What are the basic requirements f...
4  cards
Electrosurgery and Lasers
Define electrical voltage current...,
What is power 2,
What is the difference between el...
23  cards
Materials and Closure
List some reported used of barbed...,
What are the 2 major methods of s...,
List the disadvantages of catgut 3
18  cards
Instrument and Tissue Handling
List halsted s principles 1,
What grips are acceptable for sca...,
What are the 4 motions of a scapel 3
21  cards
Surgical Haemostasis
What are the three main principle...,
How long does it take to form a b...,
List some methods of reducing blo...
14  cards
Bandages and Drains
What is laplace s lay in regards ...,
What is the normal closing pressu...,
List the three main methods of pr...
10  cards
What the 2 main types of cutting ...,
To waht depth should cutting need...,
What are the three main aspiratio...
27  cards
Describe the 5 asa grades 1,
What is the rate of anaesthetic r...,
What medications are contraindica...
20  cards
Interventional radiology and endoscopy
Define interventional radiology 1,
What should or tables be made of ...,
What form of fluoroscopy is recom...
25  cards
Fundamentals of laparoscopy and thoracoscopy
What benefits have been shown reg...,
What are the basic components of ...,
What are they typical light sourc...
23  cards
Intro to oncologic surgery
Generally speaking what alteratio...,
What are the phenotypic character...,
Which forms of neoplasia have con...
41  cards
Neuro exam and localisation
What are the six components of a ...,
What is the reticular activating ...,
Abnormalities in which parts of t...
50  cards
Name the following parts of a mot...,
What is the difference between th...,
What are the three categories of ...
26  cards
Imaging of the CNS
Which form of imaging has the hig...,
Which imaging modality has the hi...,
What structure provides contrast ...
33  cards
Pathogenesis of CNS injury
Descirbe the distribution of the ...,
What is grey matter and white mat...,
Describe the ventricles of the cns 3
45  cards
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
List the three main clases of nat...,
List and describe the different t...,
List concerns regarding the use o...
22  cards
Medical conditions of the spine
List some examples of degenerativ...,
What is myelodysplasia 2,
List some examples of metabolic s...
35  cards
Cervical Spine
What cn deficits can be seen with...,
Damage to what nerve roots can ca...,
What does paresis or paralysis in...
67  cards
TL vertebral column
What attaches to the accessory pr...,
Which is the anticlinal thoracic ...,
Where is the intervertebral foram...
43  cards
Degenerative LS stenosis
What kind of joint is the ls joint 1,
What are the embryological origin...,
What does the spinal cord termina...
18  cards
Vertebral fractures
What percentage of dogs with vert...,
What is the prognosis for dogs wi...,
What is the sensitivty and npv of...
33  cards
Cranial surgery
What is the normal intracranial p...,
How do you calculate cerebral per...,
What factors can alter cerebral b...
26  cards
Anaesthesia for Intracranial Surgery
What is the monro kellie doctrine 1,
How do you calculate cerebral per...,
What is the normal cpp in anaesth...
22  cards
Neoplasms of the spine
Where is the most common location...,
What are the most common biopsy t...,
Which neoplasms are highlt radiat...
29  cards
Ch 4: PRP
What to the alpha particles of pl...,
What should the platelet concentr...,
What else does prp contain 3
7  cards
Ch 4: Autologous Conditioned Sera
What is autologous conditioned se...,
How it autologous conditioned ser...,
Literature 3
3  cards
Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis
What occurs during the first week...,
List the three main forms of impl...,
What is this instrument 3
23  cards
Principles of ALD Correction
What are the two types of bone ax...,
How are joint orientation lines n...,
What are the joint orientation li...
20  cards
Successful treatment of osteomyel...,
What are the most common bacteria...,
Describe the pathogenesis of oste...
20  cards
Bone grafts and substitutes
What lineages of differentiation ...,
Where are the most accessible sou...,
What are the three mechanisms via...
27  cards
Scapula fractures
What percentage of scapular fract...,
What is the anatomical classifica...,
What is the fracture classificati...
13  cards
Fluid Therapy
What percentage of bw does water ...,
What is the normal osmolality ran...,
What percentage of body water is ...
16  cards
The shoulder
At what age do the glenoid and pr...,
What is the ratio of glenoid to h...,
What are the three zones of the l...
40  cards
Fractures of the humerus
What is anatomically unique about...,
How can you best assess nerve fun...,
What is the tricipital line 3
26  cards
Surgical Diseases of the Elbow
List the extensor muscles of the ...,
List the main flexors of the elbo...,
What is the normal range of motio...
48  cards
Total Elbow Replacement
What are some recent technoloical...,
What implant in this 2,
What impant is this describe some...
10  cards
Radius and Ulna
What percentage of weight at the ...,
The tendons of which muscle inser...,
What muscles share their origin w...
31  cards
Carpus, metacarpus and digits
What is the radiocarpal bone actu...,
What is the tiny bone proximal to...,
How many carpal bones are there 3
31  cards
Pelvic Fracturea
What of pelvic fractures have fra...,
What percentage of pelvic fractur...,
What of pelvic fractures have uri...
19  cards
Hip Luxation
What are the primary jip joint st...,
What are the secondary stabiliser...,
What percentage of joint luxation...
