This class was created by Brainscape user Nathan Hansen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (78)

GI 1
___ is a condition due to dec abs...,
Primary lactose deficit due to __...,
Conflicting input to the v v s sy...
70  cards
GI 2
___ is fracion of administered dr...,
Lymphatic drainage of colon follo...,
Celiac ln drain lymph from __ __ ...
55  cards
GI 3
Epigastric pain relieved by eatin...,
Pt w cirrhosis progressed to hepa...,
Another trigger for he is __ meal...
47  cards
Hormone responsible for gallbladd...,
Secretin promotes ___ secreleased...,
Gastrin stimulates __ secretion a...
36  cards
GI 4
Abdominal pain bloody diarrhea po...,
Recurrent infections w pseudomona...,
Acute epigastric pain unstable vi...
43  cards
GI 4.5
Definitive tx for carcinoid syndr...,
__ is dopamine agonist used in gh...,
Infant botulism is due to __ cons...
17  cards
Neuro 1
Pelvic trauma iatrogenic damage c...,
__ nerve innervates muscles for t...,
Arch 1 innervated by __ nevrebone...
26  cards
Neuro 2
Kinesin transports organelles tow...,
__ is a disproportionate loss of ...,
Dextrxn of vwc leads to loss of _...
56  cards
Neuro 2.5
Several intellectual disabilities...,
Deficiency of __ ketoacid dehydro...,
Dopamine is unable to cross the _...
29  cards
Neuro 3
Gray matter of spinal cordventral...,
__ __ fasciculus are present in t...,
Midline fusion of __ creates the ...
39  cards
Neuro 5
Neurologic consequences of b12 de...,
Anterior spinal syndrome presents...,
__ nerve arises from l1motor to _...
36  cards
Neuro 4
Chronic sleep disorder characteri...,
Huntington may be caused by trans...,
Cryptococcus found in soil contam...
34  cards
Neuro 6
Viral encephalitis is usually due...,
Middle ear cavity contains m i s ...,
B12 deficiency results in destrux...
23  cards
Neuro 7
Pt w down syndrome is predisposed...,
__ accumulates in familial amyloi...,
Ach releease at nmj depends on __...
32  cards
Neuro 8
Mlf is damaged in __paired neural...,
__ controls vertical gaze in dors...,
Als has damage to __ seen w lmn l...
29  cards
Neuro 8.5
Pica is a branch of the __ artery...,
Temporal arteries has __ in media...,
Cn3 adducts eye via __ muscleente...
6  cards
Renal 1.5
Hyperaldosteronism aka __ syndrom...,
Uti pyelonephritis usually due to...,
Fatigue weakness itching may be d...
25  cards
Misc 2
Incomplete closure of the umbilic...,
Down syndrome assc w d and uduode...,
__ is midline herniation of ab co...
32  cards
Renal 1
Nephritic presentation following ...,
Patient w bilateral ras tx w ___ ...,
Pt w dka has __ abgkidney respond...
38  cards
Renal 2
Linear deposits along the gbm ind...,
Some pah is __ by glomerulus into...,
__ places pt at inc risk for neph...
29  cards
Renal 3
Goodpasture syndrome is caused by...,
Eosinophils fxn in __ defensestim...,
First __ ribs are true ribs bc th...
26  cards
Renal 4
Gfr inc w __ capillary hydrostati...,
__ and __ normal in mcd__ shows f...,
In adpkd any portion of __ enlarg...
5  cards
Ah is secreted by epithelial cell...,
Tx open angle glaucoma w l __ a p...,
Young obese women w daily ha bila...
13  cards
Saturday Week 1 SA Portion 1
Trauma symmetric pulm opacities n...,
Dn occurs w dense __ deposits in ...,
Cardiac impulse generated from th...
28  cards
Saturday Week 1 SA Portion 2
In pt w b12 deficieny supplementa...,
Retinoblastoma tumors occur via _...,
Polyuria in dka occurs secondary ...
37  cards
Sat Week 1 SA Portion 3
___ dx w inc pa pressure and rv f...,
Uterine __ is benign tumor of sm ...,
Histo findings in ischemic coliti...
33  cards
Monday wk2 Pulm 1
Pmn secreted __ is endogenous pro...,
Pah defined as pa pressure greate...,
Coccidioides is m_ h_ at low temp...
26  cards
Monday wk2 Pulm 2
Probability of child of parents f...,
Larger droplets of tb contact tra...,
Lung apices extend above level of...
