yr 4 - paediatrics

This class was created by Brainscape user Esme Cosham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (78)

Neonatal & Newborn
What is the average birth weight,
What is the minimum birth weight ...,
When is the neonatal period
37  cards
Cardiology - Fetal Circulation & Murmurs
Basic fetal circulation,
What are the 3 fetal shunts,
What does the ductus venosus connect
65  cards
Cardiology - PDA & ASD
When does the ductus arteriosus u...,
What is a patent ductus arteriosu...,
What is a key risk factor for pda
82  cards
Cardiology - VSD & AVSD
What is the most common congenita...,
What is vsd,
Sds can occur in isolation howeve...
78  cards
Cardiology - Coarctation of the Aorta, TGA & Tetralogy of Fallot
What is coarctation of the aorta,
Where does coarctation of the aor...,
What condition is coarctation of ...
107  cards
Cardiology: Congenital Heart Disease
What are the 3 acyanotic lesions,
What is seen in acyantoic cardiac...,
How is pulmonary blood flow affec...
73  cards
Cardiology: Aortic & Pulmonary Valve Stenosis, Ebstein's
What is congenital aortic valve s...,
How many leaflets does the aortic...,
Purpose of the valves in the aort...
32  cards
Respiratory: Croup, Epiglottitis & Whooping Cough
What is croup also known as,
What is croup,
What age does croup typically affect
77  cards
Respiratory: Bronchiolitis, Bronchiectasis & TB
What is bronchiolitis,
What is the main pathogen causing...,
What time of year does bronchioli...
82  cards
Respiratory: Acute & Chronic Asthma in Children
What is the most common chronic c...,
What is asthma,
Risk factors for childhood asthma
58  cards
Respiratory: Cystic Fibrosis & Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
What is cystic fibrosis cf,
How is cf inherited,
What mutation is seen in cf
73  cards
NEED TO FINISH Neonates: Newborn Exam
What is the newborn infant physic...,
When is the newborn exam performed,
What initial questions may you as...
5  cards
Neonates: Neonatal Sepsis
What is neonatal sepsis,
How can neonatal sepsis be furthe...,
Which organism is the most freque...
33  cards
Neonates: Neonatal Jaundice
How common is neonatal jaundice,
When is neonatal jaundice always ...,
Give 4 causes of jaundice in the ...
79  cards
Prematurity, RoP & NEC
Define premature birth,
Define 1 extreme preterm 2 very p...,
What are some identified risk fac...
68  cards
Neonates: Birth Injuries
Give 5 head shape abnormalities t...,
What is caput succedaneum,
What is the periosteum
55  cards
Neonates: HIE, Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
What is hypoxic ischaemic encepha...,
What are some causes of hie,
What staging system is used in hie
57  cards
Neonates: Congenital Infections & SIDS
What is rubella german measles,
If rubella is contracted during p...,
When is the risk of congenital ru...
66  cards
Development: Nutrition, Growth Charts & Failure to Thrive
How long is breastfeeding recomme...,
Is overfeeding more common in bot...,
General foetal benefits of breast...
64  cards
Development: Milestones
What 4 functional areas can devel...,
Developmental milestones must be ...,
What is the median age and limit ...
34  cards
Development: Puberty
What age does puberty typically s...,
How long does puberty typically t...,
What scale can be used to determi...
56  cards
Safeguarding & Consent
When is a person recognised as an...,
Can children aged 16 18 make deci...,
When can a child 16 consent to tr...
14  cards
GI: Constipation & GORD
What is non organic or functional...,
What are some medical causes of a...,
What are some additional medical ...
80  cards
GI: Pyloric Stenosis, Gastroenteritis & Coeliac Disease
What is the pyloric sphincter,
What is pyloric stenosis,
What is the classic presenting fe...
116  cards
GI: Biliary Atresia & IBD
What is biliary atresia,
Define cholestasis,
Who does biliary atresia present in
80  cards
GI: Intestinal Obstruction
What are some causes of intestina...,
Presentation of intestinal obstru...,
What is the initial imaging of ch...