12  cards
Pathogenesis, Dx and control of HD
When are the earliest gross chang...,
When are the first radiographic s...,
What two destructive event accomp...
27  cards
Surgical management of hip dysplasia
What kind of joint is the pelvic ...,
Which end of the symphysis is lar...,
What kind of cartilage makes up t...
47  cards
List and briefly describe the 4 m...,
What are the basic factors determ...,
What is the frank starling mechan...
17  cards
Fractures of the Femur
Which bone is most commonly affec...,
Describe the ao fracture classifi...,
What are the main forms of proxim...
50  cards
Anatomy and Kinematics of the Normal Joint
List the sesamoids of the stifle ...,
List the three articulation of th...,
What are the cruciate ligaments m...
31  cards
Total Knee Replacement
What is the below implant 1,
What is the recommendation for pa...,
List two absolute contraindicatio...
8  cards
Fractures of the tibia and fibula
What major muscles attach to the ...,
List the 4 epiphyses of the tibia 2,
What is an apophysis 3
21  cards
Tarsus and metatarsus
What breed may have sesamoids at ...,
What percentage of tarsal movemen...,
List the 6 main articulations of ...
29  cards
What local anaesthetics can be us...,
What are the options for thoracic...,
What vessels and nerves are emcou...
13  cards
Dentistry for the surgeon
What is the maximla normal gingiv...,
What is the dental formula of cat...,
Which jaw contains three rooted t...
8  cards
Mandibular and maxillofacial fractures
How does the mandible differ from...,
How do the maxillofacial bones di...,
Is removal of teeth for fracture ...
29  cards
Define osteoarthritis 1,
Whar percentage of adult animals ...,
What factors contribute to an ind...
51  cards
Miscellaneous Ortho Conditions
What are the 2 broad categories o...,
List the two broad categories of ...,
What hormones should be tested as...
29  cards
Bleeding and haemostasis
Where are platelets produced and ...,
What are the main substances rele...,
What are the 3 phases of the cell...
41  cards
Muscle and Tendon Disorders
What is the most common general l...,
What are the two processes of mus...,
What are the general principles o...
12  cards
What are the general working leng...,
Name the following parts 2,
What are the light source options 3
14  cards
MSK Neoplasia and Limb Sparing Surgery
What of skeletal neoplasia is osa 1,
What are the 2 most common sites ...,
What is the accuracy rate of a bo...
25  cards
Osteochondrosis (Chapter 73)
What are the main processes of en...,
What are the three main phases of...,
How much longitudinal bone growth...
23  cards
Gait Analysis
Define kinetic gait analysis and ...,
Which gait are symmetric and asym...,
What are the 2 main phases of the...
27  cards
Primary Wound Closure
What are the 3 division of the va...,
What are the main differences reg...,
Primary wound closure first inten...
26  cards
Open Wounds
What are the 4 phases of wound he...,
What are the four steps of wound ...,
What are the most common location...
36  cards
Tension Relieving Techniques
What happens to a wound under exc...,
What determines skin tension 2,
Which area of the body are most a...
21  cards
Local or Subdermal Plexus Flaps
What do subdermal plexus flaps re...,
What range of thickness is hairy ...,
What are the three vascular plexu...
22  cards
Axial Pattern and Myocutaneous Flaps
How much can you rotate an axial ...,
What are the two braod options wh...,
What is a composite flap 3
27  cards
Metabolism and Nutritional Needs
List the adverse consequences of ...,
What is the primary energy source...,
How does the liver work to mainta...
21  cards
Skin Grafts
What is the most common donor sit...,
What are the main caused of graft...,
How can infection cause seperatio...
31  cards
What are the 4 aetiological class...,
What are the 5 degrees of thermal...,
What occur when the skin reaches ...
36  cards
Disorders of the Skin and SQ
What tissue appears most sensitiv...,
What is the gereral recommendatio...,
List tumour related factors which...
47  cards
How much of the bw is the spleen ...,
What are the braod functions of t...,
What is the main anatomincal diff...
32  cards
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Hernias
What is an auto penetrating hernia 1,
In the cranial middle and caudal ...,
Where do the internal and externa...
32  cards
Diaphragmatic Hernias
What are the three muscular compo...,
Which cruc is larger 2,
Where do the splanchnic nerves an...
38  cards
Peritoneum and Retroperitoneum
What is the cullens sign 1,
What lines the pelvic and periton...,
What are omental milky spots 3
40  cards
List the secretory cells of the s...,
What is contractile retropulsion 2,
By what process does gastric muco...
42  cards
Rectum, Anus and Perineum
What is unique about the resting ...,
How many bacteria are there per g...,
What periop abx are suitable 3
29  cards
Hepatic Vascular Anomalies
List the tributaries of the porta...,
How many hepatic veins do dogs us...,
What embryonic vessels give rise ...
48  cards
Ch 97: Pancreas Anatomy
What percentage of total pancreat...,
What cells form the endocrine pan...,
What is the function of acinar ce...
16  cards
Ch 97: Pancreas Diseases
How often may spec cpli and snap ...,
What is the reported prognosis fo...,
How do you diagnose a pancreatic ...
16  cards
Nasal planum, nasal cavity and sinuses
What ligaments support the cartil...,
What muscles allow for movement o...,
List the air passages of the nose 3
28  cards

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Tobias Everything

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