29  cards
Monday Wk 2 Pulm 3
Fever hemodynamic instability tac...,
Cftr is normally present on the _...,
Mothers should be evaluated at __...
27  cards
Monday Wk 2 Pulm 3.5
Legionella has unique ___ on oute...,
T__ is adenosine receptor antag a...,
Possible tx for osa is to stimula...
15  cards
Tues Wk 2 Pulm 4
Vagus nerve stimulates release of...,
F___ is inhaled glucocorticoid us...,
Sclc arises from __ layer of epit...
24  cards
Tuesday wk 2 Cardio 1
__ rejection is common in heart t...,
Stable angina is fixed atheromato...,
Low freq late diastolic sound jus...
30  cards
Tuesday Wk 2 Cardio 2
Ne acts on the __ __ alpha recept...,
A1 receptor inc peripheral ____ c...,
Blood flow goes forward w dec __ ...
23  cards
Tuesday wk 2 Cardio 2.5
___ test is performed to determin...,
__ deficiency results in beriberi...,
First pharyngeal arch assc w firs...
9  cards
Wed Wk 3 Cardio 3
N__ used for stable anginamediate...,
Av conduction block is a se of cc...,
Distal extremity vasc insufficien...
22  cards
Wed Wk 2 Cardio 4
Staph is catalase __ability to cl...,
Noncardiac pacemaker cellsphase 0...,
Class 2 antiarrhythmics are __ bl...
23  cards
Wed Wk 2 Cardio 5
___ diuretics are preferred for b...,
Fracture at the __ is a region wh...,
Descending __ lies posterior to t...
25  cards
Wed Wk 2 Cardio 5.5
I is nonselective b agonistinc ca...,
A1 receptors present in vasc blad...,
Sss commonly caused by a__constri...
14  cards
Thursday Wk 2 Cardio 6
Venous blood flows from __ veins ...,
Carotid sinus __ occurs w pressur...,
Potassium sparing diuretics a t b...
25  cards
Thurs Wk 2 Cardio 7
Chordae tendinae are tethered to ...,
Blood o2 content is o2__ x __ dis...,
Supraventricular tachycardiasclas...
23  cards
Thursday Wk 2 Heme 1
__ is dz w sore throat malaise la...,
Most women cancers are b__ and l_...,
Severe anemia following febrile i...
32  cards
Thursday Wk 2 Heme 1.5
Cross sectional study is a __ stu...,
Etoposide podophyllin are inhibs ...,
Nonfibrin specific fibrinolytic s...
15  cards
Friday Heme 2
Co monoxide binds to hb w super h...,
N__ technique used to detect mrna...,
Carcinoid tumors form in the __ c...
26  cards
Friday Heme 3
Methotrexate inhibs __ which redu...,
C g are pyramidine analog antimet...,
Ionizing radiation causes cell de...
26  cards
Friday Heme 4
Hepcidin is acute phase reactant ...,
Recurrent infections w intact t c...,
Eukaryotic translation must have ...
22  cards
Friday Heme 4.5
Pt w aplastic anemia has low numb...,
Cells undergoing dna synthesis mu...,
In bruise hb containing e__ escap...
11  cards
Saturday Wk 2 Heme 5
In family w potential for scd use...,
Direct factor xa inhibs include r...,
Myeloblasts have abundant __ cyto...
13  cards
Saturday Wk 2 Endo 1.5
During gluconeogenesis l a are co...,
Regulation of glycolysis and gluc...,
Thiazolidinediones like p__ inc i...
16  cards
Monday Wk 3 Endo 1
Familail d__ type 3 hyperlipoprot...,
Familial hypercholesterolemia typ...,
Normal thyroid follicles w colloi...
24  cards
Monday Wk 3 Endo 2
__ crests are structures composed...,
Ffa glycerol released to circ and...,
Sx of hypoglyneuro__ sx caused by...
23  cards
Monday Wk 3 Endo 3
Sglt2 is __ affinity and __ capac...,
5ar type 1 present in postpubesce...,
__ t3 is completely from peripher...
23  cards
Monday Wk 3 Endo 4
Gc are potent stimulators of live...,
Predispsoing factors for hypogly ...,
Agap in dka pt caused by unmeasur...
12  cards
Tues Wk 3 Psych 1
Pt w sx of depression like low __...,
First line for depression is __ d...,
B__ is antidepressant tat inhibit...
