WordGod GRE Vocabulary

This class was created by Brainscape user Chun-Yu Ke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (166)

漠不關心 (-)
Apathetic 1,
Impassive 2,
Indifferent 3
7  cards
無憂無慮 (+)
Nonchalant 1,
Insouciance 2
2  cards
行動、務實 (+)
Activism 1,
Pragmatism 2
2  cards
減輕、改善 (+)
Assuage 1,
Allay 2,
Appease 3
12  cards
關係改善 (+)
Rapprochement 1,
Rapport 2
2  cards
加劇、惡化 (-)
此三字都是 "-ate 結尾" 的動詞。
3  cards
有害 (-)
Noxious 1,
Obnoxious 2,
Pernicious 3
11  cards
無害、天真 (+)
Innocent 1,
Innocuous 2,
Benign 3
7  cards
好名聲 (+)
Famous 1,
Conspicuous 2,
Celebrated 3
8  cards
壞名聲 (-)
Infamous 1,
Notorious 2,
Egregious 3
7  cards
共謀 (-)
Collude 1,
Conspire 2,
Complicity 3
5  cards
勇敢 (+)
Dauntless 1,
Intrepid 2,
Valiant 3
5  cards
莽勇 (-)
3  cards
膽小、害怕 (-)
Pusillanimous 1,
Craven 2,
Diffident 3
8  cards
深奧難懂、神秘 (-)
Profound 1,
Inscrutable 2,
Esoteric 3
11  cards
模糊、不清楚 (-)
Obscure 1,
Ambiguous 2,
Equivocal 3
4  cards
清楚 (+)
Lucid 1,
Pellucid 2,
Limpid 3
4  cards
創新 (+)
Novel 1,
Original 2,
Innovative 3
5  cards
Fledgling 1,
Novice 2,
Neophyte 3
5  cards
Incipient 1,
Outset 2,
Onset 3
4  cards
幼稚、不成熟 (-)
Inchoate 1,
Puerile 2,
Callow 3
3  cards
舊 (-)
Commonplace 1,
Pedestrian 2,
Quotidian 3
12  cards
陳腔濫調 (-)
Cliche 1,
Bromide 2,
Platitude 3
3  cards
笨拙 (-)
Gawky 1,
Gauche 2,
Inept 3
6  cards
失言、失態 (-)
Gaffe 1,
Faux pas 2
2  cards
靈巧 (+)
Adroit 1,
Dexterous 2
2  cards
Foretell 1,
Forebode 2,
Foreshadow 3
8  cards
Forecast 1,
Foresee 2,
Anticipate 3
3  cards
好徵兆 (+)
Auspicious 1,
Propitious 2
2  cards
勤勞 (+)
Assiduous 1,
Sedulous 2,
Industrious 3
5  cards
懶惰 (-)
Slothful 1,
Indolent 2,
Lackadaisical 3
3  cards
公平、客觀 (+)
Disinterested 1,
Impartial 2,
Detached 3
4  cards
偏激 (-)
Doctrinaire 1,
Bigot 2,
Tendentious 3
3  cards
頑固 (-)
Obdurate 1
1  cards
保守 (-)
Hidebound 1
1  cards
稱讚 (+)
Laud 1,
Commend 2,
Accolade 3
13  cards
批評、辱罵、貶低 (-)
Disapprobation 1,
Condemn 2,
Disparage 3
23  cards
神聖、虔誠 (+)
Sacrosanct 1,
Consecrate 2,
Pious 3
4  cards
褻瀆 (不神聖) (-)
Blasphemy 1,
Sacrilege 2,
Profane 3
5  cards
Eloquent 1,
Voluble 2,
Rhetoric 3
3  cards
說寫得多 (-)
Loquacious 1,
Garrulous 2,
Prolix 3
6  cards
說得少、簡短 (+)
Laconic 1,
Pithy 2,
Succinct 3
4  cards
格言的 (+)
Sententious 1,
Aphorism 2,
Epigram 3
3  cards
熱情 (+)
Passionate 1,
Impassioned 2,
Ardent 3
7  cards
不熱情 (-)
Tepid 1,
Lukewarm 2
2  cards
沉默不語 (-)
Reticent 1,
Taciturn 2,
Tacit 3
4  cards
真實、誠實、正直 (+)
Verity 1,
Veracity 2,
Verisimilitude 3
6  cards
欺騙 (-)
Deceive 1,
Equivocate 2,
Prevaricate 3
12  cards
容易受騙 (-)
Credulous 1,
Gullible 2,
Dupe 3
3  cards
偽造、假造 (-)
Sham 1,
Bogus 2,
Phony 3
4  cards
假裝 (-)
Feign 1,
Dissemble 2,
Affect 3
3  cards
騙子 (-)
Impostor 1,
Charlatan 2,
Quack 3
4  cards
浪費 (-)
Prodigal 1,
Profligate 2,