54  cards
GI: Malrotation, Volvulus & Appendicitis
What does malrotation refer to,
What is the most common presentat...,
Give 4 differentials for malrotation
26  cards
Endocrinology: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Adrenal Insufficiency & Hypothyroidism
What is congenital adrenal hyperp...,
How is congenital adrenal hyperpl...,
What is the main glucocorticoid h...
81  cards
Urology: UTIs & Vulvovaginitis
What is the most common causative...,
What are some risk factors for ut...,
Clinical features of utis in neon...
90  cards
Renal: Nephrotic Syndrome & Nephritis
What is nephrotic syndrome,
What age is nephrotic syndrome mo...,
What classic triad is seen in nep...
210  cards
Renal: HUS, Polycystic Kidney & Wilms Tumour
What is haemolytic uraemic syndro...,
What is hus most common caused by,
What age group dpoes hus typicall...
46  cards
Urology: Undescended Testes, Hydrocele, Hypospadias, Torsion, Epididymitis & Orchitis
What is cryptorchidism,
What is a true undescended testis,
What is an ectopic testis
95  cards
Neurology: Syncope, Febrile Convulsions & Epilepsy
What is syncope,
What causes a vagovagal episode,
Patients often remember the event...
112  cards
Neurology: Breath Holding, Headache
What is a breath holding spell,
What age do breath holding spells...,
What are breath holding spells of...
33  cards
Neurology: Cerebral Palsy & Strabismus (squint)
What is cerebral palsy cp,
Is cerebral palsy progressive,
Variation in presentation of cp
69  cards
Neurology: Hydrocephalus, Abnormal Head Shapes & Muscular Dystrophy
What is hydrocephalus,
How many ventricles are there in ...,
What is csf produced by
82  cards
Rheumatology: Kawasaki Disease & Rheumatic Fever
What is kawasaki disease,
Which ethnicity does kawasaki dis...,
What arteries does kawasaki disea...
96  cards
Rheumatology: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos & Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
What is juvenile idiopathic arthr...,
When can jia be diagnosed,
How long does arthritis have to l...
44  cards
Haem: Anaemia
Role of haemoglobin hb,
What is hb formed of adult vs foetal,
How does the structure of hbf aff...
52  cards
Haem: Leukaemia
What is leukaemia,
How can leukaemia be classified,
Aetiology of leukaemia
76  cards
Haem: Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura & Sickle Cell Anaemia
What is a non blanching rash caus...,
How can non blanching rashes be d...,
What are the 6 most common causes...
70  cards
Haem: Thalassaemia & G6PD
What is thalassaemia,
Inheritance of thalassaemia,
What is the overall effect of tha...
38  cards
ENT: Tonsillitis
What are the 3 most common viral ...,
Is tonsillitis usually viral or b...,
What is the most common cause of ...
93  cards
ENT: Hearing Loss, Nosebleeds & Cleft Palate
Give 3 causes of congenital heari...,
Give 2 perinatal causes of hearin...,
Give 4 causes of hearing loss aft...
36  cards
What is an inactivated vaccine,
Give 4 examples of inactivated va...,
What are subunit or conjugate vac...
33  cards
Epstein-Barr Virus, Mumps & HIV
What is infectious mononucleosis,
What triad of features characterises,
How is ebv spread
65  cards
Meningitis & Encephalitis
What is meningococcal septicaemia,
What is meningococcal septicaemia,
What are the 2 most common causes...
61  cards
Down's Syndrome & Turner Syndrome
What is down s syndrome caused by,
What are the characteristic featu...,
What are epicanthic folds
48  cards
MSK: Hip Problems in Children
What is developmental dysplasia o...,
When is ddh usually picked up,
Risk factors for ddh
100  cards
MSK: Rickets, Talipes, Osteogenesis Imperfecta & Osgood-Schlatter
What is rickets,
What is rickets called in adults,
What is deficient in rickets
49  cards
GI: Intussusception, Mesenteric Adenitis & Functional Abdo Pain & Diarrhoea
What is intussusception,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Peak age incidence of intussuscep...