20  cards
Tues Wk 3 Psych 2
Gaba is synthesize from __ using ...,
R__ syndrome is neurodevelopmenta...,
Relaxation sleep therapy promotes...
16  cards
Tues Wk 3 Psych 3
Acute lithium toxicity leads to _...,
Drug induced parkinsonism comes f...,
L__ is drug to tx gram positive v...
18  cards
Tues Wk 3 Endo
Primary hyperaldosteronism can ca...,
Insulin dec blood glucose by inc ...,
__ disease is mcc of hyperthyroid...
14  cards
Wed Wk 3 MSK
In haversian system central canal...,
P__ presents in ma w symmetric pr...,
Overuse of the apl apb seen in de...
19  cards
Wed Wk 3 MSK
Digital clubbing esp assc w __ lu...,
Spine x ray in ankylosing spondyl...,
Pt w direct blow to anterior aspe...
22  cards
Wed Wk 3 MSK 3
__ is protein toxin of c tetanitr...,
In hpgrt mutation results in inc ...,
Pt w menopausal sx likely has o__...
20  cards
Wed Wk 3 Infectious Disease
Genetic shift involves __ of geno...,
Ab therapy in pt w acute cholecys...,
Hpv infects __ epithelial cells t...
15  cards
Thurs Wk 3 Infectious Disease 1
Hbv produces __ protein that acti...,
Pt w hypotn tachycardia pnea and ...,
Pt w vomiting d muscle pains and ...
22  cards
Thurs Wk 3 Infectious Disease 2
Red blood cells in malaria have s...,
Think __ w chorioretinitis and cl...,
Nontreponemal tests vdrl rpr test...
20  cards
Thurs Wk 3 Infectious Disease 3
Pneumocystis is acquired via __ i...,
L__ is gram positive rod that can...,
P auerigonosa produces antibiotic...
15  cards
Thurs Wk 3 Infectious Dz 4
Pt w __ deficits get recurrent ne...,
Nnrti are __ rt inhibsnrti are __...,
Acyclovir is excreted into urine ...
9  cards
Friday Wk 3 Female Repro 1
Epithelial ovarian cancer present...,
Female repro tract development in...,
__ urinary incont occurs b w stra...
22  cards
Friday Wk 3 Female Repro
Ts most commonly due to __ nondis...,
Uterine endometrium contains lp s...,
Labor requires __ junctions to co...
16  cards
Friday Wk 3 Male Repro
Klinefelter syndrome has testicul...,
Bph is caused by __ effect on pro...,
Prostate cancer is __ dependentca...
14  cards
Friday Wk 3 Preg
Gestational c__ is malignant tumo...,
Baby w irritbility hypertonia jit...,
Mothers get insulin __ in 2nd 3rd...
19  cards
Friday Wk 3 Infections
Main se of isoniazid is __usually...,
Suspect __ poisoning w tinnitus f...,
Amatoxins of amanita phylloides a...
11  cards
Sat Wk 3 General Principles
N__ is found in nucleas and produ...,
Mtdna is small __ chromosomes w d...,
1 rt 1 r for every __ in circuit ...
19  cards
Sat Wk 3 Gen Principles 2
When ribosome encounters stop cod...,
W injury __ __ release tnf il1 il...,
Most ae of drugs are __ aka predi...
16  cards
Sat Wk 3 Ethics
It is unethical to discuss any in...,
Rf for elder abusef__ genderdemen...,
If pt is refusing tx must asses _...
15  cards
Sat Wk 3 Mix
First pharyngeal arch splits into...,
Conductive hearing loss is impair...,
Tx of friends family should be li...
17  cards
Monday Wk 4 Derm
V__ is ai cx w partial complete l...,
Inflammatory acne affects s__ gla...,
Mcc of hair loss is a__ alopeciap...
22  cards
Monday Wk 4 Derm 2
Sporothrix is a d__ funguscommonl...,
Lp has __ infiltrate at d e jxn w...,
May see achondrocons in areas of ...
14  cards
Mondy Wk 4 Rheum
Low levels of c1 esterase inhibs ...,
Immune complex vasculitis w iga c...,
Use 2nd gen antihistamines like c...
10  cards
Monday wk 4 Biostats 1
In normal distribution mean media...,
O__ bias occurs when investigator...,
__ anova test determines if there...
14  cards
Tues Wk 4 Multisystem
__ is dec risk rate of event bw o...,
Intracellular cl inc w release of...,
Trisomy 18 aka __ syndromept pres...
12  cards

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