Lavish 3
5  cards
過多 (-)
Plethora 1,
Superfluous 2,
Extraneous 3
4  cards
價格貴 (-)
Exorbitant 1,
Prohibitive 2
2  cards
Prodigious 1,
Considerable 2,
Handsome 3
3  cards
慷慨 (+)
Liberal 1,
Munificent 2
2  cards
節儉 (+)
Thrifty 1,
Frugal 2,
Sparing 3
6  cards
小氣 (-)
Parsimonious 1
1  cards
Modest 1,
Modicum 2,
Pittance 3
8  cards
Minuscule 1,
Infinitesimal 2
2  cards
簡樸 (+)
Austere 1,
Understated 2
2  cards
富有 (+)
Affluent 1,
Opulent 2,
Moneyed 4
3  cards
貧窮 (-)
Poverty 1,
Impoverish 2,
Impecunious 3
5  cards
輕浮 (-)
Levity 1,
Flippancy 2,
Frivolous 3
3  cards
莊重 (嚴肅) (+)
Gravitas 1,
Gravity 2
2  cards
憤怒 (-)
Petulant 1,
Peevish 2,
Cantankerous 3
12  cards
激怒 (-)
Irritate 1,
Vex 2,
Exasperate 3
5  cards
痛恨、憎恨 (-)
Detest 1,
Loathe 2,
Abhor 3
4  cards
敵意、惡意 (-)
Resent 1,
Hostility 2,
Animosity 3
6  cards
不開心 (-)
Gloomy 1,
Sullen 2,
Morose 3
8  cards
著迷、狂喜 (+)
Enamor 1,
Entrance 2,
Jubilant 3
4  cards
焦躁不安 (-)
Uneasy 1,
Restive 2,
Skittish 3
4  cards
冷靜 (+)
Imperturbable 1,
Aplomb 2,
Sangfroid 3
5  cards
Humor 1,
Blood 2,
Phlegm 3
5  cards
精明 (+)
Shrewd 1,
Prudent 2,
Sagacious 3
6  cards
難以管教的 (–)
Recalcitrant 1,
Intransigent 2,
Unruly 3
7  cards
最高點 (+)
Apex 1,
Acme 2,
Culminate 3
8  cards
令人信服 (+)
Cogent 1,
Irrefragable 2
2  cards
(立論) 站不住腳 (–)
Groundless 1,
Untenable 2
2  cards
逃避 (–)
Avert 1,
Shun 2,
Eschew 3
6  cards
補充字根 circum- (circle, round)
Circumlocution 1,
Circumference 2
2  cards
無法逃避 (改變)
Ineluctable 1
1  cards
錯誤 (–)
Fallacious 1,
Erroneous 2,
Flaw 3
10  cards
不犯錯 (+)
Impeccable 1,
Unerring 2
2  cards
使無罪 (+)
Acquit 1,
Exculpate 2,
Exonerate 3
5  cards
謹慎小心 (+)
Meticulous 1,
Scrupulous 2,
Punctilious 3
10  cards
疏忽、不小心 (–)
Remiss 1,
Negligent 2,
Lax 3
3  cards
混亂 (–)
Tumultuous 1,
Turbulent 2,
Tempestuous 3
5  cards
平靜 (+)
Halcyon 1
1  cards
說好話誘使(哄) (–)
Coax 1,
Cajole 2,
Wheedle 3
3  cards
Panache 1,
Flamboyant 2,
Ornate 3
3  cards
炫耀 (–)
Ostentatious 1,
Pretentious 2,
Flaunt 3
3  cards
虛榮 (–)
Vainglory 1,
Vanity 2
2  cards
驕傲、浮誇 (–)
Bombast 1,
Pompous 2,
Supercilious 3
5  cards
Extemporize 1,
Improvise 2,
Impromptu 3
4  cards
善變 (–)
Capricious 1,
Mercurial 2,
Fickle 3
7  cards
Catalyst 1,
Mutate 2,
Immutable 3
4  cards
奉承 (–)
Flatter 1,
Fawn 2,
Kowtow 3
5  cards
Frown 1,
Shrug off 2,
Shoulder 3
4  cards
adult 相關單字
Adolescent 1,
Adulterate 2
2  cards
馬屁精 (–)
Sycophant 1,
Toady 2
2  cards
Panacea 1,
Elixir 2,
Nostrum 3
3  cards
Erudite 1,
Pedantic 2
2  cards
Didactic 1,
Edify 2,
Inform 3
5  cards
Quandary 1,
Dilemma 2,
Conundrum 3
4  cards
困惑 (–)
Confound 1,
Flummox 2,
Nonplus 3
6  cards
良心不安 (–)
Qualm 1,
Scruple 2,
Compunction 3
3  cards
後悔、懺悔 (–)
Penitent 1,
Remorse 2,
Contrite 3
3  cards
Cataclysm 1,
Catastrophe 2,
Calamity 3
5  cards
Apotheosis 1,