51  cards
Abdo Mass: Hernia & Neuroblastoma
What is the most common malignanc...,
What is a neuroblastoma,
What does a neuroblastoma secrete
119  cards
Respiratory: Laryngomalacia & Inhaled Foreign Body
What is the most common congenita...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is laryngomalacia
26  cards
Eyes: Conjunctivitis, Orbital & Periorbital Cellulitis
What is conjunctivitis,
Conjunctivitis may be bacterial v...,
What are the 4 most common viral ...
58  cards
Corrections - Cardiology
What is the most common cardiac d...,
What 3 cardiac defects can be see...,
What murmurs are heard in the fol...
110  cards
Safeguarding: Non-accidental Injury
What are some risk factors for no...,
How can excessive crying lead to ...,
How may nai present
27  cards
Eyes: Visual Field Defects
What makes up the photoreceptors ...,
Overview of visual pathway,
What forms the optic nerve
39  cards
Rash: Eczema
1  cards
Respiratory: Acute Bronchitis, Pneumonia & Pneumothorax
What is acute bronchitis,
Clinical features of acute bronch...,
How is acute bronchitis usually d...
53  cards
Corrections - Respiratory
When should you admit children wi...,
Easily audible stridor at rest is...,
Is the characteristic whoop alway...
128  cards
Rash: Scabies
What is scabies,
How is scabies spread,
Cause of scabies
85  cards
GI Corrections
What are some causes of bilious v...,
What is bilious vomiting in withi...,
What is bilious vomiting classica...
80  cards
Corrections - Development
When is the normal age when a chi...,
What is the gestational age that ...,
A baby was born prematurely at 32...
122  cards
Corrections - Renal/Urology
Management of adult patients with...,
Investigation for diagnosis of a ...,
Management of intermittent testic...
21  cards
Corrections - Neurology
What is the stepwise medical mana...,
Are girls or boys more commonly a...,
What blood test can differentiate...
47  cards
Define adhd,
How many diagnostic features must...,
How many diagnostic features must...
45  cards
Mental Health: Eating Disorders, Depression, Anxiety
What is the diagnostic criteria f...,
What are the 4 key clinical featu...,
How is hr affected in an
76  cards
What is lymphoma,
What are the 2 main types of lymp...,
Who is lymphoma more common in
52  cards
Corrections - Vaccinations, Infections & ENT
Mx of wound if tetanus vaccinatio...,
What are 7 examples of live atten...,
What is included in the 6 in 1 va...
99  cards
Corrections - MSK
What is pulmonary hypoplasia,
What are the 2 key causes of pulm...,
What is reactive arthritis
26  cards
Upper Airway Obstruction Paeds
Management steps in acute managem...,
Typical history in epiglottitis,
What does exam typically reveal i...
67  cards
Metabolic Conditions
When is the neonatal blood spot s...,
What 9 conditions are screened fo...,
Why is it important to diagnose a...
14  cards
Malaria & Influenza
What is malaria caused by,
There are 4 different species of ...,
Clinical features of malaria
25  cards
Common ED Presentations: Paeds
Children are especially sensitive...,
Features of dehydation in paeds,
When preparing for the arrival of...
94  cards
Febrile Child
Define pyrexia,
Temp of 38 degrees in a child 3 m...,
How is temp in paeds routinely me...
19  cards
Achondroplasia, Birthmarks
What is achondroplasia,
Cause of achondroplasia,
Features of achondroplasia
23  cards
Give the overall structure of pgals,
What are the 3 questions initiall...,
What does the question
72  cards
When should the nipe be performed,
Brief overview of nipe,
3 key risk factors for congenital...
12  cards

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yr 4 - paediatrics

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