Quintessence 2,
Epitome 3
6  cards
貪婪 (–)
Avarice 1,
Covet 2,
Cupidity 3
4  cards
好管閒事 (–)
Meddlesome 1,
Officious 2,
Nosy 3
3  cards
Posthumous 1,
Moribund 2
2  cards
Dirge 1,
Elegy 2,
Threnody 3
4  cards
Attenuate 1,
Flag 2,
Enfeeble 3
8  cards
Impede 1,
Hamper 2,
Forestall 3
7  cards
Vacuous 1,
Inane 2,
Fatuous 3
3  cards
形容詞+minded/hearted 構字
Simpleminded 1,
Absentminded 2,
Small minded 3
5  cards
Edible 1,
Potable 2,
Legible 3
3  cards
Admonish 1,
Reprove 2,
Chide 3
7  cards
Furtive 1,
Clandestine 2,
Surreptitious 3
5  cards
Dichotomy 1,
Bifurcate 2
2  cards
Virtuoso 1,
Ascetic 2,
Snob 3
11  cards
Convalesce 1,
Recuperate 2,
Rehabilitate 3
3  cards
再犯 (–)
Relapse 1,
Recidivism 2,
Recrudesce 3
3  cards
Provincial 1,
Insular 2,
Parochial 3
3  cards
Relevant 1,
Pertinent 2,
Germane 3
9  cards
Fugitive 1,
Fugacious 2,
Evanescent 3
7  cards
Temporary 1,
Makeshift 2,
Stopgap 3
7  cards
Malleable 1,
Plastic 2
2  cards
Balloon 1,
Duck 2,
Inch 3
6  cards
Arduous 1,
Onerous 2,
Taxing 3
5  cards
Repudiate 1,
Refute 2,
Rebut 3
4  cards
嘲笑 (–)
Deride 1,
Ridicule 2,
Taunt 3
6  cards
嘲諷 (–)
Satire 1,
Caricature 2,
Burlesque 3
4  cards
滑稽荒謬的 (–)
Absurd 1,
Ludicrous 2,
Facetious 3
4  cards
Impudent 1,
Insolent 2,
Brazen 3
6  cards
Badger 1,
Besiege 2,
Importune 3
5  cards
under- 為首的字
Underscore 1,
Underpin 2,
Underlying 3
6  cards
Accentuate 1,
Stress 2
2  cards
Banish 1,
Ostracize 2,
Exile 3
6  cards
Alienate 1,
Estrange 2
2  cards
Imprison 1,
Immure 2,
Incarcerate 3
3  cards
Cherish 1,
Harbor 2,
Entertain 3
3  cards
不規律的 (–)
Irregular 1,
Fitful 2,
Erratic 3
5  cards
Inexorable 1,
Relentless 2,
Incessant 3
3  cards
限制 (–)
Circumscribe 1,
Qualified 2,
Cap 3
3  cards
Categorical 1
1  cards
Rural 1,
Pastoral 2,
Bucolic 3
4  cards
Involved 1,
Tortuous 2
2  cards
Outmoded 1,
Outdated 2,
Obsolescence 3
3  cards
Bolster 1,
Espouse 2,
Buttess 3
6  cards
Superficial 1,
Ostensible 2
2  cards
結尾皆是 -tory 的負面形容詞
Minatory 1,
Desultory 2,
Dilatory 3
4  cards
(態度) 無感情的、敷衍的
Mechanical 1,
Automatic 2
2  cards
f 開頭 -tious/-tous 結尾的字
Fractious 1,
Fictitious 2,
Fortuitous 3
3  cards
含有 gain的負面字
Gainsay 1
1  cards
字尾是 -id 的形容詞
Turbid 1,
Torpid 2,
Candid 3
5  cards
尊敬 (+)
Respect 1,
Deference 2,
Reverence 3
4  cards
可敬(畏)的 (+)
Redoubtable 1,
Formidable 2,
Estimable 3
3  cards
self- 系列字
Self possessed 1,
Self made 2,
Self denial 3
9  cards
形容詞字尾 e 變名詞
Locale 1,
Morale 2,
Rationale 3
3  cards
Belie 1,
Betray 2,
Antithesis 3
4  cards
Dubious 1,
Dubious honor distinction of doin...,
Indubitable 3
150  cards
Come by 1,
On the mend 2,
Every now and then 3
9  cards

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WordGod GRE Vocabulary

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